
To start with a definition — Radionics is an art by which diagnostic data is obtained through use of equipment which enables a trained operator to detect and measure differential radiations by the different organs and tissues of the body.

Other uses of the equipment include detecting, ascertaining the location in the body, and measuring the amplitude of various types of pathology and adverse conditions of tissue, and similarly to detect, locate and measure any foreign micro-organisms, parasites, and other irritant factors that contribute to disease.

Also the use of the equipment for resonance tests by which the effect of any proposed remedy such as a vitamin, mineral, homeopathic substance or nutritional concentrate can be predetermined with regard to any organ, system or function of the body. Last but not least, the administration of subtle forms of energy for treatment.


Albert Abrams

The electronic reactions are based upon the electronic theory of matter wherein the atoms of all matter include protons and electrons in their makeup and the arrangement and number of these protons and electrons account for the differences in all substances.

We need not go into the specific relations of the protons and the electrons here, but to any one desiring to do so is referred to late texts in chemistry and physics.

The thing which concerns us here is that due to the particular construction of the atoms, energy of a vibratory nature is radiated from everything.

The differences in the number and relation of the protons and electrons in the atoms of the different substances causes the frequency of the energy of one substance to be different from the frequency of the energies from all other substances.

It is this characteristic which enables one to differentiate between substances with the electronically produced reflex. It is the thing which enables one to differentiate between pathological conditions.

Theory and Physics of Abrams Electronic Reaction by Thomas Colson —

Ruth Drown

The key to understanding the work and instruments of Dr. Ruth Drown lies in a firm grasp of the two fundamental energy manifestations connected with the human body.

These are, first, the electrostatic energy of the physical-mineral tissues, and second, the vital energy which passes into and through those tissues enabling them to hold their form.

Electrostatic energy remains with the physical body after death. It is the departure of vital energy from the physical body that constitutes death.

A century ago, doctors engaged with greater freedom in discussion writing concerning life force and/or vital energy than they do today. The rise of the materialistic era to its ultimate development resulted in the study of the physical body of man being deemed all-sufficient.

The most elementary manner in which we bring the effect of vital energy to the experience of the reader is by drawing the following simple comparison. Place a human corpse in a grave; such a corpse has no other innate property than inertia.

When, however, we seek to bury a man alive, i.e., a corpse with its vital energy still passing through it, then we encounter the definite application of force, through the energetic resistance to burial that the living man will set up.

An Outline on a Thumbnail, Part One
By Associate Trevor James

Pioneered by Albert Abrams, and later refined by Ruth Drown, George de la Warr, T. Galen Hieronymus, George Starr White, and others. Just another theoretical framework for fine-tuning energies through the remote manipulation of the fine forces, or something more?

Albert Abrams and the E.R.A.

American physician Albert Abrams (December 8, 1864 – January 13, 1924) was widely known in his own lifetime for the development of spondylotherapy, and his electricity therapy (Electronic Reactions of Abrams, ERA), which formed the basis for the later practice of radionics.

Ruth Drown and the Homo-Vibra Ray

American chiropractic and radionist Ruth Beymer Drown (October 21, 1891 – March 13, 1965) was one of the first to build on Albert Abrams preliminary theories, transforming radionics into the field of practice that it is today. For an overview of her history and practice, we recommend the following two-part article from the Journal of Borderland Research: THE WORK OF DR. RUTH DROWN: An Outline on a Thumbnail by Trevor James.

[For the complete set: The Radionics of Ruth Drown.]

Further Reading and Research

Human Energy

Human Energy

by Albert Abrams

The basis of Radionics in the words of one of the originators. Illustrated.

Stapled: 16 pp
Language: English
Product Code: B0211

Price: $19.95

New Concepts in Diagnosis and Treatment

by Albert Abrams

A detailed compendium of Abrams’ diagnostic and therapeutic methods, including sections on Human Energy and the Electron Theory, Sexual Polarity, the Ether Theory, the New Psychology, etc. Illustrated with photos and line drawings.

Spiral Bound: 410 pp
Language: English
Product Code: B0210

Price: $39.95$35.00

Electronic Reactions of Abrams

Electronic Reactions of Abrams

Share the drama of two weeks in Abrams’ San Francisco Clinic, watching the medical genius diagnose and treat hundreds of cases with his radical new medical science — with dozens of doctors from all over the world watching and learning. Grasp the essentials of the radionic art and its intriguing origins. You can actually design your own radionic equipment from the extensive technical articles and drawings.

