
F.G.H. Reviews Flying Roll

(Since almost all readers of Flying Roll are also subscribers to Round Robin, and since the subject matter is of interest to those who read RR only, we print the comments of our Frater at this time).

As proof of the influence of mass thinking on the weather - do you remember when John Steven McGroarthy had a prayer for rain printer on every front page and said in every church here, and a deluge which lasted a week promptly started the same day? I know tht weather is the province of one class of Nature spirits. If anyone is recognized by them as a friend he will always have the weather he wishes for, and may order the same. BUt the weather of the hard winters 1940s-'41 and '46-'47 result from a higher dictum, playing a major part in human developments. Individual storms, whether cyclones, thunderstorms, or just gales, have at their core one or more of the weather Nature spirits, who often are whimsical, venomously angry, or benevolent. I could cite numerous examples of specially controlled weather conditions I have met.

("Can Mass Thinking Modify the Weather. Professor
C. J. Ryan. Flying Roll Alpha II, March '47)

The great pyramid of Ghizee was built about 50,000 years ago, by the Masters of Wisdom. The stones were quarried by thought control of matter, and flown by gravity control into situ. The workmen stood on light bamboo scaffolding and handled these stones as if they were light empty cartons. Once into place, the weight was restored. The references to it in Oahspe are later fables told by the contra-Essene school of Judaism.

(Temple of Osiris, B.F. Greelee, Flying Roll, sup.)

Re "mundicidal predictions: Those voices by Conan Doyle (prior to the first world war) and by many others, were the alternative course for carrying out "the division between the sheep and the goats (Judas)". But man relieved the Masters of Destiny of that ugly chore. Man will attend to it himself thru the third war. It is rather late in the day for Einstein and his confreres to rue their part in the creation of the atomic bomb. A fool remains a fool, no matter how well educated he may be. He only becomes an easier fool for the "smart ones." To understand the history of the present war cycle, one has to know human history of the last three million years - which gives a clear understanding of the causes and points up the sheep and the goats.

(Comment by ML, Flying Roll)

Concerning the Ether Drift: I wish Roger Graham would repeat his experiments at the vortices of the West, with special reference to direction change. (This refers to the article "Determination of the Ether Drift," describing the work of Roger Graham; Flying Roll Alpha II. The vortices are locations where the effect of gravity is distorted and various odd phenomena occur).

Concerning Lingford's statement, that "Christ is so far advanced from your earth plane that an awareness of it by him is just plain rubbish": What he means is, that there is no direct and personal action by the Christ. But the Christ is still the spiritual ruler and guide of this humanity, and very much aware of what goes on here. He also presides at the yearly meeting of all the Initiates. (Lingford is a seance control. F.R. Alpha, p. 12).


Re Mr. Krieger's remark, "I wonder that future personalities do not manifest in seances:" The reason for this is, that seances take place at the astral level, where time extends at best only a few months into the future. One has to go to an absolute and timeless level to reach over centuries. In these cases a part of the higher consciousness is projected into the future or past, assuming there the lower aspects with whcih contact with the then "now" is possible. Precognitive dreams extend only a short time into the future, usually days only. (Letter and Comment, E. C. Krieger, F.R. Alpha II)

Vampirism, of the kind described by the Hon. Ralph Shirley, is relatively common and is not true vampirism, as the full consent of the "victim" is necessary. Most vampirism of the West is carried on by the drainage of the life force without knowledge or consent of the victim. I have met with three such cases in my own praxis. (An Aspect of Vampirism, Shirley: contrib. by Vincent Gaddis, F.R. Alpha II)

Concerning the Pendulum: I have found little difference in its action whether held by a steady hand or suspended by a peg. Friendly Nature spirits probably take a hand in the true use of the pendulum. (Re, memo. from Dr. J. C. van Uchelen, on Pendulums, F.R. Alpha II). (RR Editor would like to hear from anyone who can operate a pendulum from a peg support only, not held suspended by the hand).

There are two different kinds of humans; the one is cooperative and constructive, the other parasitic and destructive. On the surface they look and act much alike. The constructive ones have built up one civilization after another, only to see it destroyed by the opposite kind. These latter always appear in the guise of saviours, often claiming divine appointment. They are quick to band together, and so gain easy control of what has been so dearly built up.

The first atomic war was caused by the selfish ones in old MU, when they tried to wrest control from the Elder Brothers. They first debauched the people by a lowering of moral standards, then excited them against the "oppressors." As a result MU was blown out of the waters with all its iniquities, and it took humanity almost a million years to evolve another civilization in Atlan. Then began a steady cycle of major debauches and wars, usually terminated by a subsidence of certain regions. There were more than a dozen such catastrophe's in Atlan and its Lemurian colonies, until the final catastrophe which brought about a displacement of the earth's axis and caused the ice ages. But a large number of the Decent Ones were led out of Atlan and were preserved in caves, to carry on the development of the moral qualities. It took the Greedy Ones thousands of years to reorganize their forces amongst the younger races. Their tortuous path leads from Egypt over the civilizations of Asia Minor, the Mediterranean Basin, thru Spain and France and into the Britain of today - from where they have nearly gained control of the whole world. But they will destroy themselves and this civilization which they have taken over, by quarreling about the spoils. Arcane knowledge says that many of the Greedy Ones did not originate in ths humanity, but are dregs of former humanities who here had their last chance. This knowledge also says, that this is their last round in this humanity.

F. G. H.

(Letters may be addressed to the author of the above article, in care of the Editor of Round Robin).