Continuing with a review of the equipment used in this art, the successor to the Calbro Magnowave was the Art Tool & Die Co., of Detroit, Michigan. It produced a variety of models from the middle of the nineteen thirties until 1942, when shortage of electronic parts for civilian use during World War II forced the company to discontinue production.

Just as the Calbro Magnowave was the best instrument of its day, in terms of tuning scope, features and effectiveness, so were the Art Tool & Die Co. instruments the leaders of their periods. The later models made by this company differed in design, and had a number of improvements as compared to the Calbro Magnowave. The number of tuning controls per horizontal row was increased from six to nine. This was done mainly in response to the theoretical and practical advances incorporated in the teaching of a remarkable individual named A. Stanley Rogers, whose work merits a separate instalment in this series. With nine tuning dials per row, the number of possible tuning combinations was still further increased. Accuracy of tuning was enhanced, enabling the instrument to be brought more squarely in resonance with certain factors that had not been adequately expressed in 6-dial tuning rates. Above that, the incorporation of nine dials in the treatment circuit of the instrument brought a very significant improvement in the effectiveness of the personal treatment rates, since they could now be tuned to much greater precision.

At one time, 13-dial tuning rows were tried, but this was abandoned as it was seldom more than nine dials were needed for any diagnostic factor, and it was found that the use of more than nine dials in a treatment rate narrowed the frequency band of delivered impulses to too great an extent. The greater number of tuning dials in the treatment row of controls, the more powerful becomes the therapeutic effect within the band delivered by the treatment circuit, and the narrower becomes the band. Up to a certain point, the increase in therapeutic power produces increasingly better results with the patient. Beyond that point the narrowing of frequency band becomes too great, with the result that some of the band that needs treatment in the patient is missed.

It has been established that the optimum number of dials to use in a horizontal row for the treatment circuit lies between seven and nine. By using an instrument with nine dials per row, the optimum can be obtained for each patient, since if the use of seven dials is required for that purpose, two of the dials in the treating row can be left at zero and with have no effect. The result [12] is as if one had a seven-dial-per-row instrument; while with another patient for whom the use of nine dials is desirable in the treating circuit, all nine can be brought into use.


A feature added by the Art Tool & Die Co. was tuning rates which could be taken in or out of the circuitry by means of toggle switches. This added nothing to the effectiveness of the equipment, but was a great convenience to the busy practitioner as it saved time in checking the rates for which toggle switches were provided. It meant that instead of having to set several tuning dials in turn at specific settings in order to incorporate a particular tuning rate, all the operator had to do was to flip the toggle switch designated for that rate and it would be placed in the circuit. Flipping the toggle back to its “off” position removed the corresponding tuning rate from the circuit. There were two rows of those toggle switches, one row for visceral or organ tuning rates, the other row for condition rates. The addition of tuning rates that could be taken in or out of use by toggle switches considerably increased the complexity of the circuitry and therefore the cost of the equipment.

Besides time saved by using tuning rates controlled by toggle switches, there was the additional advantage that more factors could be incorporated into the circuit at a time. For example, if a type of toxicity was found in the patient, such as strep or staph, the tuning rate for the toxic factor could be left in the circuit and then different organs could be checked to determine how many of them this toxic factor had invaded. Each of the tunings for organs having that factor would then be left in the circuit — perhaps five or six or even more. Then the personal treatment rate could be worked up, to treat the toxic factor out of all the organs that had been affected by it. This could not be done with one rate on instruments not having the toggle switches for tuning rates, as the control panel would not incorporate tuning for that many organs at one time.

As in so many fields, an advantage in one direction brings a disadvantage in another direction. Using the toggle switches was so much easier than setting individual rates on the tuning dials that operators tended to restrict their analysis to the limited number of factors for which toggles had been provided. This sometimes resulted in failure to perform the amount of analytical checking required to uncover the principle factors involved in a patient’s illness.

Before leaving the Art Tool & Die Co., mention should be made of their automatic instrument, an ambitious project which came very close to providing an instrument that would register the readings automatically instead of requiring the operator to rub a plate. The instrument was terms the Electro-Metabograph; it was quite large and impressive, had many radio-type vacuum tubes, and fed its output into a cathode-ray tube for visual sighting [13] of the radionic impulses. A few dozen of these instruments were made, sold and placed in operation. They seemed to work satisfactorily for a while, but the circuitry was unstable and difficult to keep balanced. When un-balanced, the instruments became inaccurate in diagnosis and ineffective for treatment. The company had just one man who was able to keep the instruments balanced, or to re-balance them when they went out of order. When this particular man retired, no one else could be found who could perform the necessary adjustments. Therefore the owners either discontinued the Electro-Metabographs or had a rubbing plate installed for hand operation.


