Vril, or Vital Magnetism
by William Walker Atkinson
Lesson XI.
Secret of Vril Absorption
IN many treatises upon psychic breathing, or other occult teachings in which the breath is employed in the process of the absorption of Vril (under some one of the names applied to it), we find many fanciful methods of breathing given, great stress being laid upon the supposed merits of each. A little close analysis will show that these methods are divided into two classes, viz.: (1) methods in which the breath is inhaled, retained, and exhaled, in some fanciful manner — often according to the count of so many moments to each step in the process, or else in some fantastic accompaniment. Another variation of this class of methods is that of inhaling through one nostril, exhaling through the other, and then reversing the order of nostrils. The best authorities hold that there is no virtue whatsoever in the fanciful form of these methods, outside of the suggestive effect upon the imagination of the person, the auto-suggestion causing some benefit [87] by reason of the belief of the person setting into effect the activities of the subconscious mind, and accordingly of the physical organs by means of the sympathetic nervous system. These methods are but variations of the principle underlying "faith healing," and their results are obtained in the same way. (2) The second class of these fanciful methods consists simply of combinations of well-known physical-culture movements, with an emphasis laid upon the use of the breath in their performance. These exercises, of course, have their value in the direction of promoting physical culture, the breathing phase being merely incidental and secondary.
It will be seen that the above explained fanciful methods, while possessing no special value in themselves, nevertheless may result in good, if practiced in moderation and if excess is avoided. There are some exercises given, however, which we feel lay undue emphasis upon the retained breath, and upon the length of time employed in inhaling and exhaling. In our opinion there is a possibility of a strain in such practices, and we do not recommend them, particularly when it is remembered that they have no real physiological or psychical value. [88] We have heard of teachers of some of these systems teaching classes of persons to inhale very slowly, and to retain the breath until a feeling of giddiness arose, the peculiar "swimmy" feeling thus experienced being held to be proof of the development of some high psychic state. The slightest acquaintance with elementary physiology, however, should teach one that the dizziness is not a psychic state, but arises from the poisoning of the body by the carbonic acid gas generated in the system, which under natural conditions would have been expelled, and also from the fact that the body and brain are crying out "Oxygen! send us oxygen, or we perish!" In short, instead of a state of psychic power being attained, there is really a state of partial asphyxiation induced.
The Arcane teachers do not teach any of the above mentioned fantastic or fanciful methods. On the contrary, they hold that there is no better way of absorbing Vril, under ordinary circumstances, than the "full breathing" method of nature. They hold that the man or woman who acquires or re-acquires the habit of proper natural "full breathing" will usually absorb a normal degree of Vril. But they [89] hold also that an additional amount of Vril is often needed by those living under conditions which tend to deplete them of their Vril by excessive use or excessive waste. They accordingly teach methods by which additional Vril may be absorbed according to the desire or need of the person. But this method of absorption does not consist of any fanciful physical method or exercise, but depends upon the use of the mind in connection with the natural normal process of breathing. The Arcane method is psycho-physical, rather than physical. Those of our students who have studied the previous works of this series will understand the power and effect of the mind upon the physical functions, without our going into the matter in detail in this place. The secret of the Arcane method of Vril absorption consists of the fact that the nervous system may be spurred to redoubled efficiency by the action of the mind directed upon it. In Lesson X of "The Arcane Formulas, or Mental Alchemy," which lesson is entitled "Mentalism in a Nutshell," is explained the method of psychic "visualization" or the forming and holding of the mental image of things and conditions which one wishes to realize objectively [90] and in material form. In the same lesson is explained the use of the will in the materialization and objectification of desired conditions. On page 97 of the said book and lesson, you will find the following paragraph: "The secret of mental alchemy may be stated as consisting first, last and always, of the art of mental imaging, reinforced by the will. . . While to the beginner the subject of mentalism may seem a very complicated one, the advanced occultist knows it to be the very extreme of simplicity. Mental alchemy, under whatever name it may masquerade, may be found to consist, at the last, of simply the power to create strong, clear, mental images, and to project them into the outer world by means of the concentrated will. . . You will find that all you have ever read on the subject may be 'boiled down' to the above stated principle. The rest is a mere matter of detail. This single statement is 'mentalism in a nutshell.'"
We have quoted from the earlier work of this series in order to emphasize the fact that the power of psychic visualization, backed by the power of the will, is the secret of Vril absorption, as it is of all psychic or [91] psycho-physical phenomena. The first step in Vril absorption is the realization by the student that there exists in the atmospheric air a universal supply of Vril in such phase and condition as to render it easily assimilated by the nervous system of man and other living creatures. The second step is the formation of a clear mental picture of this universal supply of Vril. Of course, Vril having no definite shape or form, color or outward appearance, the mind cannot form a picture of it as a thing of form, color or other tangible attribute. But the mind can image it, as it would image a space filled with electrical power, magnetism, or ether. The mind must enter into a consciousness of the presence of Vril in space, all around one, and in every atom of air that is breathed. This consciousness of that presence must be gained before further progress is possible — it must be dwelt upon mentally until the mind grasps its reality and becomes conscious of its presence, just as one is conscious of the presence of space itself. In the degree that this consciousness is gained, so is the degree of manifestation possible.
