Vril Compendium
Vol. I: White-Ray Conductors
by Gerry Vassilatos
1.3. Aerial Batteries
Galvani sensed the existence of space stresses between and among dissimilar metals long before Volta showed it possible to produce inertial detritus in special material configurations. Aerial batteries and material configurations made by Galvani proved to be vitalizing and beneficial to body and consciousness. Their outputs were not electrical and could not be measured on the most sensitive gold-leaf electroscope at all however strongly received in the viscerae.
The designs of Galvani are fundamental Vril active configurations and transact enormous eidetic world experience. Stationary placements of material configurations alter the entire expert transactions of Vril in a region. Vril transmutations do occur with specific natural stations. Vril technology emplaces material configurations for the magnification of accessible Vril eidetic transaction. Specifically emplaced material increase Vril eidetic and visceral experience in a region.
Materials are eidetic reservoirs. The intensity of eidetic interactions produce observed accumulation of inertial detritus. Such detritus is accumulated in the rigidified inertia of matter via insensate Vril transactions. This physical manifestation evidences the acquisition of detrital charge from nothingness.
Eidetic transactions of metal reservoirs are intriguing. These eidetic transactions expand continuously into inertial space (Mesmer, Galvani, Kilner, Reich). Mesmer used the eidetic nodes through moss in transaction with iron slag to produce extremely vivifying visceral currents. Galvani discovered the visceral reactivities of metals in proximal arrangements. Galvani recognized the visceral reactivity of the ground with space. Aerials and ground gave Vril current threads. Vril self-inflects in specific material assemblages, generating and projecting unexpected qualities.
Aerial placement of material terminals must be carefully delineated; aerial nodes must be reached and linked above pounds. In certain instances aerial and pound junctures may be reached and linked. Vril eidetic world experience give the key to meaning and organism wholeness. Natural Vril junctures and nodes permeate experiential space.
Aerial nodes are linked via material terminals. Aerial terminals transact eidetic experiences with recipients. Special regional modifications are achieved through the use of special aerial-crowning jewels, crystals, and superior metals. Axio-vertical alignments and dimensions must be carefully searched. Vertically aligned Vril nodes which span aerial positions and ground positions are rare and notable sites. Nodal vertical alignments give exceptional and extraordinary eidetic experiences. Such eidetic transactions are brought into a region by the mere construction of special towers.
Recipients experience eidetic transactions communicated to them directly through the pound as a result of such Vril active towers. Aerial terminals display several eidetic nodes throughout their lengths. Earth and aerial "batteries" were configured in various material geometries to produce specific proportions of inertial detritus. Some of these were configured to transact with inertial vortices (Dieckmann).
Other designs were biologically configured and having synaptic gaps (crowns) which both ground and surmount them (Dewey). Most of these aerial towers after Galvani utilize the inertial detritus resulting from Vril thread discharge-impactions from their pounded presence. Such social alignments must cease.
Aerial batteries of Vion, Dewey, Palinscar, and others exclusively employed various degrees of the detrito-productive aspects engaged through Vril eidetic transactions. These designs produced dangerously heavy electro-detrital charges. The natural process of static manufacture is the result of the natural Vril engagement of inertial space through and among [9] minerals and metals (Le Bon). Artificial elevations produce spontaneous accumulations of inertial detritus (Palinscar).
Naturally achieved elevations release and transact varieties of eidetic species (Vion). Aerial batteries respond to insensate (white ray sheath) space vril modulations (Popov, Ducretet). Aerial batteries were later employed as special terminals in middle wireless system which remained forgotten (Murgas, Shoemaker).
Certain aerial batteries employed the eidetic tuning effects necessary in transacting with Vril worlds and proportioning eidetic impacts with inertia in an elevated system (Palinscar). Others employed systems which made use of daylight earth-inertial fluxions. Remarkable designs defied electrical principles (Ward). The projection of Vril thread discharges and absorption of the same caused the aerial batteries of Ward to behave in unheralded manner.
