Greetings, my friends, and Aloha from that beautiful paradise of Hawaii. Before I get into my talk I want to clarify something. Words are very confusing, especially from across the ocean. Many words we use, our Teachers use, that are confusing because they mean one and the same thing. Now the word "huna" is the ancient religion of the Hawaiians, and a very mystical science, known by most people as an occult science. This means hidden.
These Hawaiians were masters of hypnosis and they were masters of the complexes of the human mind. I was interested in learning first hand from the men who were taught by their fathers, and their fathers' fathers.
Before going to Hawaii, I studied other forms of occult science. It surprised me very much to discover that almost all of these teachings parallel one another. The only confusing part was the fact of the words. For instance the word "mana", this is the Kahuna word for an electronic charge produced by the human body, through the fingers. This is the same as the Yoga word "prana". There are many names for this substance but it still remains one and the same. So some of the words I may use, you have all heard or read before in the works of other mystery schools.
Now the word "Huna" means secret. The word Kahuna, or priest, means keeper of the secret. In Hawaii, the gods and goddesses are similar to those of other religions. The highest of their gods is named Io. To the American Indian the highest god was the Great White Light or Spirit. To us Christians it is the plain word, God; but these words all mean one and the same thing.
Here in our land, the Spiritualists have what they term Guardian Angels or Guides. In the magic land of Hawaii they have similar beings called "aumakuas". To the Kahuna, the Aumakua is very powerful and very wise. If the Kahuna does not have the intelligence to remember the many mysteries, he simply calls on his Aumakua to guide him and tell him of the magical ways, of healing, controlling the elements, and controlling the minds of the fish -- such as the sharks.
It is very rare for anyone to be bitten or eaten by a shark in Hawaii. This is because the Kahunas have made a pact with the shark god, that the Hawaiians will not catch the sharks and eat them. They will not destroy the sharks. Therefore, in return, the sharks are not to devour the human beings. Yet less than 240 miles from these islands, where the Kahunas have not made the pact, the same shark will devour any human. [2] This is one of the mysteries; this is one of the many works of science the Kahunas have perfected and used down through the hundreds of years and are using today! Today you can swim in shark-infested waters in any part of Hawaii, and it is very, very rare that anyone is attacked by a shark. Yet in my own fishing trips, with my own boat, I have seen many sharks.
One of the very powerful goddesses in Hawaii -- or Aumakuas, or Guardian Angels, or Spirits -- is the goddess Pele, the goddess of the fire in the volcano. According to legend She controls the volcano's eruption, and according to legend the Kahunas with the necessary wisdom and knowledge, control Pele. So, over there, there is not much fear of a volcano ever harming anybody. The Kahunas seem to have control of it at all times and have had in the past.
I understand that Pele has four sisters. They are very powerful. They are not specific ability guides, like some of our Guides; they are simply goddesses that the Kahunas call upon for their everyday welfare. Pele has four brothers. The most powerful of all the gods in Hawaii is one of these brothers. He is the shark god, The wise boys, the beach boys of Hawaii, very seldom if ever, put their large surf boards in the water -- or their boats, or their water-lung gear -- without first calling on the Kahuna to bless them with the power of the shark god. These men then ride the waves, fish, go in dangerous coral reefs, and no mishap befalls them, year in and year out.
There was one thing I noticed which was of most benefit to "haoles". We are Haoles. White men are Haoles. All others -- Orientals and Hawaiians -- are natives. The moment you get off a ship or airplane, you are bathed in a violet ray, a lavender ray. This emanates only in the Hawaiian Islands. Almost instantly, your first night in Hawaii, you will have mystical experiences, because the lavender ray opens your psychic centers. After awhile you become acclimatized to the ray and are adjusted to its daily effect. This was true for me and also for my friends from the mainland who studied occult science. All have told me this.
Another thing that was breath-taking -- when you ask for a sign from the Aumakuas, you usually get a sign. The sign will be in cloud formation, your answer; but the most beautiful of all the signs is the rainbow. If you have a serious problem and you want a simple answer, yes or no, tune your mind to your Hawaiian Aumakua with love and with confidence. You will have your answer within sixty minutes. This wonderful magick goes on every day in Aloha-land.
Now we will get down to the base of all magick in the Hawaiian Islands and Polynesia. The Kahunas call it mana. Modern science calls it vitalized force. The Rosicrucians call it "nous". The Yogas call it prana. If you will cooperate with me, I can prove the existence of this mana to you in a few minutes. Will everybody place their hands about six inches apart? Your fingers should be curved like the talons [3] of an eagle. Each and every one of you take a deep breath and hold it. Now, expel it. We will do this three times. Mentally desire an electric current to flow out of your fingers. (Pause for the experiment)
Now I actually believe that some of you feel an electric current of some nature in your fingers, in the knuckles of your fingers. Don't touch your hands together until I am finished with the demonstration or you will short the circuit. Now this power that you have, and feel, is called mana. This is given to the Aumakuas to give them strength; it is given to these invisible entities. This mana is then given to a sick person, to heal. This mana will do whatever you will it to do. It is good. It can be used for evil but the law of Karma will make you suffer; so therefore it is not advisable to misuse it.
