Vulcan, Anisotropy and the Magnetic Chain

“On October 2, 1839, De Cuppuis, an astronomical pupil at a College in Rome, saw a perfectly clear, round and definite spot moving at such a rate that it would cross the sun in about six hours.”

From UFO’s against the Sun, pg. 199 Case for the UFO

MK Jessup, UFO researcher, is sitting with an Italian astronomer De Cuppuis explaining how the object he witnessed could be a large UFO. De Cuppuis insists that it is an intermercurial planet and cites Grok AI explaining that the French mathematician Urbain Le Verrier, known for predicting Neptune’s existence, suggested that Mercury’s orbital irregularities could be explained by an unseen planet closer to the Sun, which he named Vulcan in 1859.

The search for Vulcan continued until Albert Einstein’s theory of general relativity provided an alternative explanation for Mercury’s orbital anomalies in 1915. Einstein’s theory removed the need for an intermercurial planet by explaining Mercury’s orbit through the curvature of spacetime around the Sun.

I am sure we are all satisfied with Einstein…


Ruth Drown takes to a podium that appears from nowhere. Jessup and De Cuppuis stop talking and turn to listen along with a few members in the audience including Nikola Tesla.

Ruth begins to explain how the nine dial grid pattern on the HVR radionic instrument is constructed in such a way as to harness and clear obstructions in the field of energy of the human body. The nine dials act as a sort of an array antenna “using the human energy as the force that carries the radio-active ethers from the body to the ground”.

Ruth clarifies “we are not able to pick it up at the present time by any other than that which is equal in every way to the human energy”.

Ruth is exploring the idea of anisotropy that “the structural property of non-uniformity” and “directionally dependent” properties of the surface impedance has on the array antenna provides orientation needed to “recognize the great vital life force which flows through everything in the universe, giving its own rate of vibration.”

Ruth explains how the human energy, while very similar in nature and function to electromagnetic energy, is more subtle. 

The use of properly wound coils along with the dials would allow the instrument to detect and interact with “The liberated radiant electric force (that) shoots beyond the bondage of charged particles, penetrating to great spatial distances with apparently undiminished force.”

Ruth explains how anisotropy and the proper coils arranged in an array are

“Generators of these rays which employ unidirectional impulses. Tesla clearly describes the precise parameters required in order to prevent the instability of alterations and even oscillations from occurring.”

With the proper winding of the copper coils “a certain relation between its self-induction and capacity that permits a current of a given frequency and potential to pass through it with no other opposition than that of ohmic resistance, or in other words, as though it possessed no self-induction.”

I am not entirely confident in my reporting and there seems to be some discussion in the crowd. So far I can’t make it out and have experimented with using GrokAI as a foil.

A critical voice seems to dismiss the dials as rheostats that do not provide the necessary physical structure for an array antenna.

“Array Antennas: An array antenna involves multiple antenna elements arranged in a specific configuration to achieve desired radiation patterns, gain, and directionality. These elements must be carefully spaced and phased. Rheostats, when simply connected in series and grounded, do not provide the necessary physical structure or electrical properties for an array antenna.”

“Array antennas generally use elements like dipoles or patches, not resistors like rheostats. The interaction between elements is key to forming beams or nulls in specific directions, which rheostats cannot achieve due to their lack of radiating capability”

A supportive voice points to Inductive Coupling of the neighboring coils to enhance sensitivity to electromagnetic signals and how If these coils are connected in such a way that they collectively resonate, this could amplify the antenna’s sensitivity. She also points out that by varying the inductance (through the dial settings), you could alter the natural frequency of each coil, thereby controlling the bandwidth over which the antenna operates.

  1. Inductive Coupling:
    • Each coil acts as an inductor. When you have multiple coils arranged in proximity, they can interact through mutual inductance. This means that magnetic fields generated by one coil can induce currents in neighboring coils, effectively coupling them together. This coupling can enhance the sensitivity of the system to electromagnetic signals at specific frequencies.
  1. Resonance:
    • By adjusting the dials (which could control aspects like the physical dimensions of the coils or introduce variable capacitors or inductors), you could tune each coil to resonate at different frequencies. If these coils are connected in such a way that they collectively resonate, this could amplify the antenna’s sensitivity to signals at those resonant frequencies, much like how a traditional antenna works.
  1. Bandwidth and Frequency Response:
    • By varying the inductance (through the dial settings), you could alter the natural frequency of each coil, thereby controlling the bandwidth over which the antenna operates. Multiple coils could be tuned to cover different parts of the spectrum, potentially making the system versatile for wideband operations or for scanning across frequencies.

The skeptic is just not having it and parades the arguments of Efficiency and Loss, Complexity and Space and Interference as such obvious flaws that speculation about such a device is nonsense and delusion. But after all, the skeptic refuses to acknowledge the life force which seems to mimic electromagnetism and defy it at the same instance. 

  • Efficiency and Loss: The more complex the system, the higher the potential for losses due to resistance in the coils, connectors, or through mutual coupling.
  • Complexity: Tuning nine separate coils to work in harmony could be technically challenging, requiring precise control mechanisms for each dial.
  • Space and Interference: Physical space constraints and potential interference between closely placed coils could affect performance.

