Bruce Cathie's latest book, "Harmonic 695", is a good contribution to Ufology, but one cannot help feeling the gravest concern for the author's safety. His strong, natural orientation toward truth, light and justice is his only protection in view of his structural aversion to things occult - wherein lie the answers. An occult teacher could convey to him that the whole of physical creation is "gridded", and that this extends right down to the binding of one element to another to form compounds.

Captain Cathie is unfortunately surrounded by Ahrimanic operatives and controllees employed at U.S. bases and other U.S. activities in New Zealand, used for UFO surveillance and contact. That these facilities contact the boys from downstairs - the Ahrimanic powers - cannot be doubted, and nor can it be doubted that the American people and the American military are being hoodwinked and completely penetrated by these nether forces.

One of Cathie's informants tells him that the operators of the facilities are "not concerned with moral issues", which brought back to me Ashtar's description of these degenerate nether forces in my own telepathic experiments in the 1950s, which were conducted under general supervision of the late Dr. Franklin Thomas, an Adept of the right hand path. Quoth Ashtar: "They are without morals and without mercy". Perhaps all investigators of UFO's ought to re-read "They Live in the Sky" before assuming that all who have mastery of natural law and scientific expertise beyond our own are "helping humanity". No assumption could be more naive.

The duplicity of the U.S. Government is continually increasing, and in such a way as to corrupt the Life-positive and revivifying purpose that America was intended to serve in the life of mankind. A huge hue and cry is put up, for example, about air pollution and the need for its reduction. Laws are passed to that end. On the other hand, the U.S. military and other departments of government hurl and dump unbelievable [15] quantities of silver and lead iodide, salt, cement dust, carbon dioxide and other chemical agents into the atmosphere of the earth in a pathological effort to Control the weather. Some idea of this concealed and wholly duplicitous misuse of technology may be gained from a current $95 million lawsuit brought against the U.S. Government by Bernard Power, Montreal meteorologist whose inventions have been used and manufactured in secret by the Defense Department. Power's "Weathercord" device is a three pound canister containing silver iodide for dropping into clouds, ostensibly to produce rain. Power alleges in his suit that the U.S. never paid royalties on his inventions. Number involved at $50 per throw: Approximately 1,900,000 canisters.

Allow just one pound of silver iodide per canister, and you come up with 900 tons of silver iodide, and anyone who thinks that this isn't the biggest new bonanza for the chemical trust just cannot count.

The efforts of the U.S. military to extend monsoons rains over Viet Nam by iodide bombing, were conducted, of course and as usual, without any consciousness whatever of the primary energy continuum that is disturbed by this chemical. One is dealing with the chemical ether widely known now as the orgone energy of Wilhelm Reich, and it rules all the waters of the earth. Not by any natural mischance or natural catastrophe did the Philippines, this past summer, suffer rains that so nearly ruined the Republic as to make war itself seem negligible by comparison. As Philippine President Ferdinand Marco said: "The rains did more damage to the Philippines than was sustained through World War II."

While the uncomprehending iodide bombers were seeking visible effects at the point of drop, the chemical ether was delivering the goods elsewhere - in Luzon, for example, where a staggering 134 inches of rain came down in a devastating ten days period in July. Similar colossal falls were experienced in Korea, where flood waters in downtown Seoul left their marks at the second story level. New Zealand's West Coast was hammered by unprecedented rains. Southern England was flooded. Precipitation records all over the world have been broken. Substantial areas of the U.S. became disaster areas amid what should have been the best harvest in years - because the ground was too wet to support harvesting machinery. Northern California, as this is written, is having its wettest season since 1890 and even that will probably be eclipsed.

Being ignorant of the presence of any kind of energy continuum, this planet's population of scientific lunatics ls able to say with aplomb that iodide bombing in the Orient cannot produce rainfall in the U.S. Middle West. The evidence can be ignored because there is no knowledge in the heads of scientists upon which it can be hung.


This example of present-day mechanistic science cutting across basic etheric functions in a destructive and completely uncomprehending fashion, is quoted to emphasize that alleged contacts between American scientists and alleged spacemen are not what they are being made to seem, either by Captain Cathie or by others. These alleged contacts have thus far produced not one single Life-positive impulse, such as a warning from the alleged spacemen as to the consequences of continually creating a chemicalized disturbance in the sound ether - controller of all water. On the contrary, destructive activity is everywhere being amplified. Human detriment is the cause being served. The subversion of human life appears as the ultimate consequence - the goal of the Ahrimanic powers.

The spectacle that Captain Cathie's book presents of scientific personnel and technicians creeping around in a half world of sub rosa contacts with spacemen, and allegedly getting advanced technical information from them, is wholly in accord with Ahrimanic modes of operation. The sine qua non of success for the Ahrimanic powers is to deal with people who don't know fish from steak in an occult sense, and then mislead them.

"Harmonic 695" shows how far this process had gone, and it is Captain Cathie's lack of knowledge of the occult background to UFOs that makes his book all the more valuable. There is no overlay of bias of any kind. But he may rest assured that those upon whose toes he is treading - seen and unseen - would like nothing better than to do him in. Men been pushed off the earth in Ufology for much less than Captain Cathie has done, and he must be accounted a very brave man.

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San Francisco (UPI) 4/6/63 - "A San Francisco Superior judge urged that heroin be dispensed to registered addicts from government centers to free the rest of society from 'the horrendously hideous effects' of narcotics. Judge Francis McCarty said large-scale heroin maintenance would eliminate vast profits in illicit drug trafficking and make burglaries, robberies and muggings by addicts unnecessary.

"The 99% of us who are drug free are the victims of our own narcotic laws," the judge said at a Barristers Club luncheon."


  1. Cathie, Bruce L. Harmonic 695: the UFO and Anti-Gravity. Wellington: Reed, 1981. Print. <>
  2. James, Trevor. They Live in the Sky. Los Angeles: New Age Pub. Co, 1958. Print. <>