You can heal yourself, your eyes, your ears, any part of your body with this supercharge of mana. You may break the current now; I hope most of you actually experienced the electric current in your fingers. How many of you did? Will you please raise your hands? That's good. This mana, or electric current, is without a doubt the backbone of all magick done in the Hawaiian islands, and in my opinion, in all islands. The knowledge of the use of this is only the secret to the many. When you understand this, and use one or all of the 33 cosmic laws, with mana, it is no longer magick but simple A-B-Cs to you.
The Kahunas have been taught to produce supercharges of mana. What you have just experienced is a light charge. Remember the King James version of the Bible? Where the man pointed to the fig tree and it turned to ash? Yes, the Kahunas can do this too. If you could measure it in volts, I would say it was about 25,000 volts of electricity. But it is on such a high frequency there is only one organization that has a meter to measure this -- to my knowledge -- and that's the Rosicrucians in San Jose, California (AMORC). This is not guess work. They can actually measure it with instruments they have devised. So, the existence of mana is no longer a fantasy; it is a fact!
For your own personal benefit and progress, if you will practise occasionally to develop this as I showed you, and if anything is wrong with your physical body, or your loved ones, or your friends, you just project this current to them. Will, or desire, or pray in your own way that they be assisted, and they shall. The stronger the current, the faster the healing.
Now, I notice that I was supposed to talk on obsessing entities. This is a very complex and deep study. The Kahunas are masters, at not only casting out obsessions, but clearing the minds of their people so that no obsessing entity will get in there in the first place. Those of you who have studied this subject I think will agree with me that the only reason a person is or can be obsessed by an earthbound, undesirable entity -- or desirable -- not all possessions are undesirable! [4] They are lost souls. They are not in the schools or the spiritual plane they should go to. But nevertheless, these entities should not be intruders. The only reason they are intruders is because of our own complexes. When you have a mental complex you open the gate and allow such an intruder in. If you are not complexed, nothing can get in you but you! Nothing can even be willed in you, but you!
The Kahunas understood this well and they had but one commandment. They made it very simple, so their followers could not be complexed. This was: Harm no one, with hate. If a person accidentally killed a dog, a fly, a human, he had not sinned; therefore, the Hawaiian had no sin complex. But if the Hawaiian killed with hate, even his chief Kahuna sometimes could not help him. The person would be highly complexed; all the earthbound undesirables obsessed and possessed them and their minds cracked.
The Hawaiians had this simple commandment. They didn't break it. We Christians have many commandments. We break them every day, sometimes a hundred times a day. Each time one is broken it goes into this complex bank -- and the breaking of a commandment does cause a complex. There are many ways of ridding yourself of complexes but I'm not going to talk on that today.
The surcharge of mana will knock out any obsessing entity, if the charge is strong enough. In some cases it doesn't do much good to knock it out of a human being because as long as the person is complexed, another entity will step in! You are only wasting your time and theirs. There is one sure, positive way, though, to not only knock out complexes, to bring them to the surface of the conscious mind, to dissolve them, and that is to start thinking and speaking positively. The worst thing a human being can say is, "Well I'll be damned!"
Those of you who have studied witchcraft, demonology, Huna, know this is the way the evil forces curse everything. So when you say this you are cursing yourself. Try to remember this. As long as you say this you are damning yourself. You will never be healthy; you will never be wealthy or wise. Those of you who have this fixation or habit, this is the first to correct. If you go around all day damning yourself, you cannot possibly succeed in anything.
While living in Hawaii I built a multi-wave oscillator, from the blueprint, possibly like many of you. We took it to the home of an obsessed person to see if the MWO would knock out obsessing entities. And folks, believe me, Honolulu has some doozies! Because Honolulu is the spiritual port for the world and every kind of undesirable creature, in every shape and form is there, including snakes, lizards, demons and everything else!
This night, this person was placed for six minutes between the aerials of my multi-wave oscillator. Before this, the subject was checked, by me with the pendulum, and by an associate, clairvoyantly. We [5] both agreed he had three obsessing entities within him. They were causing an illness of long standing. After six minutes of exposure we checked him again, there were but two left. One entity had been knocked out.
