"Also, to compound my felony -- or His -- I loaned the Sept-Oct Round Robin to a lady with the admonition that it be returned because I save them in a file. She left for Denver on a trip and has not returned. I am willing to splurge for that issue and for the last issue my delinquency -- or was it mine -- has cost me because this Spaceman often brings me some money -- and just as often steals some of mine, too.

"He tells me he thinks that when a fine person like myself attends a very uplifting musical concert and blows several dollars for a seat. He should not be assessed by the city fathers for parking at 75 cents an evening. I, too, feel it's an outrage to have to pay for parking. So when He gets a 'case of the shorts' he goes down there and takes a few quarters.

"One day I was looking for a quarter to make a small purchase and broke a twenty instead. Later, in making another purchase, I found I had not three quarters but 13 quarters? This means He lifted 10 quarters for me down there. Another time He told me since I had paid for a convention dinner which I had to miss due to a prior commitment, he reimbursed me the $3.75 in quarters. He is so very smart. He can outwit the experts and you know where that leaves me! I receive fantastic mail I never write for. This Character can place me at any spot He wants to; He is so powerful He can place me at any spot He wanted me to be in the physical with someone He is working with or through.

"I know a man who served for three years as vice-president of a company making a cancer cure used on cattle in the Wild West. [2] When the national head of the Cancer Society was here to spearhead the cancer drive I wanted to get up to him afterward to hand him a slip of paper with my information on it. So I just quietly for 'the waters to be parted'. I did walk up on the stage. So did a few dozen other people, clamoring for his autograph and a chance to shake his hand and to speak with him. I stood there praying silently, way back and suddenly he turned on his heel, made a path and came to me!

"I quickly told him about this cure and asked for him to investigate and help get it clinically tested and released for human use. It has been used on many oldsters very successfully. He said, 'Why God bless you, my dear. I certainly want to know about that! Then he threw his arm around my shoulder, kissed me on the cheek, and walked me across the stage to the stairs.

"Even my husband did a double-take at that. A very powerful Control or Spaceman can do anything! Is it not so?

"Now to tell you something dazzling! I swim every day. A week ago after a chat with a friend about color therapy, I went for my swim about 3:30. It so happened no one else was in the water at the time. About half way out to my rock I saw just above the horizon, low in the sky which was bright, almost white with sunshine, clear, normal, carefully written, 'Recolor', with dark clouds. I took one look and said to myself: I heard in the Latter Days there would be signs in the Skies.'

"That is a message to me since I was just talking with a Color Therapist. Then the clouds dispersed very quickly and I knew God had somehow written a message to me. That is not the end of my experience. This morning I was talking with a true spiritual meta-physician on my phone and looking out on mountains of clouds beyond our piazza. Suddenly the sky was all color! Above the clouds, in rows of soft hues all the colors the prism and then some! The colors went way up into the sky. When I told my friend on the phone what I was seeing she said, I am getting goose bumps all over me right now. It is truly a sign for you.' I have never seen anything like this magnificent display in the skies. What does it all mean?"

Faustina Bell
Pascagoula, Mississippi

It all means that somehow or other, over the years, you have created what was called a Familiar, in the Middle Ages. This Spaceman is a child of your mind and your desires. The main difference between you and a trained occultist or magician is that you have done it unconsciously; whereas the magician, the Kahuna, the Shaman, the Witch Doctor does it consciously. And, just as the State considers you responsible for your physical children, until they are of age, God insists that you be responsible for your mental "children". Only this one is mature enough now to escape your control and to initiate action on its own. This is a very, very serious matter.



