Vril Compendium
Vol. XI: Vril & ELF Devices
by Gerry Vassilatos
11.1. Space Permeating Articulations
The theme of this Compendium Volume is again to equate Vril dynamics with the historical development of technology. We will see that Vril dynamics, conscious and sensual in nature, appropriate the technologies which we develop for a mare fundamental process. Despite our own technological predilections and thematic fixations the Vril Matrix reveals its noumenous presence, projecting successive regimes of consciousness on behalf of all bio-organisms. We have shown that the Matrix itself is the external conscious seat of world experience. Technologies having antagonistic relationship with this Matrix are proliferated on a worldwide front. Their influence upon the Matrix and bio-organismic integrity stands in question. It is therefore of utmost importance that we first comprehend our place in the conscious Vril Matrix. Knowing this place, we may then begin undertaking better exploratory means through which to extend our experiential and conscious range in that Matrix.
Vril is the ground of being. The Matrix is the articulate structure which Vril develops, the inhabitable domain in which bio-organismic generation is sustained. The Matrix is that region in which consciousness exists and can be received. The most direct way in which we conceive the world comes through our immediate experience. This immediate experience is ordinarily one which is location-limited. Immediate experience focuses in distinct externally generated centers termed DIORAMAS. We can experience large portions of the whole world structure, gaining access to this experience through specific Vril Axes. Normally, however, our experience is the interblend between auric projections in a diorama. To honestly describe our world from this vantage does not produce heliocentric models. Eidetic experience does not reveal a heliocentric world. Eidetic experience reveals a geocentric world.
Auric expansions determine our experience in any location. We perceive the deepest world experience through auric projections. These projections emerge from the Matrix and suffuse our being, our auric anatomy. They are eidetic suffusions of various kinds, a conjugate procession. Receiving these highly densified eidetic suffusions gives us experience. We also reproject the suffusions which flow through us out into the world dioramas. We are thus thoroughly intermeshed within the Vril Matrix. Experience is a dynamic exchange, a transaction between the Matrix and our own auric anatomy. Changes which begin in the Matrix are experienced immediately in sentient beings. Instrumentalities which effect modifications in the Matrix effect changes in every district-connected sentient being.
Eidetic experience is gained through the aura. Eidetic experience is composed of distinct and related dioramas, districts, and regions. . . in that order. Our own experiential range extends only when we connect with successive district [2] permeating Vril Axes. Immediate experience therefore begins with focalized dioramas. These experiential dioramas orient and supply our being. Within the world dioramas we perceive parts, termed "gestalten" by some early researchers.
Gestalten are conscious or "conceptual portions" which, from infancy, help form our experiential process. In the saccadic examinations of objects, we evidence our own conscious emergence through the shell of our inertialized anatomy. Saccades reveal the manner in which our externally absorbed consciousness makes its way, in thready projections, through the inertial shell, called "visual rays" by certain Victorian researchers. The degree to which our pure auric anatomy breaks through this physiological shell determines our success as sensitives. Gestalten do not reveal that objects are made of parts. The parts are observed by our minds only as our consciousness examines the functional integrity of each whole created object. Dioramas are whole, created whole in the externally conceived visionary projection. The whole nature of created things may be contrasted against our own partial conscious process in a simple personal experiment. By gazing at any object, we will observe how that object seemingly "breaks up" in discretely examined parts. In this process, consciousness contacts and focuses into specific portions of objects.
The flow of eidetic information along the visual ray fulfills certain auric nutritive requirements of which we yet have little understanding. When that required eidetic flow is completely absorbed, the visual ray quickly moves to examine yet another portion of the object. This visual ray movement manifest as rapid saccadic ocular movements, each auric absorption taking a small fraction of a second. In this study of visual rays, the thready auric projections of our consciousness, we will comprehend the whole thesis contained in this Compendium Volume.
One may gaze long at a figurine or statuette, watching the constant flicker of awareness as it examines gestalten. One sees, for example, a particular feature into which we are suddenly absorbed. During this time period the other features of the figurine become blurred, as if somehow insignificant. Nevertheless this momentary point absorption ceases, and another is quickly found. The process occurs until the mind has reached a saturate eidetic potential, after which time we have successfully absorbed what eidetic nutritive value we can receive through the gazing act. Infants perform this rudimentary eidetic function throughout the many months of their preparation. It is fascinating to note that the saccadic examination of objects proceeds among specific points in the object, evidencing that generative Vril threads penetrate objects along specific axes.
