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Tools of Perception

Pendulums! Mysterious aura motor action. Pendulums vibrate or rotate when held in the hand over different materials, and they can be used with radionic instruments, maps for dowsing, and even analysis of food! The true scientific use of the pendulum is not to be confused with mediumism or the subconscious mind at all. This is a handy brass pendulum anyone can use to experience the exciting world of dowsing! Machined from solid non-magnetic brass with 4" brass chain.
Brass pendulum, #E0009 ... $8.00

The Original Cameron Aurameter
Dowsing Instrument The Cameron Aurameter, is considered the "world's most sensitive dowsing instrument". It was developed over a 22 year period by the late dowsing Master, Verne L. Cameron. With it, you can outline the human aura, or locate underground water sources. Used with patience and without prejudice, this instrument will give you amazing results. With practice, it will help to open up wonderful and unknown natural laws and forces to you.
Chrome-plated Aurameter, #E0005 ... $125.00

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