

Round Robin friend Mr. John Gorman, of San Francisco, sends us, for curiosity's sake, a 4-page leaflet from the "New Day Series," published by the Better Literature Guild of California, Box 580, San Jose. It consists of a violent attack on spiritism from grounds of biblical authority. The passages cited are Eccl. ix-5; Psalm cxlvi-4; Eccl. ix-6; Job xiv-21. Much seance phenomena is attributed to fraud, nevertheless the presence of spirits is admitted; they are declared to be fallen Angels who impersonate the dead. Evil practises of this sort have been predicted and are to be expected; let us get "back to the bible" and to the vicarious atonement. "Standing upon this rock of truth, we shall never be drawn into the quick-sands of occultism."

Similar quotations come our way from time to time, of the fulminations of ecclesiastics, particularly of the Catholic Church. It is, of course, a waste of time to enter into any discussion at all on the level of religious authoritarianism; that approach is as outmoded as the objections to Galileo's telescope. But within arm's reach, as I write, I note an Encyclopedia of Biblical Spiritualism, wherein for 384 pages the bible is interpreted as a spiritualist and 'psychic' record. And one could collect a shelf-full of similar works. So the simplest plan if one must deal with such propagandists, is to refer them to opponents who speak their own language and have yet to be disposed of. Let all such contentions burn themselves out, as they will do in time, when the disputants begin to grow up mentally and spiritually.

In this anti-spiritualism leaflet there are interesting admissions, and much genuine alarm, and these are our real reasons for writing about it. "Prominent Churchmen forced the Archbishop of Canterbury to appoint a committee of investigation ... 7 out of 11 signed a report favorable to spiritism ... Canon Harold Anson broadcast an address avowing his belief in it ... Great perplexity has come upon the Church ... step by step it approaches spiritism and its dark doctrine that finds its source in the worship of demons ... The Bishops of Liverpool, London, and Norwich have all commended books on spiritism to the clergy of their dioceses ... The Bishop of Norwich is recorded as saying 'The evidence of Spiritualism is too strong, too wide-spread, and accepted by too many sober-minded people for hasty rejection.. Scientific men ... have pronounced in favor of the truth of spiritism.' Every falsism of paganism is exalted by spiritism in place of bible truth ... The serpent in Eden founded this faith when he declared, 'Ye shall not surely die.'"

The Round Robin Editor, as he has said more than once, accepts the basic contentions of spiritism - that is, the survival of personality, and communication with the 'dead.' He did not arrive at this opinion hastily, and will modify or abandon it on the day when some more satisfactory hypothesis will explain the data involved. He recognizes that proof and evidence are shifting and relative terms, that the evidence is cumulative, and the experimentum crucis, final and decisive proof for everybody, may well be impossible. Yet this evidence increases continually, and there is no alternative hypothesis to that of Spiritism which is worth extended consideration. It seems probable, too, that instrumental communication is close at hand, and this is likely to be convincing to the majority. It is a matter of the advance of knowledge, tho the implications for religion, science, and philosophy are very great. The truth is above all particular faiths, and the desire for it is at least the beginning of wisdom.



To those who are interested in the Flying Roll: The BETA issue of this quarterly is now being distributed at the usual price (.50). Altho this is a non-profit publication, we hope to make it meet expenses, and will be glad to have your personal recommendation of possible new subscribers. Inquirers are asked to state their occult affiliations, either past or present. (Address the Round Robin Editor).

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The Invisible World, a new book by Dr. Hereward Carrington comes to us too late for an adequate review in this issue. The author, well-known and indefatigable in the cause of psychic studies, needs no introduction and the book is a kind of summary of outstanding facts in his thought and experience. We recommend it especially to the newcomer in psychic research and spiritism, as a compact and non-technical survey. (Published by Bernard Ackerman, Inc., 116 E. 19th. St., N.Y. 3., 187 pp. $2.50)

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We remind our numerous readers in the Los Angeles area, of the lectures on Theurgy by Dr. Francis I. Regardie. These are concerned with theory and practise of the Golden Dawn techniques. The G.D. was an authentic and powerful magical Order, numbering many distinguished names upon its rolls, and the opportunity offered by these lectures is unique and valuable. Dr. Regardie may be reached at 3923 W. 6th St., Hollywood.

