Dear Riley: You probably made a mental note of the crash landings of the Russian Explorer capsules on the moon. Three or four of their probes ended in crash landings. In all other respects the engineer's calculations, made with great precision, proved to be correct. What went wrong?

Could it be that the calculations on the gravitational pull of the moon were based solely upon the Newtonian Theory of mass and density, no allowance being made for the centrifugal force of the vortex surrounding the moon, if there is such a vortex?

I am wondering if one of your correspondents could contribute an article to your journal, analyzing the action and performance of these vortexes, Information concerning vortexes may be found in Oahspe under the chapter title, "Cosmogony and Cosmology" where it is described as one of the primary forces, playing a leading role at the time of creation. References may also be found in H.P. Blavatsky's "Secret Doctrine". Then there was a free lance scientist by the name of C.F. Krafft who used to contribute articles to Meade Layne's "Round Robin" some ten or twelve years ago. Meade also published a brochure on the subject of etheric vortexes by Krafft.

Albert Einstein, in reporting his discovery of the Curvature of Space, pretty closely describes the motion of the vortexes, taking exception to the Newtonian Theory of gravitation in the energy field. Hoping you will be able to get some data on this subject that will clear up our speculation.

John A. Morill
Gonzalez, Calif.

The Truth lies by way of the pulsation operating in you because "I Am the Way." (John 14:6) Pulsation is a beating of the heart; so every breath you take is the Christ panting within you and aiming to be released to share Him with others. The dictionary says that to pant is a motion of the heart. Either I pant with love, or for lack of it.

"To pant is to throb with a gasp -- to bulge and shrink successively." This is the energy-orgasm and explains why two lovers want to kiss. The language of the medical world is "an exhibition [12] of the energy-orgasm". We call it "being in love". So, if I am in love with Christ I pant with a steady pulsation.

Dr. Wilhelm Reich was American physicist who was imprisoned because his discovery and explanation imperilled the racket in drugs and pills, He wrote too openly that "business first" -- even religious business! -- had for centuries managed to shackle Nature's orgasm, taking care to hedge it round as with armour, to allow human nature little chance to exhibit itself naturally, and to escape the mummifying clutches of civilization.

Reich further explained the rotation of the Earth's sphere to the surrounding cosmic orgone ocean as not being that of a rubber ball rolling on stagnant water -- but as that of a rubber ball rolling on progressive water waves.

Try to grasp the simile of Ether-density because it couples with Light. Lumination, excited by Orgone, is propagated through space as with the speed of light. So actually light does not move at all but is a local effect of orgone lumination. Now imagine the Divine vacuum (a vortex), unseeable but fastened around every cell -- around every particle of everything, whirling and panting as it envelops every other whirling object.

This is almost impossible to illustrate, but a mind filled by the Holy Spirit like Elijah or Moses grasped the Truth with their whole personality. They could sense at once how and when and where conditions existed that muzzled, just as the Bowser knows when he is passing over running water; and when the day comes that you and I act on this and teach it to our children, we shall sense not only Elijah back amongst us but also our loved ones who have Christ in them returned to us. This is not necessarily physical but present enough to satisfy us, thus answering our prayers "may the Kingdom come on earth as in heaven".


Magnetism, be it animal or divine, is best explained by how a baby sucks its mother's breast. This is the orgasm behaving naturally. Then heat acts normally, that being the polar electric force coming into play as motion (emotion) is aroused. The Divine vacuum that Reich calls Orgone, producing both movement and sensation, presents the Christ power just as it did when Jesus cured the woman who touched the hem of his garment and straightaway she was healed.

But never forget that this radioactivity can make death as well as life. The living actions of an electron cannot be measured because any act of ours trying to determine an action alters its conditions, until man himself enters into its conditions. Man cannot stay the Hand of Christ while thinking sinful. When he learns to live in Christ he will be a real living life to himself and to others as he says "yes" to Him and to the laws of the Cosmic Christ.



A final warning that man's structure functions irrationally. Our present kind of civilization is the result and can only develop into worse stupidity. Nature's riddles can only be solved by realizing that Life-science must grasp the Cosmic Christ -- the relation of the human animal to his universe.

It was revealed to old Simeon, by the inspiration of the Spirit that his death was not to be granted before he had seen the Messiah. Always watching out for the consolation of Israel, he came into the Temple as the parents of Jesus brought in the child to perform the customary regulations of the law.

According to the translation of Dr. Moffatt we read: "Now mine eyes have seen the saving power which Thou has prepared for all peoples to be a light of revelation for Gentiles and a glory to Thy people Israel." To this he added as he held the child in his arms: "He is destined for the downfall as well as for the rise of many a one in Israel; destined to be a sign for man's attack -- to bring out the secret aims of many a heart, (although) your own soul shall be pierced by a spear." Luke 2:30-35.

Does the foresight of old man Simeon hold a revelation for the present time, because the Messiahship of Jesus the Christ has never really yet materialized as a rise and a downfall of many in Israel?

In the next chapter, Luke 3:5, 6, 17, John preaches: "Make the way ready for the Lord. Level the paths for Him . . . so shall all flesh see the saving Power of God . . . His winnowing fan is in His Hand to gather the wheat into His granary, and burn the straw with fire unquenchable."

The Hon. S. Shuttleworth
House of the Sons of God
Clareville Grove, London SW7

* * *

The above little article is only a hint at the effort the Honorable Associate Shuttleworth has made to relate Bible references to the modern vortex physics theories of C.F. Krafft. If he has piqued your curiosity, write to him in London and obtain a copy of his 80-page, soft-cover book, "The Vacuum Answers". It is well illustrated with drawings of atomic vortexes of various kinds. The chapter headings give some inkling of the wide ranging material: Physicists and Dynamics; Light, Life and Magnetism; The Dunamis Divine of Pulsation, Attraction and Repulsion; The Forces of the Vortex; Stars and Centres of Energy; Ether and the Planets; Electro-Magnetic Energy; Radiant Energy. And in Part II: Vortex Conditioning of the Ether; Spiral Whirls; Conscious Energy; The Power of the Sword; Revelation From the Book of Enoch; Negative Fire, the Sun as Dynamo; The Weapon Wrapped Up For Slaughter. No price given but a donation would probably be welcome.

Response to the Hon. Shuttleworth by J. Harold Claborne: "Filling That Vortexian Vacuum"


  1. The Faithist Bible of Oahspe ("Oahspe: A New Bible in the Words of Jehovih and His Angel Embassadors"), as first put to type by John Ballou Newbrough in 1882. A brief selection of editions and re-editions is appended to Meade Layne's 1946 review of Oahspe (Round Robin, Vol. 2, No. 2).
  2. Blavatsky, H P. The Secret Doctrine: The Synthesis of Science, Religion and Philosophy. Theosophical University Press, 1888. Print. [Reprint, 2000: <>; digital: <>]
  3. Krafft, Carl F. The Ether and Its Vortices. Annandale, Va., 1955. Print. [Re-edition through BSRF, <#B0031, "The Ether and its Vortices">]
  4. Shuttleworth, Bridgeman. The Vacuum Answers. House of the Sons of God, 1966. Print. <>