There is an auction for three of the books used this month at eBay:
Syntony, Biosynthesis and The Origin of Life
The elegance of syntony was finally revealed to me in the simple story of a man and his dog.
I am the only one aware in this cast of characters whom emerge from these books that litter this old desk that the whole point of this newsletter is to generate interest in order to sell a few books.
They often wander in suddenly and speak in confusing ways as if they were almost randomly selected from the pile of books that constantly forms on my desk, well in fact they are but sometimes I am required to do research to understand what they are talking about which often takes me down interesting rabbit holes.
The reality of incomplete wanderings and confusion is hardly what motivates people to purchase research material. People want to digest easy answers that make them smarter than everyone else or gives them some technological advantage so they can prosper or cure some disease that no one else will recognize or whatever it is I just do not really know what people want. I am not a mind reader!
All I can do is present the ongoing conversation as best I can relate it. Incomplete wanderings and confusion in all, only clarified by a long perusal of the printed text material yourself by lamplight…
In the dim glow…
Cornelius D. Ehert will only talk in technical language that I do not understand. I had to do a bunch of research just to try to understand what he was talking about. I posted the bread crumbs on the Facebook page but I never did get a clear picture. It might just be difficult material.
I really liked the word “syntony” he used and it did take me down a very interesting rabbit hole.
Viktor Shauberger makes an appearance but he was also being cryptic and vague, or the opposite, he was insisting that I understand exactly what he meant and why the research that was being done in his name was wrong.
I am not sure I am up to the task.
Dr. Lazette A. Weaver, a close associate of Ruth Drown, and in my opinion one of the leading lights in describing how Drown Radionics work, showed up to exemplify the value of the Mystery School insights just as we were taking some heat from the street.
The endocrine system and its relation to the “energy work” of the esoteric sciences still needs tons of research done.
Dr. Weaver tips me off to a story that was published in the American Theosophist magazine that she was running an ad in.
The communication between man and animal is a remarkable example of syntony in nature.
T. Henry Moray and Gustave LeBon enter in the circle. Moray casts some insights into the nature of the sea of energy and LeBon seems to make a point connecting the energy to water by summarizing:
“As the molecules existing in the midst of a liquid are able to attract or repel each other at a distance, they are necessarily surrounded by a field of force — that is, a region in which their action is exercised.”
Which brings us around to the start with Cornelius D. Ehert but all we can hear that we understand are the words:
“The art of signaling through space”
There is a patent number No 818,363, the name of the inventor, “Cornelius D. Ehret” and a scrap of technical phrase that we were able to identify:
“G is a spark gap in shunt to the secondary S…”
Vril Compendium Volume II:Vril Telegraphy
Gerry Vassilatos
Going down the rabbit hole to understand what he was talking about in the above patent I ended up finding a remarkable book called Syntony and Spark the Origins of Radio by Hugh G.J. Aitken
“Creativity does indeed involve an act of insight, a shift of perspective that makes the familiar strange and the strange familiar. But the process starts from combinations of known elements; its immediate stimulus is a perception of incompleteness in those combinations, often under the stress of a problem that demands solution; its essential characteristic is the sudden “seeing” of what is required to complete the incomplete pattern; and its necessary sequel is critical revision to integrate the new configuration more thoroughly into what was known before.”
Thinking I had made some headway I turned to the next text here on the desk and found Viktor Shauberger as forthcoming as Cornelius had been.
We are to understand the Repulsator in spite of there being some clear language problems and an incomplete transfer of ideas.
“The Repulsator The device shown in fig. 21.1 is a development of Viktor’s 1943 egg-shaped spring water-producing machine, to regenerate old, stale water or create new mature water in-rolling and out-rolling it through the creation of alternating right and left hand vortices,
emulating the sequential alternation of negatively and positively charging longitudinal vortices at the bends of naturally flowing rivers. The whole idea is to make the water breathe and inhale various trace-elements and carbon-dioxide in a particular order to become mature.”
“A schematic diagram of the apparatus for biosynthesis The ingredients for biosynthesis are added together within the airtight egg shaped vessel made of synthetic materials. The contents are then set into a hyperbolic centripetal spiral motion by the specially shaped agitator, A cooling provides the appropriate temperature control. The vessel is enclosed within a insulation shell of hydrocarbon material to restrict the loss of ‘implosion energy’ created, instead concentrating it within the vessel so that biosynthesis can take place. The vacuum meter monitors the ‘biological vacuum’ formed if biosynthesis succeeds.”
