

Vancouver, B.C. April 26, 1946.

We, the undersigned persons who assembled together on the invitation of Mr. G.A. Emberg hereby certify that the phenomena here after recorded took place in our presence, namely:- (1) A frosted light globe of 60 watts while connected with the household lighting system of 110 volts A.C. and situate in clear view in the living room where we were assembled, showed a transformation of varying light colors of rainbow-like hues and tints, alternating and interblending rapidly during the 5 minute demonstration. (2) Next, a clear light globe of 150 watts while connected in like manner displayed a marvelous blending of colors including all the shades of the solar spectrum. For the first two minutes or so the normal bright light continued, causing some of us to shade our eyes from the glare, but gradually this bright glare diminished and in its place appeared a mellow and pleasing panorama of interblending luminosity, fluctuating within the globe and with the central light alternating from end to end of the carbon film. This unique demonstration continued for about ten minutes.

Signed: Mrs J.G. Dunbar, Mrs. B. Johnson, Mrs. M. Messer Mrs. M. Rankin, John Horner, James C. Dunbar, Doris Horning.


Declared before me at Vancouver, B.C. this 26 day of April 1946. Signed: William J. Irvin, Notary Public in the Province of British Columbia.

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More Spirit Surgery

Thirteen spirit appendectomies have been performed in Tonsuya, Rizal, suburb of Manila (Philippines), with Dr. Jose Rizal, a national hero there, as the spirit operator, and Julieta Bulatao and Lucrecia de Belen as mediums. Pfc. Eugene Houghtaling reports, according to the New York Spiritualist Leader, the Rizal operations are left neatly bandaged and sewed, and there are no visible scars. . . The 13 operations have been spread over a period of about three years. (Leader for May 12).

Bikini Business?

"Floods, famine, hunger, disease, with Nature rebelling against man. . . volcanoes roaring, earthquakes shattering, lands sinking and new lands rising while seas unite" - these are parts of a prophetic communication received about 8 years ago by a prominent English spiritualist, R.E. Goldsbrough - quoted by the Leader, which thinks the Bikini experiments will maybe start these convulsions. . . Even the Los Angeles Express prints prominently an article entitled The Idiots of Bikini - meaning the brass toppers and their cocksure scientists. Here's hoping all goes well, but if all goes poppo instead the knowledge will come a bit late, for many of us... We call the whole thing criminal folly, whatever the result may be, simply because it's a vast and admitted and unnecessary risk. . . David D. Dagmar's cartoon (Maxin 96) shows the task fleet steaming into its home port, Denver, Colorado - after the bust-up (only, there would be no fleet left to go anywhere, of course). By the way, it's the August experiments which are most dangerous, by present schedule.. after July next, address Round Robin, care of Davy Jones' Locker (maybe)!


Bikini Business
(Another Item)

Clip sent us by somebody (we suspect W.A.) gives opinions of the president of California Institute of Technology, reported by CSNS dispatch of May 30 (name of paper not shown on clip), re ato-bomb tests. "Their value to pure science will be nil, they will not be a factor in future policy, and may expose 1000 scientists and technicians to grievous danger ... basic strategic questions will remain unanswered ... It is only the underwater tests scheduled for 1947 that may prove informative ... The enormous and intensely radioactive cloud that rises from an atomic explosion is a terrifying thing. It is completely subject to the whims of meteorology. Who can say that a sudden rainstorm could not precipitate dangerous quantities of this material onto one or more of the ships packed with observers ... or that a malfunctioning of a bomb will not put many men in grievous danger?" This is a synopsis of predictions appearing in the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists of Chicago, and "follow similar warnings made recently by scientists at Los Alamos (N.M.)"

RR repeats, that many voices are being raised against this super-foolishness - and in very responsible quarters; it's not merely a Round Robin nightmare, by any means. Also, the greater danger, that of seismic disturbances, is overlooked by objectors who think the atol will flatten out any tidal wave effect... Well, we live to learn, maybe die for the same reason.

