Tesla Tech

Nikola Tesla

Charles P. Steinmetz

J.J. Thompson

Eric Dollard

Jorge Resines

Handbooks & Guides

Nikola Tesla: Lectures, Patents & Articles

Nikola Tesla: Lectures, Patents & Articles

This is one of the finest Tesla reference books available. Documents are taken from the Tesla Museum and Beograd University. A wealth of information compiled into two huge volumes, it makes finding pertinent information easier and faster. Lectures on A New System of Alternate Currents of Very High Frequency & Their Application to Methods of Artificial Illumination; On Light & Other High Frequency Phenomena; High Frequency Oscillators for Motors. 9 Patents for Transmission of Electric Power; 6 Patents for Lighting; 17 Patents for High Frequency Apparatus and Circuit Controllers; 12 Patents – Radio; 1 – Telemechanics; 7 – Turbines & Similar Apparatus; 11 – Various Patents. Also 24 Articles and an Autobiographical Article. This two-volume set is over 1000 pages. A must have for the serious Tesla enthusiast.

Spiral Bound: 1000 pp
Language: English
Product Code: B0214

Price: $150.00

Charles Proteus Steinmetz

Electric Discharges, Waves, Impulses and Other Transients

Electric Discharges, Waves, Impulses and Other Transients

This is a vital book for the electrical engineer pursuing the lost science of electricity as developed by Tesla and other pioneers. Steinmetz was hired by General Electric to decipher the Tesla Patents. Illustrated.

Stapled: 156 pp
Language: English
Product Code: B0026

Price: $29.95

Theory And Calculation Of Transient Electric Phenomena And Oscillations

According to Steinmetz himself, this work is an “investigation of phenomena which heretofore have rarely been dealt with in text-books but have now become of such importance that a knowledge of them is essential for every electrical engineer, as they include some of the most important problems which electrical engineering will have to solve in the near future to maintain its thus far unbroken progress […] Transient phenomena, which were of such short duration and small magnitude as to be negligible with the small apparatus of former days have become of serious importance in the huge generators and high power systems of today, as the discharge of generator fields, the starting currents of transformers, the short-circuit currents of alternators, etc. Especially is this the case with two classes of phenomena closely related to each other: the phenomena of distributed capacity and those of high frequency currents.”

Spiral Bound: 557 pp
Language: English
Product Code: B0469

Price: $75.00

Relativity and Space

In these four lectures Steinmetz discarded the relativistic concepts of the ether and opted for a relationship between Projective Geometry and Relativity. Stereo-vision illustrations are included to help the reader understand these concepts.

Stapled: 140 pp
Language: English
Product Code: B0074

Price: $75.95

Radiation, Light and Illumination

A reprint collection of lectures presented by Charles Proteus Steinmetz to Union University students in 1909, consisting of “that knowledge of light and radiation which every educated man should possess, the engineer as well as the physician or the user of light.” The majority of this material is presented in plain language, without mathematical formalism (with the exception of Lectures X and XI), allowing it to serve as a strong introductory toolkit for beginners and advanced students alike.

Language: English
Product Code: B0470

Price: $75.95

J.J. Thompson

Electricity and Matter

A series of lectures presented by J.J. Thompson at Yale University in May, 1903, discussing (in his words) “the recent advances made in Electrical Science on our views of the Constitution of Matter and the Nature of Electricity; two questions which are probably so intimately connected, that the solution of one would supply that of the other.”

Language: English
Product Code: B0115

Price: $29.50

Eric Dollard

Save nearly 25% when you buy the complete Eric Dollard Papers!


  • Condensed Intro to Tesla Transformers
  • Dielectric & Magnetic Discharges in Electrical Windings
  • Theory of Wireless Power
  • Symbolic Representation of the Generalized Electric Wave
  • Symbolic Representation of Alternating Electric Waves

Price: $74.95

Condensed Intro to Tesla Transformers

Condensed Intro to Tesla Transformers

An abstract of the theory and construction techniques of Tesla Transformers written by one of the most brilliant modern day researchers into High Frequency Electricity as pioneered by Tesla and Steinmetz. Contains the article CAPACITY by Fritz Lowenstein, assistant to Tesla in his research.

Stapled: 70 pp
Language: English
Product Code: B0018

Price: $19.95

Dielectric & Magnetic Discharges in Electrical Windings

Dielectric & Magnetic Discharges in Electrical Windings

Eric Dollard’s work on the relationship of the dielectric and electromagnetic aspects of electricity is the most important breakthrough in modern day electrical research providing real avenues of research into Tesla’s secrets. Contains ELECTRICAL OSCILLATIONS IN ANTENNAE & INDUCTION COILS by John Miller, 1919, one of the few articles containing equations useful to the design of Tesla Coils.

