

Review of the Introduction to "Healing Hands"
by J. Bernard Hutton
W.H. Allen, London, 1966

We are on the cusp between the Piscean Age and the Aquarian Age. The one must naturally link up with the other. There must be a carrying over of the ideals of Christianity into the religion of the New Age. There will also he a carrying over and linking up of the best of the waning medical practices with new healing techniques for new people in the New Age. But before getting into that, let us lay a ground-work for the natural rhythm of civilization. On this we can better understand why one age or civilization comes to an end even while another is being born.

Every cycle of life must go through four phases to be complete, and one phase follows another as naturally as day follows night.

  1. 1. There is God, the Creator, This would be called the Fertility aspect, when the seed is planted.

  2. 2. God the Redeemer. In religion, This is represented by the Saviour who is the Healer and the Harmonizer. In the western World, this is Christianity with Jesus, as the Redeemer.

  3. 3. This phase is God, the Holy Spirit. Here; He manifest to mankind as Illuminator and Initiator. The religion of the Aquarian Age will manifest this mature aspect of creation. The Aquarian Age healing will discard the Piscean emphasis on drugs and surgery and shift to the higher vibrations of Light and Sound. There will be conscious awareness of and cooperation with healing agents from Higher Worlds.

  4. 4. This aspect of the cycle of Life is God, the Destroyer. To the un-enlightened, this apparently final act of creation is evil. Their consciousness is centered on the form aspect of life, ignoring the all-important life aspect. Old forms must be destroyed to make room for the new. The work of God, the Destroyer, the Devil, is Just as important as God the Creator.

The Past is never destroyed. The essence of experience is carried over into new forms to undergo further processing in the school room of life.

The problem confronting advanced thinkers and leaders in every field at the present time is that antiquated Piscean ideas have become fixed in the daily life of the race. Christianity has become stuck on the Redeemer idea in religion. The founders, the Christian Fathers, denied any and all connection with the Pagan past and present Christian are so fixed on the stereotyped image of the Crucified Christ that they won't accept the Second Coming of Christ even if that happens. The idea of a circuit or spiral evolution with the constantly recurring four phases would be repugnant to them.



The Coming of the New Saviour means change. His presence in the world signifies the end of the Old Order and the Birth of the New. To the Old Order, He is God the Destroyer, Evil, and must be destroyed; so the God of the New Order is always destroyed by the God of the Old. This is why the Saviour of every race is crucified, and always by the established religion of the time at which He appears. It was the Priesthood of the Jews who demanded the blood of Jesus and got it.

In India in 1947, it was a young fanatic of the conservative right who shot Mahatma Gandhi. Nevertheless, the Age of the Redeemer must give way to the Age of the Illuminator. If it doesn't, the individual or the nation falls back into the Age of the Creator; for the Redeemer phase has not been completed and the work must be done over.

We have all seen adults who have never grown up and accepted the responsibilities of adult life. They continue to live in the animistic self-centered phase of childhood. This is the God, the Creator, Fertility aspect period. At the international level, Germany under Hitler, Italy under Mussolini, and Japan under the Barons did the same thing in 1930s. They refused to allow their nations to join the rest of the world in the common movement toward the Aquarian Age idea of United Nations and World Government.

God, the Illuminator is the Pentecostal Fire. Unless the Soul of them and the Soul of the Nations have been purified in the Self-denial of the Crucifixion, they cannot safely contain the Illuminating Fire when it descends.

When the work of the Redeemer phase is not completed, and the Illuminator phase is entered, the fire descends to the lower levels and is expressed in selfish and destructive orgies.

The behavior of Hitler and Mussolini and their staffs in the last days of World War II are good examples of this. This will have also happened to the World at the international level if we get into an all-out atomic war.

Read the record of the Redeeming Saviours of all nations past and you will find that they brought the gifts of civilization.


Each succeeding Age is the polar-opposite of the one which precedes it. So naturally the adherents of Old religious cults must be opposed to the New. The Law of Life is that current flows only between polar-opposites, positive and negative. Whether we like it or not, this movement or flow, from North to South, guarantees the life of the system. But this flow also guarantees the change which is disturbing to the conservatives. The fears of the conservative are really groundless because each phase of creation takes up where the other left off. Nothing of real value is lost. If it were, there would be no continuity to life, and all would be lost.


So when God, the Holy Spirit starts the third degree of Manifestation on the Super-human level in the Aquarian Age, all that has been achieved under the Redeemer phase in the Piscean Age will in us too. The achievements of the Creative work of the Arian Age were with us during the Piscean Age; and of course the essence of all work done in the ages before that.