Stapled: 80 pp
Language: English
Product Code: B0025

Price: $19.95

Investigations of the Electronic Reactions of Abrams

This compilation contains independent tests of the original radionic instruments of Dr. Albert Abrams. Includes: Report on “Electronic” Diagnosis and Treatment of Disease; Operating Instructions of the Indicator and Intensity Gauge in Diagnosis; Drug Selection in connection with Electronic Diagnosis; Magnetic, Ionic and Electronic Phenomena in Relation to Disease; and more.

Stapled: 120 pp
Language: English
Product Code: B0122

Price: $19.95

Introduction to Electronic Therapy

by Thomas Colson

Known as “Electronic Therapy” in its day, this is an important record of Dr. Albert Abram’s radionics work from back in the 1930’s. A significant document for the researcher.

Stapled: 78 pp
Language: English
Product Code: B0049

Price: $15.95

Molecular Radiations

by Thomas Colson

As an engineer working for Albert Abrams and the editor of Electronic Medical Digest, Thomas Colson became quite adept at working with subtle energies. He looks at the cells and tissues of the body as being comprised of molecules and even smaller particles. Then he proposes methods for discovering disease in the body before they affect cells and tissues.

Spiral Bound: 189 pp
Language: English
Product Code: B0212

Price: $29.95

Abram’s Method of Diagnosis and Treatment

Abram's Method of Diagnosis and Treatment

by Sir James Barr

Reviewed here are the early days of the exciting new medical art of radionics… Dr. Abram’s success in diagnosing and treating known diseases without drugs or surgery!

Stapled: 121 pp
Language: English
Product Code: B0002

Price: $19.95

Certain Body Reflexes

Certain Body Reflexes

Certain Body Reflexes in Their Relation to Certain Radiant Energies and a Third Report of the International Hahnemannian Committee on the Abrams Method of Diagnosis and Treatment; Presented at the Annual Meeting of the I.H.A., Philadelphia, July, 1926

Especially (but not only) for the scientifically oriented, here is a view of the Radionic system of Dr. Albert Abrams given by a committee of homeopathic Doctors and electrical and mechanical Engineers.

Stapled: 46 pp
Language: English
Product Code: B0011

Price: $15.95

The Radionics of Ruth Drown

The Drown Homo-Vibra Ray and Radio Vision Instruments


Language: English
Product Code: PK0001

Price:$99.00 $75.00

The Drown Homo-Vibra Ray and Radio Vision Instruments

The Drown Homo-Vibra Ray and Radio Vision Instruments

by Ruth B. Drown

This book gives much sought-after info on the late Dr. Drown’s radionic instruments, including the British Patent for her Radio-Vision instrument. It also contains an 80-page Atlas of diagnostic rates developed through the many years of her research.

Spiral Bound: 190 pp
Language: English
Product Code: B0021

Price: $45.00

Science and Philosophy of the Drown Radio Therapy

Science and Philosophy of the Drown Radio Therapy

by Ruth B. Drown

Here, in her own words, the prolific radionics pioneer explains the foundation of her amazing life’s work. She describes: Life as an energy, a consciousness and a substance; physics and metaphysics of the body; and the incredible Radio-Vision photographs.

Stapled: 63 pp
Language: English
Product Code: B0077

Price: $19.95

Theory and Technique of the Drown Homo-Vibra Ray

Theory and Technique of the Drown Homo-Vibra Ray

by Ruth B. Drown

For those interested in a deeper exploration of Dr. Drown’s radionic work, here is a reprint of her book originally published in 1939 by Hatchard & Co., London. Includes Radio-Vision photographs.

Stapled: 155 pp
Language: English
Product Code: B0081

Price: $34.95

Intro to Medical Radiesthesia and Radionics

Intro to Medical Radiesthesia and Radionics

by Vernon D. Wethered

From the Foreword by Geo. Laurence, L.R.C.P., F.R.C.S. Ed.: Mr. Wethered has furnished us with a most painstaking and comprehensive survey of radionics in the present stage (1957) of that science, incidentally revealing how much more remains to be amplified and elucidated. The subject with which the author has dealt particularly well is that of Homeopathy, its value to medicine in general and, more especially, in radiesthetic work.”

Stapled: 98 pp
Language: English
Product Code: B0501

Price: $19.95

Proceedings of the Scientific and Technical Congress of Radionics and Radiesthesia

Proceedings of the Scientific and Technical Congress of Radionics and Radiesthesia

London, 1950. One of the great all-around radionic research books available. This classic and important collection of papers was given by Dr. L.E. Eeman, Aubrey T. Westlake, George de la Warr, J. Cecil Maby, Dr. Michael Ash and others. Their subjects cover a wide-ranging investigation of radionic energy including: The Earth & its Effect on Life, The Manifestation of Fundamental Energy, Aspects of Radionic Research, The Gravitational Wave, and much more.