Stapled: 38 pp
Language: English
Product Code: B0020

Price: $19.95

Theory of Wireless Power

Theory of Wireless Power

This paper contains many essential formulae and supporting data necessary to understand the Transmission of Electrical Energy Without Wires. Discusses and diagrams the Marconi Wireless station based at Bolinas, California, circa 1919. Unlike many erroneous modern theories of how Tesla achieved his goal, this paper is based on real work with a Tesla Magnifying Transmitter. Illustrated with charts & diagrams.

Stapled: 69 pp
Language: English
Product Code: B0082

Price: $14.95

Symbolic Representation of the Generalized Electric Wave

Symbolic Representation of the Generalized Electric Wave

Extension of the theory of versor operators and imaginary numbers to represent complex oscillating waves such as those encountered in the researches of Nikola Tesla and everywhere in Nature. Theory of Free Electricity produced by rotating apparatus such as variable reluctance devices. Waves flowing backwards in time are explored.

Stapled: 86 pp
Language: English
Product Code: B0080

Price: $19.95

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Symbolic Representation of Alternating Electric Waves

Symbolic Representation of Alternating Electric Waves

Introduction to the FOUR QUADRANT THEORY of Alternating Current which allows engineering of Tesla’s inventions. Provides a more complete understanding of the use of versor operators (degrees of rotation), necessary to the understanding of the rotating magnetic field. The process of the production of electrical energy using the neglected QUADRANTS OF GROWTH is brought about via the use of these operators.

Stapled: 53 pp
Language: English
Product Code: B0079

Price: $19.95

Jorge Resines

Some Free Energy Devices

Some Free Energy Devices

Here is a “free energy” tour by one of today’s most prolific writers on the subject: Jorge Resines.

Part 1, The Hubbard Coil;
Part 2, Hendershot: Analysis of WHY and HOW the Hendershot generator works;
Part 3, Using the conceptions of the late Dr. William J. Hooper to indicate a DC motor powered by a combination of electricity and gravity that has no commutator;
Part 4, A free-energy device powered by atmospheric electricity;
Part 5, Improved Faraday Homopolar Generator;
Part 6, Analysis of the saucer drive proposed by Otis Carr in the late 50s; mistakes existing in the publicly-available data and its correction;
Part 7, Data on the Schappeller Sphere;
Part 8, Analysis, comment and criticism of the works of Joseph Newman and the Methernita group of Switzerland;
Part 9, Free Energy work of Nikola Tesla.


Stapled: 108 pp
Language: English
Product Code: B0089

Price: $19.95

Final Reconstruction of the Tesla Magnifying Transmitter

Some Free Energy Devices

Includes: Differences between the Magnifier Transmitter and the Tesla Coil; different usages of the Archimedean Spiral; Why the building is shaped and sized in the manner it was, internal features and sizes for each. Regeneration as main feature for this transmitter; Reasons for the metallic hemisphere at both ends of the TMT; Internal Radio Devices: Apparatus placed within the Magnifier Transmitter to broadcast and receive voice and visual.

Stapled: 66 pp
Language: English
Product Code: B0309

Price: $12.95

The Polytubes: Conductive Vacuum Tubes


Interesting work on fully conductive vacuum tubes. Contains info on the Farnsworth Multipactor Tubes, and has a wealth of diagrams and patent drawings. Excellent resource for the serious researcher!

Stapled: 46 pp
Language: English
Product Code: B0308

Price: $12.95

The Calculation and Measurement of Inductance & Capacity

by William Hockley Nottage

The Calculation and Measurement of Inductance & Capacity

An essential handbook for experimenting with Tesla coils and amateur radio gear.

Stapled: 137 pp
Language: English
Product Code: B0012

Price: $20.95

Modern High-Speed Influence Machines

by V. E. Johnson

Modern High-Speed Influence Machines

Subtitle: Their Principles, Construction Applications to Radiography, Radiotelegraphy, Spark Photography, Electro-Culture, Electro-Therapeutics, High-Tension Gas Ignition, and the Testing of Materials, etc.

If you are into electrostatics and related phenomena you will find this a fascinating, useful handbook.

Stapled: 278 pp
Language: English
Product Code: B0266

Price: $24.95

ABC of Vacuum Tubes

by Elmer Hugh Lewis

“An Elementary and Practical Book on Theory and Operation of Vacuum Tubes as Detectors and Amplifiers. Explains Non-Mathematically The Fundamental Principles Upon Which All Vacuum Tube Circuits Are Based. Includes: Practical Circuits and Practical Questions & Answers. It is written especially for the beginner. All electrical and radio terms are fully explained.”

Language: English
Product Code: B0121

Price: $9.95