Kenneth Hunter had worked for Art Tool & Die Co. prior to World War II. At conclusion of the war, Mr. Hunter started producing instruments using essentially the same circuitry by with different exterior design features. The specimen well was made considerably larger, so that combinations of vitamins, minerals or food supplements could be checked for the patient. Rates controlled by toggle switches incorporated, as with the later models of the Art Tool & Die Co. The Hunter instruments were installed in beautiful cabinets. Several hundreds of his instruments were sold, mainly in California, but a few of them were used in the Pacific Northwest and in states farther East.

Mark L. Gallert, N.D., followed the general line of development from the Calbro Magnowave, Art Tool & Die, and Hunter instruments, but added a number of fundamental improvements, to make the equipment more sensitive, and easier to operator. Three tuning controls were introduced in the circuit to the metallic element under the rubbing plate, one for the purpose of tuning the detector plate to the characteristics of the operator, and two for tuning the instrument to the radiational characteristics of the environment in which it is used.

Instead of one metallic element under the detector or rubbing plate, two were used, of different metals and of different sizes and shapes. The detector assembly in the Gallert equipment was composed of seven layers, all of different materials, and each with a characteristic pattern different from that of the pattern of any of the other layers. The shapes were purposely non-symmetrical. The combined result of these and other improvements was that the period of time required for a new operator to learn how to operate the equipment is greatly reduced, and it can be operated easier and with less energy expended.

Other improvements involved variable coupling between patient input, the tuner, and the treatment output. This enabled each instrument to be tuned to peak efficiency. The specimen well had a separate section assigned to it, with the factor of directional light separated from the factor of color ray, as Gallert found there had been confusion between the effects of the two factors in previous equipment. Also the method of inter-connecting the five rows [14] of tuning dials, nine dials per row, was changed from a straight series circuit to a special arrangement which is neither series nor parallel, and appeared better adapted to the purposes of the equipment. Only a limited number of these instruments were made, as their production was never a commercial undertaking. When any company goes into the business of making radionic equipment to sell at a profit, there is inevitably the pressure to sell as many instruments as possible. This usually results in selling instruments to some who lack the necessary capabilities, education or training for proper use.

(The next instalment in this series will consider the radionic equipment produced in England.)

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Washington, D.C. (UPI) - "The Air Force Wednesday (Dec. 17, 1969) abandoned its 21-year-old investigation of reports of unidentified flying objects because it 'no longer can be justified either on the ground of national security or in the interest of science.' In a memorandum to the Air Force Command, Air Force Secretary Robert C. Seamans Jr. said none of the 12,618 reports of sightings of flying saucers investigated had ever indicated a threat to national security. Furthermore, he said, there has been no evidence that any of the 701 UFO sightings classified as 'unidentified' represented advanced technology or might be vehicles from another world.

"The Air Force Project Blue Book headquarters at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in Ohio, which employs three persons, will be closed. Seaman's decision was recommended by the University of Colorado, which made a two-year, $540,000 study of Project Blue Book at the request of the Air Force . . . The independent university study, headed by physicist Edward U. Condon, reported last January that little if anything of scientific value had come from the Air Force UFO investigations . . ."

Elsewhere, Dr. Condon was even more candid about the study. H said it was "a bunch of damned nonsense". His view is understandable because he wasn't given the solid reports of real UFOs. Air Force Regulation 200-2 states that Project Blue Book will evaluate and analyze "all information and evidence received within the United States after the Air Defense Command has exhausted all efforts to identify the UFO." Obviously, a real Flying Saucer from another planet cannot be identified -- that is, explained away -- under the meaning of this regulation; so the solid sightings are still sitting in Air Defense Command files, unreleased to Project Blue Book! There is no mention of the 4602d Air Service Squadron in Secretary Seaman' press release -- this outfit investigates UFO sightings -- nor of the Flying Saucer Board in Washington, which evaluates the 4602d AISS UFO reports, so we have every right to assume that these organizations are still functioning, regardless of the closing down of Project Blue Book.

Conclude with "The History and Development of Radionics" (Part IX)