Kabalists, both Jew and Gentile, are well aware of the fascination and the danger of creating an artificial elemental for personal use, We have this delightful and instructive tale about Rabbi Elijah from 17th Century Poland, in Gershom Scholem's "On the Kabbalah":

"After saying certain prayers and holding certain feast days, they make the figure of a man from clay, and when they have said the shem hamephorash over it, the image comes to life. And although the image itself cannot speak, it understands what is said to it and commanded; among the Polish Jews it does all kinds of housework, but is not allowed to leave the house. On the forehead of the image, they write Emeth, that is, truth. But an image of this kind grows each day; though very small at first, it ends by becoming larger than all those in the house. In order to take away his strength, which ultimately becomes a threat to all those in the house, they quickly erase the first letter aleph from from the word emeth on his forehead, so that there remains only the word meth, that is, dead. When this is done, the golem collapses and dissolves into the clay or mud that he was … They say that a baal shem in Poland, by the name of Rabbi Elias, made a golem who became so large that the rabbi could no longer reach his forehead to erase the letter e. He thought up a trick, namely that the golem, being his servant, should remove his boots, supposing that when the golem bent over, he would erase the letter. And so it happened, but when the golem became mud again, his whole weight fell on the rabbi, who was sitting on the bench, and crushed him."

In this chapter on "The Idea of the Golem", Scholem reviews Jewish Kabalist instructions on the creation and destruction of a golem, but he only writes about it as a journalist observer. As is to be expected, the instructions, and warnings, are more explicit from a practicing magician such as Fra. Bardon. In his book, "Initiation Into Hermetics", we read: "The power and effectiveness of an elementary entirely depend on its loading. The stronger the magician's willpower, the greater will be the projection of the elements to the outside . . . The duration of life of an elementary depends on the purpose to which it has been created, and this purpose has to be fixed right at the beginning of the creation act. As soon as the purpose is fulfilled, the magician must dissolve his elementary in its original element, with the help of the imagination."

This is something, of course, that our Mississippi belle has not done with her Spaceman. Rather she has built it up over the years until -- like Rabbi Elias's golem -- it threatens to escape her control.

"Never omit this process of dissolution," warns Bardon, "because an elementary having performed its task becomes easily independent as the outcome of its instinct of self-preservation, and if you forget to do so, it likes to escape from your sphere of influence, and become a vampire. In this case the magician would have to face all the Karma results caused by such an elementary transmuted into a vampire.



"Provided the magician be equal to this task," writes Bardon, "he will be able to force his elementaries to absolute obedience, at any time, by threatening them with disintegration. At all events, he should imprint on his mind that he is capable to bring the elementaries under his will and to have complete command of them. This is very important if the magician does not wish himself (or herself, as in the case of our Mississippi belle) to be the plaything of his self-created being. He will find by experience the more reliably an elementary is serving him, the more engaging it will become and he (or she) will hate to dissolve it at all. But never must the magician give way to this sentimentalism because he would get in thraldom of elementaries. For this reason it is more opportune to destine elementaries for a short life only, creating new ones for the same purpose in case of need. This does not mean, of course, that a new elementary should be created every week, for the same purpose, but it is a disadvantage to keep the same elementary, for years, for one affair only . . ."

Bardon is obviously familiar with the principle illustrated in the Golem story on the preceding page, that an artificial elemental kept in continuous use and not absorbed or destroyed by its creator becomes a monster. He also refers to the Yidams created by Tibetan lamas. For the best example of that we turn to the experiences of Madame Alexandra David-Neel, described in her book, "Magic and Mystery in Tibet":

"The creation of a phantom Yidam (or Tulpa) as we have seen it described in the previous chapter, has two different objects. The higher one consists in teaching the disciple that there are no gods or demons other than those which his mind creates. The second aim, less enlightened, is to provide oneself with a powerful means of protection . . . However, the practice is considered as fraught with danger for every one who has not reached a high mental and spiritual degree of enlightenment and is not fully aware of the nature of the psychic forces at work in the process.

