
-   L O C I   C R I T I C I   -

(Selected by permission from the correspondence of Professor Charles J. Ryan, M.A., D.TH., Department of Graduate Research, Theosophical University)

Dear Frater:

Many thanks for the various pieces of information received from you lately ... Of course the Kareeta "Space-ship" is the most extraordinary and I cannot tell what to think of it, tho I have read the various reports and have discussed it with several of my colleagues. I hope it will not make the whole subject of "phenomena" ridiculous in the eyes of people who are approaching the boundaries of the occult, but as it professes to be not an astral visitation but a physical one this may take the edge off some criticism. But the fact that a medium professes to communicate with these visitors is sure to arouse suspicion - those of us who are in the occult or Theosophical tradition must be like Caesar's wife, above suspicion of undue credulity (1) ...

H.P.B. says there are planets within our solar system that are not detected by our senses, but how a physical 'Kareeta' could come from one of these is not so clear. (2) One of the Mahatmas says we shall discover distant celestial objects by heat, but does not say that they are solid or astral. We have already found some dark stars, but they are wholly physical (dense matter)... The idea of some things exploding when passing from one dimension to another is a good one (3), and when Fort talked about things falling from an imagined celestial ceiling, he might subconsciously have had the next dimension in mind. He almost always objected to dragging in the psychic. There is some vague astronomical tradition of a small planet between us and the moon, but it is not confirmed. The asteroids are all small and it is believed they cannot support an atmosphere; 'Kareeta' could find no possible accommodation on any asteroid.

Speaking of gravitation, let us remember that Newtonian gravitation has been superseded by "properties of space," a more spiritual point of view. But Newton only said bodies acted as if they were attracted; all he dared to give were certain laws such as that of the inverse squares, and modern theories fit the facts more accurately. When H.P.B. and others speak of the opposite condition of "attraction and repulsion" polarities, they are using general terms [18] which had to be employed prior to many modern discoveries. I notice that the VAU Communicators (RR 3, vol. 2) speak of the density of the ether; this of course is a completely outmoded figure of speech. "Space" acts as if it had many properties, but they are not properties of even the finest grade of matter. "Ether" is a good word if it is not used to imply any kind of tenuous matter possessing physical properties. The principle which offers the most serious obstruction to the spiritualist theory, is that of the complex nature of man. According to philosophic Hindu or Tibetan teachings a man remains as he was on earth for only a very short time after his death. The body of course is separated at once, but the inner man begins to do the same in a short time, until a completely subjective state is reached, when the "garments of the soul" are removed or vanish. Calling back the personality in Kama Loca while it is divesting itself temporarily of those "bodies" which are of use in contacting lower planes, retards the natural and necessary process. (Professor Ryan goes on to contrast the naive objective picture of the next world, as held by many spiritualists, with the wider vision of seers and adepts. He considers that Lord Dowding, tho he has a broad concept of cosmic facts, does not really face the problem of man's complex nature, and he thinks that the experiences and ideas of Yram, author of Practical Astral Projection, are on the whole very true and significant).

(Professor Ryan also encloses, with permission to print, a memorandum from Miss Ella Young, author of Flowering Dusk and a distinguished literary figure. She writes, on October 25th last, as follows):

"Space ships! I believe I saw one in the early part of 1927. I was living in the Casa Madrona Hotel, Sausalito. Sitting outside the hotel one morning, thinking of nothing in particular, I saw a cigar-shaped airship shoot out from a cloud beyond the Bay and across the sky toward Tamalpais. At first I thought it must be a government airship but soon changed my mind... It was not shaped like the Akron - it was long and slender, of a yellow color, and travelling at great speed. As it came opposite to me it seemed to progress by contracting and elongating its body. It was tenuous, and I came to the conclusion that I was witnessing a psychic phenomenon. Much later I read in Taos, the Book of the Damned, that Charles Fort had collected many instances of such airships. I believe that these ships come from a world fairly close to us - a world invisible. The inhabitants know of us. They have spirited away humans and even whole ships with their crews. In 1902 I think they dumped a whole cargo of sea serpents and prehistoric animals on our earth, and they may have something to do with showers of frogs and curious inanimate objects.

"On Sunday last, October 20, I saw a most brilliant light break out for a few seconds. It was not a meteor. It was shortly after sundown, and the light was not from a burning plane. Nothing visible fell toward earth. I have just heard a man say that on Decoration Day he saw a terrific blaze of light in the sky. It was of a round shape. What I saw was just a bright blinding sheet of flame - then nothing. Possibly a space ship exploded."

(1) In the interests of accuracy, the medium made no claims of any kind except that he received one clairaudient message. In this, and in subsequent trance communications, the Controls (communicating entities) asserted that they were in brief and occasional contact with the "Kareeta"... (2) The controls asserted, as does an Adept of our acquaintance, that materialization into dense matter would be a fairly simple matter. (3) Professor Ryan's reference is to an assertion by one of the trance controls, that such explosions were a common phenomenon.


