Project Revenant

"Our testimony is, all the spirits we have talked to have been ordinary people still interested in their earth friends. They know more than we do, because they are living in a strange country, and usually we can't see them, but they're commonplace humans for all that." — Meade Layne, "Seance Memoranda" (RR 1.4, May 1945)

Articles and Correspondence

    Editorials by Meade Layne

  1. "Simple Simon Hears Things" (RR 1.3, Apr. 1945) — on spirit trumpet mediumship
  2. "Hail, Blithe Spirits" (RR 1.4, May 1945) — on poltergeists
  3. "Conditional Immortality" (RR 1.6, July 1945) — on reincarnation
  4. "Reincarnation Again" (RR 1.8, Sep. 1945) — follow-up to "Conditional Immortality"
  5. "Occult Teaching Concerning Spiritualism" (RR 1.10, Nov. 1945) — summary of A.P. Sinnett's positions
  6. "The Pleasure of Dying" (RR 1.11, Dec. 1945) — on life after death
  7. "One Dozen Liars, or Set One So-and-So to Catch Another" (RR 2.2, Feb. 1946) — a scathing response to an investigation of mediums in "Woman's Home Companion"
  8. "Recordings of the Trumpet Voice" (RR 2.2, Feb. 1946) — on spirit trumpet mediumship
  9. "The Fate of the Suicide" (RR 2.6, June 1946) — on occult beliefs regarding suicide
  10. "Dr. Fodor Goes Hunting" (RR 2.7, July 1946) — a summary and review of Nandor Fodor's "Psychoanalytic Approach to the Problems of Occultism" (1945)
  11. "Voice from the Wasteland" (RR 2.7, July 1946) — on anti-spiritualism among Christians
  12. "Down Poppycock Alley" (RR 2.11, Nov. 1946) — a trenchant response to an expose of spiritism in "Science Illustrated"
  13. "So You Think There's Something In It!" (RR 3.3, Mar. 1947) — advice for newcomers into the borderland of science, spiritualism, and the occult
  14. Seance Memoranda

  15. "Seance Memoranda" (RR 1.4, May 1945) — unnamed mediums, undated.
  16. "Communication from Sir Oliver (Lodge)" (RR 2.2 Feb. 1946) — medium Gladys Osborne Leonard, 20 April 1944 in United Kingdom.
  17. "The *VAU* Communicators" (RR 2.3, Mar. 1946) — pseudonymous medium Janet, undated.
  18. "The Great (Harry) Houdini as Revenant" (RR 2.3, Mar. 1946) — trumpet voice recording by an unnamed medium, undated.
  19. "The *VAU* Communicators on the Departing Spirit" (RR 2.4, Apr. 1946) — unnamed medium, January 1946 in San Diego, CA.
  20. "Livre des Revenants: President Warren G. Harding" (RR 2.4, Apr. 1946) — seance recording by unnamed medium, 17 September 1934 in San Diego, CA.
  21. "Pages des Revenants" (RR 2.5, May 1946) — medium Mark Probert, 27 April 1946 in San Diego, CA.
  22. "The Mark P. Seances" (RR 3.2, Feb. 1947) — medium Mark Probert, January 1947 in San Diego, CA.
  23. Mediums & Mediumship

  24. "The (Franek) Kluski Mediumship" (RR 1.4, May 1945)
  25. "The (Franek) Kluski Mediumship, II" (RR 1.5, June 1945)
  26. "The (Carlos) Mirabelli Mediumship" (RR 1.6, July 1945)
  27. "The (Carlos) Mirabelli Mediumship, II" (RR 1.7, Aug. 1945)
  28. "The (Carlos) Mirabelli Mediumship, III" (RR 1.8, Sep. 1945)
  29. Vincent Gaddis, "The (Jack) Webber Seances" (RR 2.5, May 1946)
  30. Associate Evidence and Stories

  31. William G. Randall, "Three Cases of Evidence for Identity" (RR 1.9, Oct. 1945)
  32. William G. Randall, "Three Cases of Evidence for Identity, II & III" (RR 1.10, Nov. 1945)
  33. Vincent Gaddis, "Electrical Ghosts" (RR 2.1, Jan. 1946) — the appearance of phantom 'etheric' forms in electro-magnetic fields
  34. Meade Layne, "A Twice-Told Tale, or Mosses from an Old Hant" (RR 2.1, Jan. 1946) — the story of a haunting by a malevolent spirit invited via ouija board
  35. Clarkson Dye, "Concerning Spirit Possession" (RR 2.10, Oct. 1946) — a survey of California mental institutions regarding their policy on possession
  36. Vincent Gaddis, "Beyond the Etheric Veil" (1948)

This index of articles and mimeographs is still being assembled and the above represents only a very small portion; please do feel free to contact us via email if you are looking for specific materials on the matter of spirits, survival, trance mediumship, or anything else related, or have rare items that will interest fellow seekers and associates on the borderland.