The Human Soul

Its Movements, Its Lights, and the Iconography of the Fluidic Invisible

Dr. H. Baraduc


Chapter I


I here present a second work, entitled: THE HUMAN SOUL, its movements, its lights and the Iconography of the fluidic Invisible.

It is always the same subtile force that I study in man, whether it makes a needle move which points out the particular movements of it, after having passed through substances, which conduct neither electricity nor heat, or again whether it impresses a sensitive plate by its luminous vibrations. The soul, therefore, moves and shines; one [10] may observe its movements as well as collect its living light.

It is this invisible fire which Hippocrates called our Enormon, internal flame, and which Zoroaster, more correctly, termed living light.

Veiled from the eyes of the profane, in antiquity, it is what I wish to bring to light in this volume, and with it, to penetrate the world of the Invisible, that of second causes, which re-act on the material world, a vast empire, from whence all comes, where all enters, where all is transformed.

To wish to limit the work of creation to the domain perceptible to our visual faculty, would certainly be only to aspire to know but one very narrow stretch of the vast world of creative power, which we are permitted to explore, even though we could approach the stars by an object-glass, or magnify the infinitely small by lenses.

In the material terrestrial domain, with the means at our disposal, solar light is absolutely necessary to our eye, in order [11] to manifest the colour and the form of the visible material bodies.

In the immense region of the invisible which I hope to open up to-day to experimental science, from the little I have been able to observe, one can distinctly remark the difference, which exists between the objects and means of study of the here-after and the objects and means of study of the here-below. Instead of being material, that is to say tangible; instead of being visible, that is to say, of revealing itself by means of an extrinsic solar or artificial light, the fluidic invisible is manifested through its own intimate luminous and intrinsic force. A degree of more or less marked spontaneous determinism on its part is necessary to obtain it. One is no longer, in fact, in the presence of purely mechanical forces.

As to the means, these are methods which I have discovered, in which the exterior luminous ray of the here-below is replaced by the electric breeze, projecting the emanated vibration of our soul, as well as the psychic force proceeding from our [12] thought or attracting the invisible object which tends to manifest itself sympneumatically.

For this end, it allows itself to be magnetised, to be drawn by our living force: one must, in a word, know how to induct the psycho-odo-fluidic current which the plate records on its passage.

Further, darkness is necessary to collect the intimate vibration of a living being, for in daylight it is immerged in the intensity of the exterior solar light. Electricity is not always necessary.

Is it ancient magic, which comes from the dark sanctuary, where it was adored, and comes, in its time, to bow down before human science and unveil itself in its turn? Perhaps...

I have, however, found a method to show the existence of the fluidic Invisible, as the microscope shows the infinitely small material particles, and beyond a doubt, I have experimentally opened up the path to the second plane, that of integral life and spontaneous determinism in movement.


Whatever may be the consequences of my discovery, this step forward towards truth, taken opportunely and with ponderation can only enlighten humanity, make it regret the colossal error of the negation of life in the hereafter, and assure it of its transformation in the super-terrestrial planes.

This work consists of two parts. In the first, the Biometer shows the movements of the soul acting on the needle, which records them and thus gives the formula of the vital temperament.

In the second, Iconography shows the luminous vibration of the soul, which is graphed on a sensitive plate, and the creation of fluidico-vital images by the spirit modulating the vital animistic force (psychicones).

Each of these chapters might compose a book in itself: others will write them; today I am simply opening up a new route towards truth.

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