The Coming of The Guardians

Inner Circle
Communications ---

Deep Trance Mediumship
Mark Probert

Charles Lingford - Thos. A. Edison - Laotse - Lo Sun Yat - Professor Alfred Luntz
Ramond Natalli - Arakashi - Rama-Ka-Lao - The Yada di Shi'ite


Charles Lingford, Control (1947)

When will you people learn that there are worlds within worlds - that the etheric worlds interpenetrate with your plane and with each other? I know I should not be sticking my neck out by talking so much about these saucers, as you call them, at least until I have investigated more fully. But they are not craft constructed on your planet [*], nor is it necessary to assume that they come from any other planet. It seems impossible to get it through your heads, that objects can pass from an etheric to another level of matter and will then appear to materialize there. Then they disappear by dematerialization, returning to an etheric condition.

This is a perfect analogue to the materializations witnessed in the seance room, which many of your learned men bear witness to. Not only do human forms materialize, but solid objects appear 'miraculously', and often these are brought from long distances. You call them apports, but an apport is de-materialized so that only the etheric pattern remains, and then the original atoms are reassembled in the pattern or mould and you have a materialized object. Well, these 'saucers' that puzzle you so much come out of an etheric world also, and can return to it. The purpose of these visitors is simply to compel your attention, to wake you up.

(* Now widely believed -- January 1957. At present writing the 'purpose' seems to be 'regulatory action' of some type, concerning our planetary affairs, and probably connected with seismic conditions also. ml)

There will be many strange sky appearances, as we have often told you before in these meetings. Watch for them. These 'saucers' make their great speed partly because of their peculiar bun shape and peculiar motion . . . The wilful ignorance and hostility of your time toward etheric and astral studies is appalling. These visitors are not excarnate humans, but live in their own world, made of stuff which your senses cannot directly perceive, and which you therefore childishly imagine cannot be there at all.

Charles Lingford, Control. Nov., 1953

Whatever is subsequently discovered in regard to this particular kind of sky phenomena, one outstanding fact will be that space is not the vacuous thing it has long been considered. [12] Also another kind of phenomenon, quite unthinkable in the eyes of most of your physical scientists, called teleportation, will have to be studied more widely and seriously. The facts are that no matter how distant one body may be from another in the stellar spaces, "Nature" has a method of moving all manner of things from one of these bodies to another -- called teleportation -- all of which disproves the statement that 'what goes up must come down.'

It appears rather strange to me that so few people have thought of connecting the 'discs' with the endless other sky phenomena, such as are found in great number in the books of 'tongue-in-cheek' Charles Fort. When it is mentioned that these things fall, fly, walk, or crawl out of other space-times you have referred to as the ethers, everyone cries -- "but they are solid!" Well, hallelujah, and bless you, my child! So they are! And so also is your earth and the billions of other bodies that go to make up the many island universes. But again, all depends on what one means by the word 'solid'. The term simply refers to one of many states of what is loosely called matter at some given time. Neither your earth or any other body in space came out of a 'void' or state of nothingness. And to say that any of it was spawned from a field of 'primordial astral dust' (science), or that the Lord made it in six days and finished it on the seventh (religion) is enough to set one into hysterical laughter. That 'primordial dust', notwithstanding that one may call it pure energy, still has to come from something, and that something needs to be particulate in nature, and is so.

The fact that the study of what are called light and quanta seemed to take away from the particulate theory and add something called wave does not change the fact that ALL is of particulate nature, or the law of change would be invalid. I think, however, the greatest trouble in the field of physics is the present meaning attached to the word atom. An atom is not something in itself that can be broken up into parts. To pour a stream of neutron bullets at an atom of uranium does not smash it or knock a piece of it off, for actually, while I do state in a very definite manner that all is particulate, we must not think of that word as implying a final bit of something, but rather as a field of motion and frequency degree extended or contracted in a given radius -- as, for instance, we may say when an atom bomb is exploded: "A dwarf star in the solar system of the uranium universe has become a giant nova" - which simply means that a field of energy has become more extended in [13] its mode of motion, and needs a larger volume of space to operate in. Nevertheless, whatever measurable extent a body may be operating in, it is discharging from itself other bands of energy in an ever-widening radius as infinitum, and up to the present your scientific minds have not devised an instrument sufficiently sensitive to detect these fields of action.

It is out of these that not only the Discs make their appearance into your lower vibrations, but also such things as ice falls, rains of blood, and materializations of objects and materializations of former living things.

Lingford, con., July, 1947

(Questions and Answers)

Lingford: Yes, I heard FGH's opinion. In the course of time you will find that these things (Discs) will tell their own story. You know from your reading and study that there have been many such phenomena. Just now you are having them in large numbers and over a wide region, because the world is in a sense ready for them. All we need now is to be pushed a little bit and we will wake up.

(Question: You have no reason at this time, then, to change your interpretation of them?)

No, I have not. Do you suppose for a moment that any actual material thing such as you know could rip and tear across the sky without burning up? I don't mean to say it is not material, but the material is such it can stand the heat and speed.

(Question: Does this construction material exist on our plane? An alloy, perhaps?)

Yes, a kind of alloy. There will be more of them, and perhaps of various kinds.

(Q. Are you familiar with the doctrine of the Lokas?)

No. The only thing I can say about these things (Discs) is that the condition or state from which they come is etheric. It is a materialization and dematerialization.

(Q. Is there any relation between the discs and the things that have been found (fallen)?)


There are various ways of running things by remote control other than those you know of. There are energies yet unknown to science. Do you remember the pictures Dr. Cosman had? Do you recall seeing those things in the sky? They are the same kind of beings as created these phenomena (of the discs). Did you note in the pictures how giant of size they are? These are etheric dwellers who have not known physical life. I am referring to your 'flying saucers'. They come out of that plane of existence.

(Q. Do some of the discs carry a crew?)

The large ones, yes; the small ones, no. (Q). Yes, these are controlled from the craft that carries the crew. Some break away and then become limp like paper and vanish. (Q). No, they do not return to another vibration rate in such case. The energy goes back whence it came; they disintegrate, lose identity. This explains what happens to those that appear to land. The force and the structure disintegrate.

(Q). If there are beings in a disc which disintegrates, they simply go back to the etheric world from which they emerged. (Q). No, you will get no information from your "higher-ups". No, they are not being withdrawn, they are being explained away!! However, they will carry on until explanations run out and people become curious again.

(Q. No reports for several days ...?)

