Vril Compendium
Vol. I: White-Ray Conductors
by Gerry Vassilatos
1.2. Lightning Rods
Vril active geometry is evident in Lightning Rods. The use of inexpensive metals in geometric configurations equals the use of the more expensive Vril conductive materials. It was suggested that these metals are alchymycally equivalent to the noble metals (D. Winter). Vril reactivities in multiple metal configurations are eidetically equivalent to those of noble metals through geometric reconfigurations and manifolds.
The purpose of Lightning Rods is to control consciousness throughout a Vril specific region. The protection of a building is an ancillary purpose of the Rods. Aerial arrays conduct Vril from the ground and permit Vril inflections to be freely expressed in space. Eidetic reactions surge in the system. Certain designs produced super-radiant non-electric eidetic projections which escaped from their aerials through enormous distances. Other designs relied upon the self-determined articulations of Vril-threads in the ground to make specific contact with intended communicants.
Lightning Rods were once universally accepted as causative agents of storms. The use of lightning rods was also attended by freakish phenomena which disturbed the country-side. Lengthy dry spells or excessive rainy seasons provoked villagers to fury.
Dr. Joseph Priestly describes several Vrillic phenomena which preceded and attended a severe electrical storm. He describes much more than a regional electrical event and pays especial attention to the inertio-detrital figures which are developed during a Vril surge.
The historical development of lightning rods came in special stages. The use of platinum came first as traditional lore. Magnets were then employed as special shields. This was followed by a period where Galvanic systems were used (metal combinations) to service those of modest means. The final development include the use of ground stakes and assemblies to "draw the fluid".
These claims are mocked unless sufficient knowledge of Vril processes is possessed. Vril process involves tremendously powerful insensate radiances. A very small quantity of platinum is sufficient to guard against a majority of negative weather influences.
Vril stimulates the enlargement of eidetic transactions. Materials do not properly reveal their true identity in the aerial state. Materials must be grounded in order to reveal their truest identity. There are several patents which illustrate the methods of modification used to achieve these results.
Vril surges in certain materials strongly dissolves and agglomerates inertia. The manner in which inertia is attacked, penetrated, scattered, and dissolved is material-specific. Grounded materials strongly conduct Vril. Material conductors of Vril emanate specific eidetic transactions.
Grounded platinum conducts Vril. Vril threads tunnel through platinum and release an inertia-repelling eidetic transaction materials which are highly eidetic node ray active. Platinum is such a material. Platinum was anciently prized for its protective functions. Platinum repels inertial spaces in the natural environment when conducting Vril. Such metals are useful as shields because they through out a powerful eidetic extension over large volumes of ground. The mere presence of the platinum pole was sufficient to prevent lightning strikes. Early Lightning Rod designs employed Platinum as a rule. Platinum coatings were employed where no platinum was to be had in quantity.
The working class could not afford the protective shielding of Platinum Lightning Rods and relied upon alchymycal applications to produce equivalent protective effects in combinations of Zinc, Copper, and Iron.
When eidetic transactions of materials combine they interblend and may permute. Permutations are not degenerate products. Permutations are new and unexpected proportions of qualities. Permutations are generated in specific material configurations. Configurations involve 2 or more materials in proximity.
Archane context and the knowledge of correspondency are lost when eidetic experiential reality is forgotten. Alchymy relies upon eidetic content and experiential potentials. There were eidetically active materials which could be synthesized (Meitzger).
Lightning rods are Vril eidetic world projectors: magnifiers of other worldly presence. Lightning rods do not conduct the detritus at all. Lightning rods are projective dissolvers of inertial presence. Twisted zinc, copper, and iron composites are alchymycally equivalent and effectively as capable of protecting a house as well as a point of pure platinum.
These remarkable empirically determined truths passed unnoticed by most scientific students. This cannot be explained by simple Galvanic science; and is certainly not explained by electrical science which is unwilling to discuss the issue. Inertial science rejects all possibility that various metals effect special protective qualities from lightning strokes.
Vril Science explains the mysterious variation among metals by the empirical discovery that metals project eidetic worlds into our own world. The eidetic transaction dispels inertial conditions and translates portions of another world into our own. All minerals and metals are dimensional windows.
