Furthermore, let us not waste our valuable time in the vain attempt to exorcise the irrationality in Official Science. Instead our earnest efforts; in my opinion, should be to lay a firm foundation of New Knowledge on which a life-affirmative science and technology can be constructed.

Fortunately, thanks to the extensive investigation of and experimentation with primary, mass-free energy by certain of our predecessors, the cornerstones and a solid base for continuum physics are already in existence. Therefore, whether we become conversant with continuum physics through the works of Reich, Lehrs, Steiner, etc., our orientation will be the same, i.e., the formation of the Universe from the tangible, demonstrable functions of primordial energy. The advantage that we enjoy over official science is that whereas it is unable to see the forest for the trees, we, on the contrary, clearly see the entire forest. We can proceed, from this grand overview, to study the attributes of each tree in relation to and in the context of the whole.

On the one hand official science has amassed tons of unconnected and unrelated facts that fill entire libraries to the [15] brim and which boggle the-mind. However, an insignificant amount of real knowledge has been achieved by all of this compulsive data mongering, because the hallmark of mechanistic researchers is their perverse penchant for taking everything apart. Each piece of the dissected world is assigned an expert who then literally analyses his particular fragment to death. Afterward, try as they may, they are never again able to imbue their mutilated, distorted corpses with life.


On the other hand, we, the fabricators of New Knowledge, are never satisfied with the false equation: unrelated facts = knowledge. We avoid this pitfall because our facts are derived from physical observation, not from abstruse mathematical formulation. Our data is verified by controlled experiments, not ad hoc experiments specifically devised to bolster "official science" prejudices. This New Knowledge can then be integrated into a theoretical framework that embodies the essence -- not the mechanistic Weltanshaung -- of natural processes.

There are no "authorities" in New Age Science. This point cannot be emphasized too strongly since we have, from earliest childhood on, been indoctrinated with the authoritarian precepts of our civilization. Many of us have the erroneous notion that only approval and endorsement of our research by accredited, recognized pillars of the scientific community will confer value and credence on our labors. The fact is that today the value and credence of official science is under close, critical scrutiny. Tragically, billions upon billions of the unenlightened public's dollars are being allocated to prop up a science that is bankrupt. It's primary function seems to be to grind out a more and more life-inimical technology. Therefore it is our responsibility to continue to make concrete scientific inroads. Let us always keep in mind that authority in New Age Science is that acquired by work and actual achievements.

New Age Science makes definite and sometimes strenuous demands on those engaged in research. Needless to say, the methodology of observation, hypothesis, experimentation and theory formation is strictly adhered to. A working knowledge of physics, biology, chemistry, psychology, meteorology, etc. -- an overview of all the disciplines, is a prerequisite. Natural processes are characterized by their interconnectedness. New Knowledge fully comprehends this innate harmony and unity. Orthodox science splits the Universe into nature culture, body-mind, instinct-intellect, physics-biology, etc. because it lacks a fundamental understanding of the whole. Unfortunately, the majority of persons with a traditional education, that is, compartmentalized, specialized learning, will find it difficult to change their mentation. Nevertheless, participation in New Age Science is unthinkable without such a change.

We, the members of a sophisticated, technological society, [16] associate basic natural research with large, well-funded institutions and teams of specialists and technicians. We tend to equate advances in empirical knowledge with the use of complex experimental paraphernalia and with the expenditure of vast sums of money.


The view of nature proffered by official science is so obscure and muddled that it is now tacitly assumed that only geniuses and mathematicians can have access to basic truths. This image of human helplessness is shattered by New Age achievements. While an organization, experimental apparatus and funding have merit, they are merely secondary adjuncts. The primary instrument in New Age Science -- continuum physics -- life-energy research -- is the scientist himself. his/her physical structure is the sieve through which the tangible, physical expressions of natural processes must pass.

The mechanistic scientist rejects the contention that subjective impressions can disclose objective realities. He insists that the observer and the object of investigation must be controlled by a rigorous experimental method. He completely distrusts his sensations. That is, sad to say, a rational standpoint because the Sixth Sense is really the First Sense. This is more accurately referred to as the orgonotic-energetic first sense by Wilhelm Reich, the one which gives us the physiological perception of the movement of plasmotic currents, the life energy within our organism. This has atrophied in our civilization.

