Trygono Igneo of Ether Physics

Carl Krafft came into the office with such urgency this month. Somehow I found myself psychically embroiled in a Hollywood murder mystery in 1934 where a parapsychologist from Harvard “fell” to his death. Carl insisted that I help him before I could move forward with the newsletter. I had to write it up to satisfy everyone involved. I have added it at the end of the newsletter as it is a bit unusual.

Carl and Gerry Vassilatos just go really deep when we get started, so let’s get started…there is no easy way to break into the conversation.

“There has been much philosophical argument over whether the external world really exists, and whether the expression “physical reality” has any meaning. If we adopt the idealist view of Bishop Berkeley and Immanuel Kant that matter does not exist an an objective reality but only as a product of the mind, then the primary purpose of theoretical physics should be to study mental processes rather than physical phenomena so as to ascertain the clearest and most satisfactory symbolic representations of the facts of nature by means of mathematical formulas and equations.”

“The writer takes the materialist view for granted and in the present book will proceed with the assumption that the external objective world really exists. The vortex atom structures herein presented purport to be at least approximately true representations of what actually exists in nature, and not merely convenient symbolic fiction. This is more than can be conscientiously claimed for the Rutherford-Bohr atom.”

“The fourth chapter in which mind and consciousness are discussed will probably not meet the approval of the religionist who would prefer to have everything that is of a spiritual nature remain shrouded in mystery and enveloped in the atmosphere of supernaturalism so that it can use used more effectively to overawe a credulous and bewildered public”

“Nature is psychical as well as physical, and during the process of evolution psychical development takes place simultaneously with physical development. It could not be otherwise because the psychical is the subjective aspect of that of which the physical is the objective aspect. And the one is just as real as the other. Both are attributes of nature, and more specifically of the ether.”

-The Ether and its Vortives,  Carl Frederic Kraff, 1955

“8.1. Vril and World”

“We must first begin with an examination of sentient experience. Technological systems exist in a world, suffused by consciousness. Sentient experience is not simply an encounter with inertial matter. It is never adequately described by mere vector analysis, the science of our time. Experience is a suffusion, a communion with the world, The sensuo-conscious portions of our world-experience far outportion the physical expression, evidencing the far greater conscious content of the world.”

“Mind experiments begin our qualitative science. We first must realize the world-permeating nature of our supposed individual consciousness by simple personal experiment. In the absence of academic derision or invasive opinion, we must begin again to exercise our own immediate awareness and subjective perception. Only through re-evaluation of world reality can we hope to reach deeper personal communion with the world in its most fundamental nature.”

“Few ever imagine that subjective perception, so often derided and rejected, represents an immediate access with the world in its DEEPEST foundation. Consciousness does not have the boundaries so widely  distributed in the inertial-physical part of our world experience. Consciousness reveals a strange “distribution”. Its mysterious external sources are revealed when we begin to test the environment with our own experience; with our minds.”

“There are space-permeating axes, along which thoughts seem to flow with great frequency. These axes may be mapped with great precision. Contrary to opinion they remain fixed in time. They are not fabrications or “suggestions”. Artists and scholars know the difficulty they experience when working in specific locations. These locations require excessive familiarity with cognitive processes also know that certain positions in a given place allow a greater degree of intellectual freedom than others. Indeed, there are space-permeating axes in which ease of thought, of ideational flow, is impossible. 

Vril Compendium VIII, Vril and Ground Radio, Gerry Vassilatos 

That was pretty heavy and not much commentary is needed.

Moving forward, I riffel the stack of books on the desk that have “fallen off the shelf” and an old original print Journal of Borderland Research is in the pile. I open it up and in rushes Dorotheos C.E. Cody, D.D. (Hon.)  more than ready to engage in the conversation. 

There is a lot of math so if you find this interesting the link will take you to the article. If you want to get this issue along with the Krafft material that is available in the catalog send me an email and I will have a copy printed out. 

“Physicists, having discarded Ether theories, are attempting to explain the inner workings of nature. But as we have seen, this has resulted in dismal failure. For in the process of searching for explanations they have, for no other reason than sheer prejudice, discarded those very explanations.”

“As we probe more deeply into the secrets of the universe we will- as demonstrated by the likes of H. Fricke, O.C. Hilgenberg and C.F. Krafft – return to the concept of the Ether.”