Stapled: 200 pp
Language: English
Product Code: B0065

Price: $24.95

Assorted Ideas on Technology

Assorted Ideas on Technology

by Jorge Resines

Contents: The Electromagnetic Pyramid, Low and High Voltage models; The Tesla Radionic Machine with list of parts and working procedure (with Rate Atlas); Semiautomatic Radionic Devices, Vacuum-Tube and Transistorized. Illustrated.

Stapled: 48 pp
Language: English
Product Code: B0088

Price: $19.95

Automated Detecting Devices

Automated Detecting Devices

by Jorge Resines

“Is it possible to build an automated radionic device capable of ascertaining the rates of a certain sickness and to begin immediately treating the patient without the aid (or presence) of any operator? Is it possible to build an automated Moray Radiant Energy Detector? Is it possible to build a Tesla-type radionic broadcaster that does not need any tuning, as happened with the UKACO device? The author answers in the positive all of the above!

Stapled: 87 pp
Language: English
Product Code: B0007

Price: $19.95

My Search for Radionic Truths: With Possibilities of Acceptance by Science & Medicine

My Search for Radionic Truth

by R. Murray Denning

While only a young man, the author was told by doctors in England he had an ‘incurable’ disease. But he confounded the doctors after meeting healers who practiced the art of radionics and he not only lived to a ripe old age but became a healer himself. The enthralling story of Murray’s 25 year search is a wonderful introduction into the subtle energy world of radionics. Here you will meet some of the most famous pioneers in this field, doctors such as Albert Abrams, Ruth Drown, Dinshah Ghadiali, who dared to innovate — and cure — much to the displeasure of the medical establishment. Other eminent scholars ‘overlooked’ by the medical and scientific community, such as Mary M. Leigh, Georges Lakhovsky, Darrell Butcher, George Crile, S.W. Tromp also make their appearance. Includes photos and descriptions of rare and unique equipment. Also a very useful synthesis of related fields such as dowsing, color therapy, numerology, yoga and alchemy. Excellent for beginner or advanced researcher alike.

Paperback: 120 pp
Language: English
Product Code: B0090

Price: $19.95

New Light on Therapeutic Energies

New Light on Therapeutic Energies

by Mark L. Gallert

This remarkable book is an encyclopedia of the healing arts! Here is real research data on how “Nature’s Finer Forces” have been used for effective healing. The wisdom and experience of many great pioneers in the healing arts is presented in a simple and practical form, including theory, equipment and instructions for its use in research. Explore the researches of: Dr. George Starr White, Dinshah Ghadiali, Royal Raymond Rife, Dr. Wilhelm Reich, Hahnemann, L.E. Eeman, Lakhovksy and more!

Spiral Bound: 256 pp
Language: English
Product Code: B0059

Price: $29.95

The Pattern of Health: A Search for a Greater Understanding of the Life Force in Health and Disease

by Aubrey T. Westlake


This classic once again made available to Borderland Researchers. Dr. Westlake introduces the idea that health results from the maintenance of the individual pattern of super-sensory energy, a harmonious interaction of the lower, middle, and higher selves. He also shows that the nominally different vital life forces of Reich, Reichenbach, Eeman, and others are really different descriptive characteristics of one-in-the-same life force.

Stapled: 200 pp
Language: English
Product Code: B0402

Price: $24.95

Radionics in Theory and Practice

by J.O. Wilcox

The science of detecting ultimate causes by a process of “thought radar”!

Language: English
Product Code: B0443

Price: $19.95

Radionics -New Age Science

By Riley Hansard Crabb, 1974

Contains a history of radionics from Dr. Abrams through Dr. Drown, including an interview with the late Dr. Leonard Chapman who studied radionics under both Abrams and Drown, and used the instruments for 50 years in his practice as an osteopathic physician; The Work of Ruth Drown; How to build a Modified Drown Instrument; How to build a Radionic Tuner; Achieving Health Through Radionics; Will Cancer and Polio Yield to Radionics?

Language: English
Product Code: B0123

Price: $29.95

All books, files, videos, equipment and catalog descriptions are presented and sold for informational and research purposes only, to provide researchers with many diverse viewpoints to aid in their work. In no way are BSRF publications, books, videos or equipment to be taken as medical advice or instrumentation. Our directors and staff are not qualified to give medical advice and do not wish to create any false hopes wherein one may neglect professional medical attention. We cannot and will not answer any correspondence concerning such matters so please don’t ask! Experimentation with high voltage and high frequency electricity can be extremely dangerous. Books, files and videos on these subjects are to provide research information for competent workers in the field. BSRF disclaims any responsibility for individuals experimenting with information sold or provided by us. We fully support a responsible person’s natural right to research and investigate for themselves.