Jorge Resines, BSRA has produced a great deal of independent research that has been published by Borderland Sciences. Secret of the Schauberger Flying Saucer is a perfect example of a late 20th Century research file. It is hard for us to imagine or remember how scarce information was before the internet. In spite of those limits these documents are amazing artifacts full of threads of information that can now be more thoroughly investigated.
As always, what is preserved in the Borderland Sciences Archive are the perennial intuitions. The language and science change with time but the inner vision that is struggling for expression in scientific and rational thought is timeless primordial wisdom.
Victor Schauberger is a perfect example of how the observation of nature reveals the ultimate truths of engineering and Jorge Resines is the perfect intellect to collect and present this very esoteric science.
“…I decided to gather as much data as possible in order to apply analysis to it so as to determine, as much as was possible to me, how could be constituted the power-source of the flying saucers that Victor Shauberger was obliged to build for the Third Reich.”
“What you are going to read is the result of said analysis…”
-Jorge Resines, 1988, Secret of the Schauberger Saucers
Table of Contents:
Part I : The Foundations
Part II: The Saucers are Here!
Part III: Electricity Out of Water
Part IV: Appendix
List of Illustrations
“The fundamental question when making an analysis of this matter was: Is it possible to employ the Egg-shape to build a Levitational craft? And if the answer is positive, which is the oldest referent available?: I had read some books on Alchemy showing old illustratrations of an egg-shaped alchemical glass vessel but this did not indicate the dynamics of how substances behaved within of it during the alchemical procedure.”
“While the path of explanation in this text is not the one I used for my own analysis of the matter it is the one I thought better to take the readers step by step into a full understanding of the matter, as as all things, be they good or bad, must have a beginning somewhere our read leads us first to the Pythagoras-Kepler School in Austria.”
“Figure VIII: The natural Egg-shape which is built according to the the Non-Euclidean Law of Natural Tones; the legend (in German, translated later in this text) low to the right in the illustration is based upon the Shauberger statement that planets do not move in elliptical orbits but in “Open Egg-ways” (“Offenen Eibagnen”) ; the small square, left-low, indicates that the Egg-shape, translated into technical devices, can be effective in the manufacture through mixing, dilution, emulsions, suspensions or in the deep cleaning of waters through biological means ; the corresponding Austrian Patent was granted under number 265 991 in October 1968 to Walter Schauberger.”
“When WWII broke out Coanda was a well-known aeronautical expert and , as his country (Romania) became a forced ally to Nazi Germany, because he flatly refused to cooperate in improving the Lufwaffe’s power, the Gestapo jailed him. I mention this because Victor Shauberger was also forcibly drafted into service by Himmler, though one of his minions, under threat: “Collaborate with us or be hanged!” and as he employed other prisoners of war as his collaborators, is is not impossible either for him of one of his co-workers to have access to some (or all ) of Coanda’s papers and to have your this effect for his saucers.“
“What is the Coanda effect?: briefly explained it us to oblige a flowing medium to adhere itself to a surface in ogre to create a vacuum that will “suck” the craft forwards; as is the case with the Shauberger saucers, this goes against the usual way of locomotion that common planes possess!”
Secret of the Schauberger Saucers

An in depth consideration of the secret of implosion power as applied to Flying Saucer research in the 1940s. Jorge provides some excellent research leads into levitational power sources based on egg-shaped implosion turbines. Includes a discussion of the electrical potential in water and how to demonstrate it using Lord Kelvin’s Water Thread Experiment.
Stapled: 29 pp
Language: English
Product Code: B0107
Price: $12.95