

(Communication from the Trance Control Lingford)

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"No form of life can be completely blotted from the earth, so long as the etherial pattern or mould for it exists. These patterns are used continually, but only so long as their usefulness conforms to the earth and the type of life it is expressing. Time as you know it has little or no effect on the duration of an individual mould; but the ever-changing condition of earthly things round about its physical expression is the principal cause for the change that must sooner or later take place in the mould.

"These moulds are seldom wholly destroyed, but they undergo an atomic arrangement. This, of course, not only changes the design of the mould to some degree, but it has a strong tendency toward revitalizing it, so that when the Life Essence desires to make a physical expression Of itself, the physical construction is stronger and more capable of adapting itself to its earthly surroundings.

"Much has been said with regard to what you call born cripples and monstrosities. To this I can only say, there is naught that is perfect but the Life Essence - and, too, that what appears in your eyes as a monstrosity or a cripple is not so in the eyes of the intelligent Essence. As all life is in a constant state of change and growth, it seems to me very probable that (in) all present physical manifestation, not not only on the earth but throughout the universe, the Life Essence is still in the experimentation stage, and that nothing has as yet been definitely decided upon - and that the Gods, like your scientists, are working on a smaller order of trial and error.

"This Life Essence which you have been taught to call God is not at all aware or conscious of what you call good and evil, or beautiful or ugly. It must therefore go on creating as seems fit to It. All things are perfect in their time and place, because nothing has as yet reached the ultimate of Itself: (for this same reason) IT cannot manifest its true nature to man. Were it possible for an individual to catch even a fleeting glimpse of the true and ultimate Nature of All Things, in that instant his physical body as well as his Ego would be sent into atoms, and he would become all things and nothing.

"This is what I feel the God of your Christian teaching meant when He was supposed to have said - No man shall see Me and live."

"(Do not write Omega here: I shall have more to say)"

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The foregoing was dictated by the Guide "Lingford" to the medium Mark P., who was in normal consciousness and received it clairaudiently. Later with the medium in trance, the same Guide inquired about the message, complained that Mark P. had been unable to set down some of his expressions correctly, and asked that it be read back to him, which was done at the next meeting.

This control "Lingford" asserts that he died in New York State about forty years ago. He is a normal, fully integrated personality, studious and highly intelligent; other controls describe him as appearing to be a out 30 years old. He lives in a house by himself in a valley and overlooking a beautiful lake, has many flowers and many books. "I live by myself, and you bet I like it." Invariably, when he takes control of the medium's body, he asks for a cigaret. "Yes, we have cigarets over here, but they're not very good. And I don't think one cigaret a week is very heavy smoking, do you?" He makes no pretense to great learning, and declares that our conversations with the Tibetan philosopher, Lo Sun Yat (another Control), "just about do me in. Whew! I'm glad I don't have to answer such questions!" He has lately requested that "the boy" (Mark P.) be taken to a materialization seance, if possible. "I want [21] to see if I can materialize myself; that's something I never tried."

There is not the faintest reason to suppose that Lingford is any form or impersonation by the subconscious, of Mark P., or anyone else. And tho he is casual and unassuming, the little essay we have quoted is evidence of a very acute and reflective intelligence.

Those who seek only new revelations, or the sensational, or some irrefutable "proof" of survival, will perhaps consider Lingford's remarks of no interest whatever. Others, we believe, will find in them considerable food for critical reflection... There are, of course, many hundreds of books filled with real and alleged spirit communications, so that as a rule RR does not print such material. But Lingford, along with Lo Sun Yat, already has a considerable number of friends "down here" in this chancey world of ours (via RR and our Seance Reports), and we think they will welcome him in his more serious mood.

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