These abstract Cosmic Principles can be more easily understood if you relate them to your own life. You came into incarnation under the influence of the Creator God, all children are Pagans in the so-called Animistic phase and should live close to nature. For most of us this phase is left behind when we enter young manhood or young womanhood.

Then we come under the influence of the Redeemer and enter into social life. The Redeemer influence should generally carry us until we have repaid our obligations to our race. This means contributing to the common good with our work and raising children to launch them on to their social life. With children gone, there is or should be inclination and leisure for study of the deeper phases of life.

This will be the third or Holy Spirit phase of the life cycle, where some attempt should be made toward Soul Consciousness.


God the Destroyer presides over the period between incarnations. If a person is to pass successfully from the Redeemer phase into the Holy Spirit or Illuminator phase of his personal cycle, there must be something akin to what is called conversion in Christian dogma. The Way of the Cross exemplified by the Master Jesus is really an example for anyone in the Western World; and all who suffer and are ennobled by that suffering, tread the Way of the Cross, whether they consider themselves to be Christian or not. Unless this experience comes to a person in his adult life and he cries out in anguish for his Soul's comfort, he cannot pass on to the Illuminator phase.

As with the individual so with nations, and at this time, so with the world. The Way of the Cross is heavy upon mankind now as God, the Destroyer shatters the out-moded forms: the Piscean Age; and the cry for Light, more light, rises from millions of hearts around the world. But even as these cries go up, they are answered by the powerful, higher impulses of the Aquarian Age.

Forms come and go, but life goes on. The discerning eye, illumined by Soul-Consciousness, the early forms of the Aquarian Age are already visible.

The condition of our health is important to all of us, and we should be interested in the new forms of healing already being revealed by Aquarian Age influence. In 1966, metaphysical circles of America have been stirred by the fantastic tales of Psychic Surgery in the Philippine Islands and Brazil.


Simple men of Roman Catholic faith are performing miracles of healing which they attribute to Spirit doctors and especially to the Power of the Holy Spirit, God the Illuminator. But these healers being Mystic, cannot tell us why these miracles happen under their hands.


A new book from England, "Healing Hands" goes far in telling us why and how Invisible Spirit forces can bring about sudden changes in physical organs. The author of the book is J. Bernard Hutton, a professional journalist. In the autumn of 1963, a long history of illness came to a climax for him when his doctor told him that he had polio, the non-paralytic kind. Worst of all for a man of his profession, he was going blind and medical science could do nothing to stop the progressive nature of his disease.

Hutton had no belief in life after death, and was not interested in spiritualism; so much against his better judgment, he reluctantly agree to his wife's suggestion to try Psychic Surgery. When Hutton arrived at the Aylesbury Clinic for his appointment on Jan. 22, 1964, Chapman was already in trance and under the control of Dr. Lang. Though the medium was in his early 40s the white-coated figure that greeted Hutton seemed stooped and old, the face lined and elderly, and even the voice sounded old. After all, the receptionist had said, "Dr. Lang will see you," and the man was in his 80s when he died in 1937. Through thick-lensed glasses, Hutton was surprised to see that the medium's eyes were closed tight. Yet when the figure turned to him from the window, there was no hesitation and the owner of the body, whoever he was, reached out his hand to welcome Hutton as though he could see clearly. There was no groping but the eyes were tight shut.

Dr. Lang's elderly point of view was obvious when he asked, "Well, what troubles you young man?"

Those tightly closed eyes "saw" Hutton's thick leased glasses, remarked on his eye trouble, and asked politely to see the glasses. Peering at them closely through the closed eyes of George Chapman's body, Dr. Lang shook his head and said, "Oh dear, minus 18."

Hutton was amazed because his thick glasses were minus 18, but he had not said anything about them. Dr. Lang then touched Hutton's eye with his thumb, and remarked that this journalist had had a splint operation On both eyes when he was quite young. Hutton was staggered again. How could this utter stranger possibly know this incident from long ago childhood. Not even his wife had known it and he himself had forgotten it for years.


Then Dr. Lang went into a long diagnosis of Hutton's eye trouble using medical terms and professional phrases which bespoke a life-time experience in the art, all the time with his thumb touching lightly on the eyes. This could only be psychic diagnosis or a reading of the Akashic records of Hutton's life up to that time. As the journalist learned later Dr. Lang was talking to his Invisible colleagues on the other side of the Veil. The Spirit doctor did not work alone, though there were only the two of them in the consulting room.


