The key to understanding the work and instruments of Dr. Ruth Drown lies in a firm grasp of the two fundamental energy manifestations connected with the human body. These are, first, the electrostatic energy of the physical-mineral tissues, and second, the vital energy which passes into and through those tissues enabling them to hold their form. Electrostatic energy remains with the physical body after death. It is the departure of vital energy from the physical body that constitutes death.
A century ago, doctors engaged with greater freedom in discussion writing concerning life force and/or vital energy than they do today. The rise of the materialistic era to its ultimate development resulted in the study of the physical body of man being deemed all-sufficient.
The most elementary manner in which we bring the effect of vital energy to the experience of the reader is by drawing the following simple comparison. Place a human corpse in a grave; such a corpse has no other innate property than inertia. When, however, we seek to bury a man alive, i.e., a corpse with its vital energy still passing th rough it, then we encounter the definite application of force, through the energetic resistance to burial that the living man will set up.
Using pinacyanole bromide screens or goggles and a method developed by the writer, it may be seen by anyone that there is a definite emanation from any substance viewed by this method. Any physical object, made of any substance will be seen to be surrounded by a pale, fine, luminous radiance that is distinctly fluidic in appearance and behaviour. The method of bringing such things under observation cannot be fully explained within these space limitations; yet it must be stressed that the means of observing this strange, ghostly emanation is physical and repeatable and requires not the slightest metaphysical knowledge.
Just as there is a difference between the corpse and the living human, so is there a difference observable by these means between living things and mineral substances. Everything living has an etheric double, a duplicate of itself extending approximately 1/32 of an inch from the physical structure, and being pale grey in appearance. The "double" is not normally perceived by the unaided eye. Nor are bacteria. Bacteria have been brought into scientific ken by the microscope's ability to remove man's optical limitations. Pinacyanole bromide, like the microscope, also removes an optical limitation.
No credence whatever can be given to any statement from any scientists, physician or physicist who says he does not believe there is an etheric double. Such beliefs are simply out of date, and cannot in the scientific order of things be accorded equal standing with what may be observed, repeatably and at will, through the proper method.
In the past it has been argued endlessly as to whether or not living substances, or physical-mineral substances give off an emanation. Since the fact that they do is vital to a grasp of Drown therapy and how it works, the point has been dwelt upon in detail. Everything has an emanation, and the etheric double is a scientific fact.
The origin of the emanations is the next point to deal with, since this too impinges directly upon an understanding of the Drown instruments. There can be no doubt that these emanations derive from the molecular activity going on continuously in everything having physical form. The molecule is the unit of mass form. The different arrangements of molecules produce different substances. The molecular arrangement that produces steel is different to that producing lead, and the molecular arrangement producing lung tissue is different to that producing liver tissue.
Any physicist will tell you that the molecules are whirling particles of electricity. These whirlings never cease. It is this activity of these particles that produces the radiance we can see all around all substances in the manner described above. Except in terms of the amount of radiance observed, the eye does not perceive any essential difference between emanations. Yet, since they are in each case the result of a specific type of activity individual to each substance, these emanations must be characteristic in some way of their source.
It is these very emanations that are drawn into the Drown Instrument when any substance is being examined. In diagnosis and in "setting a rate" it is therefore the electrostatic energy that is involved. This operation of setting a rate concerns itself with expressing the emanations drawn into the instrument as a number.
The Drown Instrument is analogous to any other instrument used for the reception and detection of a broadcast. It must have an antenna. In fact, the whole Drown Instrument is nothing but a tuneable antenna, so simple in layout that electronics experts have been deceived into thinking that it is nothing but a straight wire, electrically speaking.
The Drown Instrument consists of nine dials, each of which is made up of ten small brass studs. Each dial therefore has ten positions that may be selected by the operator, just like any other radio dial. Just as when you turn your tv set from channel to channel you alter the electrical characteristics of the set to fit the station you wish to receive so are the dials of the Drown instrument moved [3] for tuning. Whereas in tv we deal with the known electromagnetic spectrum, with the Drown Instrument we are dealing with the very subtle, fluidic emanations from the molecules described earlier.