They have shifted their field of operation. They have the world to cover. There is a reason for everything and I believe one reason for the discs is to show the people of the world there are ways of travelling faster and eliminating friction. They may allow one or two of these things to land so that they can be examined and experimented on. In that way you will find how to build craft that will travel out into space and maybe you can find a new planet to start new wars upon.

Yes, I believe man will abandon this planet, but not for many years to come. Nature is vast and man fits in as a part of it. He may try to destroy himself but he will be unsuccessful and it will make him unhappy. But a time will come, and science knows it, when if the human race hopes to survive it will have to have a new planet to survive on.

(Q. Do you recognize the existence of etheric planets?)


Oh yes, there are etheric planets, and then gaseous planets that are just forming into solid material. New ones are being made all the time. Yes, they might be said to originate in the Lokas . . . You know, I'm getting tired. The trouble in my world is the same as in yours - a great deal of talk and nothing really satisfactory. You will find that condition in all worlds and all states of consciousness.

(Q. No heaven, then, Lingford?)

If there is, you would not be happy there. Without boredom there would be a state of inertia. Man must be unhappy in order to exist. The moment he becomes perfectly happy he becomes non-existent . . .

Some time ago one of your Controls hinted that man was an awesome creature in many ways. I could never begin to tell you how awesome he really is. Horror upon horror is in him - and beauty beyond conception also - his many-sidedness is appalling . . . I want to add about the discs, we haven't given any wrong information. The predictions of that woman, about the discs being of Russian origin, are incorrect. There is no new information at present, but the Russian source is ridiculous. I do know that they come from the etheric world.

- - - - -

(The reader will again note the date of this last foregoing section. The Lingford Control had evidently not grasped the magnitude of the Disc incursion or its deeper significance - at least as these are now partially understood. But nothing in his earlier statement has been discredited by later events, and his later 1953 statement bears it out.

(I here repeat a point made elsewhere - that the possibility of obtaining dependable information by paranormal means such as deep-trance mediumship, is nearly as important as the incursion of the Guardians itself. The whole of this booklet is an unanswerable argument in behalf of this tremendous certainty. It is not a new thing in the world, of course, yet improbable and fantastic to our pseudo-science and sapient Western culture). ml


Thomas Edison, Control (1947)

Well, how am I doing now? (referring to difficulty in control). No, I have never spoken through a medium this way before, but I did speak once through a trumpet at Lily Dale (a spiritualist center in New York state). I was Thomas Edison during my life on your plane. I made many secret experiments in the effort to recapture and reproduce sounds made in past time, and preserved in the ether. I still believe that this is possible and that it will be done. At the time I only had a hypothesis to work on, but one often has to use a hypothesis in order to have a starting point.

(Q. -- as to how he happened to come to the medium) -- Well, you have a very unusual group over here, who are interested in the particular type of seance which you carry on. Continue with this work and you will probably get some very strange news. If you publicize it you will be ridiculed, but I was ridiculed too.

About these discs that are stirring up so much comment - I'm a little afraid they are going to make trouble. (Q.) I mean they may start a panic. My ideas about them are much the same as those given by Lingford. They are etheric in nature, and they materialize spontaneously upon entering the vibration rate of your world of dense matter. I think this is going to stir up a hell of a lot of trouble. The great trouble, of course, is with your scientists -- they can't get into the right way of thinking about such problems.

(Q.) They happen to be appearing just now, because your world is now in that phase of thought. Do you understand what I am getting at? There will be many other types of strange sky craft also. That Corrida (Kareeta) you wrote about last year was the same type, etheric construction. It was an experimental craft. (Q.) These people are much like yourselves, but they are much bigger.

(Q.) Yes, I think it might be right to say they come from the Lokas. No, they are not astral, and not from any of the planets you know about. They come from an etheric planet which your senses do not perceive. Some of the discs carry a crew, but others are managed by remote control . . . . . .


Lao-Tse, Control (1948)

"They have often come simply in quest of knowledge, just as you make expeditions to far-off places, to the Polar regions or to Central Asia --

"They are not here with intent to interfere in your affairs - nevertheless, if there is another world war, employing nuclear energies, they may be forced to intervene. The release of atomic forces has disturbed their sphere of existence rather seriously.

"Let it be understood that if ever such intervention becomes necessary, it will be wholly impersonal. There will be no taking of sides. It is contrary to the Law, that any one plane should interfere with the processes by which another works out its destiny.

"They are vastly your superiors in science - though every plane has its special forms of development and progress, so that we speak of differences, but not often of superiority or inferiority.

"The Etherians are large people, up to fifteen feet in height. I would say that they belong to the human order of evolution - that is, you would not call them Devas or Nature Spirits. Yet the great forms you have seen and photographed, in the clouds and on the surface of the earth also, somewhat resemble them.

"You ask why they are now suddenly present in large numbers. I shall tell you. Always, when a civilization, a culture has reached its height and is destined to collapse, the Etherians have appeared in numbers. They come to make an examination and final record, for their own knowledge, of the status of that civilization - somewhat as you might do with disappearing tribes and races. And it is true also that they have been alerted and disturbed by your release of atomic energies. But all past civilizations and races have had their day, and failed in some way, and passed out of earth existence. So with your civilization. The Etherean people came, and observed, and made their historical records. So they come now.


Lo Sun Yat, Control (August, 1948)

(Q.) You were speaking of the etheric regions -- will you talk more of that? You know probably that we are having strange sky appearances which, we have been told, originate on etheric levels. We are told there are whole races, civilizations, etc., on these levels, but there seems very little definite information on these regions.)

To me, the etheric regions are the region of life; the astral regions of what you call death is the waiting-hall. If man desires, he can leave the astral after a period of time and enter into the etheric life, and he need not come back here to your physical world if he does not wish, but he can go on to the higher realms of this etheric world. This which I term the 'etheric' is the home out of which all physical manifestations come; so it is not to be wondered at that now and then, when necessary, there are projections of various forms into your physical state of consciousness.

(Q. Would you say that the elementals, the devas, etc., live in the etheric region?)

Yes, but of a different kind. It is also not right to call it 'low' -- it is merely a different plane of existence, which Nature devised for them.

(Q. These regions interpenetrate with ours? Answer: Yes.

(Q. What is the nature of the Etherians? Answer: Just like your physical world -- not a replica, but along similar lines.

(Q. But they have not been on our plane?)

Not those on the higher etheric. I do not know but that at some time some of them may wish to enter into your plane of physical existence; but I do not think they come through your way of birth, but through projection.

(Q. Will you tell us more about the astral and etheric; and also why anyone should want to come back to the earth? Also, we do not understand the use of the word 'death' for astral.


