Vril Compendium

Vol. XI: Vril & ELF Devices

by Gerry Vassilatos


11.2.    Vril and Technology

Ancient sensitives recognized the existence of spacial places where experience and consciousness seemed especially heightened. These became the resort of others whose sensitivities permitted extraordinary realizations, the receptions of projective energies there extant. Such sacred spots were justly revered as the natural oracles, geological vents from which divine utterance was prolific. Evident in the plethora of revelations stimulated in these locations alone, priestly castes developed to serve the sacred sites. This caste was not restricted to gender. Each such priestly caste observes the noumenous sacred spots with especial regard for the black radiant light which emerges at these locations. Typified throughout the mythological treasuries of the ancient cultures (Egyptian, Babylonian, Greek, Persian, Chinese) is the persistent mention of the black radiance. It is always associated with creative generation and consciousness. It is the ground of being from [8] which emerge all created things. Is it coincidental that we find black radiant projections throughout nature, energies which stimulate the reception of externally generated ideations?

Black radiance was equated with the divine. Black radiance was equated with remarkable favor. It was the means by which the culture survived against the wildness and savagery of life-killing natural forces. It was for this reason that the black radiance was sought and revered. Cultures knew that their very survival depended on the reception of this creative and providential energy. Ancient sensitives discovered that their own visionary prowess enlarged with repeated exposures to the black radiance, being often infused in contact at their anciently established sacred spots. The creative black radiance was often recognized emerging through trees and other such organic transducers. During times of cultural excess, these sites became excessively ornamented and weighed down by needless liturgies and superstitious service, none of which served to accelerate or enhance the naturally prolific flood of eidetic impressions received therein. Those whose consciousness was sufficiently raised to appreciate these simplistic realizations managed the continuous reception of ideas, images, impressions, and revelations.

At first, special groups of attendant individuals were employed to memorize and retell the impressions received during such moments of magnified and clarified consciousness. In this means, cultures emerged from tribal groups. The implementation of ideas received reveals an intriguing process which is at work in every cultural group thus developed. The appearance of sudden new ideas is thus linked to the priestly caste, who, in turn, are linked to their sacred spots. The sacred spot is the constant feature in each cultural centre, the physical location from which metaphysical thesaurus springs on behalf of the culture. It was in this manner that writing first appeared. The concept of equating written symbols with sounds or ideas was not the result of an ordinary thought process. With these developments, scribes were later employed to write down the impressions received by priest-sensitives.

A sudden flood of impressions appears in each such culture, impressions whose import brings knowledge of technology. But this renaissance of emerging ideations has a thematic content which exceeds the mere brancate development of writing, metallurgy, and stonecraft. The projection of these technological means are always historically linked to a massive cultural effort... a project in which the entire culture is consciously united. The aim of the cultural project is not simply one which establishes and solidifies social castes. It is not focused on dominations and masteries. The project is one which promises to elevate the culture in matters of the mind. Mind expansions. The emergence of mind expanding technologies marks the emerging culture as a civilization. Contact at specific ground points with the emergent black radiance yet opens new awareness. The black radiance is the juncture of metaphysical and physical world. Black radiant sacred spots are the places from which consciousness actually emerges, the external projective sources which supply the world mind.


Adequately validating and explaining the wondrous prowess that archane visionaries demonstrated, first technology was Vril technology. It was by several simple means, each derived through progressive revelatory images, that magnified Vril energies were secured by certain archane societies. The special technology, given through Vril eidetic impressions, was the result of intimate personal contact with natural Vril currents. This was a technology whose components did nothing more than conduct and clarify Eidetic Vril imagery. Vril was the energy. Archane societies grew ultimately more sensitive with continued Vril exposures and saturations. The concept of "working function" was exclusively defined as one having power to modify the mind. By this definition, only those potent did not require their technologies to manifest behaviors that were otherwise associated with purely inertial devices. Evidence of "working function" — movements, rotations, and sounds — were thus completely biased in inertial parameters by those who designed MACHINES. The machine, as commonly conceived, is not a Vril artifice.

The primary and fundamental domain in which Vril Technology operates, that for which it is alone designed, remains entirely within the domain of eidetic currents. Vril instrumentalities convey eidetic experiences to their operators, the most vital utility obtained through any technological artifice. Vril instruments are passive conductors and transducers of Vril currents. Human operators receive the potent efflux of these instrumentalities, being effectively changed into more extensive and elevated conscious states. Vril components do not fluoresce, burn, vibrate, or move as inertial engines do. For this reason, non-sensitives derided Vril Technology as useless.