Since these "molecular broadcasts" are of a totally different order to the recognized and accepted spectrum, we must expect that the means by which these broadcasts are tuned and handled will be different. Through the years, more than one blundering fool with too much formal education in electronics and too little grasp of the laws of life, has said that it is impossible for Dr. Drown's instruments to do anything she claims. Only recently, the writer, who has held a professional radio operator's license for fifteen years, was discussing these instruments with an electronic expert. The expert delivered himself of his weighty opinions. Then he was shown the emanations from a pencil, his checkbook and his own hands. Asked about these radiations and how to tune them the man simply folded up like an undertaker's chair. It is very easy in this world to be down on things before you are up on them.
The arrangement of nine dials with ten studs each permits combinations of these tiny impedances going into billions. The sensitivity of the instrument is absolutely remarkable, when we consider that with it we may pick up from the human body, with its jumble of molecular broadcasts, those of each individual organ and gland.
To establish a "rate" for a substance, i.e., to express it as a number, in terms of dial readings, that substance is placed on the foot plates of the instrument. The footplates are actually the end of the antenna. The operator then begins to stroke the detecting pad which is connected between the instrument and ground. The dials, beginning with the first of "disease" dial (impingement of function produces the base rate of vibration or disease vibration) are slowly rotated as the detector pad is troked. The friction of the operator's hand upon the detector pad moves these minute molecular broadcasts through the instrument when the arrangement of the dials is such that resonance exits between the instrument and the sample being examined. This subtle energy flow manifests as a stickiness of the pad. With an expert operator such as Dr. Drown, the fingers adhere strongly to the rubber pad, and a distinct and quite loud snapping sound is produced. The detection is therefore both tactile and audible, and very positive with the properly trained operator.
One at a time the various vibratory components from the sample are extracted. The dials are arranged like the octaves on a piano. When, say, 8 has been recorded on one dial, the operator then begins from zero on the next, and so on until no more vibratory components come in from the sample. For the physicist or student, it may be stated that this process of setting a rate is equivalent to a practical application of Fourier's Theorem. The periodic partial vibrations are extracted one at a time. Their sum, expressed as a number, is the total vibration.
No pains must be spared at this point to lay down with force and clarity that these reactions are gained without the psychic participation of the operator, efforts to use extrasensory perception, or the conscious effort to generate specific thought forms. This type of activity leads into a separate and bewildering realm that the physician especially at all costs must avoid if he is to get accurate diagnosis. Let there be no doubt in the mind of anyone that these instruments which are sensitive enough to pick up the molecular emanations of physical substances, will react to the operator's thought forms, or to those of others. The operator must set himself aside from the instrument. Having diagnosis dependent upon the doctor's state of mind, or ESP, or psychic powers, is at this stage of human evolution a cumbrous and unwelcome humbug. The Drown system, and physicians trained in its use, aim at avoiding this.
Pathological and histological specimens, mineral samples, photographs or any other articles may be placed on the input of the instrument and "rates" established. Systematic work, over the period of almost forty years with which Dr. Drown has been involved in this work, including thirty years with her own instruments, has led to the recording of sufficient rates to permit the detection of virtually every major disease and most minor ones. These are all classified in an Atlas, to which new rates are constantly being added.
As far as pathological specimens are concerned, it is obvious that when tissue is diseased, its form changes. Consequently, the molecular broadcast changes. If the correct broadcast is missing, the patient's symptoms and case history send the doctor looking for other likely broadcasts. Through the years and years of work that she has put in with the instruments, Dr. Drown has become a diagnostician of formidable proficiency; she is accurate and phenomenally fast.
As far as any tests of these methods are concerned, it is to be expected that in more than thirty years in practice, Dr. Drown's diagnosis would have been verified many times against the slower, orthodox method. This has been the case. There have been very minor differences between her results and those obtained by the longer processes of the hospital laboratory. By numerical methods she has painstakingly worked out, Dr. Drown is able to make a blood chemistry, urinalysis and blood count while the patient sits there with his feet on the plates. All these analyses and checks are made in the body, not with the fluids removed from the body. Hence the minor differences between Dr. Drown's results and those of the regular laboratory.