No amount of experimental gadgetry or control can ever hope to improve the sensitivity of the scientist to life energy functions, natural laws. Therefore the revitalization and the subsequent cultivation of the First Sense is crucial for everyone involved in New Age Science.

Since the truly awesome discoveries of Reich and other New Age pioneers were the direct result of the accurate subjective perception of objective reality, our trust and reliance in the open, vital bioenergetic organism is justified.

"In order to investigate nature we must literally love the object of our investigation. In the language of orgone biophysics, we must have direct and undisturbed orgonotic contact with the object of our investigation." W. Reich

Official science defines a cloud as being: a mass of water particles, sufficiently numerous to see. in the liquid or frozen state which is formed by the chilling of water vapor below the dew point, i.e., the point in the cooling process at which condensation just begins. Cloud formation is viewed as a mechanical process.


The extant New Age Science of Orgonomy (Orgonomy is the natural science of the orgone energy, the name given to the primordial cosmic energy by its discoverer, Wilhelm Reich) defines the cloud as: a combination of concentrated orgone energy and water vapor. Cloud formation is recognized as being a functional process, the specifics of which are:

1. Attraction - An area or pocket of concentrated orgone energy forms in the otherwise evenly distributed orgone energy of the atmospheric envelope. This pocket has arisen due to a more intense excitation by the sun. The pulsation of the orgone energy increases. An area of strong OR potential -- orgonomic potential has developed. (Orgonomic potential is Negentropy.) It is the unifying, binding creative principle in nature; whereas the mechanical potential dictates that a high energy level will lose energy to a low energy level -- Entropy -- as in heat and electricity. The orgonomic potential, on the contrary, reverses this process and is governed by an energy flow from the weaker to the stronger system. There occurs now a confluence of orgone energy from the surrounding, weaker level -- the general OR energy continuum -- toward the higher, stronger system.

2. Charge - Water readily attracts and holds the orgone energy and vice versa. Concentrated atmospheric OR energy and water vapor combine and form a cloud.

3. Growth - The cloud grows and expands. It will continue to grow as long as there is sufficient water vapor in the vicinity and the influx of OR energy persists. The size, density and cohesion of the cloud is strictly governed by the orgone energy content.


I thought back to the cloud that had formed at the pocket in the sky where my gaze had focussed. The idea that came to mind was this: The human being is a strong orgonotic-energetic system. The organism grows and consistently maintains a higher temperature than the environment because it is able to attract and hold more orgone energy than it loses. The organism is surrounded by an orgone energy field. This field expands and contracts, it pulsates, narrows and widens in harmony with internal bioenergetic excitation. It is truly a sixth sense which functions at a distance within and through the OR energy continuum.

Was it possible, perhaps because of the strong state of vigor or charge that I felt that the visual ray had excited an area of atmospheric Or energy? After all, it had already been observed by me that the focus of the visual ray -- which is a modified OR energy field -- on the OR field surrounds a metal sphere increases the pulsation. The appearance of the cloud on the spot could, of course, have been just a coincidence. However, the formation of a cloud seemed to fit in with the ability of the eyes [18] to influence OR energy pulsation.

When I reviewed the techniques of cloud creation and destruction that Reich had applied in the successful use of the mechanical cloud-buster apparatus, my own hypothesis concerning the possible excitation of the atmospheric OR energy envelope by the visual ray seemed to crumble. To review: An existent cloud is destroyed when its high OR potential is decreased and a cloud is created when the even distribution of OR energy is disrupted. Pockets of lower OR potential are created. The adjacent areas of higher orgone energy content, in accordance with the principle of orgonomic potential, increase their OR potential at the expense of the weaker pockets. The process of attraction, charge and growth culminates in a cloud. The mechanical cloud-buster, in both cases, draws energy from the OR energy continuum. i.e., energy is withdrawn from, not added to, the atmosphere. Since the explanation for cloud formation under the influence of the visual ray hinges on the eye's ability to excite, in the manner of the sun, an area of orgone energy into heightened pulsation; the draw method of mechanical cloud-busting refuted my contention.


