Keel obviously believes that he is above any such mental manipulation by outside forces; nevertheless, he is an ideological bedfellow with the Jesuits, the Sanhedrin and all priesthoods of the planet who base their dogmas on the idea that this is the only inhabited planet in the universe! This is the most important human belief exploited by the Lunar Pitris, the Moon Gods, behind the organized religions; for it helps to keep man a prisoner on the planet, and under control.

In his Letter to the Ephesians, Paul reveals that he is well aware of these Moon Gods and their manipulation of blind and ignorant human beings for their own dark and selfish purposes. Consider Ephesians 6:12: "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

Consider also the significance of Paul's name: Paulus, Apollos, Apollonius -- a Sun God, not a Moon God. This is an appropriate title for anyone who has chosen to live the Golden Rule, the [13] Higher Way of the Christ, above the belt, so to speak; and this is the message from Ganymede through Dino Kraspedon who, at that time in 1952, considered himself an atheist! Ganymede's obvious mastery of the Bible -- not to mention Hebrew and a few other foreign languages -- and of science, made a believer out of that Portugee-Brazilian -- but not so another atheist named John Keel.


Keel was very impressed by the Kraspedon opus, "a careful reading reveals a thorough knowledge of both theology and science, and many of the ideas and phrases found only in most obscure occult and contactee literature appear here. Among other things the book also discusses an impending cosmic disaster in lucid, almost convincing terms; the same kind of warning that is passed on to every contactee in one way or another." (From page 280 of Keel's "UFOs: Operation Trojan Horse")

But Keel was disturbed by Ganymede's truths; he was afraid he would have to change his pre-conceived idea that this is the only inhabited planet in the universe. This was true of hundreds of other hard-headed Saucer researchers who also read Kraspedon's book. Something had to be done by the false Christ, a Moon God named Looeamong, and his fanatical followers. It wouldn't do any good to kill Kraspedon. That was a pen name and this contactee was unknown. The psycho-political warfare of character assassination was the obvious answer. Kraspedon's credibility had to be publicly destroyed. One of the standard ways is to locate a congenital liar, a nobody born with delusions of grandeur, who will do anything for power and notoriety -- including selling his soul to a devil.

So, in Brazil in 1965 a character named Aladino Felix surfaced and attracted attention by claiming to be the elusive Dino Kraspedon. To continue to hold the attention of the public he had to prophesy disasters. They all do, and some of the prophecies do come true because the guiding spirits behind these psychic racketeers, some of them, are Lunar Pitris who have real power and can cause physical events. In fact Power is all they do have! They have no Love. They have no Wisdom, only shrewd, cold, ruthless cunning, the cunning of the serpent which has no heart and no warm blood, the physical basis for human love and compassion.

The Lunar Pitris have Fifth Dimensional, creative mental power. They can manipulate the archetypes which create and sustain matter. They can prophesy accurately at times because they can see the consequences, the results of forces they have set in motion. These visions can be passed on to their physical plane agents, making the agent a "prophet with honor" in the physical world. So, in 1965 Aladino Felix "warned of a disaster about to take place in Rio de Janeiro Sure enough, floods and landslides struck a month later, killing 600," writes Keel in "UFOs: Operation Trojan Horse", "In 1966 [14] he warned that a Russian cosmonaut would soon die, and in the fall of 1967 he appeared on television in Brazil to soberly discuss the forthcoming assassinations in the United States, naming Martin Luther King and Senator Robert Kennedy."

Naturally such prophecies would be accurate because the planning of the murders was already well under way, under the guidance of Looeamong and his Lower Astral plane henchmen, human and non-human. The "fall guys", James Earl Ray and Sirhan Sirhan, had already been chosen -- as had the actual assassins. Soul-less human monsters in certain government agencies had been well trained for their work, and well chosen for their ruthlessness.


"The startling accuracy of his major and minor predictions impressed many people, of course. When Felix started predicting an outbreak of violence, bombings and murders in Brazil in 1968 no one was too surprised when a wave of strange terrorist attacks actually began.