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Flight of Mrs Guppy

Mrs Guppy is the lady who reportedly (Saturday evening, June 3, 1871) was miraculously whisked off from her peaceful hearthside in Highbury, London, to a seance room on Lamb's Conduit Street, three miles away - there to land with a loud thump in the center of the table. Yes, we know what Harry Price says about it: he says "of course the whole thing was a swindle," and then adds, 5-6 lines further on, "nobody has ever proved it to be a swindle." Well, a logician might handle H.P. rather rudely on that, but we're more interested in the lady - and for the first time find a reprint (in Light for May) of the original reports. There were 11 persons sitting close to each other in a small room, doors locked, no vacant chairs, closets - nothing but the table on which Mrs Guppy landed, with her 17 stone (238 lbs.), her night-gown, her justifiable tears and fears - and followed by her slippers, which fell from the ceiling soon afterward. Or anyhow, 11 people swore to these facts in a formal affidavit, along with other pertinent and attendant marvels, and it's as good a case for teleportation as you'll find anywhere. We wish we could reproduce the whole Light account, which is well worth reading.

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Winchester House

In one of its earliest issues, Round Robin reported an interview with the materialized spirit of Mrs. Sarah L. Winchester, builder of the 5-million-dollar Kozy Korner, and giving her own explanation of the affair. National Spiritualist for June 1 prints a lengthy article by Whit Wellman on this same subject, and very interesting reading it is. There's also the story of the mediumship of Farmer Riley, notes on spiritualism in England, book list and other features. (See "Publications" page for address, this RR.)

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by "Just Plain Walter Gordon"

(Editor of Western Spiritualist disagrees with Dr. Haley.)

Words, words, words! Where does he get them? Spiritons and spiroculons are not mentioned in Webster's Unabridged and in all of my reading I have not heard of them before. Of course, we suppose that geniuses, scientists, and poets have a right to invent them. However, if one does take the liberty to invent words he should add his definition of them. Even Oahspe does that!

I do not believe there is at this time a world soul, that is, in the sense that most people seem to. Some time in the beginning of things there was a whirling mass of matter, fire mist, that gradually condensed and became solid. Thus the earth was formed. The cosmic expanse of God-stuff, not yet individualized, made its first appearance in the rocks, then in the plants, finally in the animal world, in man. Ever becoming more and more individualized, spirit matter grows. Now, nearly all of it is condensed into individualized spirit beings, either in or out of physical bodies. As above, so below. I agree that we came out of that ocean of World soul, but I do not agree that we go back into it. We go on, and there is no end. The earth is an incubator for the Gods.

Dr. Haley would have us believe that our spirit friends have no size, shape, or form. In my thirty years of association with spiritualism I know of no evidence that would lead me to believe such is the case. On the other hand, there is abundant evidence that 'over there' they have form. . . at least the spirit people say so, in such expressions as "They met in fond embrace " and "I was met with outstretched hands." These pictures are portrayed in spirit writings all too numerous to be false. If our friends had no form, how would we know them when we go over? The bible says "It is sown a natural body, it is raised a spiritual body. There is a natural body and there is a spiritual body."

I will agree that the etherialized form is idioplastically generated - not by the spirit, but by the law of spirit return. The first few times the spirit returns, he takes on his former earth conditions. A man passing out with but one leg will return with one leg missing, out after many times he will return with both legs, as he is in spirit. And a spirit that died at birth will return twenty years later as a grown-up person.

And then the Doctor describes a materialization. Well, I thought I had seen some of the best, and I have seen dozens - but never anything like he describes. I really WONDER.

Finally he takes us far afield in clairvoyance. We have had a few visions also. Sometimes they come one way and sometimes another; I defy Leadbeater or Dr. Haley to prove they are independent clairvoyants - or even to prove there is such a thing as independent clairvoyance. How do we know but that we are being shown these things by our spirit guides? Can we prove that we can see without their help? That is as impossible as for the hypnotist to prove that he, and not some outside influence, is doing the hypnotising - tho perhaps receiving his magnetic power from the so-called hypnotist.