As a matter of fact, the entity got into one of the other people in the room! This man came to me and said, "Clark, the intruder is in me! He is talking to me mentally." I didn't fool around too long, I said, "Stand over there." He did, and with some of the knowledge the Kahunas taught two of us present, this man was cleansed of that entity within five minutes, and a circle of protection put around him.
Here are two ways of de-possessing people. There are many other ways. The D-Cell water will do it. This is an electronic vibration force similar to mana, if not mana, and very similar to the multi-wave oscillator. Our experience has been that if we put a drunk human being -- well saturated -- between the MWO aerials and give him a glass of D-Cell water, in less than three minutes he will be cold sober.
Our subject turned to me and said, "Clark, I'm not only sober, I just got out the last two complexes I've been working with for a year!"
They changed his conscious mind.
I ran across a thing called the Eeman Screen before I went to Hawaii. This assisted me personally in many ways. Those of you who have read the books of Max Freedom Long recall the Screen. It is not plugged into any electric power supply. One screen is placed behind your head, and one at your lower spine. We all have a current in our body. We are well aware of this. One side of the body is positive, the other negative. The Eeman Screens are designed to make a whirling motion. This whirling motion throws out all undesirable electronic currents that short-circuit our electrical system.
With the Screens I have, I have de-possessed people in less than 20 minutes. I believe the Screen, in my particular case, helped me get rid of over a thousand complexes. The average person has over 2,000. Some have 21,000 complexes; however, these complexes can be classified in groups; and you can group them out.
Another subject is the Little People, the Leprechauns; but in Hawaii they call them Menehunes. They are about a foot high. They wear a little robe around themselves, like the robes worn by large Hawaiians in the early days. I personally have never seen one with the physical eye, but I did visit the Garden Island where the fish pond was built, and I did see their little hand marks in the mud. These had been there for years. The Menehunes did build one of the largest fish ponds in Hawaii, for one of the princes, according to legend. While my wife and I were on Kauai, the Garden Island, I did try to establish a mental rapport [6] with the deceased Kahunas for knowledge and wisdom. I learned a lesson. When you summon anything for information, please be sure to release it so it can go back. I failed to do this, this particular night. I fell asleep and had a wonderful sleep but my wife complained the next morning that her bed rolled around all night long!
Yes, Hawaii is full of them. One particular weekend we had guests. On this evening our eleven-year old daughter wasn't feeling well. We prayed for assistance. In the middle of the night the young girl awoke us, crying. My wife ran down the hall to her room. The girl insisted there was a Flying Saucer in the room and had been for several minutes. She said it was about two-and-a-half feet in diameter.
I was awakened and went into the girl's bedroom. I tried to make my hands very sensitive to prove her story out. I'm satisfied in my own mind, that at a certain spot in the room, five feet above the floor, there was a strange phenomenon. This was where-the girl insisted Saucer was hovering. When I put my hand in that area I had to withdraw it quickly. It burned me.
The following night a similar incident happened to a little girl in a Japanese family next door. This was a strange thing, our guest looked out the bedroom window and saw the Mother ship. This was approximately sixty feet in diameter. Through mental communication we found that these Visitors planet were from Jupiter. I had not asked which they were from, or from what universe! In our own way we had prayed for assistance and this is the way the prayer was answered.
Some of you here are familiar with the planet Venus and the Lord Thinkers. Theirs is a wonderful science. As a matter of fact, after dropping the studies of Huna, I am studying Venusian science. I am very fortunate to have communication with the Lord Thinkers themselves. They are very intelligent beings. I am told that some day all of us here will evolve to this planet, in our next group reincarnation. They are thousands of years advanced in every way, to us. Some of us are very fortunate to make contact.
One particular night my wife awakened me. She was talking. I lifted myself on one elbow to listen. She was arguing with them. She didn't want to put that space suit on. She had left her body and in her Astral she was with them. This was just one of many occasions but this particular one sticks in my mind because of the argument.
"You know I don't need it," she said. "We are going to get into the Saucer and I don't need it anyway!" But they convinced her she should put the suit on. She went through the motions physically and she continued speaking with her physical voice. I could hear her answering them, wherever she was. At this particular time they had her about 60,000 feet above Hawaii. They were teaching her how to guide and control this space ship, to fly it. Within ten minutes they had her over India. I wanted to record this but I was so excited in the dark I couldn't even find my tape recorder.
So we did have Saucer experiences. When I say I don't care whether you believe or not, I do care; because I really believe it. It happened, not once but many times. I believe it is because I desired it. I believe it is because I tried to attune to them. I believe it because I love them for their knowledge and wisdom; they, in turn, have learned to love me. There is a constant rapport.
