Wherever hypnosis is used, there is one common denominator -- each person either as a patient or as a witness must be hypnotized. There was one exception to this - EDGAR CAYCE. He was able through self-hypnosis to project his mind and with a proper statement from his wife, read the Akashic Records or if necessary the higher mind of the person who requested a reading from him.
The theoretical idea is simple. Instead of having one person hypnotize each person as required, let this person have an assistant who would be a good subject for hypnosis with a strong mental link of unity and harmony of purpose. The results of such a team would be quicker results and better data. Let me note that from what data I have found, little or no thought has been given to this theoretical idea. There maybe those who have tried this concept using hypnosis, but I have yet to come across it.
The axiom that this idea is based upon is the universal concept or law as some call it; that every thought, word and deed created by an individual is recorded upon the ethers of what we call the universal consciousness or sometime called the memory of God.
Now let me briefly state what could be done in the four mentioned areas:
A doctor and an assistant working together as a team would through proper statements project the mind of the assistant to the akashic records or the higher mind of the patient in order to give a physical reading of the patient in the office or at home. The assistant would view the condition of the body and the cause of the illness, and after receiving this information the request for treatment would be given. From this data, the doctor would proceed to treat the patient. This method would save the patient testing, x-rays, lab. mistakes, and wrong treatment, plus operations. The doctor would gain healthy patients and the knowledge of what the causes of illness are.
Though hypnosis has not been used in this area, it is one that should be. EXAMPLE: A historian who is studying the life of Christ would have the assistant go back in time to that period and read the akashic record and report on what is observed and said. Such questions as to his life as a boy, teenager, and did he have any brother and sisters could be answered. Also there would be the statements he told his followers than what is given in the Bible. Then there is man's beginnings on Earth. The list is long.
Since reincarnation is primary a religious concept, let me offer a way in which this idea can be proven to the world by using the theoretical idea of hypnosis.
- Ten persons who are unknown to each other would receive the same list of names which are also unknown to the ten person performing the experiment.
- Each of these ten persons would have an assistant they could work with and each assistant also must not know anyone on the list of names.
- As each assistant makes contact with the akashic record, each person on the list of names would have a certain number of questions asked for them. Example:
- Type of death of last incarnation prior to this present one.
- name of personality of that incarnation
- age of death in that life
- Date of birth and place of that incarnation
- name of spouse if married and number of children and there names
- name of last five incarnations prior to this one.
The list of names should contain:
- names of person
- address of person
- birth of person ( day and place )
If proper contact with the akashic records is made and the proper statements and wording of questions given, then all those taking part should have the same results.
The police force hypnotist and assistant would go to the scene of the crime and upon arriving the assistant would go under and have their mind projected to a point where they could view the events of the crime that had taken place. In viewing the event, the assistant would be able to give detailed information of those involved as well as the position or location where they could be found. This would be done by picking up the ethereal vibration of those involved.
You BSRF members who try this theoretical idea and would like to share with me and others, let me know through BSRF of your results.
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Phineas Parkhurst Quimby got involved in such a hypnosis research program at Belfast, Maine in the 1840s and found an excellent subject in young Lucius Burkmar, proving telepathy, clairvoyance, and attracting the wrath of the right-wing religious fanatics who claimed his demonstrations of mind-over-matter were the work of the devil.
Interestingly enough, it was doctors, desperately in need of a scientific technique for getting behind the facade of the physical body to find the causes of disease, who saw the possibilities of clairvoyance. It was they who got Quimby involved in the medical research in the 1850s which evolved into the full time occupation of the Science of Health.
It wasn't long before Quimby found he could dispense with Burkmar and do the clairvoyant diagnosis, in full consciousness, himself, once he got his own mental blocks out of the way; nor did he hypnotize his patients, using, rather, positive suggestion. But he antagonized the doctors eventually by saying bluntly: “My theory exposes the hypocrisy of those who undertake to cure in that way (by prescribing medicine). They make ten diseases to one cure, thus bringing a surplus of misery into the world, and shutting out a healthy state of society. They have a monopoly, and no theory that lessens disease can compete with them.” He was equally critical of orthodox theology, for he found that the other half of his patients were sick from cockeyed religious ideas impressed on their receptive minds by the Protestant ministers and Catholic priests of the Maine of his day.