The magnification of their eidetic contents requires skill in magnifying the degree of translation. Eidetic translations effect dissolutions of the inertial space which they penetrate and replace apparent conditions with more beneficial ones as designed. World conditions can be transmuted by such means; and alchymysts actively engaged in just such activities on a regular basis.
The use of magnets to provide special protection against [6] lighting was noteworthy (Bryan). Examined from the inertial viewpoint such action cannot realistically occur. Physical science defines the magnet or lodestone according to polarity and symmetry of field. Inertial science dispenses with the notion that magnets can project suitable protective influence across vast reaches of space. Emerging Vril eidetic worlds generate dramatic effects in inertial space.
Magnets may be buried in material configurations to produce strong eidetic node ray eidetic transactions in the surrounding space. The use of magnets to provide special protection against lighting was a noteworthy chapter in lightning rod development. Burial of magnets with sulfur blocks increases the eidetic node ray content and brings the protective condition required (Bryan). These configurations also bring detrital currents. Earth batteries can be designed from these considerations.
Metal dust composites alter eidetic node of magnets positioned in their midst. Such configurations focus the eidetic node ray extension at the poles considerably. This results in extension of the eidetic node radiant eidetic node and subsequent protective power. Platinum repels inertial spaces in the natural environment when conducting Vril. Such metals are useful as shields because they throw out a powerful eidetic extension over large volumes of ground.
Magnets are also powerfully eidetic. They have been employed as shields against all manner of negative influence including lightning strikes. Empirical examination of such designs (Bryan) reveals that a small magnetic charge is sufficient to counteract the conduction of Vril and its subsequent detrital products during adverse weather conditions.
Magnets effect powerfully focused eidetic transactions. The use of magnets in lightning rods effected powerful and sharp vertical eidetic transactions. Such sharp focusing of specific eidetic content proved capable of scattering and dissolving electro-detrital accumulations.
Anomalies and anomalous activities occur in inertial space because of the activity of Vril eidetic world transactions. Vril technology and Vril activated technological components manifest numerous consistent anomalies in inertial space. Emerging Vril eidetic worlds generate dramatic effects in inertial space.
Vril inflections precede the appearance of lightning which release sudden shockwaves, vortices, currents, waves, and other inertial patterns well before charges concentrate and lightning flashes.
Aerial batteries do not derive their electrical outputs from "static in the air": most aerial batteries are grounded systems. The use of extreme electrical tensions to produce modified Vril thread discharges was notable in one designer's wonderful schemes (Hettinger).
Lightning rods were designed for the working class who could not afford the expensive protection offered through platinum. Designers twisted and convoluted less expensive metals in curious topological manners to provide remarkably equivalent protective actions {Mitchell). The convolute internal structure of these lightning rods may be experimentally verified as vril eidetic transactors of exceptional effect (Stearns). Twisted metallic composites were empirically tested (Row). Several designs employed geometrically reconfigured common metals to achieve special and powerful protection for modest homes (Martin, Cole).
Designers necessarily tested their configurations on tall lightning rod "blocks". In this arrangement the inventor would counterpoise the test design in order for a "lightning strike" to occur. On mountain ledges or exceptional towers these tests could prove the validity of claim made toward a patent. If a claimed action did not prove to have a validity it was discarded. American patents are not granted without working models or court-examined experimental arrangements. The chief benefit of the COMPENDIUM is its validity as a legal document.
Lightning rods achieved their claimed results. We must also recognize that these results were proven true in specific locations: special points where geomantic topography rules results. If platinum does not shield against inertial detritus (lightning) then perhaps regard must be made for place, alignment, and position. It seems obvious that lightning rod inventors knew which materials to utilize in each specific location. What material configuration would work for one point might not hold true in another point.
Sulfur offers powerful eidetic transactions with tendencies to spread outward above the immediate ground. Its eidetic world is one which brings images of bright sun light. Experience of these realities will convince that sulfur used in this manner actually dispels storms by translating a perpetual sunny weather pattern into an area.
Originally intended as the grounded section of a wondrous lightning rod assembly we see in Bryan's earth battery an early predecessor of work done by L. Hendershot. Energies which powerfully emerge from the ground are dealt with in special designs made to absorb and re-direct detrital refuse (Barber). Bryan's amazing use of the sulfur block as grounding medium is significantly Vrillic.