The Doctor told the journalist there was something more than the eyes bothering him and asked if he might make a more thorough examination. Remember, Hutton had said nothing to anyone at Aylesbury Clinic about his illness or past history. He half expected to be asked to strip down for examination but it was carried out where he sat, with the Doctor touching him gently here and there with his hands. Hutton noted that the eyes were still closed.

If Hutton was amazed before, he writes, he was speechless now as this Spirit surgeon told him of his own doctor's diagnosis of non-paralytic polio.

"That virus is gone now," Dr. Lang told Hutton, "but you have something which is very serious, a hepatitis virus that is upsetting your liver."

This was sapping the journalist's strength and causing most of his trouble. Dr. Lang suggested that he first operate on his eyes, but made it clear that he would operate on the eyes of the Spirit body, not the physical. He told the spiritually ignorant Hutton that he expected the operation to produce a corresponding effect on Hutton's physical body and also asked him not to be alarmed when he talked to his Invisible Colleagues during the operation.

Hutton was asked to lie down on the couch and was assured there would be no pain. At first he was inclined to laugh at this mimicry, but the professional dialogue and the performance of Dr. Lang's hands above him changed his feelings to deadly serious. For he began to experience the physical sensation of incisions being made and afterwards the stitching of the wounds.


This over, the Doctor continued discussing this case with his Spirit colleagues, suggesting that it wouldn't be much use to operate on the eyes without clearing up the hepatitis. This called for a liver operation and soon it was under way. When it was over, Hutton sat up, dizzy. He was shocked and frightened to realize that his sight was worse than before. Now he could scarcely distinguish between light and dark, much less focus on anything. He panicked and began to shout, and it took Dr. Lang's unruffled professional air to calm him.

"Don't worry young man, it's only temporary, it will soon lift and you will notice considerable improvement."


Dr. Lang assured him he would visit Hutton during his sleep "because I can then more easily detach your Spirit body from your physical body and give you the necessary treatment." He also asked Hutton if he would return for further treatment in three months, to which he agreed. Dr. Lang called for the attendant to lead Hutton out to his car. He assured the journalist that it wouldn't be very long for he would see. At the car, he found his wife and children had gone for a walk. He sat there on that cold January day, still dizzy, and with a splitting headache. He even burned his hands trying to light his cigarette.

Then his eye-sight began to come back. He could see trees on the street, even the bare branches and twigs, and suddenly the dirt on the windshield in front of his eyes was in sharp focus. He closed his eyes in disbelief and when he opened them again he could see people walking down the street. Then came the Soul's relief and he cried unashamed. The "people" were his wife and children and he could see them clearly for the first time in years.

* * *

In these first five pages of our second talk on spiritual healing we open a new chapter in our search for Truth in this area of borderland research. If you are eager to read the whole of Hutton's book, "Healing Hands", 200 pages, buy it from Psychic News Bookshop, 23 Gt Queen St., London WC2, for 32s or $5.15 postpaid. The address of the Chapman-Lang clinic is not given but Aylesbury is the country seat of Buckingham, about forty miles northwest of London.

Many of our readers will be relieved to know that successful psychic surgery is not the sole prerogative of Roman Catholic mystics in Brazil and the Philippines. Interest in the power of spirit forces has been stirred by the phenomenal and sometimes successful Operations of Arrigo in Brazil, Brother Terte and the Espiritas, and Tony Agpaoa in the Philippines, but many are also repelled by the primitive conditions in which these devoted spiritual healers work. So, the results of Hutton's exhaustive researches into the bloodless surgery of Dr. Lang come as a great relief; for this famous British surgeon is carrying on his practice through the Veil, shorn of religious cant.

Our first talk on spiritual healing was, "Psychic Surgery in the Philippines, Pagan Healing in Hawaii, and New Age Developments in California". This second talk admirably fills our "need to know" just exactly what a Spirit doctor does in working through an entranced medium. "Three Great Aquarian Age Healers", 50 pages plus, 8½ x 11, mimeo book, illustrated, $2.50 postpaid. The two talks on tape, 1½ hrs each, 7 in reel, Monaural, 3 3/4 Speed, $7.00. Californians add 4% sales tax. We are in the process of mimeographing the first talk and will announce publication later.


  1. Hutton, Joseph B. Healing Hands. London: W.H. Allen, 1966. Print. <http://amzn.to/1tAnf3v>
  2. Crabb, Riley H. Three Great Aquarian Age Healers. Vista, Calif.: Borderland Sciences. Print. [Revised ed. remains in print in our classic xerographic format: <#B0083, "Three Great Aquarian Age Healers">