The Etheric Formative Forces, Energy Relationships and Conscious Evolution

Guenther Wachsmuth, Erwin E. Stark and  L. E. Eeman have assembled this evening for the September newsletter. 

I don’t know if it is just because I had to really concentrate to read the Wachsmuth section but I think all three sources speak pretty clearly without much need for narration.

Before we get into some really interesting materials on Etheric Formative Forces from these guys I want to take a second…

I know everyone is having a hard time with high gas and food prices and the need for rare print material from the 20th Century is not as high on your list as it has been in the past. 

We really need your extra support now more than ever. 

Summertime is generally when we make the revenue that balances out the overhead created during the slow times of the year but it is like we do not exist on the search engine and that everyone has stopped talking about their primary source materials from Borderland Sciences. If you are in a position to give any support at this time it will help carry us into the last part of the year. 

The information we have published for over 77 years is generally now available on the internet, even most of our primary research. I think there is still some real long term value in maintaining our active Print Catalog Archive. There is something uncanny in the way it holds the different information together and suggests the interconnections. 

The catalog together with the journal comprises a living history of the evolution of thought that brings us here today. The print material maintains an intellectually pristine quality somehow because of the crappy xerox quality from a bygone era that maintains the font types and odd print elements of the 20th century. 

This is not AI generated propaganda meant to throw you off the path! These are genuine primary source kooks trying to show the path they found!

If the formative forces are right with you we really can put it to use to stabilize this information flow that has shed light since 1945.

Together we can water the living roots of this tree of knowledge. 

We can keep the lamp aflame in the darkness. Your lamp oil has never meant more to the future who will find and read your old print materials with wonder.

Thanks, I am glad you stayed for the show…

The Etheric Organism of the Earth and Man: Excerpt Part 1

Guenther Wachsmuth

We perceive that man does not simply possess a physical body of dead substance, but is penetrated and woven through by forces which build up his physical body and which also make him a member in that great rhythmic life process of the earth organism; that the life phenomena in the kingdom of Nature present themselves to us as a picture of the restless activity of the most manifold forces, the external metamorphosis of that “which has been, is, and ever shall be.”

 great rhythmic life process of the earth organism

rhythmic life process

the life phenomena in the kingdom of Nature

life phenomena

 a picture of the restless activity of the most manifold forces

 a picture

a picture of the restless activity

the most manifold forces

manifold forces

that “which has been, is, and ever shall be.”

We perceive that man does not simply possess a physical body of dead substance, but is penetrated and woven through by forces which build up his physical body and which also make him a member in that great rhythmic life process of the earth organism; that the life phenomena in the kingdom of Nature present themselves to us as a picture of the restless activity of the most manifold forces, the external metamorphosis of that “which has been, is, and ever shall be.”

Very few persons grasp the fact that in a relatively short space of time, in a rhythm of about seven years, most of the substance which now compose the bodies will have ceased to belong to those bodies; that the substances will then be scattered in the life processes of the other kingdoms of Nature, to be replaced in turn by new substances. 

And yet this body, eternally transmuted in its components, keeps as a whole its form, the human form, and still is held together as a unity by a structure of forces which place this entity of materials and forces before us as the form of an individual man just in the way we perceive it. 

That which renders possible the life phenomena in man, in that it keeps the substance in eternal metamorphosis, it is these etheric forces that interpenetrate and interweave the physical body.

We have already shown by many examples that he who would understand the action of forces on the basis of a concept of “electrons,” as the quantitative-mechanical world conception has framed this, will never reach the goal sought by this understanding.

Indeed, we must now arrive at a conclusion which, following after the mechanistic conception of the world – a conception, too, that often manifests itself in currents of thought where we ourselves are quite unaware of it – will give rise to the strong opposition on the part of materialistic and mechanistic thinkers of the present age.

And yet what here follows is not only a reality open to research but also the necessity conclusion resulting from a logically exact and consecutive course of reasoning which does not hesitate courageously to throw overboard habits of thought that have grown to be dear and comforting – especially if such habits of thought bring one to the “limitations of the knowledge of Nature.”