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A Cavalcade of the Supernatural, first printed in 1939, continues to enjoy well-deserved popularity. We have referred to it before in this bulletin as being one of the-best surveys of the field of psychic phenomena now available - and a must book for the newcomer. (By Harold H.U. Cross, Ph.D., Dutton & Co., N.Y.)

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Round Robin has no interest in a continued controversy with the Editors of Amazing Stories magazine. But it seems to us legitimate and useful to present psychic and occult facts, including, sometimes, mediumistic communications, in a factual and dispassionate manner, as matters of information - while it is something else, and often very harmful, to confuse them with fantastic and sadistic fiction. The distinction is clear enough in other-matters. Crime, for example, should doubtless be reported, but to sensationalize and exploit such news commercially is a public disservice. But it is precisely this distinction which Amazing Stories fails to recognize, in its recent counterblast against a letter by the Round Robin Editor. Scientifiction, on the whole, is neither science nor fiction in any determinate sense, but merely a contribution to fuzzy-mindedness - or a kind of mental hop which the real scientist avoids as he would the seven plagues.


Heaven not what it used to be

Psychic Observer in the course of a long featured article, tells of seance return of Aimee Semple McPherson, who seems to be still going strong, wants the world to know she's not dead but still preaching, and that no force on earth can stop her. Ended by walking around the room materializing chrysanthemums; florist added an appropriate touch by saying they ought to be worth $15 apiece. (Certainly we believe the story! Why not?)

Make me a child again.

National Spiritualist tells of childhood of Farmer Riley; folks would put him in his chair, push it up to the table so Jemmie could put his little patties on it; after that "no man in the room could hold it down." But this series of articles on Farmer Riley (James W. Riley, the medium) is valuable and very interesting...

Back to Wesley movement?

Astral authorship again

The New York Spiritualist Leader, active and newsy as always, reports that the Methodist Recorder has printed psychic stories in two recent issues and apparently plans to print more......
Mind Digest for July has the commendable courage to print an article by Wilfred Brandon, soi-disant Master "on the astral, etheric, and spiritual planes" and and communicator thru Edith Ellis; he urges all us earth folk to take psychism seriously as we do the atom bomb, encourage and demand that scientists turn their attention to it, particularly to instrumental means of communication (between the planes) and see that money and resources are freely supplied. The problem of future peace depends on this discovery, our world of human relationships will be reworked by it - but the discovery itself depends on us, on our interest and help... Round Robin is all for this program, whether sponsored by a Master or anyone else - and always has been. This first Brandon-Ellis book, Open the Door, seemed to us a remarkably effect piece of work, tho Brandon rather overreached himself in hinting "they" would let loose the earth-bound spirits upon us (the mean ones, that is), if we were fools enough to bring on another war, (but maybe that explained this "dero" derring-do that has been going on!)... We still think this first book is far the best of the four (it has had five printings), and there much incisive good sense, tho no startling news, in the Mind Digest Article.

Currente calamo

Some of the best book reviewing now being done in this country, is found in the pages of The Theosophical Forum (Covina, Calif.). Not only is the writing highly competent, but the books reviewed are selected with sound scholarly judgement... The Society has an excellent printing plant, expertly managed, a select library of some 25,000 titles, some excellent buildings, and all in a beautiful location about 30 miles east of Los Angeles, near Covina. Friends and sympathetic visitors are cordially welcomed.

The New Ecclecticism

Scientific Forum, Los Angeles bi-monthly, achieves in good measure what we regard as the ideal-to-come; we mean that it prints between the same covers serious scientific contributions, and studies in psychic research and parapsychology, along with book reviews and other side excursions. This is toward the synthesis, tolerance and new realism to which the Round Robin also aspires, in its more modest sphere... and Ave Amice! (Forum prints at 1621 Grand Ave., So.)


Our Abandoned Dead

We call our readers attention to excellent reprint and original articles in The Spiritual Digest for June. "How the so-called dead are abandoned when they leave this plane!" (writes E.C. Randall) "Who inquires of their journey, or their needs when they have reached the next condition? ... The great majority make no effort, send no message and receive no word, but let the dead care for the dead." The newly 'dead' are nearer, closer than before, and yearn for recognition and love, while we ignore them and sorrow for our loss. "Tell my father and mother to let me go," cried the distressed spirit (earth-tied by grieving parents). In our own way we have repeated these sentiments many times thru many years. Our stupidity and cruelty toward our dead (the new-born ones) is the scandal of all the worlds. And from this same cruelty we too shall suffer in our turn, rightly reaping what we have sown. Kapitan Kogelnik's first hand account of the early days of the Willy Schneider mediumship (a series of articles beginning in March) is a research document of importance... The "Evolution of Life", a spirit message translated from a publication of the Spiritual Research Association of Budapest is much above the average in interest and presentation. (The Spiritual Digest is published monthly, at 55 State Road, Hampton Manor, Rensselaer, N.Y. $1.25; .15 copy).