Experiments performed with hollow pipe and rod assemblies proved that such configurations (when properly grounded and aligned) released powerful visceral eidetic Vril thread beams. These actually increase with intensity through greater distances. they are accompanied by a thrilling sensation which focuses upon the abdomen. There is definite accompanying heat which floods the beam volume.
The Ward Tower system made use of specific Vril placement to obtain excessive Vril transactions among Vril groundpoint junctures. A system of such towers (properly placed, configured, and aligned) could provide limitless Vril power for use in eidetic communications and conscious magnification. As detrital diffractors such devices produced sufficient inertial condensations to drive the code of telegraph lines. Their more wondrous power is largely left in modern times to the artists for aesthetic appreciation. The magick of lighthouses, turrets, towers, aeyries, and other precipices convey vast amounts of information to the recipient. The chief use of the tower was to gain communion with the heavens.
Aerial batteries are inertial detrital reactors. Aerial batteries arrange mixtures of inertial detritus from Vril potentials by design. The manner in which inventors have composed and constructed these several forms reveals remarkable distinctions in output. Output species mutually differ considerably among these designs. They are each known for their differences: a significant feature among this class of power generators.
The supposed identical manner of "atmospheric charge formation" does not produce identical products in each patent. Aerial batteries are eidetic tuners when properly constructed in their native state. Aerial batteries are white ray (sheath) conductors.
A fundamental mode of communications floods the universe. Eidetic transaction occurs along specific Vril lines which transact the apparent world. Aerial towers and Vril transactive terminals alter district and regional realities. There are ray orientations in which the human organism responds most favorably. This alignment occurs when facing the eidetic node ray axis of a Vril Channel. Galvanic aerial batteries can be constructed in a room in order to achieve these results. Care must be taken to align the large area metal plates with local Vril channels.
Positioned amid several geometric arrays provides eidetic node ray extension into the surrounding space. The region becomes eidetic node ray loaded. This condition is protective during storm times. Vril extension from pound enters buildings. Avalanche detrital process ensues when the energy contained in the Vril penetration of local inertial space is sufficiently great.
Vril projects through space at points to generate, sustain, and build up materials. Certain aerial batteries are the sites of prolific transaction which lead to transmutations. Early regard for geological and geomantic features were used to great advantage in effecting powerfully collimated transmissions to extremely distant recipients. Investigation of such transmission sites has been conducted by a few noted researchers (E. Dollard).
Aerial batteries are capacitors. Varieties of aerial batteries have been investigated through which other Vril manifestations are fractioned, selected, and magnified define the patent collection. Certain aerial battery designs extract only the detrital pressures of Vril interactions. Electrical components are magnified to exclusion in these designs. There are those aerial batteries which fraction and magnify eidetic transactions (Ward). These are capable of serving as wireless transmitting stations of conscious intent. Their forms have been repeatedly observed throughout the patent registries of early, middle, and late wireless communications.
Radio aerials are radiators of eidetic transactions and are terminals into space Vril distributions. Metals are eidetic radiators. Metals are potent eidetic radiators when pounded. Galvani measured eidetic radiances through both human and animal organisms. Metals held in the opened mouth emit eidetic radiances which may be felt. Meucci discovered the empathic potential of a charged wire. Meucci transmitted eidetic messages without the use of acoustic artifice.
The true purpose and function of every Vril Technological component is to transmit modified consciousness in human operators. Vril Science studies Vril and its potentials in order to collate knowledge of Vril reactivities.
The design of aerial capacitors has its first purpose in expanding human awareness through Vril. Parallel plate windows are aligned with Vril threadways to dissolve organically internalized inertia and release special vision. Vril aerial batteries fuse human recipients with ground Vril directly.
Systems through which extended vision may be achieved are specially configured materials which utilized pound and aerial terminals. Special communications are achieved when several individuals use these formats across great distances. Such vision enhancers are interlinked through aerial projection conduits. Natural Vril threadways and channels are their primary ground connections.