Appreciation for the fact that inertial detritus emerges both from the ground and from the sky is mentioned in several patents (Lyon). Aerial battery do not simply absorb static electricity from the sky: they are grounded systems. The tendency toward heavy reliance on inertial detritus (rather than on Vril transactions) culminates in the designs by Palinscar: which required large networks to develop sufficient energies for usable power.
Grounded elevations prove to be no protection against electro-inertial detritus at all (ground lightning, aerial lightning) when their eidetic transactions are inappropriate. The use of isolated copper, isolated zinc, or isolated iron points does not provide protectively appropriate eidetic transaction to protect against aerial lightning.
Zinc and iron provide protection against the ground detritus; with iron exceeding in ability. Each of these have groundward correspondence and do not effect dissolving power in the volume of inertial space above.
Certain material configurations enhance Vril transactivity and depress inertial detritus. Certain material configurations enhance the inertial detritus and depress the Vrillic transactivity.
There are designs which release greater eidetic transactivity. There are designs which release greater visceral transactivity. There are designs which magnify inertial products of many varieties. This accounts for the "different outputs" of each design. This accounts for the "different species of electricity" noted among different devices.
Designs differ in their ability to "produce electricity": there are those which produce varying proportions of "charge and tensions". Among the aerial and earth batteries we have realized a great many of these species.
Components and systems successfully operate as valuably agencies of human benefit only when acting as strong Vril eidetic transactors. Lightning rods operate as protectors because they are powerful eidetic transactors. Platinum proved to be protective in absence of ground assemblies. Vril eidetic transact through platinum explains why lightning and other inertial residues avoid such minerals and metals.
Proper placement and alignment is the essential element of design when using platinum (Spratt, Cole). The eidetic world projection which emanates from the platinum point gives experience of stellar heights and bright clear night skies. A journey which elevates the mind above the cloud-tops to view the opened stellar expanse.
It is the quality and content of the eidetic experience transacted through a material configuration which defies the inertial environment. Eidetic transaction dissolves and disperses inertia. Storms are disrupted and scattered by Vril eidetic projectors (Reich). The eidetic content of the transactive experience is the essential element as regards lightning rods.
Zinc projects eidetic experience of the subterranean ground. It therefore will not be a good sky-lightning protector. In combination with platinum however, it proves to be an excellent protection against ground lightning. Each material configuration must be experimentally discerned from the eidetic foundation. Designers empirically required that lightning rods be tested; comprehending why they worked as specified was electro-dynamically problematic. Differing metals and foldings do not measurably effect important electrical parameters when dealing with lightning. Therefore a far more significant foundation was required.
Stationary placements of material configurations alter the entire experiential transaction of Vril in a region. Vril transmutations do occur with specific natural stations. The eidetic world, which projects "platinum" may be translated via specific common minerals and metals in special geometric symmetry. The success of certain lightning rods employed common metals because their eidetic worlds may have matched platinum transactions. Vril technology emplaces material configurations for the magnification of accessible Vril eidetic transactions. Specifically emplaced material increase Vril eidetic and visceral experience in a region.
Aerial emplacement of material terminals must be carefully delineated: aerial nodes must be reached and linked above grounds. In certain instances aerial and ground junctures may be reached and linked Vril eidetic world experience gives the key to meaning and organism wholeness. Natural Vril junctions and nodes permeate experiential space.
Eidetic transactions dissolve, scatter, distort, shear, twist, whorl, pattern, shape, geometrize, impel, and fracture inertial space concentrations. Lighting strokes are detrital patterns which are the results of inertial concentrations. Detrital accumulations and concentrations self-discharge.
The cloudbusters of Reich are specialized lightning rods. Their inclusion of water channels projected potent eidetic node rays into sky and space through metal tubes. The enormous power of such devices prove their effectiveness in extending Vril threads into space while dispersing aerial inertia. Reich's cloud-buster is a special Vril projector which requires a special kind of ground. The use of iron BX cable as the grounding line into water is significant. Inertial detritus is brought into the ground site in a conical concentration which is dangerous to those who manage them. Care must be taken to avoid the inertial flux which is drawn out of the aerial region being "worked upon".
