The Human Soul

Its Movements, Its Lights, and the Iconography of the Fluidic Invisible

Dr. H. Baraduc

Lights of the Human Soul

XLI. Signature of mental sadness.

This iconography obtained without light, electricity, or photographic apparatus, is due to the right hand of Dr. M. Adam.

Explanation XLI. — This iconography obtained without light, electricity, or photographic apparatus, is due to the right hand of Dr. M. Adam.

In the researches which he kindly undertook for me relating to these so troubling questions, he was taken by a great movement of mental sadness at the moment when this vortex was produced.

XLII. Direction of vital movement.

The form represents a higher breeze with three white bulbs coming out of an enormous nose, belonging to four faces, corresponding to the four cardinal points.

Explanation XLII. — The form represents a higher breeze with three white bulbs coming out of an enormous nose, belonging to four faces, corresponding to the four cardinal points.

The breeze has two branch curves, in the form of a half eight: the 8 is the emblem of eternity in the ancient signs, as well as that of harmony: coming out of a single point, it is the expression of vital movement turning from east to west as we have seen in the Enchiridion; it is verified every day by the spontaneous position of the needle of the biometer — a remarkable phenomenon of the formula; to believe in the mystery of Life in the Spirit, visible by universal gravitation.

XLIII. Od and psychod, vital force.

Signature of mental sadness.

Explanation XLIII. — Od and psychod, vital force. Od, vital force photographed in daylight, thus giving its form, its graphic icone.

The child P. is sadly stroking a recently killed pheasant: he is surrounded by a real tissue of vital fluid which his state of soul bewailing the death of the bird, attracts. The aspiration of his soul draws the cosmic soul, which is shown in the form of a real network tissue with knots, covering the child from head to food with a thick fluidic cloak.

This photograph is not at all electric. It was obtained in solar light, penumbra, without the sleep of child, by simple attraction, appeal to the desire of seeing this semi-conscious force manifest itself.

XLIV. Movement of cosmic vital force.

Movement of cosmic vital force modulated in a psychodic aerolith by the human will with an elevated intention.

Explanation XLIV. — Movement of cosmic vital force modulated in a psychodic aerolith by the human will with an elevated intention. It is not the human Somod which projects an image made with its own fluidic body, as in the production of a psychicone by thought; it is a thought which acts on the Universal Psychod, and models it in a form of light and of Intelligence.

XLV. Light life of the Word.

This iconography of the light life of the Word was obtained July 1895, in the dark with red light, by the electro-negative method, called by appeal by N.P. & Dr. Baraduc, their three hands joined in front of the plate without photographic instrument.

Explanation XLV. — This iconography of the light life of the Word was obtained July 1895, in the dark with red light, by the electro-negative method, called by appeal by N.P. & myself, our three hands joined in front of the plate without photographic instrument.

Sympneumic collective state of soul: demand, desire to have a sign of our animistic trinity, united by a single feeling of affection.

On the negative, three vortexes of fine vitalo-psychic force of universal psychod being amalgamated owing to the intermediate vortex making a node.

XLVI. Tissue of Light and of intelligence.

Large anes of Psychod; tissue of light and of intelligence, incurved by the appeal to the spirit of intelligence.

Negative XLVI. — Large anes of Psychod; tissue of light and of intelligence, incurved by the appeal to the spirit of intelligence.

(With electricity, without apparatus with two hands joined).

Large anes of Psychod; tissue of light and of intelligence, incurved by the appeal to the spirit of intelligence.

XLVII. Appeal to the Universal Spirit.

Appeal to the Universal Spirit.

Explanation XLVII. — Appeal by the doctor to the psychic force, Universal Spirit, June 1895.

State of soul meditative, fingers very near the plate; some points of contact. The hand very soon feels that well known breeze, the cool and calm wind of force, the pneuma of the spirit.

The icone presents cuneiform lamellas of light, centres of iconic forces.

XLVIII. Iconograph of the form of the spirit of light and of intelligence.

Iconograph of the form of the spirit of light and of intelligence.

Explanation XLVIII. — Plates after prayer asking for force and manifestation from the Spirit of light.

The left side of Mme A. is surrounded by a white cloud intersected by numerous flashes of lightning. The upper part corresponding to the head, receiving a flash of luminous darts in the form of birds feathers, of palm leaves.

This is a new and remarkable appeal to the Spirit of invisible light, by the human soul; magnetising itself in the fervour of prayer. When man wishes he may riddle a plate by his psychobic projections; when he is elevated by ecstatic prayer, he hurls his starred projections towards the sky just as when he attracts favour, he receives a shower of spiritual rain and of light.

XLIX. Manifestation of the spirit of Light.

Manifestation of the spirit of Light.

Explanation XLIX. — This iconography was obtained after a prayer to the spirit of intelligence and of light to reveal itself by a form.

A shower of lights and of intelligences.

Luminous olives with trails and bent stem.

Projected rays.

These falls of lights, intelligences, understandings, according to the degree of their virtue will constitute the spirits of varied hierarchy and the beings which will reach carnal incorporation.

L. Iconograph of the god called Mercedes.

Iconograph of the god called Mercedes.

Iconograph of the god called Mercedes.

Iconograph of the god called Mercedes.

Explanation L. — Iconography obtained by Mme. Bl. representing an animistic form, which she considers as her God Mercedes, falsification of J. This form possesses her, inspires her, prompts her constantly to revelations.

B. represents a larva form with a pointed hairy snout, and with a bust making a pedestal.

C. represents an ovoid form, pointed chin, vital serpent on the face. It is the face of Mme. Bl.

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