White ray sheaths mark the inertia-dissolving trails of highly accelerated eidetic transactions. Eidetic transactions combine natural in Vril sheath displays. Ground sourced white ray sheaths are observed. Aerial towers must not bring excessive inertial detritus into a district. The function of aerial batteries and transactions is to transact eidetic worlds with a district... to raise and unify consciousness.
Rooftop ornaments function as Vril battery-transactors. [10] Their presence atop buildings of all kinds alters the experiential environment of the enclosure. Aerial battery-transactors may also alter local situation via Vril-active poundpoint proximity. Weathervanes, lightning rods, and radionic roof ornaments are historically associated with weather control.
Vril threadways permit the experiential merging of whole worlds. Vril is the noumenous presence of place. Vril reactions are sustained, extended, and controlled through arrangements of specific materials. Vril transactors are created when material arrangements are directly linked with Vril threadways. Vril reactions transmute and modulate climactic conditions in whole regions of pound. Aerial batteries are Vril transactors which generate weather patterns.
The studies of materials along attribute parameters other than viscero-eidetic is largely futile and unnecessary. Vril technology depends on special knowledge of eidetic worlds and eidetic content of all Vril transactors and Vril reactors influence and alter conditions of climate.
Climate and weather are the results of Eidetic transactions. The spurious and tantalizing nature of weather is the result of mysterious spontaneous eidetic Vril world interactions in districts and regions.
Lightning rods and aerial batteries and earth batteries were by legend associated with weather control. The sense that specific pound points (wells, monuments, rocks, cliffs) do project a vibrant, modulating penetration is familiar to most sensitives. Vril is the moving presence.
The permeation of eidetic qualities despite inertial detritus (photic illumination) proves the suffusive presence of Vril threads through the experiential universe. Batteries are eidetic reactors in which matter in contact engages viscera-eidetic transactivities with inertial space.
Galvani designed Vril battery-capacitors. These were large metal plates separated by space. Stepping between these brings strange visceral effects.
Aerial Vril nodes are stationary conscious-radiant points which provide eidetic transactions through discharge to receptive organisms.
The use of aerial batteries to intercept the discharges between space-points and ground-points was used with success (Dewey). Specific minerals and metals are inertially occluded expressions of Vril eidetic worlds: contact with them engages the participant in strong (unforced) eidetic journeys. Aerial batteries emplaced in such pound-masses do bring extraordinary effects to a district. Such effects become the substance of local legend. Minerals and metals are Vril world windows. Some metals are never "struck" by lightning regardless of their elevated position and theoretically necessary vulnerability. Clearly geomantic anomalies occur in special grounds.
Wireless experimenters investigated thee aerial Vril points with especial regard for geomantic position (Tesla, Marconi, Rogers, Fessenden). R.A. Fessenden designed later systems which entirely eliminated ground connection: engaging galvanic transactions among aerial metallo-forms. Proper aerial orientations provided the most powerful signal transfer with respect to pound. The empirical experiences of these researchers are described in their patents. Each gives the sense that some extraordinarily personal transaction occurs between device and environment.
Certain orientations differed in ability to transfer powerful eidetic content because Vril distributions are irregularly oriented throughout experiential space. Such research required facile movement of huge arrays. Most researchers abandoned this study. Ward was an experimenter who dealt with the anomalous tracking of "aerial electric currents". His design could be swiveled to "funnel" the aerial charge currents.
This arrangement is entirely non-electrical in primary function. Vril threads is the empowering energy. This design deserves close study. Experiments along these parameters has led to several eidetic discoveries. The use of dissimilar metals enhances the strong transaction of viscero-eidetic power.
Intuitive guidance led a few sensitive wireless researchers to establish their facilities atop specific Vril-active mountain peaks. Potent reactions and transfers were achieved at these specific sites. Extremely potent long-distance transfer of signals and eidetic content were achieved by surveying local Vril concentrations and Vril directionalities.
There is danger to the improper placement of aerial termini. Aerial terminals are sites where inertio-detrital concentrations take place when improperly aligned. Some buildings and points are anomalously struck with lightning throughout history. Aerial terminal configurations endraw Vril threads when provided specific projections. Aerial projections are position specific in every locale.
