Tag Archives: Alexis Mermet

Unseen Energy Fields?

Unseen Energy Fields?

Do unseen energy fields exist?

Do these fields of energy impact our health, well being and consciousness?

The Borderland Sciences catalog stresses physical radiesthesia.

One of the primary textbooks is Principles and Practices of Radiesthesia, by the Abbe Mermet.

Abbe Mermet in 1935 expresses the physical basis for dowsing and makes numerous observations and experiments.

Over time, how researchers explain the fields and emanations changes but what remains constant is the apparatus and the radiesthetist who senses the fields and emanations.

The apparatus of the dowser becomes the indicator of changes in the field or changes in the medium in which the dowser works.

Gerry Vasillatos in Vril Compendium 3 tells us that this apparatus is the nervous system of the dowser.

Gerry Vassilatos employs a language that connects electromagnetic theory along with observations of ‘earth rays’ to ideas to more fundamental vital force fields like those of Wilhem Reich’s Orgone or Wachsmuth’s Four Ether’s.

With Vassilatos, the idea of subtle electromagnetic forces give way to Vril.

Vril exploration triggers enhancements of the expanding new senses.

We can more fully appreciate our environment.

Can we expand our own perception of energy; what was once not sensible becomes so with practice?

Is it possible that by becoming aware of physical radiesthesia and that expanding the perception though practice with an apparatus is a way to emerge as a more conscious and healthy individual?


Principles and Practices of Radiesthesia, by the Abbe Mermet.

The Role of Bodies in General

2 Radiesthetic Field

To express the idea that all bodies, far beyond their material surface, influence other bodies by forces emanating from their own substance, it is customary in physics to say that they are surrounded by a field. Nothing is more familiar to us. If a candle is lit, it is surrounded by a luminous field perceived by the eyes and by a calorific field felt by the hands. If a note is struck on the piano, a musical field is created and the corresponding string of a violin nearby vibrates.

But there exists a far greater number of fields than we have senses for. An X-ray tube produces and invisible field enabling us to perceive our bones and other opaque bodies on a special screen. The Eiffel Tower gives off a field of Hertzian waves, not visible, warm or audible by themselves, but which, with an adequate apparatus, can be transformed into harmonious sounds.

The radiesthetic field is not perceptible to our senses. In order to be manifest to us it requires a specific intermediary: the apparatus of the radiesthetist.

Gerry Vassilatos

Vril Volume 3 Vril Linkage

Local Variation in a Penetrating Radiation and their connection with Water Dowsing.

Lecture delivered to the British Society of Dowsers of November 10th, 1935

“In looking for an explanation to account for the dowsing phenomena it seems obvious that the influence is due to some changing conditions in the medium through which the diviner is moving, and that these changes are caused by variations in the density of matter situated above or below him. The whole surface of the earth appears to be divided up into areas over which certain conditions prevail: these areas being the cross sections of shafts or columns which extend vertically both upwards and downwards to great distances.

Vril Volume 3: Introduction

“Dowsers have long known that the detection of ‘substance lines’ in any locale is specific. Dowsers were sensing these potentials for centuries with the apparatus of their own organisms: VRIL sensory vision. Dowsers could literally see the subterranean surgings, seethings storms, deep rivers, black glowing streams, resoundings caverns, whorling springs, subterranean cataracts and underground falls.”

We add this last part mostly for what I  think is very funny mental image…

V. Some Experiments

“Branly, the famous French Scientist, one day asked Father Tremolet, missionary in Morocco and dowser, if he could, from the garden, detect the presence of a gold coin on the table in his laboratory which was entirely screened with sheets of copper. The priest hesitated but Branly said to him :”If radiesthetic radiations are such as I conceive them to be, you should be able to do it. The experiment was carried out forthwith and was successful. foot note: Bulletin del al Radiesthesie (June 1933)”

Mermet concludes this section with the following observation.

“Thus, burglars before forcing a safe open could detect with a pendulum whether it contained precious metals or not!”