Implosion, Viktor Schauberger
We have a good question. Why does an insulation shell of hydrocarbon material restrict the loss of “implosion energy” created?
Ok. Solid hydrocarbon material is plastic. Plastic restricts the loss of “implosion energy”?
I would think that Viktor being a Water Wizard would be more easy going. But he is not, and it seems to be just me and him.
Where is everyone?
Digging deeper into the internet search archives trying to find any clarity we discover some odd criticism that seems personal and directed at the founders of Borderland Sciences and the Mystery School in general, but this happens in our times.
In an old forum discussion on Schauberger we find an interesting comment that hits funny:
“Thus I am interested in some credible documents of the archives on that subject to see how for instance the ALSOS teams evaluated Schaubergers devices, without diving into those documents circling around in the Internet, which are unfortunately full of strange and unhealthy philosophies in which I am (like many) not interested”
“Strange and unhealthy philosophies” would be one way to characterize the mystery school angle that Meade Layne and Riley Crabb had adopted in the Mid Twentieth Century. It is of some interest to me how it underscores the ancient rift between the rationalist/positivist and the idealists. The researcher who has a wider scope of awareness provided by certain pursuits of consciousness might find it “strange and unhealthy” to deny the sublime mystery and cling to a purely conventional and relativistic model.
Talking about the Mystery School attracts the attention of Dr. Lazette, who should be more well known for her work in the “Theory and Technique of Drown”, She gives us a quick insight into the idea of balance being a physical and mental interdependence, a syntony of sorts.
“The glands represent balance in the body ; therefore if balance is to be maintained, both mental and physical, we must keep the glands normal.”
-Dr. Lazette A. Weaver, Los Angeles, CA Lecture Series
Theory and Technique of Drown
Dr. Weaver then offers an insight into some odd secret technology that she is predicting but to the rest of us this is secret super soldier tech…she insisted that I include it or risk being emasculated by her if I am afraid of the secret police. You are grown up and can think for yourself, right? (she is tough and fearless, no?)
“In 1920, in his work on endocrines, Bandler said” “When the next war comes, if it does at all, soldiers before going over the hill will not be given alcohol; they will be given endocrine cocktails, and the adrenal cortex will be the important ingredient. And if the world would administer to diplomats, high officials, legislators and its people the proper endocrines, especially the anterior pituitary, and inhibit the adrenal cortex a little, there would be no more wars…”
Dr. Weaver drives it all home with a cool story published in October of 1913 in the American Theosophist, when the Mystery School was mainstream if not a tad mundane.
American Theosophist Oct 1913
A Sagacious Dog
A Norwegian Trapper’s Tale
An old trapper left his hut one day to
look after the traps he had some time previously
set for possible wolves. A recent
snow had covered the ground about a foot,
so it was not easy even for an experienced
hunter to find the exact spot where the trap
was set. While thus walking about and
scanning the ground, he suddenly put his
right foot into one of these traps. A click
— and the two sharp-toothed edges sunk into
the man’s ankle. The old hunter afterwards
told this story:
“ For a moment I staggered, then I
sank down. The pain was so horrible that
I lost consciousness. When at last I revived,
I tried to open the trap, but ail my attempts
were in vain. As ill luck would hâve it, I
had come without my tool-bag and I had
nothing with which to loosen the irons. I
knew that only quick help could save me
from a painful death. I suddenly remembered
the story of a hunter who had mysteriously
disappeared recently— perhaps eaten by wolves.
“Was this fate also awaiting
me? My fingers were stiff and cold; at
every movement the sharp teeth of the in
strument sank deeper into my quivering flesh.
The pain was almost unbearable.
“Then for the first time I noticed my dog,
standing anxiously looking at me. I called
softly to him, stroked him and said that I
was a prisoner and could not move. It
seemed to me that he understood. He sat
on his hauches and stared wonderingly at
the trap. He sniffed at my foot, saw the
blood, and began to howl dismally. A
strange hope suddenly rose within me— was
there any way I could make him understand
what I wanted? My brain was in a whirl.
How could I do it?
“ I looked steadily into the eyes of my
faithful friend and slowly and impressively I
explained the situation. ‘Look here,’ I said,
‘I must have my tools. Go and get my bag,
or I will die.’ I spoke each word distinctly,
pointed to the trap, to the tracks in the snow
and in the direction of the hut. The dog
sniffed at the trap, bit the iron, and tugged at
my leg. Fortunately, I had in my pocket
another very small trap; this I gave him and
pointed to our tracks. To my joy he quickly
grabbed it, and in a moment was off in the
direction of my hut and disappeared in the
“ My brain worked incessantly. Had he
understood? Would he bring relief or come
back without, or maybe not at all? Once
more I tried to open the irons with my pocket
knife— in vain. Time seemed an eternity.