When this remarkable fact is understood from the generative view, one recognizes that objects "blossom" or expand out from these generative points. Objects each reveal an intriguing and distinctive series of conscious foci, identical elements and substances always showing very different populations and orientations of the focal points. It is wondrous to note how we are drawn into these micro-alignments. Objects thus evidence deeper-than-atomic existence, emerging from conscious [3] foundations. But these studies require closer examinations which will be presented in a future Compendium Volume on Material Eidoactivity. Experiential dioramas are whole creations. Within these dioramas, we are able to identify certain forms, symmetries, and structures. Comparisons among dioramas reveal similarities and repetitions which evidence a fundamental compositional commonality, termed ARCHETYPES by certain conceptualists.
Vril sends the Archetypes. The archetypal composition of each diorama gives us insight into Vril itself, presenting something of the developmental history contained in contemporary Vril currents. Vril permutes surmounting its previous states with unexpected new manifestations. Each successive Vril permutation contains within itself all the previous developmental aspects in amalgamated form. Archetypes are actually primal forms which demonstrate the permuted developments of Vril. These each began in the countless previous aeons of consciousness. Vril space is consciousness, both continuously generating and projecting consciousness. Vril has external distributions which may be mapped. Vril currents suffuse the ground from archaeozoic depths which exceed geological scope, being metaphysical foundations. The world is founded on consciousness, not matter.
Vril visionary experience reveals that metaphysical foundations, not inertial ones, found the experiential topography in which we have our being. The black radiance is most powerfully concentrated in the ground layers and strata of world generative Vril. Vril strata evidence mysterious pulsating tides throughout the seasons. The ancient geomancers were familiar with all of these realities, a worldview gained from direct visionary experience. The objective existence and continuance of the material world evidences an EXTERNAL CONSCIOUSNESS which is both generative and projective. Experience is fundamentally EIDETIC in nature. This eidetic experience was once named "Astral" experience, the result of perception in the "Astral Space". This external consciousness expresses a visionary thesaurus, images which we have come to recognize as our world. It is a supernal generator. Vril is the world domain in which metaphysical and physical find juncture. The Vril World, the real World, cannot be discovered through any but direct means. Vril must suffuse the percipient, opening new consciousness. The world is not founded on matter; the world is founded on consciousness.
As inertial space is dissolved around a focused Vril channel one suddenly experiences the flood of consciousness which is Vril Space, a seething sea of eidetic treasures and organized thought process. In this manner we translate out of inertial space, the bound expression which academes prize, and enter the image floods of Vril Space. In Vril Space, the articulate matrix of consciousness, we find the continual flood of those experiences termed "metaphysical" and "imaginal". These are the suppressed communications from which the world is generated and sustained, a suffusive presence which upholds the experiential world. In this is comprehended the worldview which the ancients espoused, a world which confessed that consciousness is more fundamental than matter. Ideation, emotion, thought, archetype, [4] vision, dream, fantasy: those currents which academes judge to be unreal and internal, are all found in the Vril Matrix. These comprise the fundamental modes by which children and sensitives experience world communion. It is the world which retain retain for a few precious years before inertial space absorbs portions of their sense and mind, dulling them to the sparkling dreamtides which incessantly surge in the Vril Matrix.
For the academe, thoughts are produced by neurochemicals. For them, consciousness is a familiar chemical pattern which is replete with metaphysical "noise". Taken in our well-founded worldview, it is obvious why their world assessment is so sharp, final, and limited. Theirs is a science which makes observation in a captive inertial space; one whose dynamics are effects, completely dependent upon primary Vril directives. The assembled collection of dynamics which comprises academic physics is a study of the enveloped inertial space. Inertial space is not the whole of space. This is evident from common consciousness of common experience, through which the material of the world is made known.
