It had been the intent of this book (writes the author) to remain relatively free of the field of Elementals - i.e., of entities who live beyond the range of our senses. The concept of the forces of darkness and of light did not seem necessary to explain the reality of the UFO. Yet the UFO are themselves thought-forms, as real as rocks and trees, and must be so understood. The postulates of Goethe and Steiner must be re-evaluated. . . Someone is flitting about our planet using pure electrical forces. The mystery is, why attention seems to be paid to the earth at this time - unless space travel has always been with us. If so, the ruling powers that have oppressed the mind of man over the last few thousand years have been guilty of the universe's most incredible crime against humanity!
When the present Visitation or world-wide 'flap' of the UFO began, about 15 years ago, the popular reaction (so far as there was one) was like that received by the practical joker and publicity hound - a type of moron we still have with us. The decade or so following, however, produced an enormous accumulation of data from all parts of the world, and accordingly a variety of interpretations inconsistent with each other and with the complex demands of the phenomena in question. A decade of scientism, with a 'rimless zero' as its sum!
Yet a change is coming over the spirit of this dream. It is not too bad to live in a dream, if only one does not miss-name it by calling it reality. And of course, dreams are real - the only kind of reality we have. It is mutant and may change on us in an hour, a day, a decade - even in a moment as at the moment of death. That the only immutable ’thing' is the principle or presence of change itself, has been pointed out many times by many philosophers:
All thoughts, all creeds, all dreams are true,
All visions wild and strange,
Man is the measure of all truth
Unto himself, all truth is change ---
And in the nucleus of the atom there are ten entities instead of one! Why ten? Why not two or 20 or 100? As a fine great secret between [9] us, is it because somebody thought about ten and so his mind-energy put them there? Look through Littlefield's microscope and see for yourself - but do not tell anyone, for Dr. Gordon Allen wished to keep all his reasoning free from Elementals.
Do not misunderstand that last sentence. Only a few weeks ahead of Dr. Gordon Allen's book another appeared by a different author, whose pages crammed with photos bear out many of the Space Craft contentions. Both books are in the must category, and in both of them the true nub of our frustrations is clearly recognized. And the fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars but in ourselves. It is simply that we have pinned our faith too long on scientism which is not science, neglected the Entirety for mysterious fragments of it, and so sold out mentally to orthodoxies of both left and right. This is no disparagement of a great number of scientific workers, whose indifference toward metaphysics is natural and understandable.
It is said that the justification of metaphysics lies in the fact, that one has to use metaphysics to avoid doing so. But can anyone imagine a 'science' which took no notice of the nature of matter and of the act of knowing? A compulsory semester in (say) Berkeley, Kant, Plato and Hume might have a very salutary effect on much contemporary scientific theory. Who can build a firm safe dwelling on a foundation of sand? If all our premises are weak or wrong, what can be said of any structure reared upon them? But the separation of science from metaphysical thinking is a dichotomy, a division of which Nature knows nothing. Perhaps it was necessary in the childhood and adolescence of science, that this fictitious separation be effected, but the results soon got out of hand and an age of shoddy materialism ensued. That the 'external', 'material', 'objective', and 'real' world had its whole root and origin in consciousness, in a mind-principle, in a cosmic Energy was only an unprofitable and mystical speculation!!
Comes then a series of 'new' phenomena, almost as novel and startling as the germination of a seed or the flight of a humming bird (!). Here are 'air-craft' made of who-knows-what, surpassing all earth achievement and for unknown purposes, formidable beyond words for war or peace. These things do not fit in to received patterns, yet they canNOT be dismissed; Retro Me has no effect on them, perhaps leaves them faintly amused. The great problem is, what to do with uninvited guests. First of all, of course, we must deny the existence of these things or beings; next, we can identify them as familiar objects. Bird named is a bird tamed; a whole decade goes into the guessing game. One guess fits one happening - or a dozen happenings, Eureka! Outside of the dozen, of a hundred 'explained', half as many or twice as many are still sealed mysteries. The problem grows in complexity, the whole solar system, the galaxy may be mixed up in it. It even appears that the Ancients, the Old Ones, the [10] Pre-Atlanteans, pre-everybody, also in their time traversed the Ways of Air; left their graved and sculptured records on stone and even in manuscript. So, the pattern does not clear itself but creeps up on us like a snare or a web:
'Is anyone home, called the traveller
Knocking at the moon-litten door'
Only ghosts of souls departed, not one of whom could lift the latch. Patterns of old thoughts and beliefs, dead but unburied for centuries, whence perhaps that odour not of sanctity. . .
Here is what a 'communicator' - one of the invisibles once said in my hearing (ML):
"As to your travels to other planets, no human in earth body has or ever will set foot on them. But you will collect a thousand pages about them, all wrong, or right today and wrong tomorrow. For man is a Creator, his thought-forms walk the Abysses. Recognize the incessant change in reality. Not only ten entities, but scores beyond that will be "found" in the nucleus of the atom - because they are put there by the expectant creative working of human minds. The search for ultimates in the physical world is forever vain and never ending."