"Once the Tulpa (or Yidam) is endowed with enough vitality to be capable of playing the part of a real being, it tends to free itself from its maker's control. This, say Tibetan occultists, happens nearly mechanically, just as the child, when his body is completed and able to live apart, leaves its mother's womb. Sometimes the phantom becomes a rebellious son and one hears of uncanny struggles that have taken place between magicians and their creatures, the former being severely hurt or even killed by the latter."

This is the trap set for themselves by the wildcat mind control teachers here in California and elsewhere. These self-taught occultists charge high prices for teaching their pupils how to control the minds and lives of others for selfish purposes, but they shirk all responsibility for creating and setting such psychic forces in motion! The responsibility is there, nevertheless, and the force sent [5] must eventually return to its creator, demanding redemption. Not long ago the creator of the Mind Dynamics courses suffered a violent death in the crash of his personal airplane. It seems likely that his Golem or Yidam, created out of the millionaire's greed for power and money, struck back at him.

"Tibetan magicians also relate cases in which the Tulpa is sent to fulfil a mission, but does not come hack and pursues its peregrinations as a half-conscious, dangerously mischievous puppet. The same thing, it is said, may happen when the maker of the Tulpa dies before having dissolved it. Yet, as a rule, the phantom either disappears suddenly at the death of its creator, the magician, or gradually vanishes like a body that perishes for want of food."

We have three women writing to us for help now who fervently wish that the last sentence by David-Neel above were really true. This life, for these three, is hell on earth! The artificial elemental created for selfish, evil purposes in the last life did not dissolve automatically and disappear at the end of that life. It merely waited in some Astral hell until its creator had returned to the physical world again. Now it attacks its creator with all the vampire fury for which it was created to attack others in the past! They cast their bread upon the waters, all right. We have been able to afford them some relief with ritual magick, out we have not been able to destroy the obsessing entity.


As Dion Fortune so wisely observes on page 302 of "The Mystical Qabalah": " . . . the solution of the problem of evil and its eradication from the world is not to be achieved through its suppression, cutting off, or destruction, but through is compensation and consequent absorption back into the Sphere whence it came . . ."

The Sphere we are concerned about here is the magnetic-etheric aura of the creator of the Golem, the Yidam, the Familiar or the Unihipili -- to use the Hawaiian term. The challenge to the victim of these demon attacks is to welcome this child of his selfish desires back into himself or herself and transmute it from darkness into Light.

This is an important part of the story line of "The Exorcist". In the Prologue we see Father Merrin digging in the ruins of Nineveh, destroyed in 612 B.C., for artifacts of that ancient Assyrian civilization. As he finds, and keeps, a talisman, and contemplates the still standing statue of the evil god Pazuzu, we are given the impression that Father Merrin was renewing contacts with a preceding life, perhaps as a member of that ancient priesthood in which he deliberately created a personal demon which escaped his control; and now, in this life, he was welcoming the opportunity to come to grips with it and to transmute it into Christ-light.


Author Blatty leaves us with the assumption that Father Merrin's demon or Golem has been roaming the Astral earth for over two thousand years. It has maintained a vicarious existence vampirizing and victimizing humans like the 12-year old girl of the story, Reagan MacNeil, and looking forward to the showdown with its creator in that upstairs bedroom in the house in Georgetown. This need not have happened if the good Father, in that Assyrian life, had heeded the kind of warnings we have quoted from Bardon. Lama David-Neel did pay attention to her Teachers.


"Besides having had few opportunities of seeing thoughtforms, my habitual incredulity led me to make experiments for myself," she writes in the chapter on "Psychic Phenomena In Tibet", "and my efforts were attended with some success. In order to avoid being influenced by the forms of the lamaist deities, which I saw daily around me in paintings and images, I chose for my experiment a most insignificant character: a monk, short and fat, of an innocent and jolly type.

"I shut myself in Tsams and proceeded to perform the prescribed concentration of thought and other rites. After a few months the phantom monk was formed. His form grew gradually fixed and life-like looking. He became a kind of guest, living in my apartment. I then broke my seclusion and started for a tour, with my servants and tents.