Indian Seance?

Under this title Psychoanalyst for July prints an excerpt from the Travels of Jonathan Carver among North American Indians in 1766-68. The account was printed in London in 1778 and has considerable historical interest, not much otherwise. Psychoanalyst has 32 pages, illustrations, slick paper and good format, plenty of spiritualist advertising. (240 W. 102nd St. New York 25. Year $2.50, copy .25).

Kosmon Gloom.

The Kosmon Pioneer, monthly publication of the Essenes of Kosmon at North Salt Lake, Utah, and Wing Anderson, tutelary genius and indefatigable purveyor of prophecies, feel the shadow of coming disasters - social, political, economic, and of out wearied Nature as well. We may have five years of grace; but "it may not take five months... Get your lanterns filled and ready for it looks like a bad night." (Address, as given; $1.00 year; copy .10).

Back to the Banshee.

There's an idea in some quarters that a Banshee confers distinction, is a sign of the haute monde; other folk think she follows the "Mac's" and the "O's" only. But in fact she plays no favorite... except that of Celtic stock. She is a "great occult mystery", is often seen as well as heard, the evidence is about as impressive as human testimony can make it - and in Ireland at least no one makes jokes about Banshees. Occult Review for April has a Banshee article - others on telepathy, Maeterlinck, the Faust Theme, Tycho Brahe, Atomic Energy, Elementary Spirits, The Fire Bird, Astro-Logic - or something for everybody this time! (68 Fleet St., Lon. E.C.4.)


The June Bulletin of the A.R.E. (Association for Research and Enlightenment) contains an article by Hugh Lynn Cayce entitled Citizen of the Universe, which leads off with a quote from Blavatsky. According to this, Christian teachings do not contain the truths of a complete plan of spiritual evolution, for the [17] reason that:

"The danger was that such doctrines as the Planetary Chain, or the seven races, at once give a clue to the seven-fold nature of man, for each principle is correlated to a plane, a planet, and a race... Any septenary division gives a clue to tremendous occult powers, which would have been very real to people of the early Christian era then entering a cycle of degradation... rife for sorcery..."

(The symbol is the Logos of the doctrine, writes Eliphas Levi. We interject here, with some hesitation, a personal comment - that the most impressive and powerful Glyph in all occult symbolism, according to our experience and belief, is a septenary classification. Its name is Sigillum Dei Aemeth, the Sigillum of the God of Truth, but in two decades of occult studies we have not seen it on the printed page. He who thinks there is no power in a symbol is a fool, tho his beard be snowed with learning. And in exalting the power of the Septenary Energies, Blavatsky spoke high truth, however much the smug scientism of our time condemn the ways of the esotericist!)

The Cayce article goes on then, to summarize the teachings of the Edgar Cayce clairvoyance with respect to soul-evolution, particularly during the inter-lives between earth incarnations, and to compare these with the teachings of Steiner, Blavatsky, and Manly P. Hall's lectures on ancient philosophy. "There is nothing new in the readings of Edgar Cayce," he concludes. "They relate to the oldest philosophies of which man has record... but they were given out bit by bit over forty years, for thousands of different people." This seems to us to be critical and valuable analysis... In the same Bulletin, Gina Cerminara describes the detailed fulfillment of an Edgar Cayce prophecy - tho on the whole he avoided attempts at forecasting. (Address the A.R.E. Inc., Virginia Beach, Va. .25 copy, $2.50 yr.)

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When the sleeper wakes.