The human mind is not energy in the physics text-book sense, but acts AS-IF in many ways. The evidence for its energic action on matter is voluminous and can be taken as axiomatic. Until this is taken, search for the nature of the UFO is useless.
There can be no question but that the metaphysical approach to the problem of the UFO is repellent to common-sense and to "material" science; but we can hardly blame the metaphysicians for being logical. My whole point for the moment is a doctrine of despair; Bertrand Russell gave form and key to it, when he said that the orbital jump of an electron may be timeless.
The metaphysical bankruptcy of science must be admitted as a precondition of progress. That is why Gordon Allen's Space-Craft and a scant half dozen other books is a harbinger of a new era.
Just to show at this point how alien the "new thought" is to the old, let me quote an old astronomer, contemporary with Shakespeare; he is talking about 'space people' and the UFO. "The blood nature of these beings is this," (he said):
"Carbon, Silicon, and Hydrogen. Especially is this true when they take on form so as to be seen by your eyes. [11] Blood of this nature undergoes no change when the position is changed, nor will altitude make any particular change in it. In your body the principal component is water - more than 90% - and this is not compressed. But silicon and carbon make for hardness and strength, as in the case of diamonds, which do not deteriorate except under great heat. This makes these Beings very durable. It is likely that in taking form such bodies could suffer such injury as to produce seeming death; but the entity concerned would simply withdraw and reconstruct its vehicle when and where desired.
On the sea bottoms as far as man can go, there is life. And the pressure does not destroy them. Most of these Beings are a jelly-like mass and they resist pressure because of their type of construction. Note how a straw can be driven into an oak tree by a great wind. Speed changes the atomic arrangement of the matter in motion. It reduces size and compacts the structural units or molecules. The straw develops a tensile strength like that of a bullet. Because a form feels soft we think it is easy to destroy. But try to crush an egg held lengthwise in your hand. You create a double pressure within the egg. . .
The "Gravity Screen": This idea is no good. The Space People do not use such a screen. They create higher pressures within the molecules of the ship. This makes a kind of negative electric field which amounts to light pressure. It may be, in short, that the ships are operated, sometimes, by the forces of light. Otherwise there is a short wave of energy coming from or produced by a kind of backwash from the galaxies far out in space - a negative proton, so to speak, which can move with the speed of light - or more. Einstein himself knew this.
The symbol for Space travel is this, which indicates a relative separation of Time and Being: . . RAYMOND NATALLI died 1652.
(Continue on next page)
LOST ATLANTIS: Same author; 41 pages. BOTH of these are issued by by the Edgar Cayce Publishing Company. Virginia Beach, Va., and are compiled from the Edgar Cayce readings. $1.00 each. Highly recommended. Order from publishers.
The Contents: Toward New Dimensions of Thought (13) -- Cosmic Mind Receivers After Newton (43) -- Atomic Theories and Pre-historic Catastrophe (59) -- From Cold Watch to Moon Watch (72) -- A First Practical Thought Resonator (90) -- The Post-War Phantasma of the UFO (108) -- Lunar Changes and the Earth's Halo (129) -- Some Extra-Terrestrial Visitations (136) -- Some Possible Points of Departure (144).
ESSAYS BY CARL FREDERICK KRAFFT: Subatomic Vortices -- The New Vortex Atoms -- Radioactivity and Atomic Fission -- The Nuclear Theory Disproved
Nos. I to X - Figures A and B and Appendix Figures Nos. 1 to 11. No Index. 202 pages.
Quotations with page references:
Arnold, Adamski, Fry and many many other observers have told us about their observations of - and trips on - "flying saucers" or UFO's. . . But now as the phenomena become more complex we find it involves the whole of man's knowledge to this writing, and we are certain that conventional science does not have the whole explanation. . . equally certain that no author of "saucer literature" has presented a synthesis (satisfactory to all types of mind). . . (pg 13)
To the thinking man we must point out that his universe exists in only one place -- his own mind. On this earth are approximately 2,400,000,000 and therefore as many different conceptions of universal reality. . . (pg 17)
One premise we must keep forever at the forefront of our conceptive effort, is that the mind of man seems to make its own mental barriers. . . (pg 17)
The "whole premise" according to the author is this: "Man learns through experience. He formulates new ideas and calls them new facts. But static facts and static truths are impossible in an ever-changing universe. Man moves through new dimensions of the concept of reality, and so produces new sets of universal facts upon which to base his understanding of universal phenomena. (21)
This is the pitfall into which the whole of Western science fell when it hoped to produce a gadgeted civilization based on a never changing group of facts. In vulgar modern terms, Newton was profoundly neurotic of a not unfamiliar type, but -- I should say from the records -- a most extreme example. His deepest instincts were occult, esoteric, semantic with profound shrinking from the world, a paralyzing fear of exposing [13] his thoughts, his beliefs, his discoveries in all nakedness to the inspection and criticism of the world. (pg 30)
His experiments were always, I suspect, a means, not of discovery, but always of verifying what he knew already.