Smaller clumps (fractocumulus) drifted above me. Their white contours were distinct, not fuzzy like they most often are in the polluted atmosphere on the mainland. Some of the larger cumulus literally boiled with energy and bulbous puffs of water vapor continuously sprouted from their margins. I watched this parade of clouds until I could no longer resist the temptation to put my assumptions to the test. I fixed my eyes on a small cloud. The seconds ticked by like minutes. I presumed that like the cloud-buster apparatus, I could dissipate this cloudlet. Instead it drifted on and away undiminished. Then I recalled my first attempt to see the luminescent OR energy points in the sky. I had failed because orgonotic contact had been blocked by tension. Sure enough, my muscles were tensed and the tingle had left my skin. I sat still for awhile with my eyes closed. When I looked up again a cumulus clouds overhead. I gazed directly at the center of it and followed its slow movement.

The effect that my steady gaze had on the cloud was unequivocal. It seemed to be transfixed by the visual ray. The opaque, white cloud's motion slowed and gradually, in a matter of seconds, it became more transparent and less dense. Its sharp contours melted away and melted shreds of cloud floated where the whole, compact cumulus had been a minute before. There could be no doubt. I had dissipated the cloud with my visual ray. The water droplets were clearly seen to dissolve and the cloud lost cohesion as I drew the atmospheric orgone energy, life energy, from the cloud's energy matrix. The cloud, objectively, was seen to dissipate and disappear from the clear blue sky in a time span of [19] less than three minutes. These external, objective phenomena leave their internal, subjective impression on the organism. The inflow of atmospheric life energy from the cloud's energy matrix through the eyes increases one's visual acuity. In addition, slight currents or streamings can be felt in the body, especially in the legs. The excess energy apparently discharges into the earth via the legs.


  1. The Visual Ray should be directed at the center of the cloud. This is the core of the energy matrix. It is the draw of life energy from this core that lowers the OR potential of the entire cloud. Once orgonotic-energetic contact between your organism and the cloud has been achieved, the sequence of the ocular bust is:

    1. The sharp, well-defined contours, the edges, begin to lose tension and become fuzzy.
    2. The opaque center of the cloud becomes transparent.
    3. The cloud’s entire periphery begins to fray.
    4. Where a cohesive cloud was minutes before, scattered patches of water vapor gradually dissipate altogether.
  2. The organismic capacity for-ocular cloud-busting increases when the bioenergetic core, your autonomic nervous system, becomes charged. This is a cumulative process that depends on the quantity of atmospheric OR energy that flows into the body. One need not draw energy from a half dozen small clouds in order to increase potency. It is, in fact, advisable to draw initially from the largest cumulus cloud insight. It may take some time but thereafter any smaller cloud can easily be dissipated by the Visual Ray.


An existent cloud can be stimulated to grow by the excitation from the Visual Ray. The fact that life energy orgone energy is radiated as well as attracted by the organism, in particular by the eyes, has been established. I have found on many occasions that several brief glances can excite the OR energy matrix of a small cloud or fractocumulus into heightened pulsation whereupon this cloud may rapidly double or triple in size.

The interested reader who would like either to validate or debunk the human-potential of ocular cloud-busting, probably wants at this point a detailed elaboration of the technique behind the process. He expects a step by step list of instructions that will allow anyone to duplicate what I have described. Here they are: 1. Eat a low-fat, protein-rich breakfast, with a glass of fresh orange juice. 2. Jog for at least three miles. 3. Swim for an hour. 4. Choose a cumulus cloud as your target, and, 5. Focus your Visual Ray into the cloud's center and draw its life energy into your own organism.


Diagram of Weber's theory of ocular cloudbusting: The Organismic Limiting Factor in Ocular Cloud-Busting: Orgonotic Pulsation. The Bioenergetic Pulsation of the organism is the Orgone Energy function that limits the potential for Ocular Cloud-Busting. The rate of pulsation governs both the speed and distance of Cloud-Busting.