"The monk included himself in the party. Though I lived in the open, riding on horseback for miles each day, the illusion persisted. I saw the fat Trapa, now and then it was not necessary for me to think of him to make him appear. The phantom performed actions of the kind that are natural to travellers and that I had not commanded. For instance, he walked, stopped, looked around him. The illusion was mostly visual, but sometimes I felt as if a robe was lightly rubbing against me and once a hand seemed to touch my shoulder.

"The features which I had imagined when building my phantom, gradually underwent a change. The fat, chubby-cheeked fellow grew leaner, his face assumed a vaguely mocking, sly, malignant look. He became more troublesome and bold. In brief, he escaped my control. Once, a herdsman who brought me a present of butter saw the tulpa in my tent and took for a live lama.

"I ought to have let the phenomenon follow its course, but the presence of that unwanted companion began to prove trying to my nerves; it turned into a 'day-nightmare'. Moreover, I was beginning to plan my journey to Lhasa and needed a quiet brain devoid of other preoccupations, so I decided to dissolve the phantom. I succeeded, but only after six months of hard struggle. My mind-creature was tenacious of life!"

Father Merrin's "tulpa" was not dissolved and did escape his [7] control there at Nineveh and over the hundreds and hundreds of years of astral-physical crime had developed the kind of power displayed in its possession of the 12-year-old Regan MacNeil. This amalgamation of the two worlds is indeed a shattering experience!

Author Blatty, being a Roman Catholic, has his two exorcising priests, Father Merrin and Father Karras, make the supreme sacrifice. In driving the possessing entity, Captain Howdy, out of Regan, they lose their lives. This is the way of the Mystic. He leaves unanswered the question of whether Captain Howdy was completely destroyed by the exorcism and sacrifice, or whether the demon was merely dislodged to go on seeking other victims. Blatty is on sure ground here, and quotes facts from the Devils of Loudun case from 17th Century France: "The Ursuline Convent of Nuns. Of the four exorcists sent there to deal with with an epidemic of possession, three -- Fathers Lucas, Lactance and Tranquille -- not only became possessed, but died soon after, apparently of shock. And the fourth, Pere Surin, who was thirty-three years old at the time of his possession, became insane for the subsequent twenty-five years of his life . . ."


Some of the Bishops left manuals of their work for the Church, Sprenger's "Malleus", for instance. These indicate very clearly that the Inquisitors were aware of the danger, to themselves, of driving a possessing entity -- The Devil as they called it -- out of the body of witch or sorcerer by burning at the stake. Jules Michelet describes it this way in his "Satanism and Witchcraft":

"Finding him (the Devil) over-strong for them in the soul, persecutors are fain to drive him out of the bodies of men. But where is the use? Burn one Sorceress, he makes his hold good on another; nay! sometimes (if we are to believe Sprenger) he seizes the very priest who is exorcising him, and wins a special triumph in the actual person of his judge . . ."

The dominant emotion of the learned Bishop toward his victims may be fear "for brave as he pretends to be, he is trembling all the while. He himself allows that the priest very often, unless he takes good heed when he exercises the demon, only determines the evil spirit to change its abode and pass into the body of God's minister himself, finding it more flattering morsel to inhabit the person of one consecrated to heaven. Who knows but these simple-minded devils of shepherds and sorceresses might be taken with the ambition to enter into an Inquisitor? He is far from feeling so bold as his confident mien would indicate when in his biggest voice he asks the Witch-wife, 'If your master is so all-powerful, why do I not feel his assaults?' As a matter of fact the poor man confesses in his book, 'I felt him only too plainly. When I was at Ratisbon, how often he would come and rap at my window-panes! How often he would stick pins in my cap! Then there were a hundred evil visions, dogs, apes, and so forth, without end."