“And having done so, we’ll realize that the theories we’ve opted for in place of the Ether, if they are correct, are inseparably related to the Ether.”

“One such example is Albert Einstein’s theory of Relativity. Originally formulated in response to the negative results of the Michelson-Morley experiments (1887-91), this theory sought to explain various phenomena in the universe.”

“But what if offered was simply a branch of kinematics applied to bodies moving at high velocity. It stated for example, that length contracts to a given amount when the body moves at a velocity near the speed of light. It offered no explanation as to WHY this occurs. Yet it is ONLY on the basis of Ether dynamics that an explanation of this phenomenon of contraction can be afforded. And Ether Dynamics applied to other facets of relativity, such as increase in inertial mass, can explain these in a reasonable way as well.”


It is a fundamental postulate in Relativity Theory that length contracts in direction of the motion of the body by a quantity.

L=L / l-(vA2/cA2)

Where v = velocity of moving body

c = 3 x 10A8 m/sec

Lo = Initial (rest) length

Let us imagine a ruler 1 meter in length

moving at velocity v.

In the above formula, let Lo be the length

of the ruler (1 m) and v, the velocity of the

ruler, will vary from 1 /3 c to 2/3 c. It is moving

in direction D.

At 1/3 the speed of light (1/3 c = 1×10 A8

m/sec), the length has contracted to

0.9428090416 m.

We no w accelerate the ruler from 1 /3 c to

2/3 c.

At 2/3 the speed of light (2/3=2xlOA 8

m/sec), the ruler has now contracted to a

length of 0.7453559425 m. Finally we decel-

erate the ruler to 1/3 c and the ruler has again

the length of 0.942809416 m.

The ruler will contract to the given values EVERY TIME regardless of what the

ruler is composed of (plastic, wood, or Steel); Chemical and physical properties of the ruler are irrelevant.

Yet the behavior of the ruler (apparent change in length), when accelerated and decelerated implies elasticity of some substance. But is this substance the moving body itself, or something which surrounds the body?

To determine which, let us reconstruct a “thought experiment” performed by physicists some years ago. The kinematics of this experiment is simple:

Let us imagine two reference frames:

K which is stationary.

K’ which is moving at velocity v.

If a ruler 1 m in length is placed along the

x’ axis in K’, it is shortened when viewed from

If the ruler is place along the x axis in k it

is shortened when viewed from K’, and not

shortened when viewed from K

E.W. Stark had really been holding his own this year by providing great insights. If you do not have a copy of his short but powerful book on dowsing this is a great refresher read. 

Stark’s ideas are brilliantly complimented by our most distinguished guest, Harold Saxton Burr, whom I have read so much about but never had the privilege to read him till this month.

I think both Stark and Burr are giving us examples of “ether dynamics applied to other facets of relativity” in ways that further the ideas about consciousness that Gerry and Carl were laying out. 

This scene is Stark talking to the physicists and when he mentions Burr, Burr leans forward as if he was sitting on the other side of Stark the whole time. Burr points out that “each neuron is in itself a living organism” and that “Even the simplest protoplasmic system can be stimulated by changes” really brings out the qualities of the facets of relativity and how they are affected by the ether dynamics and a deep consciousness or matrix mind. 

“The numerous energies that stimulate the human body include sound, light, feeling, taste, smell, and electricity in various forms. No human being has ever seen an electron, yet electricity seems to be the chief carrier of the forces that have major impact on us. Because electricity lends itself to detection by measurement of the right-angle phenomenon – that is, its induction field characteristic- we can construct mechanisms that show us those effects which our five senses are unable to detect. Research into these fields has spawned many labels in recent years, including auras and the L-fields of Drs. Harold Burr and Leonard Ravitz of Yale University, which shows the presence of an electrodynamic mold or matrix surrounding every living thing. Similarly, Clive Baxter’s use of the polygraph with plants offers concrete evidence that all life forms have primary perceptive abilities, and Rev. Franklin Lochr has demonstrated the effects of human thoughts and prayers on seedlings. “

-A History of Dowsing and Energy Relationships, E.W. Stark, 1978

“Behavior is the reaction of a living system to the co-ordinated and integrated stimuli resulting from changes in the physical and chemical environments. In the case of man, at least, to the physical factors of the environment must be added because an idea is just as valid a stimulus to the nervous system as a kick in the teeth.”

