Gerry Vassilatos'

Vril Compendium

Volume VIII

Vril and
Ground Radio

Table of Contents


Leakage Telegraphy

Double Ground Systems

Double Ground with Aerial Capacity

Vril and
Subterranean Electricity

Sheaf of paper

Vril and Ground Radio (1995) — Leakage Telegraphy, Double Ground Systems, Double Ground with Aerial Capacity, Vril and Subterranean Electricity. The early trans-aqueous systems of Steinheil (1838) and others. Complete patent collections: ground signaling systems of J. Murgas, Tesla, Rogers, etc. Static-free reception for shortwave aficionado! Forgotten commercial underground antennas. Magnified radio transmission through geological formations. The eighth installment in Gerry Vassilatos's Borderland compendium of Vril technology, offering a direct psychic conduit to the telluric and esoteric powers that shape our world - available in our BSRF xerographic edition. Every purchase of print helps support the Foundation and allows us to provide our unique service to all seekers.

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