The traditional way of controlling a Familiar, Golem or Unihipili is to confine it to some physical object, like an Aladdin's Lamp, bringing it forth when needed for service by rubbing the object. This is what our Mississippi belle should practice with her familiar Spaceman; otherwise her unpredictable troubles will increase, not only for herself but for her heirs! The Jesuits were called upon to handle such problems in the Middle Ages. On the subject of Familiars in his "Encyclopedia of Occultism" Lewis Spence gives us this quote:

"Martinus Anthonius Delrius, of the Society of Jesus, a man of profound learning and judgment, writeth that in Burdegell there was an advocate who in a vial kept one of these Paradrii (Greek for Familiar) inclosed. Hee dying, his heires knowing thereof, were neither willing to keep it nor durst they breake it; and demanding counsell, they were persuaded to go to the Jesuit's Colledge, and to be directed by them. The Fathers commanded the vial to be brought before them and broken; but the executors humbly besought that it might not be done in their presence, being fearfull least some great disaster might succeed thereof. At which the Jesuits smiling threw it against the wall, at the breaking thereof there was nothing heard save a small noise, as if the two elements of water and fire met together, and as soon parted."

Madame David-Neel writes that "some Tulpas are expressly intended to survive their creator and specially formed for that purpose. These may be considered as Tulkus and in fact the demarcation between Tulpas and Tulkus is far from being clearly drawn. The existence of both is founded on the same theories."

Here we come to the all-important motive for which an artificial elemental is created. Tulku is Tibetan for Body of Light or Solar Body, an immortal vehicle created deliberately by the magician or student of the Mysteries to survive the death of his physical body. This we discuss at great length in our brochure, "Tulkus, A Tibetan Initiation"; for only in this way can the advanced human achieve the final triumph over the grave.

Obviously, Apollonius of Tyana was well aware of this when he wrote, in his first letter to the Corinthians: "flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God", cannot be made immortal by any kind of magic. When the mental powers, developed originally for selfish purposes, are turned to the Service of the Light, then the student or aspirant develops an independent vehicle of consciousness to augment that service. Instead of keeping it locked up in some lamp, stone or bottle because of its evil nature, he keeps it within his own body because of its good nature. Then, when the inevitable corruption of the flesh comes with old age, he puts on the incorruptible Body of Light to continue his self-conscious evolution without a break. "O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory?" 1st Corinthians 15:55. Apollonius could reveal no more then without violating his vows of secrecy.


  1. Blatty, William P. The Exorcist. New York: Harper & Row, 1971. Print. <http://amzn.to/1nQFVof>
  2. Scholem, Gershom. On the Kabbalah and Its Symbolism. New York: Schocken Books, 1965. Print. <http://amzn.to/Vncmnh> [Edition, 1996: <http://amzn.to/M4vBrd>]
  3. Bardon, Franz. Initiation into Hermetics: A Course of Instruction of Magic Theory and Practice. Wuppertal: Ruggeberg, 1971. Print. [Re-ed., 2013: <http://amzn.to/M4vL1I>]
  4. David-Néel, Alexandra. Magic and Mystery in Tibet. New York: Crown, 1932. <http://amzn.to/VncrHJ> Print. [Re-ed., 2000: <http://amzn.to/M4vYSs>]
  5. Fortune, Dion. The Mystical Qabalah. London: Williams and Norgate Ltd., 1935. Print. <http://amzn.to/1kCoM2K> [Digital (PDF): <http://golden-dawn.com/eu/TheMysticalQabalah.pdf>]
  6. Shepard, Leslie, Claudia Dembinski, Susan Hutton, Lewis Spence, and Nandor Fodor. Encyclopedia of Occultism & Parapsychology: A Compendium of Information on the Occult Sciences, Magic, Demonology, Superstitions, Spiritism, Mysticism, Metaphysics, Psychical Science, and Parapsychology. Detroit, Mich: Gale Research Company, 1978. Print. <http://amzn.to/1sVfwtL>