The Coming of
The Guardians
Compiled by
Meade Layne, M.A.
Foreword Introductory Remarks -- | pages 1-10 |
The Etheric or "4-D" explanation of the Aeroforms -- Biographical notes on the Communicators. | |
Communications from the Inner Circle -- | pages 11-44 |
Mediumship of Mark Probert | |
Communications received through Rolf Telano -- | pages 45-62 |
Addenda | pages 63-87 |
Notes on the Mark Probert Mediumship | page 88 |
Chart of the Etheric Zones of Terra - As given to Dr. Gerald Light - | page 89 |
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This book is dedicated to those metaphysicians of the Western World who, as yet, have not enlarged their frame of speculation beyond the boundaries of things corporeal. It deals with the problem of the Aeroforms, or Unidentified Flying Objects, and concerns their nature, origin, and the reasons for their incursion at this historically climactic juncture.
The separation of Science from Metaphysics and Occultism is arbitrary, and this must be recognized if the problem is to be understood. This applies also to the existence of the ether(s) and the principle of emergence. The Communicators here quoted are excarnate humans, but what they say is without philosophical bias and untainted by religionism.
All that the compiler of this book can hope for, is that it may reach some readers sufficiently receptive to scan its pages without prejudice and try to consider the problem as a whole. Future years will add much to its content, but the basic interpretation will neither be contradicted nor impaired.
* * *
The Coming of the Guardians
An Interpretation of the "Flying Saucers"
As Given From
The Other Side of Life
** ** ** ** **
Compiled by Meade Layne, M.A.
National Director
The Borderland Sciences Research Associates
First Edition 1953
Third Edition 1957
Issued at B.S.R.A. Headquarters, 3524 Adams Ave.,
San Diego, California.
This is a B.S.R.A. Publication, Printed in the U.S.A.
All material here quoted as coming from the Mark Probert Controls, is printed by permission of Mark Probert. reviews and quotations should make acknowledgement to him and to this present B.S.R.A. publication.

This is the text described by Riley Crabb as the "the inspired 'bible' of Borderland Sciences Research Foundation": "The Coming of the Guardians: An Interpretation of the Flying Saucers as Given from the Other Side of Life". Originally assembled by Meade Layne from the channelings of Ralph Holland and Mark Probert as part of the first BSRA investigations of the Ether Ship Mystery, and re-issued in its final form by Riley Crabb in 1978, the BSRF xerographic edition that remains available today. Every purchase of print helps support the Foundation and allows us to provide our unique service to all seekers.
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