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Esoteric Biology

H. Charlton Bastian
This later work by the esteemed Bastian was completed after a number of years of teaching and experimentation at University College, London. After the Royal Society rejected Bastian’s proposal for a work on “The Origin of Life” Question, as it was unsuitable for these men of science, he proceeded to publish his complete works on the subject. Comprising more than 30 years of experimental research, this treatment lends support to his position that life-evolving processes are and have been going on since the times they first commenced. Bastian offers a great wealth of evidence in opposition to many conventional academic views on the origin of life.
#B0420, 124pp, staples ... $19.95

Otto Rahn
This rare 1936 classic gives the subject of radiant energy a thorough treatment, and was the inspiration for L. George Lawrence’s work. Through countless observations and experiments the author is able to develop and illustrate his ideas on the nature and effects of biological radiations. Topics include the physics of radiation and radiant energy, sources and effects of radiant energy, observing biological radiations and their characteristics, the mitogenetic effect, and biological radiations in medicine and agriculture.
#B0418, 215pp, staples ... $32.95

Dr. Stephane Leduc
Translated by W. Deane Butcher
This remarkable volume introduces “Synthetic Biology.” And, not unlike works of Littlefield and others, this topic covers a multitude of experiments with inanimate substances that seem to mimic various animate structures - crystal growth, mineral formations, electrolytic and colloidal solutions that react and develop similarly to cellular structures, tissues, and nuclei. The ultimate aim of the book is to present the reader with new ideas about the nature and definition of Life, the physico-chemical basis for biological activity and evolution, and Morphogenesis.
#B0428, 172pp, ... $21.95

Charles Wentworth Littlefield (1919).
This is an original edition copy of the work of Dr. Charles Littlefield (very few copies are known to exist). Littlefield demonstrated life-forming activity in the mineral realm, with organic lifeforms actually springing from inorganic matter! While crystallizing inorganic substances he demonstrates the creative power of mind by imprinting thought forms into the ‘inert’ substances. Chapters include: The Vital Force, Crystal Prototypes of plants, The Law of Organic Forms, Fixing Thought-Forms in Matter, and more.
#B0382, 630pp, staples ... $49.95

and the Experiments of Dr. Charles W. Littlefield & Wilhelm Reich
To the great consternation of the scientific world, Morley Martin succeeded in creating organic life forms in inert Precambrian azoic rock! He proved that there is no death, only latency, and that life is not special to this planet but is a spontaneous universal phenomenon. Dr. Littlefield demonstrated life-forming activity in the mineral realm, with life actually emerging from ‘dead’ rock! While crystallizing inorganic substances, he described many organic forms imprinted into ‘inert’ substances. Includes documentation on Andrew Crosse’s extraordinary experiments where spider-like insects were created from ‘inert’ volcanic pumice, after being treated with galvanic currents. Learn of Dr. Wilhelm Reich’s ground-breaking bion experiments — the creation of living, pulsating energy from heat-sterilized substances! Also contains a brief description of disease diagnosis through crystallized blood spots.
#B0057, 47 pp, staples ... $9.95

George W. Crile 1926.
What are the underlying causes of chronic fatigue, exhaustion and death? Well-known researcher (at least in alternative circles) Crile gives us his conclusions based on studies begun in 1889 - over a hundred years ago! These led him to a deep study into the nature of life.
#B0008, 420pp, spiral bound ... $44.95

A Radio-Electric Interpretation
George W. Crile 1936 Follow the author’s exploration into the phenomena we call LIFE...With impeccable logic he shows how oxidation produces radiant energy. Radiant energy generates electric currents in the protoplasm. The normal and pathological phenomena of life are manifestations of protoplasm. Therefore the phenomena of life must be due to radiant and electrical energy.
#B0062, 380pp. spiral bound…………$49.95

Dr. Gustave Le Bon.
This is the copy of a rare and sought-after manuscript from 1906. Scientific researches into invisible radiations, phosphorescence and electromagnetic waves, and emanations from "radioactive" elements.
#B0036, 475pp, staples ... $49.95

Dr. Gustave Le Bon (1908).
From the evolution of matter, Le Bon now extends his original theories to encompass the forces of the universe. Different forms of Electricity, Light, Black Light, Visible & Invisible Phosphorescence, Hidden Forces, and Forces Manifested in Living Beings. This is the real basis for a new physics.
#B0037, 400pp, staples ... $49.95


Alfred Binet.
This essay endeavors to show that psychological phenomena begin among the very lowest classes of beings; they are met with in every form of life.
#B0129, 60pp, ... $12.95

Interstellar Communications and Their
Subliminal Effects on Man
L. George Lawrence
For the first time in print, here is the long-lost manuscript of Borderland scientist Dr. L. George Lawrence (special updated spiralbound edition). In the 1970s, Dr. Lawrence pioneered the development of biological communications — communications which lie outside the electromagnetic spectrum — and was the first to use this technology to receive intelligent signals from outer space. Included in this work are Dr. Lawrence’s fully detailed field notes on the use of this new communications technology, and how the history of the human race may have been altered by the subliminal effects of biodynamic transmissions from other galaxies. Dr. Lawrence presents us with an array of startling archeo-astronomical evidence and experimental confirmation based on 30+ years of investigation. This book is certain to become one of the great classics of borderland literature.
#B0388, 330pp, spirals ... $34.95

Selected Articles, Experiments,
and Patent Designs
with L. George Lawrence, Michael Theroux, Gerry Vassilatos, and Charles Allon
A handbook of research into the subject of biological or "biodynamic" communication. The book opens with an entire history of "Biocomm" from the early experiments of Reichenbach, to the later researches of the Radionic pioneers. The subject of plant sensitivity and radionics is dealt with, along with the construction of biosensing equipment for the experimenter. The highlight of this research work is the complete inclusion of Dr. L. George Lawrence's previously unpublished patent entitled, "Methods and Receiver for Biological Data Transport".
#B0394, 150pp, spirals ... $24.95


To order any of the above books, please refer to our Research Catalog or contact us directly.

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