Vril technologies project fluorescence, project heat, project cold, project sounds, project imagery, project levitations... indeed project and flood local spaces with any quality desired. When once adequate knowledge of these means are secured, Vril Technology can provide a far greater display of effects than autonomous inertial machines can ever hope to achieve. The most ancient natural oracular sites lack the power which is found in carved stone systems. These in turn lack the power which is obtained through Radionic artifice. Ancient systemologies are not abandoned, but certainly do not represent the most recent Vril expressions. They therefore lack the clarity and power of Vril now. One must seek the most recent Vril expression in order to find the current Vril movement.

Each Vril system expansion contains within itself numerous stages and continual modifications; the evidence of a developing Vril growth process. Each developmental stage can catalyze the sudden appearance of some new permutation. This is the aspiration of the greatest and most actualized Vril engineers. Our investigation of these marvelous permutations began with discussions concerning electrical science. This recent movement did not divorce itself from the principles upon which the most ancient Vril systems were based. But, not limited to their more archaic forms, the new systemologies feature defined components, through which deeper and more clarified Vril conductions are [10] obtained. From its inception, electrical science has been overshadowed by Vril. This persistent Vril pursuit can be marked throughout both the development and implementation of electrical systems as major social technology. At times antagonistic, at times conformant, electrical systemologies have been haunted by Vril generated anomalies. These have also consistently haunted scientific dogma whenever that lexicon fails to account for Vril and the phenomena which accompany the Vril Domain.

The great number of contributors offers staggering testimony to a massive technological onslaught in which humanity was enveloped from the Mid-Nineteenth Century until the early Twentieth Century. The technological phenomenon which Vril stimulates in the world has never ceased. Those societies which forsook this power were eliminated from the historical record through extinctions. History itself bears evidence that the overpowering Vril influence had drawn human consciousness to its cooperations, giving consciousness in ever elevated degrees. Having been so drawn, human agents recognized the providence at work in their discoveries. The energy which guided their efforts was giving them superior understanding and greatly magnified awareness. These remarkable effects became the driving force behind RADIONICS, the study of natural radiances and their effect on human experience.

The mass mobilizing power of this energetic guidance had once drawn whole societies into its wonderful cooperations throughout the previous centuries. Experimenters began again to identify the energetic currents responsible for superior translations of mind. All this research began in the greatest universities, a most opened expression of scientific curiosity. The topic areas were isolated, rejected, and cast out of the university milieu. Suggesting that this qualitative approach to the world was somehow "irrational", academic science launched itself headlong into a frightening fall through objectivism. So deep did this process take the best scientific minds, that while alienating themselves from the experimental process, they imagined themselves in possession of greatest wisdom. Alienated, isolated, separated forever from the nature upon which they were intently focused, only a very few managed to sense the cold and inert mind state of their new-found poise. Nevertheless, the process continued without the academes, selectively isolating them from its wanders. Private researchers took up the work, funding their own laboratories and making history.

Observed by archane sensitives, black radiant Vril suffuses the natural world. It appears as a suffusive and uniform glowing space of deepest black atop special ridges and in some valleys. Here it most certainly always rises from the ground at night, where it is both seen and felt. Seeming very much to be a mysterious concentration of the winter's night sky on earth, ancient people reverenced these appearances. First contact within this radiant blackness always brings vital renewals. In human experience, these renewals span the gap between healings of body, mind, and soul, as well as the impartation of excited consciousness. Continued exposures in the black suffusions produce exceptional awareness. Such clarity of mind is yet [11] obtained through this natural agency that one recognizes in it an EXTERNAL distribution of consciousness throughout space.

It was anciently observed that powerful black radiant channels discharge between rock canyon walls, among boulders and trees, into and from certain caverns, and from ground to space. Poised among, within, atop the natural places where such energies pulsate, ancient sensitives received penetrating impressions and eidetic images. These primary receptions formed the basis of a new mind-raising technology. Modeled from its natural manifestations, ancient geomancers constructed dolmens and mounds for the expressed purpose of securing the permanence of a black radiant presence. Structured in the grand scale of natural expressions, megalithic age technology effectively obtained for human tribes a new means for permanently raising, maintaining, and employing their new consciousness.

Providing magnified forms of consciousness, Vril Technology has marked every major human endeavor. Raised consciousness was the survival of any human tribe. Tribes became societies, societies became cultures, and cultures became civilizations when black radiant energy was their source. Now constructed with deliberation, the new mind-raising technology supplied humanity with survival at the most fundamental level. It is the silent revolution preceding every material advancement which famed histories chronicle. Developing such technology worked with the supernal distributed intelligence. Archaic developers of black radiant technology rebuilt the fallen sites where the glowing black radiance was naturally manifested. The purpose of these human-assisted developments was the world-magnification of conscious energy, a thrilling theme which returns as an echo among the ages.