An hour passed. I grew weaker; everything
swam before my eyes; then I fainted. When
at last I returned to consciousness my dog
was lying on my breast, licking my face.
Painfully I rose and looked around. There,
close by me, lay my tool-bag!
“I was so astonished, so happy and grate-
ful that I nearly fainted again, but I pulled
myself together and got out my tools. The
rest is soon told. Ten minutes later I was
free, put a temporary bandage on my ankle
and, with my faithful companion joyfully
scampering around, hobbled to my hut and
in a couple of weeks was completely re-
stored.” A . L .
T. Henry Moray is nearly moved to tears and in a reverie describes how it is the divine unity that is the ground for the interplay of vibration underlying all being.
“One may say all “energy” comes from the sun. Can one prove the sun is the foundation of all “energy?” Or is the sun a retransmitter of energy? That light is an electrical phenomena has been amply proved. The atoms in those distant stellar crucibles have moving electrons which are emitting electromagnetic waves of many lengths and and many frequencies, which can be tuned to certain ranges of wavelengths. Our eyes and other senses respond to some of these frequencies but there are many beyond those which we loosely term light. The photographic plate records some of these and also invisible radiations of shorter wavelengths or higher frequencies known as ultra violet radiations. There are radiations measured by their heating effect of longer wavelengths or lower frequencies which we call infrared radiations. There are electromagnetic radiations of shorter wavelengths. These are generally known as “Roentgen Rays.” There are rays of still shorter wavelengths; these are of unlimited power. These are born and put into locomotion from the very “Source or Foundation of Energy.” What is a man to do with such a picture of the universe other than let our interest and admiration grow?
“But will we ever get to the final foundation? Anything is possible beyond our experiences. And as Tennyson said:
“One God, one law, one element
And one far-off divine event
To which the whole creation moves”
“Electricity is vibrations. Substance is a vibrating medium. All substances are really combinations of one primordial substance i.e. vibrations. Electrons in motion go to constitute an electric current. What electricity is to matter, so is electric force to common mechanical force, and electrical inertia to mechanical inertia. By inertia, we mean the ratio of force to acceleration.
Here on earth we have many “receiving stations” which are tuned to certain ranges of wavelengths. Energy was defined in 1892 as a condition of matter, in virtue of which, any definite portion may effect changes in any other or definite portion. Later discoveries have since confirmed this. Energy then, is a state of matter, or rather, the result of a particular state or condition in which matter may be, when any observed phase of energy appears.”
The Sea of Energy in which The Earth Floats
For Beyond the Light Rays Lies the
Secret of the Universe
The Evolution of Energy and Matter
Originally compiled for the Layman in 1926 from
excerpts of the Writings first presented in 1914
By T. Henry Moray
Gustav LeBon in an attempt to summarize it all makes a very detailed laboratory example for the divine interplay of love, or syntony that is the origin of the fundamental phenomena of life.
“As the molecules existing in the midst of a liquid are able to attract or repel each other at a distance, they are necessarily surrounded by a field of force — that is, a region in which their action is exercised. By utilizing the attractions and repulsions of the free molecules in a liquid, M. Leduc has succeeded in creating geometrical forms quite analogous to those of the cells of living beings. According to the mixtures employed, he has been able to bring before us particles which attract and repel each other, like electric atoms. By spreading over a glass plate a solution of nitrate of potassium, on which are poured, at two centimeters from each other, two drops of Indian ink, two poles are obtained whose lines of force repel each other. To obtain two poles of contrary sign, whose lines of force, consequently, attract each other, a crystal of nitrate of potassium and a drop of defibrinated blood are placed at a distance of two centimeters from each other in a dilute solution of the salt mentioned above. By uniting several drops able to produce poles of the same sign, polyhedra are obtained with the appearance of the cells of living beings (Fig. 32). If, finally, a salt is crystallized in a colloidal solution — gelatine for instance — the field of force of crystallization being able to act in the contrary direction to the osmotic attractions, the form of the crystal becomes altered. These researches cast a strong light on the origin of the fundamental phenomena of life.”
The Evolution of Matter
Gustav LeBon