“As ideas are – or induce – emotions which evoke energy in the nervous system, electro-metric studies of this phenomenon seem relevant to the study of human behavior, even if they offer no hope of improving it. At least we may be able to learn a little about how the machine works, even if we cannot understand how the driving ideas originate.”

“The results of many years of study have tended to emphasize certain rather stereotyped activities. As a result, the electrical circuit analogies tended to lead investigators away from the basic fact that each neurone is in itself a living organism. These electrical circuit analogies, partly inspired by the modern computer, are derivable directly from the fundamental property of protoplasm, and more particularly, from the all-or-one response of a nerve cell.”

“Even the simplest protoplasmic system can be stimulated by changes in the physical, chemical, and ideological environment, can transmit these effects through its substance, can coordinate, correlate and integrate all the varieties of stimuli and can, as a result, make that adjustment necessary for the continued existence of the system. The behavior of even the simplest organism is parodic in that it ‘functions in accordance with its inherent design’.(King, 1945) One of the greatest difficulties in assaying behavior lies in its complexity, in the lack of objective measurement and in a very great influence of the subjective.”

– Blueprint for Immortality: The Electric Patterns of Life, Harold Saxton Burr, 1972

Mira Louise comes in ranting and almost gets excluded from the conversation but when I considered what she was saying after C.G.Carus entered into the parlor I realized that she is pointing out the negative side of the heroic people that C.G. Carus will describe. 

C.G. Carus was discovered with a riffle of the book The Diving Rod, A History of Water Witching. It has an amazing historical bibliography. (Of course you can get a pdf but if you want to avoid the Arimanic Deception you will have a funky small print original from Borderland Sciences.)

I tracked down a copy of Carus’s Lebensmagnetismus-Magie mentioned in the bibliography and made a terrible machine translation. He describes in his book humans with access to higher genius. Like those Vassilatos describes, that few that do “imagine that subjective perception, so often derided and rejected, represents an immediate access with the world in its DEEPEST foundation.”

We can’t hold Mira Louis back another second…

“…the field of Color Therapy has not been neglected or ignored. From the very beginning it has been feared. 

“I must not be forgotten, however , that swotting up the names and uses of some of the 12,000 drugs that a medical student is required to do would dull the sensitivities of an Einstein. Consequently, the science of color or anything that comes with the range of Extra Sensory Perception will always be beyond the scope of a medical mans understanding. What we do not understand we fear. Moreover, as it is apparent the FEAR is the motivating force behind the trumped-up charges, the faked evidence, and the fabulous fines, it is just as apparent that no one in the world of Drugs and Druggery will ever realize that that which is suppressed merely becomes more powerful.”

“This applies to one’s opponents as well as the action of drugs. Therefore, every hour a student spends drug-swotting, plus the strong coffee, the benzedrine, and other pep drugs that are used to flog the nervous system into activity, unfits him for the recognition of this unbending principle of the Law of Healing. With this in mind, we realize that the student – and the finished product of the system – is not to blame for his lack of apperception, that is, the power by which sensory impulses are received and appreciated. The finished product of such a blind alley system will be fear ridden to the finger-tips.”

“At first, it is fear of the un-understandable, then, when the failure-to-cure closes in upon him, frustration and fear of the unattainable takes complete control. But most destructive of all, and one which has manipulating the political strings to legalize cold-blooded premeditated murder.”

In Search of New Horizons of Color, Art, Music and Song Mira Louise,

1854. CARUS, C. G., Lebensmagnetismus-Magie [Vital magnetism magic]: Die Gegenwart, vol. 10, Berlin.

Carus, C.G. on Sailing…

Es liegt dann mehr in dem Bedürfniß der Zeit, daß der Trieb des bewußten Geisteslebens solcher Seele nunmehr nach dieser oder jener Richtung sich hinwendet, während eigentlich auch für alle andere genugsamer Nahrungssaft vorhanden war, und im mer dies Unbewußte durch dasjenige Moment sich von allen andern unterschied, durch welches überhaupt (f. v. S. 12) das Magische charakterisirt wird, nämlich durch seine Macht das ihm eben vorgesteckte Ziel auf kürzerm und mehr directem Wege zu erreichen, als irgendein anderes Bewußtes oder Unbewußtes es vermag. Man erzählt von dem berühmten Seefahrer und Entdecker Cook, daß im heftigen Sturme, wenn plögliche Windstöße Segelwerk und Taue verwirrt hatten, er beim Heraustreten aufs Verdeck immer sogleich beim ersten Blick wußte, wo es noththat, wo zugegriffen, angezogen, nachgelassen oder eingerefft werden mußte, und in dieser Weise wird die Gattung des magisch wirfenden Geistes, von welcher wir hier handelten, mehr oder weniger immer und überall, im Großen wie im Kleinen, sich bethätigen.

