"Now a word about the Bad Guys, the Men in Black, who are most appropriately called the Lunar Mafia because that appears to be their home base -- as well as the interior of the Earth..." — Riley Hansard Crabb, "Flying Saucers & Harmony with Nature"
Riley Crabb's Saucerian Lecture Series
- "Flying Saucers and the New Consciousness" (1958)
- "Flying Saucers and the Coming Space Probes" (1958)
- "Flying Saucers and America's Destiny" (1959)
- "Communication with Flying Saucers (and Their Occupants)" (1960)
- "The Reality of the Cavern World" (1960)
- "Flying Saucers on the Moon" (1960)
- "Spacecraft From Beyond the Sun" (1966)
- "Who Flys the Saucers?" (JBR 23:7, Dec. 1967)
Articles and Correspondence
Men in Black
- Charles A. Marcoux, "Ah, Those Men in Black!" (JBR 16:4, June 1960)
- Riley Crabb, "Albert Bender, Flying Saucers & the Three Men" (A Review in Four Parts)
- Riley Crabb, "An Anxious Asker Answered: About the Men in Black" (JBR 19:8, Nov. 1963)
- Riley Crabb, "The Men in Black Are Stuck With Us (And We Are Stuck with Them)!" (JBR 25:1, Jan-February 1969)
Cavern World
- Raymond Bernard, "Underground Exploration in Brazil" (RR 15:6, Nov. 1959)
- Charles A. Marcoux & Riley Crabb, "Underground Exploration in Arizona" (RR 15:7, Dec. 1959)
- C. Lois Jessop, "Malta, Entrance to the Cavern World" (JBR 17:2, March 1961)
- Riley Crabb, "Cavern World at Gibraltar" (JBR 30:5, Sept-October 1974)
The Dark Forces
- Riley Crabb, "Inspired by the Dark Forces: CQ&C On The Rise and Fall Of Hitler's Third Reich" (1971-74)
- David Israel, "The Reptiles That Walk Like Men" (JBR 40:5, Sept-October 1984)
Further Reading
- Gray Barker, "They Knew Too Much About Flying Saucers" (1956)
- Trevor James, "They Live In The Sky: Invisible Incredible UFO Around Us" (1958) — reviewed by RHC
- Albert K. Bender, "Flying Saucers and the Three Men" (1962) — reviewed by RHC
- Charles A. Marcoux, "I Search for the Portals" (1981)