Vril science examines and locates aerial Vril node clusters. Distal magnifying conductions transact enormous personal fusion in aerial terminals. Distal eidetic groundpoints foci gives enormous experience of stellar and planetary terminals. The sun is enormous and overwhelming when standing on specific points. Metals and minerals are Vril eidetic world terminals. They each give special eidetic connectivity with special worlds. Some Vril nodes connect us powerfully with a specific space world (planets, stars, lunar or solar bodies). On these points the experience of those worlds overwhelms.
The apparent World is a complex of Vril eidetic projections. Vril projections exist in arrangements and configurations of eidetic world terminals. Finding these and founding aerial terminals gives potent activities. Meaningful organismic experience is attained via Vril eidetic world contacts.
The study of Inertial dynamics is meaningless and subordinate. Vril eidetic worlds translate organismic experience. Lightning rods and weather vanes were traditionally perceived as conscious foci and transmuters of local climate. Vril eidetic world transactions extend organismic consciousness. Eidetic Vril world transactions release extra-organo-consciousness. Vril Science studies eidetic world transactions in minerals and metals, ground configurations and aerial space. Ground and aerial conditions modify material Vril eidetic transactions.
Vril Axes meet at Vril junctures. The arrangement of successful aerial batteries required both aerial material forms as well as ground configurations (Bryan). Neurological (viscero-eidetic) sensitivity precedes magneto-electric detrital discovery (Galvani). Galvani sensed the existence of space stresses between and among dissimilar metals long before Volta [11] showed it possible to produce inertial detritus in special material configurations.
Aerial batteries and material configurations made by Galvani proved to be entirely vitalizing and beneficial to body and consciousness. The designs of Galvani are fundamental Vril active configurations and transact in the visceral domain. Galvani studied auric effects occurring between separated metals. Galvani also studied metals in close proximity as well as contact metals. Experiments have replicated these effects. Holding a contact composite of copper (facing the body) and zinc brings tremendous eidetic thrill when facing a Vril transregional channel.
Grounded objects and aerial elevations spontaneously "acquire charge". Aerial node are linked via material terminals. Aerials transact according to the materials which they project. Rods emplaced in rock are powerful transactors. Aerial terminals transact eidetic experience with local recipients. Lightning rods cannot be adjusted: they are fixed metalloforms. Aerial batteries can be adjusted: they can be used to alter, select, and adjust regional eidetic transactions which self-reference constantly. Use of rheostatic and capacitative modifications had been employed in many of the patent designs. These control features effected drastic local transmutation despite their electrodynamic perspective.
Special regional modifications are achieved through the use of special aerial-crowning jewels, crystals, and superior metals. Axio-vertical alignments and dimension must be carefully searched. Vertically aligned Vril nodes which span aerial positions and ground positions are rare and notable sites. Nodal vertical alignments give exceptional and extraordinary eidetic experiences.
Such eidetic transactions are brought into a region by the mere construction of special towers. Recipients experience eidetic transactions communicated to them directly through the ground as a result of such Vril active towers.
Aerial terminals display several eidetic nodes throughout their lengths. Vril eidetic worlds generate specific extraordinary minerals. Minerals, metals, jewels, and crystals differ in their degree of eidetic experience. Trees extend Vril directly. Trees are natural Vril transaction sites. Poles are Vril transactors. Specific Vril transactors operate in specific Vril Templates.
Poles and towers operate in contact with the ground through the Template of stratified apparent world. Vril enters and emerges through such aerial projections and short-circuits the horizontal stratified world of our experience. This is their chief power.
Aerials are especially potent with regard for Vril juncture connections between ground and space. Wood is a special organic material having high Vril conductivity. Compact capillary bundles of this vascular kind seem to effect extraordinary Vril conductivity. Stones which are threaded with mineral veins and fine capillaries are also notably Vril conductive. Laminar deposits of minerals provide special eidetic transactions of strong conductivity.