Parapsychology Bulletin 2 (Duke University Press) has a two-paragraph quote, from Whately Carington - to the effect that the physical sciences and psychology are not going to help mankind out of our moral and social impasse. We need an enlightened, provable concept of man's relation to his fellows and to the universe, and the only source it can come from is the study of paranormal phenomena, such as telepathy, for example... It's not too often that we hear a scientist flatly admit that science as now conceived is completely helpless before the basic problems of good-will, tolerance, mutual help and understanding, responsibility, unselfishness. But the new science, psychology, and religion - the Illuminism of the inrushing future - carries all the sanctions of conduct with it, as orthodox religionism used to do, but on a new basis of knowledge and provable facts ... This Bulletin also lists seven doctorates given since 1933 for work in the field of Parapsychology, has several columns about ESP work in foreign centers, a number of book notes and short reviews... In short, the ESP investigators are prologists and scene-shifters of the 20th century drama called Science Wakes Up - a show well worth the seeing if not too long in rehearsal, deferred until actors and spectators alike are scattered dust-wise on apocalyptic winds...



So far as we can now see, Chapter One of Bikini-Folly is written and done with. What physical effects may yet appear, remain Time's secret. What actually took place is also a secret; that is to say, all reports have been fragmentary, varying and contradictory. What was the size of the bomb? At what altitude did it explode? How far off target center was it? Was there, or not, a secondary explosion? Estimates of the damage steadily increase. It is probable that, had the ships been manned, all personnel would have been lost, either by the blast itself or by later radioactive effects. That no disaster occurred is a cause for much thankfulness.

Predictions of mishap, however, were based on conditions which clearly were not fulfilled, chiefly upon a detonation close to the water surface, within 200 feet at most. From present information, this bomb may have exploded at an altitude of nearly a half mile, and no one predicted a disaster under such circumstances. Perhaps this was no accident; we can think of a number of reasons why it may have been planned that way. But having allayed popular fears, the wisdom of our leaders will now advance to an experiment which is really dangerous - the sub-surface explosion scheduled for later in July. Meanwhile, the vast areas of the South Pacific are rumbling ominously, shaken by repeated earth tremors of almost first magnitude. We do not say that this first experiment is related to them - but only that it may be. We repeat that the whole region is dangerously unstable, and that this next and most risky experiment is simply another and greater folly.

Whom the Gods would destroy . . . . . . .

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The Out-thrust Neck -
or, Dr. Doreal on the Avatar

Dr. M. Doreal, distinguished Head in the Brotherhood of the White Temple (Denver), is a prophet with the courage of his convictions, predicts by clock and calendar - and who are we to cast shadow of doubt? The coming Avatar is now living in Tibet; he is a little over 15 years old. He was born in America, of American parents - and will make his appearance at high noon, May 2nd, 1956, at the corner of 42nd St. and Broadway, New York City. The sun will then be blotted out, but a golden rose-light will spread over everything; a great ray of two unknown colors will descend upon Him from the skies, and for 100 miles around, all sickness will be instantly healed. But this is only the first of many miracles --

Mrs G.B. Lambert sends us the Avatar pamphlet, one out of many Doreal publications. The address of the Brotherhood is 1600 Logan St, Denver 5. (There are 36 pamphlets listed, at .25 each).

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Chimes magazine, to our mind, improves with each issue. We recommend the July number for some specially interesting articles. Published monthly at Brea, California, (Box 157), Bert L. Welch, Editor. $1.00 a year (which isn't half enough).



Dr. Philip S. Haley (President, California Society for Psychical Research), friend of Round Robin and well-known to our readers, sends us several items on fire-walking. The longest of these has already appeared in the Flying Roll and we merely summarize it here. It is taken from International Notes, by Harry Price, published August 1930 by the ASPR.

This dealt with a fire-walking spectacle at Durban in Natal, where the Hindu performers walked thru red-hot ashes ankle deep, "the heat from the pit being so great that the first few rows of seats had to be left vacant." Their feet showed no trace of burn. The London-educated priest attributed their protection to the Hindu Gods.

Dr. Haley then adds: "About the time of the appearance of the above I read another account of African fire magicians who buried their heads in fire pits filled with red-hot and white-hot stones, and remained there for a half hour, covered to the shoulders with earth. I lost the copy of the ASPR Jour. from my files, but it was published probably in the late 20's. The incident was reported by a party of engineers, and if true is the most remarkable thing of its kind in modern times."

If any reader can supply a transcript of this account, from ASPR Journal files, we would be very grateful indeed.