It is, in my opinion, a bad term; it is demoralizing to the average person -- but it is not anything like what the word implies. 'Death' -- no; it is merely a different form of living. But this door between the astral and etheric and the physical is always left open, because man so desires it. He must have channels between his worlds if he is to learn and progress in knowledge.

It is only because the physical or chemical body seems to go through such distressing states that one often says, 'I have no desire to come back into the physical.' Now, I feel that if conditions were so that the chemical substances of the body were not subject to these distressing conditions one would enjoy physical living as much as on the other planes. It is only the desire to escape pain, want, and poverty.

(Q. No doubt; but our conditions probably never will be as good as that.

No -- not for those at large; but after you have learned to have complete control and govern the body, then you become a joyful person on any plane of existence, because all planes do have their drawbacks and difficulties. Therefore it pays great dividends to become familiar with the physical body.

(Q. Would you say that the etheric planes we have been speaking of correspond with the 'lokas' of Oriental philosophy? Answer: Yes.

(Q. Are there seven or eight lokas as they say? Yes, there are. You see, man enters these various states of consciousness according to his desires.

(Q. But we have understood that man does not enter into the etheric at all, but into the astral? Answer: He does on his return, though.

(Q. He has an etheric body, then? Yes. It is in that state of consciousness that he starts building the thought stresses for his physical manifestation.

(Q. We are also taught that on leaving this plane, the entity enters an etheric body for a short time and then it is discarded. Is that correct?

This etheric body is discarded, but not as you think. It instantly disintegrates. There is no shell left, no period of time when it floats about aimlessly.


(Q. But there is this time when it is in an etheric body?

Yes, but it is in this state that he often goes to sleep.

(Q. The materializations of the seance room apparently depend upon ectoplasm -- is there such a thing as ectoplasm that can be drawn from all organic matter? Answer: Yes.

(Q. And from inorganic matter also? Answer: Yes, all matter contains this.

(Q. All matter has what you would call a dynamic etheric force? Answer: Yes.

(Q. Is this what you would call an etheric double? Answer: I will ask you to excuse me now. I shall answer your question at some other time.

(Included here because the references to the Etheric world and bodies are obviously relevant. - M.L.)


Professor Alfred Luntz, Control (1948)

"Let us turn back our minds in what you perceive as time, even to the world's beginnings. If you were looking with the physical eye, you would see nothing but what would appear to you as a vast endless void; but let us use an eye that is of a higher rate of vibration and look again. Now what would you see? A sight so astounding, so majestic that were you to see it while in the physical body and unprepared, you would indeed go stark mad. For now you are looking into the Etheric world. The size alone of all in it would stagger your imagination. The vibrating, pulsating, iridescent colors, teeming with plant life, the animals and birds; the size and beauty of buildings, libraries, lecture halls, schools of learning, vast cathedrals, giant organs, orchestras consisting of every known instrument on your earth plane and many, many more you, as yet, know nothing of -- tens of thousands playing at one time and the music coming from them would make you want to weep your life away with its power and sweetness of tone and perfect harmony; men and women of great height and stature, perfect of body and mind, going about in flowing robes of brilliant colors - - - some with mighty heads of golden hair, red hair and black hair flowing down their backs in living, gleaming waves, and rich flowing beards that look like fine-spun silk; stately women with skin like living satin and glowing with health.

"The air you would breathe would be purer than a babe's breath, for the air in this world is not particulate, as your scientists feel they know that word. Things do not move around in the manner that one may call directional motion, but by vibration motion only. Perhaps I may make such a condition a bit more clear by saying, 'Being that in essence all forces are really one force, when a thing or person wishes to move, the wish automatically merges the energy force of that thing or person into the thing it or he desires to move to; in other words, it is the motion of the neutron and the proton -- a complete exchange of energies, one thing becoming the other thing.

"It is only when coming down into the lower etheric that one begins to run into the first stages of particulate substances or directional motion. In the physical, in order for one substance to become something else, there is a change or a rearrangement of the atomic pattern. This is the beginning of [22] what I call directional motion. It is at a period slightly before directional motion that physical man has, for the most part, lost his ability to control substance with mental energy and must of necessity revert to his hands -- the hands being extensions of the mind.

"Note that I say 'for the most part' and not completely; for it is a known fact that there are in India, even in your time, men who have so mastered themselves that they can cause flowers and other plants to grow and blossom right before your eyes. Notice the method employed by these men to accomplish this: a complete trance state. And why a trance state? Simply that they may become the plant. By that I mean their mind substance may enter into the mind substance of the plant seed.

"Perhaps it would be clearer to you if I explained it thusly: When you, my friend, go into a trance so that we may use your physical body, you are in reality becoming the one who appears to talk through you."

-- ("Magic Bag" -- Part I, pages 4-5).

Prof. Luntz, Control (1948)

Yes, a night or two ago I wrote through the boy a little about etheric life, but it is too lengthy a subject to go into at present. I can touch upon it, and that is all.

(Q. I made the point here a little while ago that we expect many inquiries as to the people of the etheric realms. We shall be grateful if you can tell us anything about them -- their culture, if any, etc.

No doubt you have seen pictures and read many stories of the 'little people', the fairies, the nature spirits. They are of the Lower Etheric. In the Higher Etheric you will find people much like yourself, but of mightier proportions. Their bodies are much like yours in the physical plane.

(Q. A name is given to them? Answer: Not so far as I now know. I shall have to do a little research on that.

(Q. It seems strange that in all the libraries of occult thought there is so little about them. Have they ever been [23] investigated from our side?

Yes, by a few who know something of the deeper side of occult life. The references in writing are very few, but I think you will find some of them in India.

Q. This is an important matter, it seems to us.

Yes, it is. In my research in the matter, I find it a most glorious world, and that all life -- your vast systems of stars and suns and what not -- spring from it. There is a great deal for me to write about, but I am sometimes almost afraid to put this matter out, because to the mind of the earth people it is so fantastic, It is, I am sure, almost incomprehensible.

Q. Now that we are dealing with 'flying discs' and such etheric phenomena we will need much knowledge to answer questions.

I want to say one thing: this thing that your scientists have looked for and called ether does not exist either in your plane or mine, but in this etheric plane.

(Q. But ether permeates our dense world? All ethers are particulate, not homogeneous?

That is one of your difficulties -- because on this particular plane of consciousness -- I mean, the etheric world -- it is not particulate as you understand that word.

(Q. You mean it is what we call homogeneous? Answer: Yes.

(Q. I have asked if there is a continuum and received a flat no. Answer: Because they do not know.

(Q. Is motion possible in a homogeneous medium? Answer: Yes. What I am trying to say is that it is particulate as you view it.