"Police stations and public buildings in Sao Paulo were dynamited. There was a wave of bank robberies, and an armored pay-roll train was heisted. The Brazilian police worked overtime and soon rounded up eighteen members of the gang. A twenty-five-year old policeman named Jesse Morais was proved to the gang's bomb expert. They had blown up Second Army Headquarters, a major newspaper and even the American consulate. When the gang members started to sing, it was learned that they planned to assassinate top government officials and eventually to take over the entire country of Brazil. Jesse Morais had been promised the job of police chief in the new government. The leader of this ring was . . . Aladino Felix!"

Can't you just hear the collective sigh of relief when this news reached the United States? Kraspedon's credibility had been completely destroyed. Keel and other hard-headed Saucer researchers no longer had to pay attention to the disturbing and enlightening information in Kraspedon's book. He was nothing but a psychic racketeer as far as they were concerned. Their inflated egos were still intact -- not to mention their preconceived idea of creation.

"When he was arrested on August 22, 1968 the flying saucer prophet declared, ‘I was sent here as an ambassador to the Earth from Venus. My friends from space will come here and free me and avenge my arrest. You can look for tragic consequences to humanity when the flying saucers invade this planet.'

"Once again the classic, proven pattern had occurred. Another human being had been engulfed by the ultraterrestrials and led down the road to ruin. There is no clinical psychiatric explanation for these cases." (No, of course there isn't for a metaphysical [15] kindergartner like John A. Keel!) "These men -- it has happened to women, too -- experienced a succession of convincing events with flying saucers and the UTs. Then they were smothered with promises or ideas which destroyed them."

To back up his limited and limiting thesis, Keel concentrated on only those contactees who were "led down the road to ruin". I can think of plenty of others who were not, and whose published writings are the basis for an intelligent understanding of the Flying Saucer phenomenon, not based on fear but on hope and inspiration. They carried on for years before their conventional and non-violent passing: Meade Layne, George Adamski, George Van Tassel, Truman Bethurum, Dana Howard. Others are still around: George Hunt Williamson, Dan Fry, Desmond Leslie, Trevor James, Albert Bender -- and of course, John A. Keel; for he does claim contact with the Men In Black! And these Ultra-terrestrials, as he calls them, are using him to uphold the Roman Catholic Church as our last resort in this crisis. Consider this quote from Keel's 1969 letter:

" . . . The true control is not a haphazard thing based upon human-type motivations and altered to serve the needs of the moment. Rather, a plan was developed first and all that has happened, is happening, and will happen is a part of that plan. Constant communication has been maintained between man and the ultraterrestrials through occult and religious channels. Thus Billy Graham and Jeanne Dixon have been advisors to several presidents."

Graham and Dixon? The blind leading the blind! It is true these two prophets or "contactees" have not been "led down the road to ruin" yet; but look where Graham's advice to Kennedy, Johnson and Nixon led them! The high priest Billy Graham lost his credibility for sure when his choice for president resigned the office in total disgrace. Graham had been taken in by a man who was an even greater spellbinder than the irrepressible evangelist! Jeanne Dixon is a devout Roman Catholic. She is the darling of the Jesuits who took responsibility for her early training and development as channel and medium. As she said to her biographer, Ruth Montgomery, in the book, "Gift of Prophecy": "I don't do astrology. I could if I wanted to, because I was taught it by a Jesuit priest while in my teens, but it takes too much time."

"All Popes are central figures in this drama," writes Keel. "Thus the Pope has visited the Middle East, and Johnson and U Thant have repeatedly and deliberately gone out of their way to confer with the Pope. Even the Soviet leaders have been dropping in to the Vatican . . . As a hardcore UFO-phile I was more than a little dismayed when I finally learned that the problems inherent in the (Flying Saucer) phenomenon required a negative public stand. The day may come -- indeed it may not be far off -- when it will be necessary for a full explanation to be offered to the world. That explanation will be negative. It will probably come from the Vatican, not from the White House."


  1. Keel, John. Why Ufo's: Operation Trojan Horse. New York: Manor Books, 1976. Print. <> [Latest re-edition as Operation Trojan Horse: The Classic Breakthrough Study of UFOs. Anomalist, 2013. <>]
  2. Kraspedon, Dino. My Contact with Flying Saucers. London: N. Spearman, 1959. Print. <> [Original title: "Meu Contato com os Discos Voadores".]
  3. Montgomery, Ruth S. A Gift of Prophecy: The Phenomenal Jeane Dixon. New York: Bantam Books, 1968. Print. <>