I studied and tried many methods when I first tried to de-possess people and assist them with their daily problems, to make them wealthy, healthy, prosperous and wiser than they were. I studied and used hypnosis for several years. I used charges of mana, but with the assistance of the Lord Thinkers I don't use this any more. With their intelligence they have machines of another dimension. We are not familiar with these at all. These machines have elaborate dial paneling on them, and can be centered on any group of people or any person. They can de-possess any person in less than five minutes.
But the Lord Thinkers have a philosophy the same as the Kahunas. You will be helped only if you are worthy. They know they are wasting their time and yours, if your complexes are not removed. If you attempt to remove them, they will assist you in every way. So it is useless to ask for assistance until you can first practise positive thinking and speaking. Then, automatically, your aura becomes clear in color, eventually a clear silver, and then a bright white. When this happens, you don't have to seek and ask, you are in direct attunement with these things.
I think I've taken enough of your time. I thank you for being such a good audience. (Applause)
The preceding diagram is one of many in L.E. Eeman's book, "Cooperative Healing" or the Curative Properties of Human Radiations. It was published by Frederick Muller, Ltd., 29 Great James St., London, 1947, and probably unavailable anywhere now.
Using standard electrical circuit diagrams, and hooking people up in a series of in parallel, Eeman proved that human vitality, mana, prana, ectoplasm, or whatever you want to call it, is electrical in nature and flows from positive to negative and vice-versa. Most important of all, he proved that when several people are "in circuit" this way, and completely relaxed, there is an exchange of energies which tend to reach a helpful and healthful balance of all participants. This is why he terms this particular borderland science "Cooperative Healing".
This circuits are set up on the principle that the upper part of the body is positive, the lower negative. For left-handed people these two polarities are reversed.
One-foot squares of metal screen will do. Eeman used copper. The edges can be taped to protect your clothes and skin. Attach the wire leads to the screen with solder or electric fasteners. These wires should be long enough to reach comfortably from one subject to another. Might as well use standard electrical house or radio hook-up wire. Might as well use insulated wire, though it really doesn't matter as this human electricity will go through any physical object if you think it will! For handles, attach the other end of each wire lead to a six-inch piece of metal tubing which can be held comfortably -- remember, for this circuitry to be effective, you must be as relaxed as possible. If you have no home workshop, bare the last foot or so of the lead wire and fold it back and forth several times. This will give you a "handle" that can be felt.
Advanced radionics experts and radiesthesists may tell you that all this physical equipment is unnecessary, that this kind of healing can all be done in the mind! Maybe they can do it, after years of practise and experience, but can you? Remember that cardinal principle which makes Hawaiian magick so successful: the Unihipili, the Low Self, must be convinced that something is being done! The Low Self does not think; you cannot reason with it. It only feels; it is the reservoir of power for the personality. Physical ceremony releases this power; and setting up the Eeman circuits is a ceremony, Western style.
Two or more subjects can stretch out, side by side, on a flat area, such as a living room floor. Several cots or beds, side by side, would be comfortable.
If Associates will cooperate in building and assembling the necessary equipment, extensive testing of the Eeman Screens and Circuits can be carried on at Harmony Grove. Extra-sensitive test equipment might be able to detect the micro-currents generated between people.
[While it was out-of-print in 1964, BSRF is today happy to make the initiatory text "Cooperative Healing: The Curative Properties of Human Radiations", an introduction and guide to the Eeman X-Force and his relaxation screens, available to all borderland associates and fellow researchers on the fringe in our classic xerographic print format. All purchases support our unique service to seekers. ~ Ed., year 2014]

"Cooperative Healing: The Curative Properties of Human Radiations" by L.E. Eeman
"Leon Ernst Eeman's bio-electric technique for the regeneration and preservation of the body and spirit are herein described, along with repeatable experiments for effects controllable and measurable by instrumentation. Contents include: Twelve Typical Cases; One Subject in Circuit; Right- and Left-Handers Grouped in Circuit; "Valves" in Series and in Parallel; Relaxation and Analysis; Myognosis; Emergence; Function and Conscious Thought; Physiology — Radiation — Telepathy; Group Experimental Telepathy; Numbers and Sleep in Circuit; The Seventy-One Blind Tests; Seven Drugs and Four 'Bugs'; External Radiant Energies; Suggestion; Therapeutic Suggestion. 24 illustrations."
Selected Bibliography of Clark Wilkerson
- Wilkerson, Clark L. Hawaiian Huna Lessons: Cosmic Wisdom, a Spiritual Mental Science, Non-Sectarian. Honolulu: Institute of Cosmic Wisdom, 1964. Print. <>
- Wilkerson, Clark L. Hawaiian Magic. Honolulu: Institute of Cosmic Wisdom, 1968. Print. <> [Digital (Kindle): <>]
- Wilkerson, Clark L. Wisdom from Venus. Playa Del Rey, Calif: Institute of Cosmic Wisdom, 1968. Print. <>