
Contact with a Spaceman

by Phyllis Dixon

In August 1972 I had a very strange sighting myself but did not broadcast it thinking it might prejudice my image of a person endeavouring to sanely and analytically research the UFO phenomenon. However, now two events have occurred which have led me to believe it is the wish of these entities of other planes that this sighting be made known. In a recent copy of "Case Histories" (No. 14), a supplement of the English "Flying Saucer Review", is mention of a sighting (Nov. 28, 1972 - Tres Arroyos) which has given me encouragement to take this step.

On the night of Aug. 5, 1972 I had just retired at about 11:15 p.m. after watching a TV programme not in any way connected or related to UFOs or similar subjects. I was very wide awake and with an active brain. Suddenly I heard the cry of a nocturnal animal in my garden. Being unused to the New Zealand native fauna I tried to correlate the cry to some similar small Australian animal with which I am very familiar.

Then I thought, "I hope the little creature does not go down the side of the house onto the main road where surely it will be killed by the heavy traffic, cars coming home from the theatre, etc."

Immediately upon this thought I found myself standing in my lounge room. There, leaning with his back against a side table, with hands resting on the edge of the table, was what we term a Spaceman. I felt no fear. He was about six feet in height, dressed in a kind of cover-all suit of shiny plastic-like material, gun metal grey-blue colouring, which covered his hands and feet as well. On his head was a helmet with a vizor. On top of the helmet was a gadget which looked like small crossed "U" bends of galvanized piping. This looked as though it could swivel in any direction.

I could not see his face through the vizor, but he turned his head ever so slightly, as though to make sure I was watching him. He was sufficiently solid to block my view of the maidenhair fern kept on that table. He did not speak; nor did I. When I had time to fully note all these particulars he just disappeared; and I was sitting up in bed where I immediately wrote down the whole episode.

The next day I found on the humus heap in my back garden the body of the little hedgehog which had cried out, and which had possibly been killed by either cat or dog. This appeared to have been the catalyst to hold my attention and prove that I was wide awake [16] when the whole episode occurred.


Now on Aug. 15, 1973, almost exactly one year later, a friend, Mrs. G. Wilson of Perth, western Australia, wrote telling me of a strange dream or impression or vision she had with a UFO. She awoke one night to find herself standing on the balcony of her flat, looking at a spaceship. It was so close she felt she could have touched it.

It was dome-shaped, with gold-coloured bands round the top. These seemed to be portholes or shuttered windows. The vessel was made of a brilliant white material. The underneath appeared transparent, shining and glass-like. She had no fear as the UFO and herself were enveloped in a warm, golden light. She thought, "I must be dreaming this," and then the UFO moved on to its side more clearly showing the glass-like underbody.

Mrs. Wilson seemed to be on the balcony for some time and realized the UFO blocked her view of the houses and ten story block of flats at the corner of the street. What impressed her most was that the UFO made no sound, just moving ever so slightly to allow her to see the underside.

In the morning upon awakening she could remember nothing of the incident beyond the fact she appeared to have had a strange dream. About a fortnight later, round about 9 p.m., she was drawn to get up and go out onto the balcony. A warm feeling came over her and the whole episode came back again into her mind in complete detail, and, apparently from a mental impression from the occupants of the UFO, she was asked to tell me about this sighting; though she delayed for some time, trying to analyse it as fantasy or fact. I have only just written telling her of my sighting of what I believe was a visitor from the Etherean planes -- the 4th Dimension.

In both these sightings you will note similarities which I have underlined. To me it seems that the line of demarcation between the 3rd and 4th dimensions is becoming exceptionally fine, bearing out the Wisdom teachings and the prophecies in Oahspe, the Kosmon Bible, that now is the time when mankind will experience the opening up of Etheric vision. However, this alone is not the whole answer to this phenomenon, there being much evidence that our Visitors could also be coming from other planets and even from the Cavern Worlds of our own earth.

Mrs. Wilson also mentioned a documentary programme shown on Perth television called "Discovery '73". It depicted results of experiments in outer space by scientists and showed the satellite tracking stations in Western Australia and New South Wales. One scientist explained, a message from outer space had been received and decoded by the aid of a computer. The message shown on the screen was in the [17] form of many wavy lines, dots, circles, etc. Then a line was drawn connecting these different symbols and there disclosed were the figures of a man, woman and small child, the man pointing to a square indicative of the fact these people apparently come from the 4th Dimension and their physical forms are much as our own.

Mrs. Wilson was previously a school teacher, now retired and a couple of years back she and I had almost identical dreams or visions of the car of the New Age -- wheel-less, of a strange silvery white metal and controlled by mental processes.

The enclosed photostat is a copy of an Etherean photographed by a policeman in Alabama. This humanoid is almost identical to the one who visited me in my home in New Zealand in 1972!

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Yes, Associate Dixon is fortunate to have this picture from half-way around the world. It confirms her etheric-physical vision of a Spaceman who probably could not have been seen by ordinary sight that evening. This is discussed by Jessup in the opening article of this Journal, this slight but all-important difference between 3-D physical and etheric-physical, but a month after she wrote and sent the description of her experience, September 1973, there appeared in 3-D to police officer Jeff Greenshaw of Falkville, Alabama the same type of being or Spaceman, or Etherean.