AFFIDAVIT of record
with the County
Clerk of San Diego
Co., Calif. Book 1013,
page 325

I, Ralph F. Cooper, former owner of a petrified foot, declare as follows:

That on or about March 12, 1927, in the city of San Diego, another man and I were to clean a home. A few days before cleaning the home a petrified foot was given me and me alone for said services. I carried the petrified foot to my house but no event of a psychic or spiritual nature happened until a few days later. The other man referred to and myself were resting in the house we were cleaning when suddenly we were startled to hear strange and unusual sounds. They were heavy thuds, hollow noises, as if an unseen person were trying to communicate with us. They could not have been and were not sounds of a material quality. When first heard they seemed to be distant, but kept getting louder, as if an unseen person were walking on the cement pathway around the house. We did not see any ghost or spirit. I sensed an impression that the former owner of the home, who was dead, had returned to her residence. We listened to the noise for a while, then hurriedly left the place. The owner of the home offered me use of the place rent free on account of the experience but I did not accept. Whether the sounds were made by anyone connected with the petrified foot I do not know, but I believe the happening is what some call a spiritual manifestation.

(Signed) Ralph F. Cooper

Subscribed and sworn to before me this 12th day of April, 1940.
James T. Morris Jr., Notary Public in ... etc.
Recorded at request of Gerald F. Cooper, April 12, 1940. File 17853.

___   ____   ___

Altho the foregoing affidavit omits nearly everything one would particularly like to know, it is certainly an unusual document to turn up in the public records. We are indebted to Mr James Opdycke for its discovery and for bringing it to our attention.


Use of the Pendule

Paragraph from letter by Mr. A. Lee Milligan (703 E Jackson St., Attica, Ind.): "The article on 'Pendology' was quite interesting. I have experimented quite a bit and for me the pendulum works correctly. I have experimented on men and women writing their names on identical papers, turned them upside down; the pendule will swing clockwise for a man's writing and counter-clockwise (negative) for a woman's - it works every time. You can hold them (pendulums?) and have some one else concentrate on the movement and it till work as he wills providing he can really concentrate."

(This last sentence is extremely important if it can be verified. Mr. Milligan apparently means that each person must write his or her own signature; that the experimenter will then hold the pendule and it will swing in a manner to indicate sex; and that if the experimenter holds the pendule, not over any particular object, and if another person then tries to direct its movements mentally, the pendule will respond. This would appear to be either telepathic or psychokinetic in nature, and if borne out by sufficient experimental data might be very valuable as contributory research to these two problems. We hope some of the RR readers will investigate this telepathic or telekinetic effect, keeping an exact and complete record and let us have the results, whether positive or negative, or merely confused and difficult.)


Clips lately received:

Concerning the dream of Simon Elwes, leading to the restoration of Fountains Abbey (from Time) ... Poltergeist to be lured back to its grave (Essex, Eng.) ... Bulldozer roused 200-year-old witch of Scrape-Faggot Green (id.) ... Poltergeists Really Exist (id.) ... Legends of Ghost Mt. Shasta Face Revived (Oakland Tribune, full page, illus.) ... Strangest Story I Ever Heard (children saved from death by a spirit) (American) ... Drew Pearson's inside story on the Bikini tests ... Lake Como monster ... Human Lightning Rod ... Hideous 'prehistoric' Fish ... Sea Monster off Newcastle ... "Miraculous" cure of arthritis ... London Artists paint Portraits of Ghosts ... Mother's Intuition Rectifies Error Regarding Son's Body ... "Meteor" Like White-Hot Cannon Fell Over Tip of Siberia ... and a dozen or more clips about meteors, or rockets, or bombs over Sweden, Norway, Finland. The last issue of the Fortean magazine Doubt devotes several pages to this last phenomenon. The general opinion now seems to be that these flying objects are not man-made contraptions, but 'natural' in origin - but they are not to be shrugged off as unimportant freaks of Nature, by any means. The data are contradictory and completely puzzling ...

Increased interest and better observation may account for part of the seeming increase in such happenings; nevertheless it is quite clear that there are factual and objective signs of something going on, some change of terrestrial conditions of an unparalleled sort. Those who predict the "end of the age" and the imminence of great events can at least point to something beside prophecy and mystical intuition. Vicar of a London Church tells of a ghost procession of monks up the aisles, is supported by three other witnesses. "Four people don't have the same hallucination at the same time," says the Vicar, reasonably, inviting newsmen to come and see for themselves "almost any evening". "Dead" parishioners come around, too... at a recent Beethoven concert, the reproduction of the face of that great composer appeared on the score being used by the conductor - a spot that spread and spread and became a picture. At any rate, that's what Lowell Thomas broadcast recently. "Psychologists were hastening to the city to solve the mystery". All we can say to that is, !!!!!!!

And we have a comment on Kareeta business from Mr. C.H. Kramer, author of the prediction called Vox Clamantis, in Nov. RR. It is true, Mr Kramer writes, "that there was an object in the sky on October 9th: it was a harbinger of the meteor that will strike this planet at the time the great earth change begins. It was not the first time this object manifested - nor the last... There will be no contact with other planets in the short time that remains of this cycle, but there will be tele-thought contact in the cycle about to begin. In the 7th cycle there will be interplanetary travel."