(Q. You speak of this etheric world -- is it just another plane of consciousness above yours? Answer: It is not what you would call above; it is merely a different level of consciousness.....

(Q. There is motion and there are living entities in a [24] continuum of energy substance?

Yes. When I wrote through the boy (Mark Probert) about the vast symphony orchestra of ten thousand pieces -- does that not stun your mind? What I am getting at is that there must be motion in order to play such instruments.

(Q. I asked that because we do not see how a continuum can move; we think only of parts moving.

Exactly so. In all states of consciousness there is motion. Without motion there is nothing. Speaking, too, of light -- light is a constant. It does not in our field, the astral or the etheric, travel at any speed, but is a constant, a constant now -- an inward vibration.

(Q. Our mathematics cannot take into account a continuum that moves.

It is an inward vibration, not an outward motion. These two, material science and metaphysics, are really one, but they seem to work against each other. Laboratory motion is more what you would call -- let me see -- motion by dots, instead of by lines; you understand?

(Q. Yes, but the subject is perhaps too vast ---

(Q. Can you tell us a little more about the dots and lines? Answer: In line-motion you have light being, or seeming to be, projected from one point to another. In dot vibration, you have single bodies glowing within themselves periodically; or perhaps that would come under the quantum theory.

(Q. The quantum theory is used in television, because of the use of the living and glowing dots -- that is what you are trying to get across? Answer: It is a very difficult thing to explain.

(Q. But it will be easier as television becomes understandable. Answer: Yes, it will.

Prof. Luntz, Control (cont'd)

I will change the subject for a moment, and because Rama Ka Lo cannot come tonight, I will speak a few words about the 'flying discs'. I hope it will be interesting to you, because [25] it is important. You have been told by your authorities that you have 'spots before the eyes', and I think just now must be a good time for the optician's business. 'Reason, pure reason!' your scientists demand. If they had left off that 'pure' it would have been fine! Discs, space ships -- or perhaps illusions, mass hysterics, mass hysteria! Until they appeared, no one had hysteria. Now, I am not criticizing your Government; but in this country the people are supposed to be the government. Are you being protected because you are not quite strong enough to face the true knowledge?

It would be easy enough to say these things all come from the planets. Of course that would give your astronomers a slight headache, seeing they have put these at such great distances -- thousands and thousands of what you call 'light years'. Is there not something closer than planets? Imagination? (I said that first, because I knew you would soon say 'imagination'). If you are not worried about these things, that is quite all right -- because you certainly have enough to worry about already. But these great craft come out of what we of the 'Inner Circle' call the Etheric.

Prof. Alfred Luntz. Communication of Jan., 1953

It appears that the Disc incidents are coming to a head of some kind, and it may seem to you that some of our statements are on the threshold of being discredited. We would not mind any seeming loss of face for ourselves but we would deprecate it for you. Hence we reiterate once more, that while Dr. Williamson or Mr. Adamski may have talked with a being from some other planet, and that Dr. Williamson is in radio contact with such beings, nevertheless the majority of the Disc phenomena are of etheric nature, or not of your time dimension.

These beings may prove to be quite solid and capable of walking about on the earth, and they may claim to exist on Venus or any other planet, in or out of your solar system - but this does not imply that they are in their structural units humans of the same order as you earth people, or that they lack the ability to convert their seeming solids to invisible stuff at will. Nor does it disprove that they are Guardians not only of the earth but of the whole solar system in which your planet exists.

In speaking of etheric culture, you know of course that we [26] must do so in a metaphysical way. There is considerable knowledge of the etheric worlds among secret occult Orders, but the lay mind knows nothing of this and can never know of it.

Etherian culture may mean little more than a fantasy to you, but if you pursue the subject you will come to understand that your world of matter is really a rarefaction of the ether, spawned into being by the forces of Involution, not of Evolution, and that it came out of the Etheric. Man himself is an etheric being and a space being. Long before your earth came into form man was moving from one planet and one solar system to another.

Symbols have many meanings. Those on the sandals have all the meanings found by you, and yet many more.

These people are Guardians and move from one planet to another. If one said that he 'came from Venus' he was giving a kind of general direction - as you might say, 'I came from the Middle West'. Their forms are different while in passage on account of gravitational pulls and other conditions.

Prof. Luntz, Control (cont'd)

- 1950 -

Now, if you can sit here and listen to my voice speaking to you through this instrument whom we call 'The Boy' (because we are all so many, many years older than he), and think it is quite all right, nothing too much out of the ordinary, then how can you consider that great civilization called the Etheric as fantastic, impossible? What is impossible?

(Answer from listeners, "Nothing!")

That is the understanding we want to arrive at: that whatever man wishes, he can do.

These craft come for what purpose? Primarily to make notes on the physical condition of the Earth itself, as well as the state of advancement of your scientific approach to life. Whenever a civilization reaches a great state of advancement in every line, that civilization has reached its peak -- and I do not know why the present civilization should think it is any different from any other civilization and [27] escape decay -- or, to put it better -- change.

When these Etherians gather as much information as needed, they hold it until such time as that civilization falls. And when another starts to rise again and after it has attained a certain degree of advancement, these things are handed down to the Earth people again through the channels of mystic organizations.

There is much to learn, friends -- much! A great philosopher once said, (and I don't mean to be trite about it) -- 'It is later than you think!' Does that sound ominous? I don't mean it that way; it is only that each one of you has not much time for awakening to the greatness of yourselves.

To give you but a short resume: These craft are operated by the little-known laws of molecular action called heat and cold. You are watching one right now. Why do we move this boy's body back and forth this way? Because all bodies that move create heat. Every slightest motion creates heat to a degree. We use that energy, and we can, when we are through, return it, to a large extent, so the boy suffers no particular ill. His wife's energy we use also, for always there is a positive and a negative force to life. Have any of you questions to ask?

(Q. Our present physics combines the wave-motion with the old molecular motion.

We say that light does not travel, but that certain particles change their rates of motion at certain times, and these changes create a vibratory rate that causes what I can only call a reflection. I do not know that I make myself clear?

(Q. Is light a continuous state in the ethers? Answer: Yes, it is.

(Q. What is darkness, then? Answer: A different state of molecular motion. Yes, co-existing with light.

(Q. And the day-and-night idea is merely psychological?

It is. Let us suppose there is a molecule here -- at one moment its vibration is low; it creates no light. Then, through throwing off a kind of radiation, it produces what is called heat. There are two kinds of heat -- white and black.