The towers of Ward are similar in form and design and purpose to lighthouses in which noteworthy eidetic transactions continually take place (M. Theroux). Aerial batteries mimic the Vril transactive abilities of trees and mountain peaks. Some systems project energetic collimations of Vril beacons. Trees are natural aerial batteries Trees are prolific Vril transactors. The granular articulation of wooden poles provides Vril with special conductive paths. Wooden poles maintain their Vril polarizations and enable strong Vril conductions.
Certain neighborhoods and districts lose their vitality when Vril is impeded and disrupted through improper placement of buildings and municipal configurations. When Vril eidetic damnation are magnified and properly engaged these districts sparkle once again. Such neighborhoods often retain some measure of ground-surface Vril transactions. Cathedrals and their attendant aerial terminals are notable eidetic transactors. Earth batteries mimic the organic behaviors of ores, lodes, and mineral striations. Earth batteries resemble mitochondria (A. Berkowitz).
Galvanic aurae and space tensions are non-electrical in nature; being electrical immeasurable though strongly visceral. Galvanic aerial batteries provide sensate experiences; felt through the chest and thorax as thrilling frictions.
Aerial batteries and assemblies manifest spontaneous self-directing angulating ray sheaths from their points. Vril aerio-dendritic connections spontaneously self-organize when simple terminals are provided them; something which early wireless researchers discovered. This phenomenon is evidenced in Tesla's illustrations of his fixed-form terminals from which self-directing beams are shown assuming collimated paths.
Vril contacts define the terms "ground" and "aerial". There are relative ground and relative aerials. Each much be configured and properly designed to effectively intersect, intercept, intermesh, interblend, and transact with Vril juncture throughout experiential space. Vril aerial-ground assemblages are most powerful in viscero-eidetic content when both configurations merge with Vril junctures. Special ground-space placements requires the enlistment of old methods (geomantic) for ascertaining favorable locales and station sites (Ward).
Whenever minerals and metals enjoin Vril threads and provide prolific Vril striation contacts and intermeshings we call these "grounds" or "serials". The archane concept of the aerial viewed the materially projected elevation as cathodes and anodes in space. Vril provides the communal transaction between worlds and districts. When space provides Vril striations in material contacts we call these aerials. Both ground and aerial assemblages are conductive intermeshings and interlinkages amid the Vril matrix. The absolute need for sensitively surrendered and respectful placement of these systems on specific junctures determines the successful entrainment of Vril potentials.
Aerial batteries alter district consciousness. Aerial batteries alter district eidetic content. The primary function of aerial batteries is viscero-eidetic in nature. The use of rheostats in aerial batteries (Palinscar). Eidetic transactions are adjustable. Rheostats permit adjustments in proportional balances between Vril transactivities and inertial reactivities.
Stationary placements of material configurations alter the entire experiential transaction of Vril in a region. Bilocational experiences through matter continually reveal singular truths [12] concerning the Vril environmental structure of a region. Continual bilocational visitations to specific eidetic points reveals the existence of powerful Vril centers in fundamental Vril Template.
Space surrounding such Vril centers is eidetically projected space. The integrity of the apparent, world depends on these points. These Vril points suffuse and sustain vitality in the devoid apparent world infra-structure.
Aerial batteries display transmutation. Metals and other components which impact inertial space at high eidetic potentials become suffused with inertial detritus. Detrital bombardment alters matter. Such materials cease functioning with the resilience which they originally displayed. This factor plays a role in the dysfunction of certain radionic device which have been exposed to a continual barrage in a specific alignment. We often find the need to readjust such deigns and realign them. In some occasions we need to replace their "worn parts". Examination shows that such materials have become spongey and osseous in nature.

White Ray Conductors (1992) — Lightning Rods, Aerial Batteries, Vrillic Detrius. Earth currents and earth resonance. Aerial batteries, designs that make practical use of the celestial currents and rays brought to earth. Patents of Ward, Vion, Palenscar and others. The first installment in Gerry Vassilatos's Borderland compendium of Vril technology, offering a direct psychic conduit to the telluric and esoteric powers that shape our world - available in our BSRF xerographic edition. Every purchase of print helps support the Foundation and allows us to provide our unique service to all seekers.
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