It was the Army Air Force in 1946. Hurtak's revelation confirms what was obvious in the Maury Island encounter of the third kind in 1947 -- the granddaddy of all Flying Saucer sightings. The Army Air Force intelligence service already had solid, 3-D evidence of the reality of Flying Saucers in the Great Falls crash of the year before. When Lt. Frank Brown of Military Intelligence stepped into Ken Arnold's Tacoma hotel room, July 31, 1947 to take a look at the Maury Island Flying Saucer fragments, he was ready with the Cover-up. The "silence policy" on Flying Saucers had already been established by MIRO! Brown treated the fragments with disdain, but nevertheless he very carefully gathered them all up to take back to his Hamilton Field base with him. Then when Arnold and his fellow reluctant UFO researcher, Smith, learned that Brown's bomber had crashed on the way back to the AAFB, they were chilled with a brief glimpse of a war already raging overhead, the war for the control of the planet.

"In the early 50s," continued Hurtak, "President Eisenhower asked Winston Churchill if this matter should be brought before [9] the public, that there are physical evidences of extra-terrestrial bodies held in military captivity? And Winston Churchill replied that the Western world was not prepared for it. So, due to the conditions of the Cold War, due to the conditions that the Air Force could not control the air space over North America, due to the various philosophies of science that did not accept paraphysics, did not accept post-Einsteinian mathematics, it was decided not to make this matter public.


"However, things have changed after 30 years of conditioning; and I share with you in part the details of what is connected with physical specimens.

"The approximate height of most of the specimens is between 3½ and 4½ feet. The head, by human standards, is large in comparison with its body. Facial features show a pair of eyes described as large, sunken or deeply set, far apart or distended more than the human and slightly slanted as oriental or mongoloid. No ear lobes or apertures on the side of the head were seen. The nose is vague. The apertures or holes are indicated with a slight protuberance. One or two holes have been mentioned. The mouth area is described as a small slit or fissure. In some instances there is no mouth at all. It appears not to function as a means for communication or for food.

"The neck area is described as being thin, in some instances as not being visible at all because of the tightly knit garment. The hair? Most observers describe these humanoids as hairless. Some bodies, however, have a slight hair patch atop the head. Others appear with what appears to be like a silver skullcap.

"There were no breathing attachments or communication devices. This suggests telepathy with higher intelligences. In one instance there was an opening in the right frontal lobe area, revealing a crystalline network. This implies the development of a third brain. Just as we have the extended reticular formation in the cerebral cortex, a second brain (the arousal center at the top of the spine) for advanced mathematical functions, the extraterrestrial humanoids appear to have in a section of the brain a crystalline network which gives them the capacity to work with multiple human language systems of this planet, and thousands of others of other planetary systems.

"The arms are described as long and thin, reaching down to the knee section. The hands, each contained four fingers, with no thumbs. Three fingers are longer than the others. Some are very long. Others are very short. No description is available of the legs or feet. Some pathologists indicate that that section of the body was not developed as we would anticipate, showing that some of these beings were adapted to life in the water, the ocean. There was a webbing effect between the fingers [10] on most of the specimens. According to most observers the skin is gray. Some claim it is beige, tan or pinkish gray. One stated it was almost bluish-gray under deep freeze light. Mind you the bodies are kept at military installations.


"The official seals and call letters (in computer listing?) are changed from time to time. Which means that no official or scientist can speak publicly in support of the evidence without a team effort, obviously because the signs and the seals and even the morgue can be changed.

"Now we come to the reproductive organs. Listen very carefully. This biological region is sensitive. That is to say, secret. One observer claims no male or female organs were identified. No phallus, no womb. In my nonprofessional judgment, the absence of sexual organs suggests some of the aliens, or perhaps all, do not reproduce as the humans. Perhaps they use a method of cloning.

"In some instances of retrieval the humanoids appear to be from a mold, sharing identical racial and biological characteristics. There is no blood as we know it, but there is a fluid. I call your attention to an ancient Greek text that refers to the Ekor, or the gray, grayish fluid that exists within the body of the Visitors.

"There are several medical centers in the eastern United States that are now conducting specialized research. I anticipate in the years to come, chromosome analysis of the bodies, and a collective statement made by a team of scientists will bring out information showing four different racial types of intelligence, that have visited our planet.

"Yet I wish to state these humanoids are not on the level of the ultra-terrestrial beings of Light, those known historically as the Benai Or, the Brothers of Light, those who have graduated beyond this stage of three dimensional evolution. And so we’ll talk about both the extraterrestrial physical, who are two to three technological evolutions in front of us, and those who are simply beyond the Galactic paradise, those who combine themselves in multiple waves, those who are multi-dimensional. They are behind the Galactic cleanup that is taking place as the government of extraterrestrial intelligence is being changed.

"This is caused largely by the great irresponsibility that has been exercised on this and other planets, resulting in a history of religious wars, inquisition, genocide, you name it! Is this a history? Is this a planet? The question is not whether Higher Intelligence exists, but whether higher intelligence exists on this planet! We have to look very carefully at the myths, behind the myths, and the science behind the science . . ."