

It seems necessary, from time to time, for even this small publication to reaffirm its attitudes. The chief reason is, that we are constantly in receipt of letters from people who have Missions, Ideals, Causes, Convictions, Enthusiasms, Inside Information on Man, Nature, and God. The Editor listens with respect, he does not denigrate their knowledge nor their ideals, and he is complimented by their friendly interest. He recognizes the value of 'uplift' writing, and our common need of right instruction.

At the same time, Round Robin holds fast to its idea not to be committed in a dogmatic and final way to any specialized cause or theory. Its field of interest is that of occult studies and so, of course, it inevitably touches the religion and philosophy and science which enter into them. There are people who pursue esoteric studies in the same spirit as they would physics or biology, and it is these whom Round Robin particularly wishes to serve. Any class of data may be studied in a scientific spirit - and this is supposed to be one of critical receptivity, dispassionate, impersonal, serving no master. By its very nature, however, it cannot escape all contention, because ignorance and partisanship attack it - and also because good men and wise often desire, quite naturally, to turn it to the service of their own ideals.

The Editors of course have opinions and ideals of their own, and that their pages may not be too dull, certain thrusts and counter-strokes are given and received. As students of occult matters they accept many facts not commonly believed, and wish to present them, yet not precisely as one trying to win converts to a cause. Or the 'Cause' is simply that of knowledge and clear thinking in occult studies - which is perhaps as much in the service of humanity as as the propaganda of any faith or theory.

We get many letters from People Who Know. They are often quite impressive, and their learning is sometimes too specialized for us to follow. They may well hold the clue or the high truth of many mysteries. We ask these friends to understand that while we can sometimes print what they write us, we cannot offer it as truth, as proven fact - but only as the statement of the author. If you tell us "Betelgeuse is a planet", we cannot print it just that way. We insist on saving, "Mr X says, 'Betelgeuse is a planet,'" and then giving some hint of your reasons, if you have supplied them. Every day we are set right by somebody, about something. Maybe these revelations are real and genuine. But it must be plain that we cannot adopt them, take up cudgels for them. We desire to learn, but learning is more than mere acceptance.

New facts have to be verified if possible, and made to fit in to a context of reason and experience. In occult matters especially, there is a vast amount of genuine personal knowledge, but it usually cannot be demonstrated -- hardly even communicated. Such knowledge can be reported, but to stands sponsor for its truth and value is a most parlous business.

Will you all have patience, then, with our dimwittedness - and try to understand our limitations - and then still keep on writing to us?

A thousand thanks!