It is then more a matter of the need of the time that the impulse of the conscious spiritual life of such a soul now turns in this or that direction, while in fact there was sufficient nourishment for all the others, and this unconscious always differed from all the others by that moment by which the magical is generally characterized (f. v. p. 12), namely by its power to reach the goal set before it by a shorter and more direct path than any other conscious or unconscious can do. It is said of the famous seafarer and explorer Cook that in a violent storm, when sudden gusts of wind had confused the sails and ropes, when he stepped out onto the deck he always knew at first glance where it was necessary, where to grab, pull, let go or reef, and in this way the type of magically throwing spirit, of which we are dealing here, will be active more or less always and everywhere, on a large and small scale.,+C.G.+%C3%9Cber+Lebensmagnetismus&printsec=frontcover

Verily we must confess that the world in those days was already big with those great commotions, labouring to be delivered of them, and did bring forth painful, worthy men, who brake with all force through darkness and barbarism, and left us who succeeded to follow them. Assuredly they have been the uppermost point in Trygono Igneo, whose flame now should be more and more brighter, and shall undoubtedly give to the world the last light. 

-Fama Fraternitas
Please help us keep the Lamp lit…

Leonard T. Troland did not kill himself.

Conspiracy murder in 1934? If Ruth Drown was not dragged into this mess I would not be reporting this curious circumstance. I have no beef with the OPs in Harvard and my only intention is to clear Ruth’s name.

I don’t often get psychic impressions. I work with synchronicity and the brunt of my process is in interpretation. I see the FNORDS. 

I picked up the copy of Ether and its Vortices by Carl Krafft to create content for the newsletter. The newsletter seems to be the only contact we have had with customers in two months. There is something so terribly wrong with the search engine/web site relationship that we have been reduced to no more than 30 visitors a day to the website and no one can afford to buy this lavish expensive xerox copy. Who needs a physical book when you can find the material free, hey it’s probably stolen, but at least it’s free. 

The document in my hand is remarkably classic looking. I admire the fonts and layout of many of these old texts. One of the precious things about the Borderland Archive is the preservation of the original impression of the text. Somehow, these texts have a stable temporal quality. I suggest that our collection resists the various changes in the timeline we seem to experience more frequently in modern times (i.e. Clown World Inversion). 

As I was gazing at the shiny black ink on red cardstock of the artifact I can feel Krafft’s presence which would not be unusual but I also “hear” Krafft’s voice suggest that I turn to the second to the last page. 

I find the bibliography is all german physics books. I have a flash to the intense scientific cultural tensions between the German physicists and the western world. While most western physics were positivist there were still some in the west who were not going to close the door on the more idealist approach. Krafft had the attention of deep networks not always friendly.

The Occult tension I flash on is harder to describe. There are dark ancient Satanic elements in Hollywood that had been transplanted from Germany since before World War I and it has deep roots in the entertainment industry, human trafficking, and international intelligence services.

As I scan the bibliography I find one title in English, “Mystery of the Mind” by Leonard T. Troland. I have never heard of this book or gentleman so I do a quick google search only to discover that he died prematurely from fainting while getting his picture taken on the side of a cliff…

This is a headline from a 1934 newspaper.

So Carl Krafft has come into the office and fairly quickly and directly pointed me to the mysterious death of a scientist from Harvard…???

Clearly he was pushed, but why?

Troland was the inventor of the technicolor process and he was about to obtain control of some very important patents.

Troland was a psychiatrist at Harvard but at the time it was acceptable for him to do parapsychology research. 

The newspaper mentions that Troland was in Hollywood recuperating from a nervous breakdown he had had in Boston.

It being 2024 it is painfully obvious what happened in 1934. A group of Harvard psychiatrists were working on the combination of psychedelic compounds (primarily psilocybin) and projecting color films in an effort to program consciousness. The Acid Test was not invented by the Grateful Dead but has been a long standing practice by shady groups operating on the fringes of consciousness. I have heard of the Hells Angels doing a similar practice, maybe it was called a Mud Test, where you overdose a suspicious person to see how they react. 

