The second half of the decade of 1920-1930 witnessed the development of four types of radionic equipment, all more advanced than the Abrams E.R.A. apparatus, and each having its own particular features. These four types were:

  1. The Calbro Magnowave
  2. The Pathoclast
  3. The Radioclast
  4. The Drown equipment

Each of these types will be described in this series, as they all played a part in the development of the art.

The Calbro Magnowave had the greatest tuning scope of any of the four, including on its tuner panel. Four horizontal rows of tuning dials, six dials per row, giving a total of 24 dials. This permitted the use of more advanced technique than could be utilized on the other types of equipment. Other features of the Calbro Magnowave:

  1. A rubbing plate warmed by a built-in, low power electric heating element. It was found easier to elicit signals on a rubbing plate kept warm.
  2. A slotted-screw adjustment for tuning the rubbing plate assembly.
  3. A button which, when pressed, would clear the instrument of all accumulated radiations. This sometimes was of help to avoid carry over of radiations from one condition to another, and was always of use when changing from one patient to another.
  4. A specimen well into which a test vial containing a sample of a vitamin, mineral, food or remedy could be inserted, to ascertain what effect the radiations from the test substance would have upon the patient's organ functions and disease readings.
  5. A treatment circuit which for the first time used the same type of tuning for treatment as for the diagnostic procedures. This permitted the art of radionic treating to be developed to a far higher peak of selectivity and effectiveness. It opened the door to a tremendous variety of treatment effects, such as had never been known previously. Most of the remainder of this instalment will be devoted to the treatment aspect of the Calbro Magnowave.

Previous use of radionic treating had been on the basis of [14] one tuning for each type of disease. However it was learned that, for example, strep in the liver required a different treating rate for effective elimination than for strep in the thyroid, and similarly a different treating rate was required for treating that bacteria out of each different organ or gland in the body. Also, the treatment rate that will most effectively eliminate strep (to continue to use an example) from one person's liver will not be the rate that will most thoroughly eliminate it from another person's liver! Every individual has different bio-chemical and electro-chemical reactions, just as every individual has different finger-prints and foot-prints. These differences mean that only by individualized or personalized adjustment of treatment tunings can the quickest and most thorough results be obtained.

The prime virtue of the Calbro Magnowave is that for the first time it permitted the utilization of "personal" treatment rates, individually developed for each patient, for the most thorough elimination of disease factors from specific organs, glands or other tissues of that particular person. This was done by providing pre precise matching of individual bio-electric radiations in specific organs of the person, as altered by specific disease factors. This introduced a degree of precision into therapeutics which far outmatched anything available in medical practise to this day, over no years later.

Personal treatment rates are only possible when the tuning apparatus in the treatment circuit is of the same type as used in the diagnostic circuits. Also, personal treatment rates cannot be satisfactorily used on instruments of limited tuning scope such as the Pathoclast or Drown instruments, and most of the Radioclast models. With the Calbro Magnowave, and successor instruments to be described later, the operator first performs the diagnostic analysis and determines which organs require treatment and also determines what disease conditions should be eliminated. Usually there is more than one disease condition or type of tissue pathology, and more than one organ that needs attention. Choosing the condition and organ to be treated first, the tunings for the condition and the organ are placed on the tuner panel, the intensity of the adverse condition in that organ is noted, then the tuning dials on the treatment row are brought into play, from one end of the row to the other, the operator determining for each dial the setting that will best neutralize the disease condition in the organ or location involved. This determination is made by means of resonance detected on the rubbing plate, which is used constantly during the period of time in which the operator is developing the personal treating rate.

The procedure is not automatic, and results vary with the skill of the operator. Assuming a competent, skillful operator, the procedure opened up a whole new field of therapy. It permitted conditions to be cured which hitherto could not be touched -- examples will be given toward the end of this series. Right now, the nature of the treatment current should be mentioned.


In contrast to the Abrams Oscilloclast, which used a small number of short-wave radio frequencies for treatment, the Calbro Magnowave and successor instruments used the emanation from one side of the 110-volt house current, tuned radionically by the treatment row of tuning dials.

In conventional electricity it is not generally known that a current can be obtained from one side of the electric line -- from the "hot" side only. However, the fact that such a current is obtainable is known to some radar experts, as it is a disturbing factor in radar. The presence of such a current can be readily demonstrated with a 1/25th watt neon test bulb: connecting one terminal of the bulb to the hot side of the alternating current line, the bulb will light dimly when its other terminal is touched with the finger.

This current, obtainable from one side of the alternating current line, is extremely low in magnitude; thus it does not disturb or upset the normal flow of nerve energy in the human being. It is therefore an ideal carrier wave for the subtle effects of the tunings introduced by the radionic treatment dial settings -- effects which would largely be lost or seriously overwhelmed by more gross electrical currents such as the sine wave or faradic.

Any Calbro Magnowave instruments that may still be in existence inevitably have badly corroded, worn or loose contacts due to the age of the equipment, and would need to be completely rebuilt in order to function properly.

The First word of the name, "Calbro Magnowave", was obtained from the last names, Caldwell and Bronson, of the two men who formed the company that developed and made the equipment. The second word was coined. Over a thousand of these instruments were said to have been sold during the late nineteen twenties and early thirties. It was the first radionic instrument to attain such a side sale, and possibly the only one that did so. A convention of users of the equipment adopted the term "radionic" as descriptive of the equipment, and at the same convention an association of users was formed, termed the "International Radionic Association", which continued in existence for nearly thirty years.

(To be continued.)

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"BISHOP MARCOS G. McGRATH, of Panama . . . agreed that there must be a revolution in Latin America, and that whether it is violent or nonviolent is 'not so much a problem of ethics but a problem of tactics. Some Christians interpret violence not only as the destruction and death brought about by, say, guerillas or street riots, but also as the silent violence of hunger, malnutrition and disease which kills every night and day thousands of innocents through the (South American) continent. And on this premise, these Christians side with armed revolution.'"

Continue with "The History and Development of Radionics" (Part VII)