Borderland Studies of the Human Aura
Being a collection of materials relating to the influence and potentials for observation of the Etheric Double, the Inner Aura, and the Outer Aura.
- "The Aura" by Erwin C. Krieger -- Part I & Part II: two-part article from the 1946 volume of the Round Robin
- "Eidetic Space: The Ground of Being" by Gerry Vassilatos: introduction to eidetic perspectives from JBR 51.1 (1995)
- Auguste Marques, "The Human Aura: A Study" (1896)
- W. J. Colville, "The Human Aura and the Significance of Color: A Series of Three Lectures" (1909)
- H. Baraduc, "The Human Soul: its Movements, its Lights, and the Iconography of the Fluidic Invisible" (1913)
- William Walker Atkinson (as Swami Panchadasi), "The Human Aura: Astral Colors and Thought Forms" (1916)
- Alexander Cannon, "The Invisible Influence: A Story of the Mystic Orient with Great Truths Which Can Never Die" (1933)
- Annie Besant and C. W. Leadbeater, "Thought-Forms" (1901)
- Walter Kilner, "The Human Atmosphere or the Aura Made Visible by the Aid of Chemical Screens" (1911)
- George Starr White, "The Story of the Human Aura" (1928)
- Oscar Bagnall, "Origin and Properties of the Human Aura" (1937)
- Hereward Carrington, "Laboratory Investigations into Psychic Phenomena" (1939)