Greenshaw was on his way to investigate a report of a landed UFO in a nearby pasture. He never saw the UFO but here was this normal-sized, metallic looking, space-suited creature in the middle of the major highway. He stopped his police cruiser, got out and took a picture of the alien. Then it took off down the highway, running "faster than any human I ever saw!" exclaimed Greenshaw. "Someone could be playing a hoax on me, but it scared me to death!"



Associate Zellman of Michigan has sent in what appears to be the most complete account of the famous Pascagoula, Mississippi sighting and contact of Oct. 11, 1973. Story was in the Detroit "Free Press" for Sunday, Oct. 12th, as related by newsman Murphy Givens, of Pascagoula.

"While fishing at night in the Pascagoula river, only a few blocks from the downtown business district, the two men heard what Hickson described as a zipping sound. Turning they saw hovering just above the ground a glowing, oval-shaped craft about 8 feet high and 8 to 10 feet wide.

"Three forms came drifting out. They were about 5 feet high, greyish, wrinkled, with claw-like hands and what the two fishermen took to be a head with pointed ears and nose and an opening where a mouth should be. There were no eyes, as such, only small slits above the nose. One figure emitted a soft buzzing sound.

"A feeling of weightlessness came over Hickson (45) and Parker (19) as soon as they were touched on the shoulders by the creatures, and they had the sensation of drifting upward toward an opening in the craft. This is the last thing Parker recalls, but Hickson remained conscious. He was floated into a separate compartment from Parker, and lay suspended a foot or two above the floor. As a shipbuilder, Hickson was struck by the absence of seams, rivets or corners of any kind. There was no furniture, and no light fixtures, although the interior was brightly lighted.

"A free-floating ball, somewhat smaller than a basketball, moved about his body as if photographing him; then the hovering figures glided him out. As soon as the two fishermen were on the ground, the craft was gone in an instant.

"Two disbelieving sheriff's deputies, Ryder and Mathis, laughed when the obviously shaken Hickson and Parker told their tale later that night. They were separated and questioned individually. The deputies could not shake their stories. The pair were placed in a cell together and their conversation tape-recorded from a concealed microphone. Parker began praying.

"'If they're lying,' Ryder said later, 'they oughta be in Hollywood.'"

Former Air Force propagandist J. Allen Hynek was sent down to Pascagoula to investigate the contact. APRO of Tucson, Arizona got one of their top investigators to go also, Dr. James Harder of the University of California at Berkeley. The investigators learned that there were three other UFO sightings in Pascagoula area that night. Harder got the men to agree to hypnotic regression and found that their story held up. Under hypnosis "their terror could not have been feigned," said Harder. "If they had hallucinated, it would be most remarkable if they had the same hallucination."

Hynek was forced reluctantly to admit, "These men had a very real [19] experience" which could not be explained away as fraud or delusion. When reporters asked Hynek what his conclusions were about the Pascagoula contact, he replied, "I wouldn't even attempt an explanation at this time." This is just about what one would expect from the high priest of Air Force scientific humbug who, for the past 25 years, has been publicly praised as the government's foremost scientific authority on Flying Saucers.


Hynek does appear to be changing his role from propagandist to scientist because he now looks at UFO evidence which heretofore was beneath his dignity as head of the astronomy department at Northwestern University.

If we relate his research to the Four Worlds of the Kabalist: 1. Physical, 2. Emotional, 3. Mental, A. Spiritual, we see him as the pedestrian scientist, simply making observations and accumulating data. This is physical level work, without imagination or inspiration. Obviously, Hynek's emotions have not been stirred by the Flying Saucer data. If they were, he would be looking for relationships, clues in his data which would give some explanation of the UFO phenomenon.

The next higher step in consciousness for the scientist would be the mental one of looking for hidden causes in the relationships revealed in his data. This would make him a philosopher scientist.

Finally, we speak of that rare specimen, the esoteric or spiritual scientist. He looks for purpose behind the cause. "Is the purpose bad or good?"

Remember the famous philosopher scientist of the 1940s and 50s? Oppenheimer, the atomic wizard of Alamogordo? We're not presuming that he became an esoteric scientist before the end of that life, but after the war was over in 1947, he wrote, "We have known sin." So his Higher Self had at least opened the door to a feeling of responsibility for the results of his research in the causes of atomic fission.

Presumably the humanoids who floated gravity-free Hickson and Parker aboard their UFO for an electronic physiological survey were just ordinary scientists collecting data. These aliens were unconcerned about the horrified emotional reactions of their two subjects, apparently picked at random from the mass of humanity. The incident, compared with uplifting experience of Ms. Dixon in New Zealand, would seem to indicate that we have both Good Guys and Bad Guys coming to earth from outer space. Perhaps there is a third classification, expeditions of space scientists, merely making observations and collecting data for their records. Like so much of the scientific work done here on the earth, morals and ethics are not allowed to interfere with the course of the experiments.