The Etheric Formative Forces in Cosmos, Earth and Man by Guenther Wachsmuth
Energy and Healing

The cells are responsible for rebuilding injured or diseased areas of the body. They seem able to do this more quickly when the electromagnetic field that surrounds the body is complete. An unhealthy body or a body that is not at ease is almost always found to be unbalanced by energy leaks. The energy matrix, or mold, as Dr. Harold Burr describes it, is the pattern of the living body. Humans, animals, trees, and all other living things exist within this mold.

Recent experiments have shown that cellular structures which have been damaged mend faster in the presence of low voltage electrical currents. This is not a surprise to dowers, some of whom have long known how to use the body’s polarities to hasten recovery and healing.

Excerpt from A History of Dowsing and Energy Relationships by Erwin E. Stark

Conscious Evolution

We may conclude: health is the effect of the ever more conscious enjoyment of our faculties and exercise of all our functions, in ever more perfect harmony with the laws of life, ever better understood and more faithfully applied.

It is a constantly evolving factor in the development of the instrument of consciousness of the infinite life, man, and unless man has more life to-day than he had yesterday, he is not in health, however healthy he may think himself.

Regarding life itself we can say nothing in positive terms. All we know is: ‘Here life is apparent to us, here it is not.’

The most careful observation of its processes only equips us with negative knowledge, but though negative, this at least enables us to state that certain facts are common to all life’s manifestations, and that in the absence of any of them it does not manifest, to us.

Everyone of life’s manifestations involves material activity subject to law, but we must note that the converse is not true, to us: all material activities subject to law do not appear to us as manifestations of life, whether they be or not.

Material activity subject to law; things, work, order; matter, energy, thought; the echo to the infinite substance, energy and intelligence involved in us.

Eeman, L. E. (1929), Self and Superman: The Technique of Conscious Evolution

Page 41

The Etheric Organism of the Earth and Man:  Excerpt Part 2

The world conception of this materialistic age is anthropocentric just where it should not be and is not anthropocentric just where it should be. (italics)

A form of observation of the first category is the view that has been formed regarding the connection of consciousness with cosmic processes. 

This materialistic age has taken up its position on the point of view that phenomena of consciousness are linked up with manifestations of force and processes of life and motion only in the human and animal organisms, and this solely on the ground that we do not yet possess any adequate knowledge of phenomena of consciousness associated with the manifestations of force and processes of life and motion in the happenings in the rest of the cosmos.

…those who should maintain the existence of a reciprocal relation of any sort whatever between phenomenon in the phenomenal world, on the one hand, and states of consciousness on the other, or who should wish to include such a thing within the field of their research, would be journalistically and rhetorically burnt at the stake as heretics in science, sinners against scientific dogmas, just as Galileo and others were threatened.

Especially would this be true of any one who should assert the concrete existence and action of beings possessed of a higher state of consciousness than the objective consciousness of the men of our age.

Are there methods scientifically exact whereby we may come to know and to investigate states of consciousness which are of a different sort – whether higher or lower – from the really narrow limited objective consciousness of the men of our age? 

We have seen that the living earth organism shows an etheric system of forces in which processes of breathing and circulation take place corresponding to similar life processes in the human organism, and in a reciprocal relationship with these life processes in Man and Cosmos, as expressed in the figures 25920, etc.( p.49.)

As in the case of the human organism, so also in that of the living earth organism, is the “ether body” which calls the phenomena of life into existence and which regulates and metamorphoses them.

The cosmos grasped as a world-organism, the product of active spiritual entities, as a world of organisms whose vital phenomena are the work of the harmonious metamorphosis of etheric formative forces – not of dead mechanical vibrations – this is a world concept wherein the living, thinking man with his conscious acts of will, with his ether body kept in rhythm and in motion by the etheric formative forces, and his material body in constant flux up to the very moment of death, finds also his interpretation and meaning.

Before the young generation of the future, rejoicing in research and bold in understanding, there open up here perspectives which alone can help us past the general sense of resignation of science in the decadence of this materialistic-mechanical age.

The Etheric Formative Forces in Cosmos, Earth and Man

by Guenther Wachsmuth