When humanity allows the lead of VRIL, then new mind-states are achieved for humanity. When humanity loses the Vril thread, it is nevertheless drawn along to a future encounter with Vril realities. In this latter case, technologies which were developed for inertial employment manifest a mysterious Vril function with very minor modifications. Ancient megaliths, dolmens, and mounds formed the components of the archaic mind-raising technology. Through certain rediscovered natural functions, these structures were empirically established for the exchange of eidetic messages among the sensitives. While many of the accessible rough-hewn rock components were "talking stones" or "seeing stones", a few selected structures had very special functions.

There are those archaic plazas, from which and to which megaliths point. These centers, these foci of radiating megalithic lines, are indeed special. It was there that geomancers became astromancers. Built on natural sites where black radiant energy discharges into and from space, these were the stations where eidetic information was intercepted among the worlds. In these centers, during certain seasons, ancient astromancers, literally "star-seers" (astro-mantis), received steady receptions of exceptional conscious states among the worlds. Black radiant energy surged, vigorously inflecting the consciousness of sensitives whenever special stellar-planetary configurations conjoined in the night skies. These were the [12] events which they collected and observed with religious devotion. Why such a motivated zeal? For the acquisition of consciousness, new power over the elements. Later, in architectural marvels of stone and geometric proportion, the black radiance carried strongly permeating eidetic information into recipients who were ritualistically more prepared. Stone-frames discharged the eidetic information in solar and lunar energies with great power in the dolmens. Clusters of stars and planets did so with rare delicacy. Those who have stated that megalithic structures are calendars and astronomical observatories know nothing of the mind-raising energy. Theirs is an academic concern, which necessarily attempts the invasion of every unknown with the "known dogmatic". The ancients were not concerned with clocking and charting the skies for the abstract quest. If no experience was to be had, no communion with the skies, then the ancients would have abandoned the pursuit altogether.

Tribal energies were never wasted for excessive religious concerns. Those who seem to have done so were the members of societies in the decadent phase, desperately attempting to recapture their own lost mind-raising technology by "appeasing" their false gods. While the more overt astromantic aspects of these mounds have been studied for centuries, few have comprehended the purpose for these mysteries. The space-effected modifications always produced specially prized mind-states and awarenesses. The eidetic visions which were associated with these receptions were the prized artifacts of an emerging priestly caste. Space-derived eidetic images were the "tokens" taken from the experience. These are portrayed in Paleozoic art expressions, and are most always misunderstood by those who examine them with academic preconceptions. Eidetic messages between ground and space, information exchange between other worlds. These themes are not new among the archetypes within which we respond.

Without an experiential knowledge of these energies, one cannot comprehend the function of any ancient artifact. In fact, one cannot comprehend the modern expressions of technology apart from these black radiant principles, the very purpose and function of the VRIL COMPENDIUM itself. We each respond to every inflection and surge in the Vril Matrix. It is the connective environment and communicative envelope in which we move and have our being. Our own inflections of Vril, when life-affirming, effect a spreading impulse throughout the Matrix from which all can benefit. Negative inflections reside entirely within the confluent inertial space. We are each necessarily interpenetrated by these discharges, the external sustenance of our being.

The discovery of Vril in each society is attended by sudden and explosive growths in consciousness. The conscious magnification due to these developments produces Vril Technology. Each society produces its own peculiar blend of components and systems, whose first function is to maintain the new conscious state. This requires a technological system which becomes fixed, to some degree, through municipal mandate. Protecting the Vril Technology becomes the first action of any threatened society.


More advanced Vril-oriented societies developed systems which were self-protective. Of these, we must speak later. Most cultural groups rarely reached those levels of perfection. Recognizing that Vril Technology was the real core of their own survival, most ancient societies surrounded their Vril Systems with rich traditions and priesthoods. One would imagine that any society which discovers Vril and its wondrous consciousness-magnifying attributes would closely guard its secrets with such infallible safety measures.

Sheaf of paper

Vril and ELF Devices (1995) — Vril Generators, VLF Antennas, Military ELF. Dangerous VRIL magnifications by electrical impulses. ELF and Project Sanguine articles. Modifying human behavior by ELF brain wave entrainment. HAARP Project patents! Includes large radio power installations of the early Radio Age. Impulse Power Generators of Shoemaker, Reisz, Vreeland, Farnsworth, Chubb, Piggot, and more. Rare period photographs and articles. Huge plasma arc oscillators of Lesh, Fritz Lowenstein (Tesla's assistant), and Valdemar Poulsen. The final installment in Gerry Vassilatos's Borderland compendium of Vril technology, offering a direct psychic conduit to the telluric and esoteric powers that shape our world - available in our BSRF xerographic edition. Every purchase of print helps support the Foundation and allows us to provide our unique service to all seekers.

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