About the Foundation

Borderland Sciences Research Foundation is a California non-profit (C0254263) research and education organization, founded in 1951 by Meade Layne for the purpose of studying parapsychology and extended consciousness. It has since expanded in scope to traverse as broad a path of the grand terrain of the borderland as may be uncovered by human perceptions (and perhaps even further).

The main goal of Borderland Sciences is the curation and distribution of historical papers and books on energy, healing, and consciousness, providing a framework for understanding and continued research, and offering support to scientific minds exploring the unconventional regions of thought we call "borderland".

The golden ratio multi-wave oscillator radiates out from center of the Koreshan hollow earth.


Phone+1 (707) 497 6911
Email (orders & general inquiries)info@borderlandsciences.org
Email (journal & site)cqc@borderlandsciences.org
MailBorderland Sciences Research Foundation
P.O. Box 6250
Eureka, CA 95502

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Support Our Work

BSRF is a small organization with a limited budget, the majority of which is spent on print costs and general operating expenses. The sales from our print catalog make up the bulk of our funding, supplemented by irregular private donations. You are our backbone and we are forever grateful for all your support.

Buy Print

One of our services is the continual offering of print editions in our classic xerographic format, an attempt to preserve the form as well as the content of historical BSRF publications. The idea of pushing printed material may seem like an anachronism, and there may come a time that print is truly and well dead, but BSRF has never been an organization that went readily with a push, and so we will continue to serve customers who desire our research matter in print for as long as we are able.

Browse the Borderland Sciences Research Catalog for an idea of what we have available.


If you don't care to buy print, or just want to give to the borderland cause, here's a Paypal button:

(Donations not tax-deductable, as we are not presently a federal non-profit entity.)

Spread the Word

As the goal of our organization is the spread of ideas, the best way you can help is to get the word out. Many of our associates and allies have done a great service by pushing borderland research to the world through the internet and through local associations. The phenomenal power of the world wide web has allowed whole new generations of researchers to make contact and investigate information that was once hidden.