The checking of all organic functions is also carried out in this method of diagnosis. The writer knew, for example, as the result of a regular examination, that his eyesight was 20/20. During the diagnosis Dr. Drown asked the writer if he knew what his eyesight was. He replied in the affirmative without giving the figures. A moment later her assistant held up the diagnostic sheet, on which the version had been recorded by the Instrument as 20/20. This is but one of the flabbergasting [5] proofs the writer has had concerning the accuracy and efficacy of Drown diagnosis.
The cornerstone of the diagnosis is the case history. This is made as complete as possible. Then the patient sits with his feet on the plates, a few feet to Dr. Drown's right. Her assistant sits on her left with the diagnostic chart. Dr. Drown can in this position read the dials, talk to the patient, or her assistant, as she chooses. This she does, all the while getting reactions from the instrument. In connection with the comments concerning psychic participation made earlier to see Dr. Drown at work is to develop the conviction that it is the instrument that is telling the story, as read directly from the patient. There is no "holding a thought", merely the confident movements of a lady who knows what she is doing.
On the diagnosis chart are more than a hundred separate entries. As Dr. Drown tunes the instrument through all the various parts of the body, the process is something like a frequency check run by the FCC, to ensure that a radio station is broadcasting on its assigned wavelength. The broadcast rates of all the organs and glands are known, function can be measured, diseased conditions detected and verified. After about forty minutes, a complete blueprint of the patient's body has been made.
There may be, say, several instances of very low function in different organs and glands, and the presence of certain infection established. One of the most fascinating aspects of the entire Drown diagnosis now takes place, something that in itself is a golden gift to medical science. This is establishing the first cause of the patient's difficulties.
Dr. Drown herself described this as "checking the blueprint". Homeopathic organ and gland substances are used in connection with this phase of the diagnosis, being contained in small bottles appropriately labeled kidney, liver, heart, etc.
From these bottles come emanations distinctive to the substances inside. Thus the homeopathic extract of kidney gives off the vibrator rate of normal, healthy kidney. If these bottles are studied in the same way as other substances it will be seen that they have an emanation. These are now placed in turn in the specimen well of the instrument, so that they are between the patient and instrument. There are thirty of them. The purpose is to establish which organ is he underlying cause of the diseased conditions in the patient.
The placing of these substances in the specimen well is tantamount, electrically speaking, to connecting a perfectly functioning organ into the body of the patient. By a process of elimination, the substances which are capable of dissipating the disease reaction on the instrument's detector pad are separated from those which do not. The final step involves setting the dials to the organs and glands which are low in function. One substance and one substance only survives [6] these finer tunings, and dissipates all disease reactions. This therefore represents the organ or gland that is the first cause of disease in the patient.
Having established the first cause of disease, and made a full blue print of the patient's body, the doctor using the Drown system is now in a position to choose and direct the correct and most efficacious treatment of the patient. It should be pointed out that no energy enters the Instrument except that of the patient. What is examined on the instrument is therefore as individual as the patient's fingerprints. There are no connections to the power socket, no transistors, no solar cells, no batteries. Just the subtle energies from the patient himself, by the means herein outlined, are examined in the diagnosis.
There is no doubt that these instruments can only be effectively used by well trained and knowledgeable physicians. A thorough knowledge of human body and all its workings is a prerequisite to efficient and effective diagnosis by the Drown methods. The Instrument is not now and never has been a substitute for skill, training and knowledge, although it is an agency through which these elements may be more effectively applied in the service of suffering humanity.
The first question that arises in connection with diagnosis and the whole system of therapy invented and developed by Dr. Drown concerns its proof. This is a logical question. It is also far more easily and overpoweringly answered than most persons imagine. The proof is derived from Dr. Ruth Drown's Radio-Vision Instrument, an extension of the diagnostic instrument. The writer considers the Radio-Vision Instrument to be the greatest single invention in the history of mankind, bar none.
This view may be deemed extravagant by some. Yet the evidence is incontrovertible that a Drown Radio-Vision Instrument, tuned in accordance with the principles herein outlined, will cast upon a photographic plate pathological and histological cross-sectioned pictures of both the soft and hard tissue of the human body. These pictures may be made from the blood crystal of the patient, no matter where he is on earth. Where in all history has there been a greater scientific achievement? And where in all history has there been anything more clearly destined to open up the whole philosophy of the fine forces?
