Vril, or Vital Magnetism
by William Walker Atkinson
Lesson XII.
The Psychic Phase of Vril
IT is not our purpose to enter into a detailed discussion of mental science, psychic phenomena, or occultism, in this book. In the preceding books of this series we have dwelt upon this subject in some detail, and we must refer thereto the student who is specially interested in this particular field of the teaching. But our consideration of the subject of Vril would be incomplete did we not at least call attention to the part played by Vril in the phenomena generally classed as "psychic," "mental science," or "occult." Therefore we shall in this lesson point out in a general way the office and function of Vril in such phenomena.
PSYCHIC INFLUENCE. In the various phases of what is known as "psychic influence," or the effect of the mind of one person over that of another, Vril plays an important part. In the degree that the thought projections, thought-waves, thought-vibrations (or whatever term may be used), are charged with Vril, so is their [118] effect upon the person receiving them. Just as the degree of clearness in the sound of the telephone depends materially upon the strength of the current operating the system, so does the strength of the Vril current materially determine the power of the thought vibrations sent from one person to another, over a short or long distance. In fact, Vril is the real force or energy in all manifestations of thought-force — the mind merely serving to project that force by the will, and to color it by the idea or feeling held in the mind. The thought sent forth is colored and charged with Vril by the strength of the feeling or desire manifested, in the majority of cases. But the trained mental scientist or occultist uses his direct will-power to accomplish the same result, using precisely the same method that he does in directing and distributing the Vril to parts of his own body, or to the body of another person when he is giving personal psychic treatments as described in preceding lessons. This fact, understood in connection with what we have said on the subject in the other books of the series above mentioned, gives one the complete key to psychic influence, mental science treatments, and other occult phenomena in which mind acts upon [119] mind or body over a distance. The general principle is the same in all of these cases. Persons may be "treated" by sending them thoughts of strength and vitality, or of courage and success, charged with strong currents of Vril impelled by the will of the sender. In the same way, one may send to another direct currents of Vril, and thus increase his or her vitality, energy, force, and power. Telepathic messages may be increased in power by charging them with an increased supply of Vril. Thought-forms sent forth in the manner familiar to occultists, may be energized and vitalized by charging them with the dynamic force of Vril. The student who is interested in this phase of the matter should study carefully theft lesson "Mentalism in a Nutshell," in the book of this series entitled "The Arcane Formulas."
SELF-PROTECTION. In the same way the self-protection by thought-auras, psychic armor, etc., familiar to all occultists may be wonderfully increased by charging the protective thought-force with a strong current of Vril. The ideative power of the mind, and the will, are used in this process. By forming a strong mental image of the presence of the protective thought-aura surrounding the body, and which [120] is rendered dynamic by currents of Vril, the occultist may surround himself with an armor of protection that will defy all attacks on the part of others. In the same way, one may use Vril in connection with the thought-atmosphere with which he surrounds himself, and which gives the keynote to the attitude of other persons toward him. He may create this mental atmosphere by the character of the thoughts held by him, his mental attitude, or his affirmations, according to the system followed by him — and in either case he may greatly increase the power of this mental atmosphere by charging it with Vril according to the general method which we have repeatedly mentioned in this book — visualization and will-power. This is the explanation of that peculiar "force" or "power" which we feel emanating or flowing from the presence of strong individuals — a force or power which strikes us with almost a physical impact.
As we have already said, we do not purpose entering into a detailed consideration of psychic phenomena in this book. In the above mention of Vril in this connection we have given in a few words, and in simple form, an occult secret which should prove very valuable to all [121] occultists who are not already acquainted with it and who have been contenting themselves by merely using thought in their psychic experiments or work. It will be found that this use of Vril will prove to be the missing keystone which is essential to give to the whole psychic arch that strength, unity, and power which it needs. The student will find that it may be added or adapted to any of the many systems of occult practice with which students of the subject may be familiar. It is an "attachment" which may be used in connection with any or all the systems, old or new, ancient or modern. In this matter, as in a number of others in this book, we have given you the spirit of a great occult method or system in a few plain words. We have condensed it, and given you the essence. We have stated the whole thing in a nutshell. Once more we warn you not to overlook the value and importance of the thing by reason of its simplicity and plainness.
You have now read this book through in a more or less hasty way. You have seen some things which have attracted you, and which you have decided to apply in your own life and [122] work. But you have missed many other things of equal or perhaps greater value. Therefore, we ask that you lay this book aside for a few days, and mentally assimilate that which you have learned from it. Then take it up again, and carefully re-read and re-study it from beginning to end. Much to your surprise you will find that there are many things in it which you have entirely overlooked. Also, that many things will appear to you in a new light and with an added meaning. A week or so later, read and study it for the third time, and you will have a like result. You will not begin to understand the real value of the principles announced in this book in less than the three readings above advised. In this connection you should re-read and re-study the other books of the series, and each will serve to throw light on the others. The Arcane Teaching is based upon certain general principles which are immanent in every branch and in every phase of it. Each phase blends into the others. Thus does the teaching present a unity and a harmony when each phase is studied and considered in relation to the others.
In conclusion let us use words once before used in this series: "Oh, Neophyte, in the [123] Centre of Life shalt thou indeed find poise and power. In the Heart of the Storm shalt thou find peace. He who finds the centre of himself, finds the centre of the Cosmos. For at last they are ONE!"

"Vril, or Vital Magnetism: The Secret Doctrine of Ancient Atlantis, Egypt, Chaldea, and Greece" (1909; 1911) — by William Walker Atkinson — remains available in our BSRF xerographic edition. Every purchase of print helps support the Foundation and allows us to provide our unique service to all seekers.
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