Before there is matter there is mind. Consciousness remains the door. What academes have successfully managed is a dialogue in which sense restrictive laws and the placement of conscious barriers is first established. The second part of their dialogue examines the resultant effects of dividing human experience. Their divisions are completely arbitrary, lacking antagonists only because so few can sensitively discern such philosophical distinctions. Those with whom they differ are cast out of their consortium, a pseudo-religious hierarchy of clever profiteers who operate through yesmanship. The consciousness by which academes constructed their quantitative rules precedes those rules. . . and can disannul the arbitrary rules at any time. Basing this credo on inertial dynamics, however, academes are bound to sense restrictive rules by which "boundaries in experience" are enforced. They insist on their worldview despite the self-annihilating results.
The essence of academic refusal to engage purely subjective and qualitative world examinations is based on the arbitrary placement of boundaries in conscious experience. Otherwise whole and undivided, our common world experience flows in conscious currents by which we are in complete fusion with the external. We have adequately discussed the simple means by which personal consciousness can be proven to be the result of external conscious dynamics (Vol. 8. Vril and Ground Radio). In this we have seen that personal consciousness is a process of RECEPTION, and not one of autonomous manufacture. Personal consciousness shares in the flowing images and thought streams of which the whole external space is fundamentally comprised. It is from this sea of eidetic energies that both the solid world and we ourselves draw our being.
The absolute fixed axes of the referential world structure are discovered in world examinations made through conscious parameters alone. Inertial meters do not respond to these suffusive energies, which require bioarticulate reception. Biological organizations, neurosystems especially, recognize, [5] absorb, engage, experience, and participate in the imaginal sea, the true space. Ultimately important in our discussion is the realization that both the world and the experience of the world are conscious emanations which proceed from an EXTERNAL agency. This is why the world has continued and "objective" existence, being continuously sustained by the flood of eidetic energy. But, in this consideration, we cannot recognize conscious boundaries by which to separate self from world, internal from external.
The only boundaries which consciousness recognizes are determined by preordained axes which permeate experiential space, and direct conscious attentions. Boundaries which consider inertia are clearly divisional, based on touch and sight but not on consciousness. In the greatest consideration, inertial space is only an invasive agency. It is a dead zone whose permeating presence occludes complete Vril engagements. It is therefore an incomplete consciousness, robbing those who pursue experiential joy, sensation, and world communion. Inertial consciousness progressively leads to death.
Inertial expressions cover a range of manifestations which academic science does not properly classify as such. All inertial components in the environment (pressures, momenta, fields, particles, forces) are the result of Vril penetrations through the inertial space. At the core of each of these phenomena, one finds the fundamental black radiance. The unfortunate schism which deranged scientific pursuits placed emphasis on the wrong components of phenomena. Rather than examining the vital qualities which suffuse the world, science began seeking knowledge of the inertial detritus which accompanies Vril expressions in the terrestrial environment. Academia thus chose the study of quantitative rather than qualitative phenomena. With this revision came the revilement of human sensation, the preference of inert measuring tools over subjective experience. It was thus that the human sensorium, our providential access into Vril world reality, was reviled in favor of alienating mechanisms.
Inertia is the occlusive and resistant medium which binds the free expression of Vril, the bio-dynamic generator. Whether naturally or deliberately, dissolved inertia releases magnified conscious states to us. This is why it is imperative for us to learn more of the Vril nature; developing systems for the expressed purpose of dissolving the inertial occlusions which occupy so much of our world. External consciousness is the eidetic sea from which the world is generated, and in which it is sustained. One has only to close the eyes to recognize that consciousness persists despite the removal of the world-probing senses. With the eyes closed, one recognizes that all thought and ideational imagery does not cease with the eradication of external awareness. In fact, sensory deprivation results in an intensification of consciousness (Lilly).
Our individual consciousness is a shared experience, an energy which is wholly received from the outside. Our consciousness is the simple proof that the world is suffused in a sea of consciousness. This persistent consciousness is the [6] world-suffusing foundation, the very deepest nature and origin in which world observations must be made. Apart from this conscious space, this origin point, this ultimate cause, all other observations are superficial effects. This primary consciousness which capably examines the world has the very deepest vision as its fundamental sensory gate. The ancients called it mind-vision. As one peers into matter, one experiences various sensations, transitions, phases. As one peers into matter, one receives impressions, images, ideas, revelations. The ancients realized the most sublime truth. Suffused in the generative consciousness, the world exists.
