
Ahriman and Lucifer
Extreme Left, Extreme Right

By Associate Trevor James

Political extremism today is the primary channel by which the two great diversionary spiritual forces act upon the individual human soul, and through this, upon mankind as a whole. No true metaphysical student dares to be unaware of this, although many of them are.

The Ahrimanic powers act in a way which drags man down below himself. They tend to plunge him into crass materialism, to cut him off by doctrine and a highly intellectual philosophy, from the spiritual world that is his true home. The Ahrimanic powers seek to keep mankind oblivious of the existence of a spiritual world. Communism is the vehicle in the political philosophical sphere of the Ahrimanic powers.

Manifesting at the opposite extreme are the Luciferic forces. These seek to draw man out beyond himself, into the realm of the fantastic, the ecstatic and the wildly emotional. Much modern religion has confused the Luciferic with the teachings of Christ. In the political sphere, the Luciferic powers manifest through the purportedly "God-fearing" people of the far right. You will note how these people drivel away the purest Luciferic nonsense about God, and how many crackpot evangelists have rallied to these banners.

The truth lies not in either of these extremes. The mean between these two is the Christ way. Only by treading this mean can the individual avoid the dreadful impact on his soul of the spiritual forces that would divert him. It is the "Golden Mean" of Buddha, and if followed leads to emancipation of the individual.

Tragically, it is those souls who are ripe for higher development and unveiling of higher faculties who are most vulnerable to the lure of the Far Right. Such souls have turned absolutely from the lure of the Far Left, and it is often the violence of the swing that delivers them directly into the arms of Lucifer, warm, soothing, answering all the inner hungers for something Spiritual.

In the 1930s I had training in debating, which taught me the utter fallacy of politics as containing anything valuable for mankind in extreme applications. What mankind most needs from his political instrumentalities today is true spiritual freedom. This has nothing to do in reality with "attending the church of your choice", but means the freedom to explore and investigate all the various ways in which spirit manifests in man. It also must bring about a rebirth in our time of spiritual science in its higher sense, as a human activity every bit as legitimate as outer science. Finally, there can be no ultimate avoidance of a confrontation with, and removal of, the present collapsing barriers between knowledge and faith.

The manifestations of the Far Right have long been expected by [11] accomplished occultists. They are the precursors, or among the precursors of the actual incarnation of Ahriman. This will take place in all probability within the life span of of many people now living. This stupendous event can only be confronted properly by persons with equilibrium. This equilibrium is to be found in the correct apprehension of the Christ mystery, and the cultivation of an inner life guided thereby. When so equipped, the individual Soul can draw great benefit from the Ahrimanic incarnation. To the far left and the far right whether in politics or in the assorted spiritual activities from which politics are given birth, lies only danger. Therefore, support of the Golden Mean is in my view absolutely sound and vital to an organization like BSRA.

I might add in conclusion how vigorously both spiritual extremes have been at work in the UFO field. You can see the hand of both extremes at work there just as clearly as in politics. The mechanical approach - "They are interplanetary spaceships, period!" - reveals the hand of Ahriman. For this infers that men, or quasi-human beings on Venus or Mars or some other crystalline body built a spaceship and travelled here in an open-and-shut mechanical activity that has powerful appeal to the mechanical intellect of modern man. The people holding this view reject all notions of contact with the discs, and even photographic evidence that they are not all discs in the fashion they imagine, but living forms of a different order of evolution altogether.

The activity of Lucifer is boldly evident in ufology also, in the fantastic, ecstatic, escapist, ranting, quasi-religious crapola of the "contactees". Here again is manifested the need to tread the Golden Mean, best found in ufology through the use of discrimination, which faculty the extremes always try to destroy.

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