Tesla and Gerry Vassilatos also give presentations at this podium but it is not clear if they rise in order to support Ruth Drown or if we heard Ruth most clearly when she was summarizing their points in her talk. Either way the interdependence of information is as uncanny as the interdependence of time as the information leaks out to us in the present moment.

Mr. Tesla had found some years ago that in every coil there exists a certain relation between its self-induction and capacity that permits a current of a given frequency and potential to pass through it with no other opposition than that of ohmic resistance, or in other words, as though it possessed no self-induction. This is due to the mutual relations existing between the special character of the current and the self-induction and capacity of the coil, the latter quantity being just capable of neutralizing the self induction for that frequency.

It is well known that the higher the frequency of potential difference of the current, the smaller the capacity required to counteract the self-induction; hence, in any coil, however small the capacity, it may be sufficient for the purpose stated if the proper conditions in other respects be secured. In the ordinary coils the difference of potential between adjacent turns or spires is very small, so that while they are in the sense condensers, they possess but very small capacity and the relations between the two quantities, self-induction and capacity, are not such as under any ordinary conditions satisfy the requirements contemplated by Mr. Tesla, Because the capacity relative to the self-induction is rather small.

In order to attain his object and to properly increase the capacity of any given coil, Mr. Tesla winds it in such a way as to secure a greater difference of potential between its adjacent turns, and since the energy stored in the coil -considering the later as a condenser- is proportional to the square of the potential difference between its adjacent convolutions, it is evident that in this way he may secure, by a proper dispositions of these convolutions, a greatly increased capacity for a given increase in potential difference between the turns. The accompanying drawings show the general nature of the plan which he has adopted for carrying out his idea. Jan 9.1894

The Tesla Condenser Magnet, Vril 9

The liberated radiant electric force shoots beyond the bondage of charged particles, penetrating to great spatial distances with apparently undiminished force. If the interruptive process is continuous, the release of electrostatic radiation is continuous, the inductions. All the energy was contained within the expansive electrostatic field.

Generators of these rays had to employ unidirectional impulses. Tesla clearly describes the precise parameters required in order to prevent the instability of alterations and even oscillations from occurring. The effects which Henry and Thomson each observed were very rare events. The release of these rays required very special circuit values, parameters which preserved the unidirectionally of the electrostatic field throughout the transformation process, instabilities, whether of alternations of certain oscillations, would ruin the effect which he claimed to be the greatest secret of electrical forces.

Gerry Vassilatos, Vril 9

Energy Flow, Positive to Negative

The principle of diagnosing with the Homo-Vibra Ray is that all positive energies flow toward the negative energies. Thus the positive force in the human body flows toward the ground, as our instrument is grounded. In using the human energy as the force that carries the radio-active ethers from the body to the ground, we are not able to pick it up at the present time by any other than that which is equal in every what to the human energy – hence the reason for the the passing the hand over the detector to pick up the disease rate of vibration as it passes toward the ground.”

“It has been difficult for the average physician to recognize the great vital life force which flows through everything in the universe, giving its own rate of vibration.”

Drown Radio Vision and HVR Instruments, 1951

Anisotropy (/ˌænaɪˈsɒtrəpi, ˌænɪ-/) is the structural property of non-uniformity in different directions, as opposed to isotropy. An anisotropic object or pattern has properties that differ according to direction of measurement.

Anisotropic energy is energy that is directionally specific. The word anisotropy means “directionally dependent”, hence the definition. 

The effect that anisotropy of the surface impedance has on the array antenna is not the same as on the same line-current antenna. One significant effect is that although the anisotropy skews the pattern of the antenna, orienting the antenna wires in the same direction as they would lie if the ground wire isotropic is close to the optimum orientation. (The optimum orientation is understood here to be that which delivers the required field strength to the receiving area with the least power dissipation. For an isotropic surface impedance and with the receiving area in the far field, the antenna wires are optimally aligned when they lie on the great-circle paths through the receiving area.) In fact, if the losses in the conductor and in the end grounds are negligible, the optimum orientation is the same as for an isotropic surface impedance. A remarkable feature of the effect of anisotropy is that, although it skews the antenna pattern, even less power efficiency would be obtained if the orientation of the antenna wires were adjusted to swing the peak of the antenna pattern towards the received area. Surprisingly, the least power dissipation needed to deliver the required signal strength is obtained by moving the wires originated in the other(italics) direction; that is, in the direction which swings the beam peak even further away from the receiving area. A detailed presentation of anisotropy effects is beyond the scope of this work. More details are available elsewhere [Burrows, 1974c], but a thorough study of the subject has apparently not yet been made.

Sanguine, Ground Aerial Matrix, Vril 11

The scene changes rapidly and we find ourselves in an open field with an elegant dowser speaking in strange magnetising tones. 

Direct Vril Contact…

      Randomancy and Geomancy…

The means through which human organisms were attuned with vril through dendritic conductive matter (tree branches)

Dissolution of local inertia

        Manages to free the branch from the inertial grip…

Resultant motions are directly motivated through Vril passages.