Lightning rods operate because of Vril eidetic transactions not because of mechano-inertial dynamics. We do not make consideration of received inertial detritus. Inertial technology is not our goal. We seek the eradication of inertial technology.
Numerous Galvanic circuits occur between natural configurations (off-shore islands). Noticeable Vrillic correspondences among bay-enclosed monuments are noteworthy (Governor's Island and Bedloe's Island in New York Harbor). Powerful shocking aerial currents are sensed emanating from the copper plating on the Statue of Liberty. These thready radiations are Vrillic but appear whitish because of their dissolving power on surrounding inertial space.
These thready radiations pass to the adjoining island (Governor's Island) and to nearby Robin's Reef (the shell of an old abandoned lighthouse). Galvanic science explained these aerial transactions as auric current exchanges through space. Galvani experimental verification that such currents exist. Volta could not account for the aerial experience of visceral-sensations between large dissimilar metal plates.
The effects of weather vanes on district tone are noticeable. The emergence of house-protecting sceptres follows the long tradition of European talismans. Sceptres placed upon homes were numerous in structure and material. These designs began to be used to protect against lightning and weather conditions.
Radionically designed sceptres were originally designed to protect homes from negative entities and influences; and may yet be seen surmounting the towers and parapets of Victorian architecture. These bring vitality into homes and surrounding districts.
Human attention is powerfully drawn to these structures and components. Their effect upon local weather patterns was traditionally accepted. Angry villagers tore down several weather-vanes when it became apparent that these were bringing anomalous weather patterns.
Vril technology must take care never to configure improperly aligned structures.
The truest function and purpose of Lightning Rod forms and rooftop ornamentation is to alter conditions and regional [8] climate of consciousness. The foremost Vril potential of Lightning Rods is the control of consciouses and the proliferation of positive experiential climate. Weather control is an ancillary effect of these primary functions.
Rooftop ornamentation has been historically linked to spiritual warfare. The placement of sceptre and wands upon rooftops has ancient origins. In Tibet these designs are made of woven organic matter which greatly resemble flat multiple plate pancake antennae. These forms ward off and entrap negative influence which attempt entry from aerial route. Special design forms have been used in embellishing towers. These forms enhance ground Vril contact outward into other space.
Gothic Cathedrals feature several variations of rooftop geometries. Cones are frequently surmounted by spheres of stone. These formats may be ribbed. There may be several smaller spheroid form along each ribbing which lead to the tower crown. Such forms are extremely Vril active. These are powerful Vril discharge points. Intense Vril threads connect directly into other space from these forms. Ribbed pyramids are exceptionally potent as bilocators.
Space are the experiential fluorescence of Vril channels. Vril threads define human experience of space. Space are Vril eidetic transaction. Distinctions of space derive from Vril. Vril in ground causeways emerge outward in dense dendritic threads. These define experiential qualities of specific directions and orientations. Space along each Vril threadway differs greatly in quality. Viewing stars and celestial objects is Vril dependent. Vril qualities determine what we experience in space.
Vril interworld communications effect environmental dynamics. Lightning rods, aerial and earth batteries and all technological componentry of communications are Vril eidetic world conductors and transactors: they change our world. All minds are drawn to them because of the conscious generative potential which they bring. The angelic Mercurius Herald is often pictured as the messenger of these experiences. It is interesting that the mercurial substance is not a literal metallic liquid. Vril is the dark, wriggling, generative energy which is seen passaging through the depths of deepest ground and space.
The incidental operative success of lightning rods aerial and earth batteries derive from Vril world eidetic transactions in the apparent world. Inertial nullifications and deformations distinguish strong Vril active eidetic world conductors.

White Ray Conductors (1992) — Lightning Rods, Aerial Batteries, Vrillic Detrius. Earth currents and earth resonance. Aerial batteries, designs that make practical use of the celestial currents and rays brought to earth. Patents of Ward, Vion, Palenscar and others. The first installment in Gerry Vassilatos's Borderland compendium of Vril technology, offering a direct psychic conduit to the telluric and esoteric powers that shape our world - available in our BSRF xerographic edition. Every purchase of print helps support the Foundation and allows us to provide our unique service to all seekers.
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