Radio-Vision pictures of this type have been made since 1935, when Dr. Drown invented the Radio-Vision Instrument. The Radio-Vision Instrument is not a machine like a camera. It is used, and can be used only after a complete diagnosis of the patient concerned has been made. In effect it is a diagnostic instrument with a simple attachment that permits the minute body currents to be scanned on a photographic plate. The pictures are closely akin to X-ray pictures, but they are capable of recording things that elude X-ray.
The astounding cross-sectional nature of these pictures indicates that some definite tuning involving magnetic lines of force is employed for the tissue in, say, a gall bladder, is perfectly sectioned by the [7] photographic process. It is as though a scalpel had cut the organ from top to bottom, and the wall of that incision photographed. What you get depends on what you tune in to. You photograph a gallstone because you tune in on gallstones. The principles of resonance ensure that you get nothing else, any more than you get Channel 2 on TV when you are tuned to Channel 7.
This evidence is stupendous in its power to convince. The writer has studied hundred of these Radio-Vision photographs in comparison with standard anatomical drawings and charts of the areas photographed. There is simply no doubt as to what the instrument is doing. Surgeons at times have asked Dr. Drown to take Radio-Vision photographs, and have subsequently confirmed their truth by both surgery and postmortem surgery.
The writer felt that something describing this incredible contribution should be made available to the public. Accordingly, he helped Dr. Drown prepare a booklet containing some 20 Radio-Vision photographs with a brief review of the theory entitled "Radio-Vision, Scientific Milestone." This booklet is available from the Humanitarian Research Foundation, 1358 North La Brea Ave., Hollywood 28, California. Associates should send a donation if they want copies of the booklet.
The next article will deal with the theory of Drown therapy, an appropriate application of the same theory used in the diagnosis and Radio-Vision photography. To this will be added a summary of the connections existing between the numbers that are the foundation of Drown therapy, and the numbers that are the foundation of the Universe, as formalized in the ancient esoteric system we know as the Qabalah. When BSR Associates see the extent and depth of the discoveries made by Dr. Drown, and now available on the Earth plane for unlimited application, they will realize the magnitude of her contributions to humanity.
Simultaneously, it will be readily understood why so much opposition and persecution has attended the development of these principles. This represents a wholesale and systematic proof of laws underlying all life, with man glorified as a most marvellous spirit-being incarnated as the crown of physical creation. Such things may be talked about and discussed endlessly without reprisal. The worker who sets about getting proof of such things finds himself encountering opposition stemming from the darkest recesses of men's souls, wherel ie the well-springs of counter-evolutionary activity.
Steps to the Stars
We promised to continue with Chapter Three, Matter and Mass, of Daniel W. Fry's authoritative little book on gravity, in this issue of our Journal; but we have now decided to hold it over until the March issue, allowing for more room for development of understanding about the ethers in this journal.
Continue with "The Work of Ruth Drown" (Part II)

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Further Reading
- Drown, Ruth B. The Science and Philosophy of the Drown Radio Therapy. Los Angeles: Printed by the Ward Ritchie Press, 1938. Print. [Reprints are available through BSRF in our classic xerographic format: <#B0077, "Science and Philosophy of the Drown Radio Therapy">]
- Drown, Ruth B. Theory and Technique of the Drown Homo-Vibra Ray and Radio-Vision Instruments. London: Hatchard & Co., 1938. Print. [Reprints are available through BSRF in our classic xerographic format: <#B0081, "Theory and Technique of the Drown Homo-Vibra Ray">]
- Drown, Ruth B. Wisdom from Atlantis. Los Angeles: DeVorss, 1946. Print. <>
- Drown, Ruth B. The Forty-Nine Degrees: A Book of Spiritual Understanding and Discovery: the Road to Divine Truth. New York: Greenwich Book Publishers, 1957. Print. <>
- Drown, Ruth B. Drown Radio-Vision and Homo-Vibra Ray Instruments and Their Uses. Vista, CA: Borderland Sciences Research Foundation, 196~. Print. [Reprints are available through BSRF in our classic xerographic format: <#B0021, "The Drown Homo-Vibra Ray and Radio Vision Instruments">]