For clips, memoranda and other help we are grateful to Mrs Helen Lotreck, Professor Ryan, Mrs Graham, Mrs Hyde, Vincent Gaddis, Max Freedom Long, A. Lee Milligan, Dr. Nandor Fodor, Anne Pickering, Mrs H. Plemon, Battell Loomis, W.G. Baker, Violet O. Johnson, H.G. Yetter, Claude Gilham, Lee Elliott, E. Wolsiffer, Roger Graham, Wing Anderson, Mark Probert, Gina Cerminara, Clarkson Dye, Dr. Philip Cozmann, Victor Nold, Jack Tate - and others... We are behind with correspondence, and there are many difficulties, these days, in publishing even so small a bulletin as RR, so we bespeak your patience and continued help.


[Page missing. Please contact cqc@borderlandsciences.org if you can assist in recovery.]


- One Christmas Morn -

One Christmas morn, before the moon was gone
   I heard the voices that foretell the dawn,
And they were like bird voices and the stir
   Of wings and leaves arustle - things that were
Just wakening then, and yet articulate
   Of rumours brought as from a foreign State,
Empires of sleep and provinces of dreams.

And one spoke whisperingly - "At first it seems
   "So dark here, that no dawn will ever shine."
And then the next - "I looked me for a sign
   "And heard a sound of going in tree tops."
A third said - "Lo, the Voice that never stops
   "Counts the indifferent measure of the years.
"Soon shall they eat and drink up joys and fears,
   "And e'en the memory that man hath been."

Most sorrowfully these grave words entered in
   With wakening sense; whereat I heard one say -
"If so the true love-spirit of this Day
   "Were to abide, and die not, only this
"Would spell out end for sorrow and the kiss
   "Of Grace of God descendant" - through the mist
The matin-bell spoke faint and far away,
   Crying - Peccavinus! -



Used Books - Announcements - Miscellanea

Survival of Man, Lodge. Moffat, Yard & Co. 1909. Fair. $2.00 .. Survival of Man, Lodge, Doran, 1909. Fiar. $1.50 .. Drama of Love and Death, Carpenter, 1912. $1.00. .. Science of Peace. Bhagavan Das ("Exposition of first principles of the science of the self"). 345 pp. Glossary. Theos.Pub.Co. 1904. $2.00 .. Apparitions and Haunted Houses. Sir Ernest Bennett (Oxon.). 1939. 392 pp., good condition. $3.00. .. Whence? Whither? Why? Augusta Gaskell. 1939. 312 pp. $2.50 (good con.) .. Proofs of Life After Death: a collation of Opinions. compiled by Robert J. Thompson. 1908, 4th E-d. 365 pp. $2.00. .. Vital Message. Doyle. 164 pp. $1.00 .. After Death, or Letters From Julia. Stead. 4th Ed. 1910. some pencil marks. $1.00 .. New Revelation, Doyle. 1918. 121 pp. $1.00 .. Simplified Scientific Astrology. Heindel. 9th Ed. 1928. $1.50. .. Telepathy and the Subliminal Self. P.O. Mason, A.M., M.D. 1899. 336 pp. $1.50 .. My Adventure into Spiritualism. E. Lee Howard, D.D. 1935. 181 pp. $1.50. .. Nostradamus Speaks. Rolfe Boswell. 1942. 361 pp. Good con. $2.50.    Please add .05 postage to book orders.

Egerton Sykes, 9 Markham Square, Lon. SW 3, is in quest of information concerning Ignatius Donnelly, author of Atlantis, to be used in connection with a forthcoming edition by Harper. (1) What books did he write, when and where published? Unpublished writings? (2) What turned his interest to Atlantis? (3) Did Miss Eleanor O.Donnelly, who wrote a poem on Atlantis, write any more? Is the full text of the poem available? (4) Are any of his descendants alive, and have any of them taken an interest in Atlantis? (5) Any other relevant biographical details, including portrait or photograph. RR readers who have any of this information, please write Mr. Sykes, or the RR Editor.


Dorothea Frood informs RR that she will be obliged to postpone the instruction offered by her in the use of the pendulum. Announcement later.


Geomancy, or the Art of Divination by the Element of Earth. Mimeo., 24 pp., 8½ x 11. Compiled by Meade Layne. $2.00.

Letters to a Soldier, 4th printing. Elements of spiritistic and occult knowledge, with reading list. Mimeo, 35 pp. 5 x 8". Meade Layne. $1.00.

Both of the above booklets are for sale by Talk of the Times, Box 128, San Diego 4, Calif., or by RR, 3615 Alexia Pl., San Diego.


Subscribers who send Canadian currency, please note, the dollar is rated at .93 U.S. currency. For buyers of English publications: (1 pound) = $4.05. 1 shilling = .20 1 penny = .02 11d = .19. 20d = 1s.


Reviving the Dead: Contains article on work of Russian scientists in reviving the dead (Ella Winter); My Rendezvous with Death (Dr. G. W. Keeley): 19 other articles on related subjects. 65 pp., paper. Order from Chas. E. Heuer, Rte. 1, Box 429, Eureka, Calif. $1.00 per copy.