Observations which are made with the mind reveal a world which differs from that which is obtained through the other senses. It is possible to observe the world through the senses, devoid of consciousness. In fact, when captivated by the world and its dynamics, one experiences a cessation of consciousness. Such non-conscious sense examinations of the world form the very basis of quantitative science. The discipline of exceptional conscious awareness was required before philosophers would permit themselves the simplest empirical examinations of the world. Deeply aware that non-conscious examinations would bring falsehood into their minds, most grew increasingly distant from the discipline itself. Intended to suffuse consciousness throughout the body, permitting complete fusion with sense examination, philosophy grew to reject the world matter in favor of the ideal which its mind perceived.
Pythagoras taught a method through which consciousness could be actively suffused into sensory examinations, bringing new appreciation for the presence of the ideal world within the physical world. His methods utilized mind-magnifying devices . . . musical instruments . . . through whose application it was possible for both individuals and groups to enter new and suffusive mind states. In these states, world examinations could be made with great ease. Pythagoras discovered that specific scales and repetitious tones could so dissolve the world resistance, that a persistent and suffusive energy would appear. The "rhizomes", resounding and ringing tones, flooded places where these experiments were undertaken. Pythagoras discovered that specific ground points permitted especially rapid and sustained entrances into these magnified mind states, always the sacred places which were anciently revered. His development of special theatrums had as its aim the literal conversion of conscious space on behalf of a large participatory consortium.
The simple knowledge that our consciousness is an externally generated energy, one which is absorbed into our being from surrounding space was anciently revered as truth. Those exceptional receptions of idea and vision, common to all sentient beings, were observed with all reverence and devotion. The knowledge that space was suffused by a vast consciousness was not considered a strange and derided notion. The very mention of such a singular conception was not attended by blasphemous responses. Nevertheless, this was the foundation on which ancient science stood. It chose consciousness itself as its fundamental observational base. Ideas and ideational images were considered [7] divine utterances (Socrates). There was no debate concerning the validity of the mind. For the ancients, the mind could peer into matter and perceive the archetypes and divinely ordained forms.
Pythagoras came closest to the long forgotten truths concerning consciousness and the means for achieving magnified mind states. It was recognized that philosophic discipline, an arduous and demanding personal process, was objectionable to most persons of moderate intelligence. Pythagoras realized that instrumental means could effectively and quickly achieve what the arduous disciplines could not. Continued saturation in musical energies brought elevated mind states to large numbers of individuals; individuals who yearned for a greater world. Those persons moved Pythagoras with a special devotion. He determined to grant them some aid in their personal quest.
It is obvious that the yearnings of needy minds were fulfilled in the method of Pythagoras, whose teachings are replete with special knowledge concerning the world-structure. More important, the Pythagorean school and method placed reliance on the utilization of INSTRUMENTS for dissolving inertial space and entering the magnified awareness through which came gratifying communion with the deepest accessible foundation. The use of instrumental aid permitted the Pythagorean Academy to rapidly achieve conscious states which were otherwise impossible to reach. One follows the developmental steps of ancient science through such knowledge with renewed vigor, recognizing the mark of consciousness magnifying INSTRUMENTS when examining archaeological artifacts and sites.
The later development and implementation of conductive instruments during the Twentieth Century evidenced the appearance of a new Vril permutation. This established consciousness in a new vector, a direction of developments which led to Radionic Science. Mind-permeating space topographies reveal the external and suffusive structure of the world. This structure can be dynamically modified by the application of special Radionic instruments. Collectively these instrumentalities and their special components comprise Vril Technology.

Vril and ELF Devices (1995) — Vril Generators, VLF Antennas, Military ELF. Dangerous VRIL magnifications by electrical impulses. ELF and Project Sanguine articles. Modifying human behavior by ELF brain wave entrainment. HAARP Project patents! Includes large radio power installations of the early Radio Age. Impulse Power Generators of Shoemaker, Reisz, Vreeland, Farnsworth, Chubb, Piggot, and more. Rare period photographs and articles. Huge plasma arc oscillators of Lesh, Fritz Lowenstein (Tesla's assistant), and Valdemar Poulsen. The final installment in Gerry Vassilatos's Borderland compendium of Vril technology, offering a direct psychic conduit to the telluric and esoteric powers that shape our world - available in our BSRF xerographic edition. Every purchase of print helps support the Foundation and allows us to provide our unique service to all seekers.
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