(Q. Does it do that of itself, or is it controlled by something else? Sir, if I had a physical brain, it would burst under that question. I am afraid I would have to give some considered thought to that, and confer with the 'Inner Circle'. I am not quite sure of it myself.

- - - - - - - - - -

(With reference to the confused use of suns, planets, stars, and other verbal inaccuracies, we should keep in mind that much of this is rather rapid conversational exchange, and that Professor Luntz is not trying to speak with scientific precision, for the moment at least). ml


Ramon Natalli, Control

- 1949 -

Here is something else we wish you to think upon: For many years now, most of your scientists who go into the investigation of physical phenomena have not seemed to realize that the "matter" which goes to make up the shape and forms on the unseen level is much denser than the matter on the physical plane. It is assumed that, because your solids can be turned into liquids, and then into gases, and that certain of these gases become invisible to the physical eye -- due to wider separation of their component parts and the greater oscillation of their atomic motion -- that a similar condition exists on other planes of consciousness. If this were so, how could a disembodied entity take your physical matter and spread it over his body? No, this could not be done if your matter were heavier and denser than ours. One could not spread heavier and denser matter on other matter that was less dense than itself. It could not hold up under the strain.....

The fact is, however, that the electronic bodies that whirl around the atom or nucleus of our matter are gathered closer to the nucleus, due to the lowering of heat radiation from the nucleus. This constriction of the electronic field of our atom gives our bodies a greater density and elasticity in comparison to yours. It also explains why our atom of matter can pass right on through the electronic field of the atom of your matter without disturbing its field.

The teleportation of matter and the act of bringing one form of matter through another seems to cause a great amount of amazement among you. The facts are, however, that both of these forms of activity are normal functions in nature. When you discover, as you will in time, how closely interrelated are mind and matter, or the various planes of the unseen and your physical-chemical world, you will then understand the many methods of teleportation.

One of these methods is the reduction of a physical body, animate or inanimate, to its etheric state by the condensing of its atomic structure. In this form it can be transported to any point in or throughout the vast universe. As a rule, teleportation is the work of etheric beings, though sometimes of an advanced discarnate spirit, and at other times it is [30] accomplished by foolish spirit beings who have learned how to manipulate physical matter and who, not knowing the great good they could do with that knowledge, squander their energy by using it to frighten or amuse those still in the body. Your "spirit" in the "Bell Witch Case", however, was not a discarnate entity but an etheric being who had been cast down into the Low Etheric from the High Etheric plane. He had a great deal of good as well as evil in him. He had committed some unpardonable deeds, and was therefore cast out of his high state for a given period of time. So he spoke truth when he said that he had roamed Heaven and Hell for millions of years. His "Hell" was the coming down into the Low Etheric.

Man, in any state, is a child of impulse. We all act in and by impulse, but sometimes we let go and allow these little motions in thought to drive us to what eventually proves our undoing.

Now, let us turn back to the topic of matter and some of its different forms of activity. In reducing formed matter to a formless state, you are merely sending it back a few stages to its original condition, but there is no physical scientist who knows how to take it back to its original condition; for if he could accomplish this, the bit of substance that he so reduced would escape him entirely, and the only machine that could bring it back to the place where he could come into physical contact with it again would be through the mind of certain individuals, working in conjunction with the brain.

In reducing a solid to a gas you are not causing that substance to be anything other than it was before; you are merely breaking up and scattering its component parts, thereby giving it different shape or form. Ice and invisible steam are not two different things, but the same thing in a different rate of motion of its parts.

The more a physical-chemical substance is divided, the more dense its remaining parts become, and therefore the greater must be the force or work done on it to split it again. The reason for this condition seems to be that the gravitational pressure of the ether, in which all matter floats, becomes greater as the parts are divided. The raising of this pressure is always equal to the parts taken away. This is why it has taken such tremendous force to split your atom.

It must also be known that the more matter is divided and [31] subdivided, the greater the radiation heat it creates within itself. Never can matter be reduced to the point of one. All nature works with two or more energies and forces working in harmony -- and when I use the word "two" I do so figuratively; for truly the act of division, in its deeper sense, is maya, or illusion, for we can never really either divide or add to anything. All we can do is to bring about a changed condition of activity. And if we bring about this change before its natural time, we will have to hold on constantly to the method we used to make that change, or that which was so changed will automatically revert to its original state.

* * * * * * * * *

One of the deepest mysteries that confronts scientific minds is the origin of matter. I am afraid this is not a problem that can be answered by your physical science, but rather by metaphysical science; and I am sure the latter would say matter has no point of origin, as man understands that word origin. Matter just is. Let us suppose, however, that there was such a thing as a point in space out of which matter was spawned: the point itself would have to be of some kind of matter which man could recognize and comprehend. And, again, whether this point were submicroscopic in size or a hundred billion miles extending in all directions, one could not say that its location in space was here or there unless there was another body standing somewhere in relation to it. When we consider this, we can then understand to a better degree why a dot or a point cannot, of itself, have an existence.

However, this is true also of a line or a plane, for a line consists of a series of dots, and a plane a series of lines that are made up of dots. If, then, a dot or a point is non-existent in itself, the same must be true of a line or a plane. Therefore, matter can only be a production of the mind.

Ramon Natalli, Control

- 1950 -

(Q. Would you care to speak of what looked to us like a great explosion on Mars a day or so ago?

It was -- a great and terrible explosion. It came from a gigantic volcano that has not been active for hundreds and [32] hundreds of years. There was an eruption over some 9,000 miles of land, and a terrible, terrible 'quake.

(Q. Were there inhabitants who were injured or killed by it?

Not inhabitants like yourselves, but life forms of a lower nature. There has been some talk about sky-phenomena, about things that fly in your skies; some seem to think that these come from Mars or Venus -- they do, but not from the terrestrial Mars or Venus. There is around every planet -- and, for that matter, around every body in the vast heavens -- an etheric world. These bodies govern, or are governed by those in the etheric world. They are under their direct and watchful eye.

(Q. Are you saying that what we call the planet Mars and Venus are under the control of their etheric counterparts? Answer: Yes, they are.

(Q. And is that true of our planet? Answer: Yes -- these intelligences, I believe, some of you call the Group Soul. It is not too good an expression; it does not explain things.

(Q. Would you say that all of these skycraft come from the etheric region of some particular planet? Answer: I most assuredly would.

(Q. And will you tell us which planet? Answer: I think, Venus -- In fact, those who constructed these so-called 'Disc ships' copied the design of their craft after the body Venus with its outer vibrating disc or ring.

(Q. Are we to infer that the disc-type of craft came, then, from the etheric region of Venus? Answer: Yes.