Troland failed the test.

He was not willing to participate in the next level of MInd Control.

The psychic stains from this event are remarkable in the way that Hollywood is exposed as being such direct participants with the Harvard psychiatrists. 

Manipulation of the mind was going to be Big Business and indeed our entire culture has been hypnotized in multi generational warfare coming out of Hollywood. Degeneration disguised as liberation. 

Who pushed him? The Newspaper article mentions that the person taking the photograph was his companion R.D. Eaton.

Eaton? Google gives me the Ziegfeld Follies almost immediately. Doris Eaton, the last of the Ziegeld Follies girls. All the Eaton children were involved in the Follies at some point, Doris having used fake papers to enable her to dance before she was of legal age… 

The CIA website had an article about a famous spy who worked for the Ziegfeld follies and also an article about an Austrian-Hungary aristocrat intelligence agent who invested heavily in the Follies.

Was Doris Eaton an early intelligence agent who was tasked with pushing Tollard to his death? 

The story would have been just another tale that I spin on the phone to anyone who will listen to me and indeed one of my closest associates was enduring the tale when he introduced a piece of evidence that caused me a great deal of turmoil.

In 1996, a Boston artist produced “a file” based on his own investigation of Tollard’s Mind Physics. 

This artist claimed that his father had come into possession of Tollards personal notes after his death in Hollywood and was tasked with getting them into the archives at Harvard.

It is this claim of first hand knowledge of private papers that makes his next claims so troubling.

The file goes on to narrate how when Trollard arrived in Hollywood he was doing research at Mt. Wilson observatory where he happened to meet our Ruth Drown. The narrative says they both hit it off by being interested in physic investigations. As initially charming as the idea was, the artist had described a scandal because they were both married and were going to get a divorce but Ruth, being pregnant from her husband, had broken things off with Tollard that night during one of their hikes outside the observatory.

Ruth asked for a picture and Tollard in a fit of despair walked off backwards to his death…

I smell a rat. The artist in 1996 is just beginning to do research that will result in his use of radionic, psionics, and psychotronics in his diagramatic paintings. Is it possible that he discovered Ruth Drown from Borderland Sciences and was compelled to create this narrative? Likely. 

But it smells worse than that. 

The artist has some works that deal with Time Travel as well.

Why would a Boston artist frame Ruth Drown in 1996 as being implicated in the death of Trolland in 1943?

The bizarre answer is because Krafft entered into the office at Borderland Sciences in late June of 2024 and exposed how the murder of Troland was directly related to some of the earliest research work that would result in MKULTRA.

As I struggle with this narrative it was only made worse when I was literally jumped by out of body spooks. I think they were actually ghosts not remote actors, like poltergeists who do not give up their sinister agency work. I experienced such a foul mood and swamping that I went back to bed during the day. I struggled in a fitful sleep listening to a strange 1940’s version of the Childe Roland and the Black Tower. I am on the verge of defeat and yet it is challenging me to fight. I leap from my bed to fight. I check the time. I have a few minutes and I can get the task done. I pull on my pants only to discover that my wallet is gone. I search with explicit detail. My time is gone and the wallet does not manifest. I have been mugged. Fumes of ectoplasm pervade the emptiness.  

I feel like this is just a warning and that I really should not pursue writing about this event.

My biggest problem, that I tried to explain to some friends who have listened to my paranoid delusion and tell me just to drop the whole case, is that I am duty bound to clear Ruth’s Name.

Ghosts don’t understand fiction? 

I really don’t understand why the opposition would be so upset from me telling this tale about MKULTRA. We have all seen Clockwork Orange. We have all seen the Cabinet of Dr. Calagari. This is not news, it is an open secret. 

We have posted to our Facebook page the “tranquility chair” at Harvard exposed in this case and perhaps that was going too far?

Does it matter that Carl Krafft exposes the roots of this happening in Harvard in the 1930’s?

It is shocking that only 30 years later the psychedelic drug research is being done openly at Harvard?

Are the exopolitics regarding Venus the real issue at play? A headline recently asked if Venus was actually as hot as we thought it was. According to the Boston artist, Troland placed some images of Venus from his Mt. Wilson observations into Ruth Drown’s radio-vision and produced images of mobile plant creatures. 

We did just read a secret German document that explained how the Vril came to Earth from Venus…