Why do I call him a magician? Because he looked on the whole universe and all that is in it as a riddle, as a secret which could be read by applying pure thought to certain evidence, certain mystic clues which God had laid about the world to allow a sort of philosopher's treasure hunt to the esoteric brotherhood. (pg 32)
But what about Linz basalt and some other substances? Why don't they perform like spheres of feathers and of iron? When an unknown professor pointed out this variation on the pattern, little notice was taken. But it just might be that this object which does not "behave" is most important, more important than two hundred years of the prostitution of Newton. Because, to travel in space, we have to do something about gravity. (pg 41)
Our thesis is simply this: The mind of man seems to be a many-leveled (intellectual levels) receiver that tunes to the universal thought source. A study of the lives and contributions of men we have already mentioned and of many other great philosophic minds as well seems to indicate that these "flashes" do originate outside the receiver mind. Further, it is postulated that the UFO's, or saucers, that we shall discuss in detail might well be "thought controlled." (pg 43)
The whole point of our nominating Tesla as a man attuned to the cosmic mind is that he promulgated the conception of a "force field" that can be left stationary in space. This concept has still not been mastered, but it seems most practical. In the first years of the second world war he told the federal government that he could build a force barrier around the boundaries of the United States that would make it impregnable to air attack, but by that time he was old, broke and out of grace with those who maintain the pattern. (pg 48)
Here is another account of a "cosmic receiver”. In the early 1700's lived one of the most amazing men of all time. As we study more and more of the life and writings of Immanuel Swedenborg (1688 to 1772) in the light of the latest discoveries of science, we find his understanding of the real state of the cosmos in which we live even more fantastic - even appallingly precise. (pg 49)
In 1743 Swedenborg published his ideas about the real relation of the soul to the body. This brings us to one of the most fantastic hits of agreement of so-called "modern" findings with these two-hundred-year-old writings which have not even yet been really competently studied and interpreted. Swedenborg describes an inhabitant of the moon [14] (of a space station thereon?) in such a way that it matches perfectly the picture of a little man downed in a UFO (flying saucer) that crashed near Mexico City in 1950! (pg 51)
So when Swedenborg talks of "spirits" on other planets he might well be right, because we now are fairly sure that it is the thickness of the heat-generating, sun-ray-excited particle layer around the earth that provides life-supporting heat for the planet. Any planet, then, can have life if it has a sufficient layer for producing enough heat. Any of our planets can have life. Venus, cloud-covered, might not be too hot but, rather, cloud-sheltered and just the perfect place for life. . . (pg 54)
. . . Its caption-writers and artists had not been told that it has now been quite well established that Pluto is not the outermost planet but is a moon of Neptune. Pluto was discovered only in the early 1930's, and out there on Neptune a year is so long that only after observing Pluto in its orbit for a number of our years has it become apparent that maybe Pluto should be called a Neptunian moon in a wide orbit, not a wandering planet far from the source of the sun's "gravitational" field.
Therefore, when we think about where life can develop, let us remember that it is the sun's rays hitting a lot of ionized particles that makes heat - just as the beam of a heat lamp does not have much heat, but the body surface it strikes gets kind of warm. (pg 55)
Does not spin denote the important fact or association of a vortex - an ether vortex or electrical space vortex as perhaps the fundamental building block of matter? It did to Krafft, who calls his theory the ether-vortex theory. He has a very workable model for the atom that shows how his mind conceives of how the electrical energy of Space (or space itself - as Newton said, "space is absolute") is bonded to form a material particle. (pg 65)
Later we shall develop some thoughts about the "ether sink field" that may cause gravity, and some thoughts about gravity itself. We now make the assumption that the only real space travel will be through the electrical suspension of gravity and its effects and the absence of inertial mass. In our mental development it seems now that we have, drawn our firm foundations for reasonable belief that other space life and spacecraft already are utilizing the truths of the universe while we flounder upon roads that lead to Erehwon.
In the manner of Einstein and others, we only pose the proposition that the scientific schools have pretty much failed our civilization at this time because they have produced little more than rule-of-thumb gadgets. (pg 66)
- END -

"Space-Craft from Beyond Three Dimensions" by W. Gordon Allen
"Dedicated to those who have known a portion of the truth during their time in recorded history, but who were not permitted to speak ... to those suppressed by ignorance, bigotry and the special groups in control who have thought it to their advantage to let mankind live in misery."
Contents: Toward New Dimensions of Thought (13) -- Cosmic Mind Receivers After Newton (43) -- Atomic Theories and Pre-historic Catastrophe (59) -- From Cold Watch to Moon Watch (72) -- A First Practical Thought Resonator (90) -- The Post-War Phantasma of the UFO (108) -- Lunar Changes and the Earth's Halo (129) -- Some Extra-Terrestrial Visitations (136) -- Some Possible Points of Departure (144).
Appendices: Essays by Carl Frederick Krafft, including Subatomic Vortices, The New Vortex Atoms, Radioactivity and Atomic Fission, and The Nuclear Theory Disproved.
"Space-Craft from Beyond Three Dimensions" (