(Q. And the others come from other planets? Mars, for example? Answer: Yes, from the planets ---

(Q. And our Earth, from the etheric region of our Earth? Answer: They must pass through the etheric region of your Earth, of course, and to do so must have the permission of the Etherians. Each comes from its own particular rate of vibration which is an unseen pattern of the seen body.

(Q. So, although it is not correct to say that some of [33] the craft come from Mars, it is correct to say that some of them come from the etheric duplicate of Mars? Answer: Yes, that is correct.

(Q, Do they come from all the planets of our system? Answer: Yes, they come very readily. These craft have often crossed what you call the Milky Way.

(Q. That means the distances they travel are thousands of light years -- how can that be? Answer: I think my honorable colleague Rama Ka Lo tried to point out that these craft are not what may be termed a solid. Their solidity is formed according to where they are going, what their mission is, and the particular body in the heavens which they are approaching. As they come into the sphere of attraction of that body, they have to make their vibration conform to that of the body.

(Q. Yes, small particles weighing very little on one planet might weigh a ton on another --

(Q. May I ask something else about these 'ether ships'? Suppose one of these crafts leaves, say, Arcturus or Orion and transits into our etheric -- what is it that passes? It is not any stuff that we know of.

Most assuredly not. It is matter so formed that its, shall I say behaviorism, its motion pattern can be and is driven at the speed of light, and beyond. Light is not the fastest thing. You say light travels at 186,000 miles per second; add 500 to that and you will have it yet closer. Yet, under the direction of the -- for the want of another word -- operative force of mind, here and there does not exist. 186,000 miles, and then I say 500 more a second! Doesn't that prove it is an ever-continuing now? Can anyone conceive of such speed, really? But still you lay down a law, and all your people learn that law. Of course, you must have a theory of some kind -- but to be dogmatic, as some of your scientists are, about any law shows lack of intelligence on the part of that scientist. Sir, if there was nobody here and nobody there and this was a vast void, where would here and there be?

Ramon Natalli (cont'd)

- 1948 -

The phenomena of the 'flying discs' will continue and [34] probably increase. And no doubt there will be some of your bold and devoted pilots who will pursue these phantoms of the skies -- very foolishly, of course.

(---Question).-- No, I have not heard the story of the flying man.

(---Q.). --- No, we do not change our interpretation of the 'discs' as we first gave it to you. They do come from the Etheric world. That does not mean my plane, or any world of spirits who have lived on your earth, and it does not mean any planet of your solar system. The etheric world of their origin interpenetrates with your own.

When we resume our meetings I shall speak more at length on materialization, which consists in bringing together particles of dense matter by the use of thought force.

(Q. You are suggesting that the 'discs' have their first material existence on our side, that the etheric prototype of them is only a thought-form, and that this thought-form acts to bring them into being in dense matter on our plane of perception?

That is exactly what I am suggesting.

Ramon Natalli (cont'd)

- 1953 -

(Concerning the "little men" observed at the Brush Creek 'disc' landings (and elsewhere. See "Round Robin" IX-2, last 3 pages.):

"The universe swarms with life of many kinds. Some planets have inhabitants much like yourselves, but on others they differ much in size, weight, density, and other characteristics. There are giants and pygmies and all sizes between. Among your sky visitors there are some who come from planets and others who come from space. (By 'space' the communicator does not mean vacuity, but rather the enormously dense ethers which equate with space.)

It is my belief that by 1955 you will be able to land a rocket on the moon. The conquest of the moon is your next great, project - and it behooves you to make it successful. Its [35] seizure by another power would mean its domination of the planet - (our Earth.) In landing human beings on the moon there are two main problems: (a) That of protection from cosmic radiation, (b) That of propulsion.

It would take at least 15 feet of lead to protect you from the cosmic rays. These would not be immediately fatal, but life would be very short afterward - five or ten years, perhaps. - Cancer-like growths would appear throughout the body. But such a heavy lead shield would be impracticable. So, you cannot use any material you now have - or as you now have it. But you will find a way to align the atoms and molecules. I think this will be done by means of powerful electrical impulses or jolts. In the web of energy so created the magnetic fields will not merge - i.e., the object so shielded will be weightless. And the great density of the shield will protect from the cosmic rays. There will be no limit to the speed of such a weightless object.

The first propulsion used by you will be atomic. But there is a way to utilize the vibratory rates of the ethers, by a kind of resonance or harmonics. The people of the 'Discs' could teach you all these things.

There is so much apprehension among you already, I do not want to add to it.* . . . . Well, I shall say that your world, your planet as a whole will suffer a great earthquake. This will be an ether-quake in its origin. There will be a kind of disruption of the magnetic or etheric fields. The sky will seem filled with fire. Great land masses will be displaced; there will be huge inundations . . . . this will come in a few years - it will not be many years. More than this I am told I should not say."

-- (* - The last paragraph above was given by Natalli only under rather insistent questioning.)


Arakashi, Control

- 1950 -

"Your conventional physics has led man to believe that three dimensional form is real and substantial. But your more learned physicist will tell you that a physical-chemical object is rarefied to the point of being ninety per cent space, or what is known as nothingness, and that that which is called space or the ether is extremely more dense than any known substance. The reason for this seems to lie in the fact that no two atoms of which form is made touch one another, and that, relatively speaking, their distances from one another can be compared with those separating your heavenly bodies. And that which holds them together or drives them farther apart is called the field of attraction and repulsion, or positive and negative poles. Now, you can take a bar of iron which may seem real and very solid to your eyes and sense of touch, but which is as porous as a piece of sponge, and if you heat this bar, you will find it will at first start to bend and then to run like water. Why? Simply because heat steps up the vibratory rate of its molecules, thus creating a greater negative field than existed in it while cold. This drives the molecules farther apart. Now, while you have changed the form called a "bar" of iron, you have not in any way changed the substance called iron because it has become liquid. You may change it all into vapor but it will still remain "iron" vapor. Now all this latter is well-known even by the schoolboy; I wish only to make clear that a human body contains all the known elements; and the mind in deep meditation knows how, with the aid of breath and the kundalini forces, to segregate the necessary chemicals from the body and project them into the thought-form mold, thereby creating a three-dimensional object.

