The Invisible Reality Behind Appearances

A handbook for adepts by Riley and Judy Crabb

For some time now the Director of BSRA and his wife have received requests for metaphysical study materials in the Western Mystery Tradition. This material given here is an answer to that and had been drawn from many sources, books, pamphlets, personal experience in borderland research, and consulting for thirty years on metaphysical and occult problems.

Out of this we have set up, in as simple a form as possible, a series of lessons which can be understood and applied by any earnest seeker after the Ancient Wisdom. Each lesson or chapter will contain a review of principles designed to give the student a useful background for the work.

The second section of each chapter is concerned with the practical application of the principles. This includes drill in concentration. The goal is contact with your Higher Consciousness. In modern terminology some would call this Extra Sensory Perception, or ESP.

The third section of each chapter or lesson contains deeper philosophical and historical material on various aspects of the Western Mystery Tradition. Also included will be questions as you work your way along through this greatest of all adventures, the exploration of the world of your own mind!

Riley and Judy Crabb
Vista California
November 6, 1965

Part 1 and Part 2
Lessons 1, 2, and 3 and Lessons 4. of the Kabalistic Series

Table of Contents:  Part 1

Chapter I

Section 1
Working with Spiritual Power
Section 2
Rhythmic Breathing
Vortex Rite 1
Section 3
Questions and Comment

Chapter II

Section 1
“The Three Paths for Man”
Section 2
The Workshop
Vortex Rite No. 2
Rhythmic Breathing
Section 3
Questions and Comment
How to Draw the Tree of Life

Chapter III

Section 1
“The Western Tradition”
Section 2
The Workshop
Rhythmic Breathing
The Kabalistic Cross
Importance of Sound
Vortex Rite No. 3
Section 3
Questions and Comment

Table of Contents:  Part 2

Chapter IV

Section 1
“Three Great Occult Traditions”

Section 2
“The Workshop”

Section 3
Ground Plan of the Tree of Life

#B0959, 171pp, Spiralbound, Price: $29.95