The next step is the realization and mental imaging of the faculty of the nervous system [92] to absorb such amount of Vril as is required, in response to the mandate of the will. The mind must visualize the nerves as absorbing the Vril from the air, just as it can visualize the lungs absorbing oxygen from the same source. The one must be seen to be as real as the other. Of course the nerves will absorb Vril in the ordinary way whether or not one is conscious of the process — in fact, this is the way that the average person absorbs Vril — but in order to increase the absorptive power of the system, the mind must be employed in the manner above described. This process imparts to the absorptive function an increased efficiency, just as thought-force is known to increase the efficiency of the stomach, liver or other organs of the body.
The final step is the use of the will in the direction of commanding the system to absorb a greater amount of Vril. After the reason recognizes the possibility of this process, and the imagination pictures it as being performed, then the will may be directed to the task of demanding its performance. To those to whom this may seem a strange statement, we would say that the majority of our physical actions are evolved in just this way. With the [93] exception of a few elementary instinctive actions which are performed almost automatically, the young animal, and particularly the young human child, first realizes that a movement may be made, then sees it being made by the imaginative or ideative faculties, and then deliberately wills it to be made. The child follows this process in learning to use its legs in walking; in using its hands in taking hold of a thing and guiding it to its mouth; and afterward in directing its hand to write, use the knife and fork or perform similar offices. The story of evolution as told by Lamarck and his school tells us that the life-forms have gradually developed new functions in this way, the physical organ evolving in response to the mental picture and desire. In forming the mental picture until it becomes firmly fixed in the subconscious mind, and then reinforcing and enforcing it by the will, the "nature" of the person develops the faculty of increased power of absorption of Vril, which is manifested in response to the will of the person.
VRIL-ABSORPTION EXERCISE. The following exercise will serve as a general guide to those who wish to increase their power of Vril absorption. (1) Practise the "full breath" [94] (as heretofore described), and, while inhaling, picture in your mind the absorption of Vril first by the nerves of the nasal cavity and the back of the head, and then by the cells of the lungs, at the same time "willing" that the Vril be so absorbed. Or, if it is preferred, it may be stated in this manner: WILL that the system absorb an increased amount of Vril, and at the same mentally picture the process of absorption. Or perhaps a third form will be easier for some: WILL the Vril absorption, and at the same time "feel" that it is under way.
After a little practice the student will find that the system will become as responsive to the will in this function, as the lungs are responsive to the will when one decides to take a breath fuller and deeper than usual. And, in the same way, the person will become almost as vividly conscious of the influx of Vril as he is of the influx of air in breathing. A little practice will demonstrate this to the student of his own actual experience, much better than can we in pages of written description and statement. Imagine what it would be to attempt to describe the sensation of breathing to a creature that had never breathed — a visitor [95] for instance, from some distant star where breathing was unknown. Or imagine describing the sensation of seeing the color "scarlet," to a man born blind. Or the sensation of the taste of sugar, to one who had never tasted anything sweet. Sensations of this kind must be experienced in order to be understood. The student has the matter in his own hands — his experience and actual knowledge depend upon his own practice.
It is not intended that one shall practise this conscious Vril absorption all the time — this is not necessary. Moreover, it is not practicable, for the process requires the concentration of attention upon the task, and one requires the attention for other purposes. It is sufficient for one to practise this method only when he feels that his Vril supply is depleted, or just before engaging in work that will probably require additional energy. One may absorb additional Vril while engaged in other work, without disturbing his occupation — it requires but a moment or two — just as the flying locomotive takes up water without stopping. It will be found to be an excellent plan to practise some light physical-culture exercise in the morning before arising, and then to [96] devote a few moments to Vril absorption. This will start one well in the work of the day. When fatigued during the day, a moment's relaxation and practice of Vril absorption will yield great benefit. There are no set rules to be observed in this matter. Each one must use his own judgment, and fit the method to his own inclination and necessities. Absorb Vril whenever you feel you need it.

"Vril, or Vital Magnetism: The Secret Doctrine of Ancient Atlantis, Egypt, Chaldea, and Greece" (1909; 1911) — by William Walker Atkinson — remains available in our BSRF xerographic edition. Every purchase of print helps support the Foundation and allows us to provide our unique service to all seekers.
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