- - - - - - - - - - -

"If your men of science hope to understand more clearly the phenomena of life, they will have to come sooner or later to the realization that this thing which we call 'space-time' is not in its true nature an objective over-all element, but a very subjective personified activity that is projected from the self in compact, extremely minute impulses. On the gross earth planet these impulses are what you call chemical particles - called this simply because the nuclear structure of these impulses can be so arranged as to form what you think of as matter - however, [37] only the kind that is suited for your three-dimensional way of thinking. But deep within the gross matter field there lies a more subtle field known as the etheric plane. It is from this next higher vibratory rate that solidified matter draws its energy that keeps it functioning in the physical world. When a physical body of any kind starts to deteriorate and go through the state you call "death", it is because the channels through which it absorbs this etheric energy have failed, for one cause or another. The energy-matter that went to make up that particular body will go through many forms before it again flows back into its original state of formless matter.

"All that man sees is matter in motion, and then almost always only one phase of it.

"When seemingly strange phenomena, such as odd-looking air-craft and countless other things come to your notice, you can be assured that it is one form of matter merging with another that has an affinity or strong pull of attraction for it. Some-times the force of attraction is so great that the speed at which they meet causes them to do what you call explode. An explosion is but one of the many ways that one dimension has of merging with another by sudden and violent breakdown, or deterioration, and almost instant regrouping to form new substance."


Rama-Ka-Lo, Control

- 1950 -

Last week we were speaking about the 'flying discs' -- I should like to continue. I want to say that traction, or what would be termed the pressure from the outer to the inner, or as with the wheels on a road, is created by the magnetic field they throw off - that is thrown off by the bodies of these discs. This is true of all of them, including that which you call a fireball.

(Q. These discs as we see them are what we call materialized. Do they operate or have existence as materialized objects outside our atmosphere? Answer: Yes, they do.

(Q. In that case, is there a different form of propulsion? Answer: No -- lower and higher rates of the same.

(Q. The propulsion then, is not secured by traction on the gases of the atmosphere, but on the ether?

According to the condition they enter into. Now, atoms are not single atoms; it is better to say a field, or a pattern, or a wave, or a surface behaviorism. There is always surface. Going into the higher ethers or lokas there is a denser field; coming into your world atmosphere, the density grows less and less. Your world is one of the least dense.

(Q. These craft, then, could be used by the Etherians for interplanetary flight? Answer: Yes, most assuredly -- and they have been so used in all of what you call time, ever since matter on your plane or consciousness came into being.

(Q. This implies an acceleration of the vibratory rates of molecules and atoms; how is this increase in vibratory rates effected?

Perhaps I can put it into words that will be understandable -- I do not know. Not that you would not understand, but I am, as you are aware, working with a physical brain that knows nothing of such things -- but I shall try. To begin, the radiation out of which these things are built is brought about by mind activity. It is based on the same order as what is called in the spiritualistic world teleportation.


Teleportation always brings about either extreme heat or cold. In bringing these manifestations into your world, heat is first used. After the body becomes dense to your density -- what you call density -- it starts throwing off heat radiations, heat energy at a terrific rate of speed. This heat strikes at the hydrogen and oxygen atoms around the object, creating what may be called a form of combustion. This combustion brings down the temperature of the object even as it is climbing again. This creates a magnetic field around the object, a traction for it, a road for it.

(Q. It seems possible that if part of an object is suddenly raised to a very high temperature, there would be a thrust or back-kick against the unheated part. Our Associate, John Hilliard, calculates that a steel bar one foot long, one-fourth inch in diameter, heated to 1,000 degrees three million times a second, if the stretch could be made uni directional would take off at about 1,200 miles an hour -- but I take it that is not what you are talking about. You are speaking of an external thrust, are you not?

External in a way, because the heated object acts as both a magnet and a repeller. Sir, it is extremely difficult for me to put it into words ---

(Q. Is there a heat wave which passes over the exterior of the disc?

Yes, over the entire surface of the disc is this heat-wave. I wonder if any of you have noticed the intense glow around these objects? Some of them reach what you call white heat. Now, this is heated and cooled at an extremely high rate of speed. We will need the quantum theory to explain this.

(Q. This "heat-wave" does not affect the interior of the discs and the people in them? Answer: No, it does not.

(Q. Is it a pick-up-and-lay-down motion, like that of a caterpillar or inchworm? Answer: Yes, the expansion and contraction at quantum rates.

(Q. Let me quote a little more of what Associate Hilliard says, 'It's a pick-up and lay-down process in which the whole substance of the driving mechanism literally flows forward.' I imagine the material of which the driving unit is comprised (it may be a bar or the skin of the ship) has a [40] peculiar property which could be called localized heat transfer. If it is heated and cooled rapidly on one end, the hot and cold spots will travel along the bar. The process is not so much molecular as it is a space-time process, Heat, light, etc., are waves or vibrations in the absolute ether, so to speak. That is infinite, so there is no 'where' in it. In effect, the waves in the bar stand still; the illusory shape or etheric substance flows along them by the process, in a molecular sense. And the luminous effect is the radiant discharge at the end, where the shape slips off the wave form. *

RAMA-KA-LO: Good! That is excellent! I am fascinated by the explanation. I cannot do well with this boy's brain, because he knows nothing at all of such things.

(Q. Could we use such a method of propulsion?

I think so -- but in the present state of the world the cost would be far too great -- far beyond the profits gained to produce that kind of heat and to be able to have the kind of material that would stand up under such heat. It would have to be an exceedingly tenuous material, and I do not know of any such in the world today . . . . . Yes, it would be a synthetic material.

(Q. What would be the most profitable line of inquiry for our physicists to pursue in this connection?

The effort to understand what the etheric is, apart from what are called gases. That would be the first approach -- to be able to understand this unseen space around you. Also to be able to understand what is called molecular motion. I do not think that even your most advanced scientists today understand molecular motion.

(Q. Do you find molecular motion in the ether? Answer: Yes, it applies to etheric motion. You cannot go anywhere without finding molecular motion.

(Q. Is all substance on your plane particulate? Answer: Yes, I know of no such thing as a homogeneous medium on any plane.

- - - - - -

* NOTE: This concept was developed by Assoc, John A. Hilliard (Engineer). See The Ether Ship Mystery, by Meade Layne, pg. 17 f.


(Recent Communications - the Voice of the Yada)

You have asked me this question: Since the 'crossing of space' - of distances measured in terms of light years, is impracticable even at the speed of light, yet the Kareetas or Discs are said to come (some of them) even from beyond the galaxies - what expression can be used to indicate this crossing?

I reply, that the only word I can suggest is emergence. It is used by you in philosophy, and I think in your science also. Consider this set of ivory balls, one within another, within another - ten in all. Each is free to move within another and outside of another. Let us say there is no space at all between them (and indeed there is no such thing as unoccupied space). Now, on each ball there are corresponding points. Any point, that is, any place, space-time place on, say, the outside ball (shall we call it your earth-world?) has a point corresponding to it on its inside, and also on the outside of the second ball - and so on through all the concentric or nested balls. Now, that which IS on the surface of any one ball may emerge on any of the others, without being hindered by any 'crossing of space'. If there is no crossing of space, then the factor of time has no meaning. This illustration, like all others, is of course inadequate, yet it may be helpful.