Concerning the word spiriton (concerning which Dr. Walter Gordon recently raised a question, in a RR article), Dr. Haley tells us it was first used by one Dr. Bryan, M.D., who used to write for the Banner of Life. He thought that the spiritons were the spiritual counterpart of the male and female germ cells, that they underwent a fusion at the time of maturation of the latter, then entered the prepared gamete as the embodied soul. As to the word spiroculon, Dr. Haley coined it to distinguish between the two forms of light sparks, the one seen in the sky and the other in the aura before one's eyes.

In connection with this whole matter of fire immunity, RR Editor draws attention to the tales (some of them seeming well verified) of 'adepts' who could not be touched or struck or injured by any weapon, if they so desired. It is alleged that this immunity results from a hardening of the auric shell, or of ectoplasmic or etheric material, which can be made impenetrable and non-conductive of heat. The immunity of Tibetan wonder-workers to extreme cold perhaps falls in the same category. We are only pointing out that the same psychic or psycho-physical mechanism may operate in all these instances; and the hardening of the auric shell to form a complete insulating envelope for the body has a certain plausibility about it, as an idioplastic phenomenon, and in conjunction with what we know of the properties of the ectoplasm and of auric and etheric matter. And it is natural, in fact inevitable, that a psychic feat of this sort should be accompanied by prayer or ritual and religious ceremonies, as are most magical operations. Nor does this conflict in any way with the fact that the process could be described in physiological and psychological terms. - if only we knew enough to do so... It is merely pseudo-scientific superstition, to suppose that magic and natural law are mutually exclusive concepts.


- Of Unreviewable Books -

Shadows of Life and Thought: A Retrospective Review in the Form of Memoirs, by Arthur Edward Waite (1938)

This book is not new, nor popularly known, nor can it be reviewed, especially if the would-be critic has himself even the most trifling knowledge of tin vast backgrounds against which it moves. "I am eighty years old," writes this mystic, scholar and poet, "but the sense of a great weariness is not with me, or the sense of age as age counts according to the digits of time." Out of this wide and complex pageant of mysticism and sacramental religion and names of the obscure-great connected therewith, it is impossible to select or summarize, or to quote without being equally committed to a hundred passages.

For those who have been and are concerned with the Golden Dawn, the Rosy Gross, Masonic esotericism, Qabalism and the great glyph of the Tree of Life, and the mysteries of the holy Tarot, with the path of the intellectualist-and-mystic during the last sixty years of our modern world - this book is beyond price. In style and thought it belongs to the world of culture, hardly at all to the sphere of 'education' in the glib and technical contemporary sense... A.E.W. made many enemies and faintly enjoys them still, but this is now of small account, nor does the book more than hint of them. It is above all a documentation of the inner life, of the Path of the Arrow, the ascent of the hill of Daaeth, even to the white light of the Supernals...

Professor Ryan of Covina Theosophical Headquarters sent us this book in the first instance, and we have never returned it to him. Pages and print and binding have gone back, but the essence and bookness of it, the true inner soul and life of it stays with this reviewer, whose thin pretense of competence was abandoned with his first sentence.

(London. Selwyn & Blount, Paternoster House, E.C.4. 282 pp. -15/-)

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The unreviewable book fits into no category, eludes every facile characterization. One can make comment on a paragraph, even a chapter sometimes - but then the next one, all the others, remain undescribed yet, equally important. Fortunately for reviewers, unfortunately for the world, contemporary books of this sort are rare. But Pathways Through to Space, by Dr. Franklin Merrell-Wolff, is one of them. It is an honor to be asked or permitted to review it, but this writer cannot merit it. Here is a Western thinker, a philosopher and mathematician who has attained Illumination, Recognition, Realization of the higher consciousness. His approach has been made, on the whole, by Western rather than by Oriental methods, though Indian and Tibetan philosophy lies everywhere in the background. At the same time, it is personal exploration and individual experiment, without rigors of asceticism or any narrowness of doctrinal outlook Compassion above all the author seems to tell us - but there is more than one Path to Enlightenment and the High Indifference. Each one of us must, in some true deep sense, find his own way.

Though, the end of this seeking may be mystical Enlightenment the Path and the manner of it are subject to intellectual analysis and keen critical evaluation. This means that all the basic concepts of esoteric thought, and of philosophy, psychology, and religion are sifted, examined and their values synthesized. How is one to 'review' a book which is not really written to be read, but to be lived with in in close fellowship? The reviewer hopes to speak again of his companionship with Pathways - but scarcely to do more than that.