Rabdomancy strengthened

  The Vision of Vril throughout a region…

               Visceral-visual coordinates provide vril threads

                       With a pathway..the geomancer receives

                              Strengthening and becomes Adept.

Vril 4

1645 Kircher, Athanasius, Manes, sive de arte magentica [The magnet, or concerning the magnetic art] book 3, part 5, ch. 3 Rome]

The Diving Rod: A History of Water Witching, by Arthur J. Ellis

Standing just away, under a strange tree, Athanasius Kircher, Meade Layne and a bewildered Agustín Udías with a large map rolled up and tucked under his arm are engaged in a very deep discussion on magnetism.

Kircher is very hard to understand because he only speaks Latin. There has been some misunderstanding over his description of the magnetism of the animal world and snakes but making the unfortunate choice to call us “Stupid American Snakes” in a way that had many of us a bit incensed .

De Anguis stupido Americani , ceruorum altorumq; Magnetismis.

Of the Stupid Snakes of the Americans, of the High Ceres; Magnetism.

Something about the claims that he was speaking in the 1600’s and was not talking about the United States of America does not sit right. We did have it out on the Facebook if you did not see it, if not, Facebook is crappy but still lets me post for free, as you all can imagine Borderland Sciences can’t afford to pay its rent much the less pay for a subscription to X so I can spam the world with light from the lamp.

Unfurling his large map Mr. Udías is kind enough to share with us a few paragraphs of his research from his popular article called “Athanasius Kircher and Terrestrial Magnetism: The Magnetic Map”.

In book 3, entitled Mundus magneticus sive catena magnetica (The magnetic world or magnetic chain), Kircher takes the bold step of considering magnetism not only as a physical force, but as a cosmic one, of both material and spiritual nature that pervades everything and finally has its origin in God. Thus, he proposes that all elementary and hidden qualities, all the motions of sympathy and antipathy present in nature are really manifestations of the cosmic and spiritual force of magnetism. For these considerations he based himself on the idea of the “Sefirot,” which according to the Jewish Kabbalah are the ten emanations or attributes of the divine, which as celestial influences govern everything in creation. Kircher identifies these influences with magnetism and sees them as links or concatenations, which through the cosmic force of magnetism unite everything. He considers them to be similar to the “tree of life” of the Sefirot that he had discussed in his work Oedipus Aegyptiacus. 30 In this universal concatenation, Kircher includes the magnetism of the planets, the meteors, the Sun and the Moon and their influence on the sea, plants, and animals. He states that a certain magnetic force is internally present in all elements and is the origin of all the processes that take place in the world. Thus, magnetic forces are present in plants (phytomagnetismus) and animals (zoomagnetismus), and they are the cause of many strange and curious phenomena he often uncritically accepts.

Finally, Kircher ends his book identifying magnetism with love (Erotomagnetismus sive de magnetismo amoris), which is for him the force and origin of all the movements of attraction that keeps everything in proper order. All these movements and attractions have their ultimate origin in God, so that in the epilog he can call God “the central magnet of all things” (Deus rerum omnium centralis magnes). Kircher went even further and linked this unifying motion with the Christian mystery of the Trinity, in which everything is attracted to God the Father through the Eternal Truth (the Son) by the unifying force of the Spirit, constituting the “uni-triune magnetic principle” (Unitrino principio magnetico). In this form, he finally concludes that all creation is attracted by the force of love toward God—center and magnet of everything. It is difficult to judge with our modern mentality this part of Kircher’s book, although it occupies almost half of the total text (four hundred pages). But we even today speak of such a thing as “personal magnetism.” For Kircher these considerations correspond to a real continuity with the physical properties of magnets and the behavior of compasses on the Earth. We can only see them as an expression in metaphorical language of all actions of attraction and repulsion that may be finally considered to have its origin in the divine.”

Meade Layne, the founder of Borderland Sciences Research Foundation in 1945, carefully repeats part of this talk as he points to the nine dial grid that belongs to the device created by Ruth Drown.

“the ten emanations or attributes of the divine, which as celestial influences govern everything in creation. Kircher identifies these influences with magnetism and sees them as links or concatenations, which through the cosmic force of magnetism unite everything.”

Meade holds up a sacred and secret image from the archives of the Borderland Sciences Mystery School. 

It is a copy of the Tree of Life, with the four Ethers.

“at this point it would be wise to combine the preceding charts with the Cosmology of the Western Mystery Tradition, the Kabalists Tree of LIfe, for the sincere student. Thus you can see immediately the origin of Flying Saucers in relation to Western Occult Science.”

“Mundus magneticus sive catena magnetica (The magnetic world or magnetic chain)”

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We celebrate our 80th year in 2025!

The search engines have betrayed us and the piracy of our materials now excludes us from most of the search results…we rely on the support of individuals who want to see this information available from Borderland Sciences, who will stand strong against the Digital Deception of Ariman, and mingle their sweat with our blood to keep the lamp aflame!

I am sick of looking at this stack of books so I am slashing the prices for the auction.