The 'materialization' of entities in your world is of the nature of an emergence.

(As will be noted later, emergence may also be described as a conversion of energy or a change of vibratory rates. Fortean "falls" are to be accounted for in similar manner. If the vibratory rate of etheric matter is slowed down, it becomes visible and tangible. This would be 'materialization' from our point of view, but a dematerialization from the etheric viewpoint). ml.

You also asked: What does the visitation of the Discs portend? I would say it portends in greatest part the expansion of your sun into a super-nova. The under-strata of the earth are getting hotter, due to an increasing cosmic radiation. More and more of this is passing through the ionosphere. It affects a mutation in the chemistry of the earth and a kind of crystallization of the surface. Huge hollows are formed and the brittle outer crust collapses into them. These physical [42] effects and chemical alterations are being studied by the Space People, and for this reason they are often seen gathering samples of soil and water."

(A question to the Control: Is the future of our planet really known on your plane of existence? Answer: Yes.

(Q. An eminent occultist has recently said, that an 'incredible interplanetary debacle' is in the making. Answer: Yes, I would go along with that.

(Q. Would you say that this event is still remote? Answer: Some things we are not allowed to say and you know that this is one of them. Please excuse me from answering).

(Those who object that the foregoing dislocates both the scientific and occult 'time-schemes' of evolutionary processes fail to allow for the acceleration, which is not a constant and is unpredictable). ml

(The Yada): All this earth talk about the Discs! The mere existence of these objects is nothing new or remarkable. Man has been flying for many centuries in one way or another. But earth people cannot be given the secret of building these objects right away, because if it fell into the hands of any one government it would make war inevitable - though it is, anyway.

Yes, the Canadian scientists know a way of operating a disc-shaped craft, but not as it is done by the Space People - there is almost no comparison. The substances in the space disc are not the same as the groupings you have on your earth. The molecular structure is entirely different - the electronic fields are different. The linking together of molecules (in the disc material) is of such tensile strength that no force known to you can break them apart or cause a cut or break in the substance . . .

The particles that make up the ethers can be thought of as sub-atomic matter, and as we 'sub' lower than that we go out of existence so far as the world of measurable matter is concerned. The ether is 'there' whether for a purpose or not. There is no such thing as 'nothingness' - it is a word, a sound, not even an idea . . . Truthfully, the atom has never been smashed; only a piece of it has been blown away, or thrown away, which is the outer shell, or one of the outer shells. Should [43] you ever truly break up the atom you would not only turn it off into another, but you would turn your whole solar system into a super-solar. The whole system would become nothing but light radiation, millions of times brighter than your sun.

Concerning the Beings who operate (some of) the aeroforms: they are not as horrible in their nature as the appearance of some of them might lead you to believe. It is true that many of them are not of man form, and being of a much higher mentation they do not possess your emotional responses. They are no more likely to react to your ideas of good and evil, than you would to the ideas of an ant or a cockroach. Nevertheless these beings have no evil intent - for if so they could have taken over or destroyed the earth aeons ago.

(At this writing, Dec. 7, '53, some disquiet has been caused by statements purporting to come from the Space People themselves concerning their "horrible" appearance. It is also said that the space-craft now overhead are literally numbered in the millions, and that some kind of action of a 'regulatory' nature is to be expected from them. This is derived from alleged communications from the Aeroforms - which nevertheless can be accepted pro tem. as valid. By the time this ms. is published many such questions may be cleared up. ml)

It is true that the Etherians have in the past taken large groups as well as single individuals from the earth and placed them on other bodies in space, both in and outside of your solar system, and it is likely they will continue to do this from time to time. They have also on occasion used human beings for experimental purposes, much as your men of science do with animals. In any case you have no grounds for moral reproaches against the Etherean people.

(The numerous alleged cases of persons, animals and objects being "taken", visibly and otherwise, now begin to appear half-way intelligible - though of course not to text-book science. Teleportation in its narrower sense, as well as the dissolution of object in 'atomic whirls' or warps will have to be reckoned with by the science of the near future. ml)

As to the question: Why do space beings need to use the disc craft and other forms, if they are dwellers in space? Why can they not move about without a machine of any kind? This is best answered by another question. Man himself is a space [44] being; why does he find it necessary to create a form to move about in? Men and Etherians alike are purely mental beings and are everywhere in consciousness, which is space - but the phenomena of life require form building. All forms are made up of varying degrees of universal life energy and are manifestations of it. When the Etherians desire you to know of their presence they must create form, so that you can become aware of them through the measuring rods called the senses of the body.

Earth man need have no fear of these beings, unless he attacks them or becomes too inquisitive - in which case it is likely they will retaliate in like manner.


- By Yada di Shi'Ite. (1953)

It is about two and a quarter billion years since man made his first attempt to live on the earth - and about seven billion years since the formation of the primaeval vortex from which the earth arose. Throughout all this enormous period of time (by your measurements) the people of the Discs, in their craft which we call KAREETAS, have been making periodic visits to the earth and studying its nature and action.

All races of men have seen them. Five hundred thousand years ago they were well known to the dwellers in YU, the civilization of the Himalayas. What does their present coming portend? The universe, the whole Cosmos is expanding. It is like an explosion of the Cosmos. You know that there are dwarf stars, and also that there are Super-Novas. Now, these pass one into the other; each can become the other. This is also true of the Island Universes, which can and do change back and forth. This is the play of atomic energy, of magnetism, of attraction and repulsion. All the stars, the Suns, are in effect huge dynamos . . .

These Discs you are asking about - they do NOT belong to the world of three-dimensional matter. They come out of other and far greater densities. They come out of worlds of substance a hundred thousand times more dense than the matter which you perceive by your senses.

Sheaf of paper

This is the text described by Riley Crabb as the "the inspired 'bible' of Borderland Sciences Research Foundation": "The Coming of the Guardians: An Interpretation of the Flying Saucers as Given from the Other Side of Life". Originally assembled by Meade Layne from the channelings of Ralph Holland and Mark Probert as part of the first BSRA investigations of the Ether Ship Mystery, and re-issued in its final form by Riley Crabb in 1978, the BSRF xerographic edition that remains available today. Every purchase of print helps support the Foundation and allows us to provide our unique service to all seekers.

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