(Richard R. Smith, 120 E. 39th St., New York 16)



Edward Carpenter. Drama of Love and Death... Houdini and Conan Doyle, by Ernst and Carrington ... E. Lee Howard, D.D.; My Adventures into Spiritualism ... Robert J. Thompson; Proofs of Life After Death ... James H. Hyslop; Science and a Future Life ... Leon Dennis; Life and Destiny ... Cora L.V. Richmond; Psychosophy ... Camille Flammarion; Death and the Mystery after Death ... May Wright Sewell; Neither Dead Nor Sleeping (Introduction by Booth Tarkington). - $1.00 EACH -

I.K. Funk; The Widow's Mite and Other Psychic Phenomena. 541 pp. $1.50.
Augusta Gaskell; Whence, Whither, Why? $1.50
John H. Mamas; Life's Riddle Solved (Metempsychosis). New. $1.50
Sir William Barrett (spirit messages from); Personality Survives Death. $1.50
Maud Lord Drake; Psychic Light. .50
H.W. Dresser; The Power of Silence. .50
I.K. Funk; The Psychic Riddle, .75
Cora L.V. Richmond; My Experience While Out of My Body. .50


GEOMANCY: The Art of Divination by the Element of Earth. With drawings and tabulations of correspondences. The only separate treatise in print on this curious mode of divination, widely used by modern occultists and very effective. By Meade Layne (Editor of Round Robin). $2.00

Letters of a Soldier: Basic ideas of spiritism and occultism, with reading list. Meade Layne (Ed. of Round Robin). $1.00.

WANTED: One copy of The Problem of Lemuria, by Lewis Spence. V.H. Gaddis, Winona Lake, Ind.

WANTED: A RR subscriber wished to get in touch with some resident of San Juan Capistrano, and/or San Juan (both in Calif.), with reference to certain clairvoyant experiences. Write the RR Editor.

Automatic Drawing: For unique curious and attractive greeting cards adapted to the birth month, write Mrs. H.M. Plemon, 59 Atlantic Ave, Long Beach 2, Calif. $1.00 for 12, .50 for 6. Specify months desired.

For sample copies or subscriptions to any psychic or spiritualist publication, U.S. or foreign, write the Bobbitt Agency, 1609 - 10th Ave. North, Nashville, Tenn.

Addresses of Periodicals: Sunflower. 15 No. Maryland Ave., Atlantic City, N.J. 1.yr., 6 issues, .55. (Bock service) ... Chimes. Brea, Calif., Box 157. Monthly, $1.00 yr. Copy .10 ... Maxin 96, Hollywood, has temporarily suspended publication ... Western Spiritualist, 6 page mimeo. bulletin, mo., .50 a yr. 1737 - 101st Ave., Oakland 3. Walter Gordon, Editor ...

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(Announcements on this page are made without charge, for the convenience of Round Robin readers.)


  1. Hull, Moses. Encyclopedia of Biblical Spiritualism: Or, a Concordance to the Principal Passages of the Old and New Testament Scriptures Which Prove or Imply Spiritualism; Together with a Brief History of the Origin of Many of the Important Books of the Bible. Chicago: M. Hull, 1895. Print. [Digital, 2nd ed.: <http://catalog.hathitrust.org/Record/006875907>]
  2. Carrington, Hereward. The Invisible World: Experiences Out of a Lifetime of Psychical Research. New York: Beechhurst Press, B. Ackerman, Inc, 1946. Print. <http://amzn.to/1EoOPpl>
  3. Cross, Harold H. U. A Cavalcade of the Supernatural. New York: E.P. Dutton & Co, 1939. Print. <http://amzn.to/1GmqEHo>
  4. Brandon, Wilfred, and Edith Ellis. Open the Door! New York: A.A. Knopf, 1935. Print. <http://amzn.to/1JEi1Nz>
  5. Price, Harry. "International Notes." Journal of the American Society for Psychical Research 24.8 (August 1930). Print. [May be available through aspr.com]
  6. Waite, Arthur E. Shadows of Life and Thought: A Retrospective Review in the Form of Memoirs. London: Selwyn and Blount, 1938. Print. <http://amzn.to/1FQg4eb>
  7. Merrell-Wolfe, Franklin. Pathways Through to Space. New York City: Rich. R. Smith, 1944. Print. <http://amzn.to/Oyhu4Z>