
Will the Navy Sink the
Remaining Bikini Fleet Ships?

(News flash reported to Round Robin by Walter Graham)

Boston, Jan. 19, 1947 (UP): The Boston Herald today said in a copyrighted story that the Navy is going to scuttle the remaining ships of the Bikini 'atomic fleet' because the ships are too "hot" to be allowed to remain afloat. The ships that appeared to survive, actually, did not do so. The Herald said "They are contaminated beyond all hope. They cannot even be used for scrap." The navy has decided to tow the ships into deep water and open their seadocks, the newspaper reported. "The Prince Eugen, which rolled over and sank, merely got a headstart on her fellow guinea pigs."

The Herald said that the Navy had been reluctant to disclose its plan for sinking the remaining ships because it feared adverse public reaction to such wholesale destruction of ships by atomic power.

In Washington, the Navy denies that it has decided definitely to scuttle the remaining Bikini ships, saying "No final decision has been made. The ships will be towed to the West Coast, Pearl Harbor, and Kwajalein for further study."

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The radio-active effects of the second underwater blast were foretold by Walter Graham in his Report published June 25, 1946, to the Senate Special Committee on Atomic Energy (p. 8). Other effects predicted (p. 8, 9, 10). "Trigger action effects of downward bombardment may be produced at great distances or transmitted through the earth's core. Example: the recorded-breaking quaked occurring a little over one week after the 2nd (under-water) test." (p. 11 shows other trigger actions at a distance.)

The first atomic test over water occurred June 30, U.S. time: the 2nd test, approximately 100 ft. under water, July 24, 1946, U.S. time.

The above Report is the only one which shows what would occur if an atomic blast were set off 100 ft. above unlimited open sea water. Neither this altitude, nor the open sea, nor the largest size bomb has yet been tried. This large bomb is said to be 4 times more powerful than the one used at Hiroshima; its explosive element, according to figures released, weighs 1⅓ lb., equivalent in explosive energy to 80,000 tons of T.N.T.

(Walter Graham)

We repeat what we have said before, that the predictions of disaster made by Walter Graham and other competent physicists, prior to the Bikini tests, have not been invalidated, for the simple reason that the tests did not conform to the conditions announced for them. The proposed further tests were, fortunately, 'postponed', and we predict that they will never be held. Since then, tho the public has already dismissed the matter, there has been a frequent leakage of alarming facts... We have always believed, to, that one or two demonstrations over open country would have brought the war to a close, without the frightful suffering of the Hiroshima attack... Let us not forget there is a Karma for nations also, and a reaping of things sown.