The Life and Work of
Sir Jagadis C. Bose
by Patrick Geddes (Author)
Dr. Bose was a pioneer in plant response research and was featured heavily in the book, The Secret Life of Plants. Bose tracked the trail of the living from human and animals, through plant life, into the metals. He discovered that they all responded, at different levels of sensitivity, in the same manner to the same stimuli! He would drug metals and record the recovery times! Illustrated.
Language: English
Product Code: B0119
Price: $24.95
Plant Response
by Jagadish Chandra Bose (Author)
The “grail book” of plant researchers. Includes: Mechanical Response; Electrical Response; Effects of Anæsthetics, Poisons, and Other Chemical Reagents; Effect of Temperature; Ascent of Sap; Growth Responses; Effect of Invisible Radiation and Emanations; and much more. Illustrated.
Language: English
Product Code: B0341
Price: $79.95
Life Movements in Plants
by Jagadish Chandra Bose (Author)
This work, originally published in 1931, contains numerous articles relating to the similarities between the mechanisms and life processes of the plant and the animal. Bose’s conclusion is that plants contain organs which are analogous to muscle and nerves in animals. A study of this collection of articles, most written by Bose himself, some written by other scientists, will provide valuable insight into the dynamic life of plants.
Stapled: 211 pp
Language: English
Product Code: B0383
Price: $24.95
The Nervous Mechanism of Plants
by Jagadish Chandra Bose (Author)
Further reaches into the study of plant response and associated theories. In the usual manner of his work, Bose explores deeper into the active response capabilities in plants, in spite of their lack of a nervous system as we know it.
Stapled: 202 pp
Language: English
Product Code: B0407
Price: $24.95
Response in the Living and Non-Living
by Jagadish Chandra Bose (Author)
Another work for the Bose archives at BSRF, this addition covers some of Bose’s most revolutionary and revealing work. Namely, Bose explores responses in inorganic substances to a number of environmental and systemic stimuli. Anyone with an interest in stimulus-response phenomenon in the plant world will find shockingly similar the results in the chemical realm. Perhaps the most critical work by Bose, it carries far reaching implications for all who research into the Borderlands of Science.
Spiral Bound: 237 pp
Language: English
Product Code: B0425
Price: $33.95
Comparative Electro-Physiology
by Jagadish Chandra Bose (Author)
The continuation study of response in organic and inorganic matter. Includes: The Molecular Response of Matter; Response of Leaves; The Leaf Considered as an Electric Organ; The Theory of Electrical Organs; Mechanical Response of Nerve; Multiple Response of Nerve; and more. Illustrated.
Language: English
Product Code: B0342
Price: $79.95
Plant Autographs and Their Revelations
by Jagadish Chandra Bose (Author)
Bose developed his own special instrumentation for all his experiments. The crescograph could magnify response sensitivities in plants to provide charts of life activities at extremely minute levels. Chapters include: The Plant-Script; Behavior of Plants; Drugged Plants; Electrical Response; Sleep of Plants; Response of Inorganic Matter; Wounded Plants; Sense of Direction in Plants; Nerve of Plants; Packed with charts and diagrams showing completely how this work is done.
Stapled: 240 pp
Language: English
Product Code: B0120
Price: $27.95
Collected Physical Papers of Sir Jagadis Bose
by Jagadish Chandra Bose (Author)
A collection of papers dating from 1895. Covers the exhibition of fatigue in non-living matter under chemical stimulants, and the physiological mechanisms responsible for reactions in plants and other living matter to changes in the environment. An account of the devices used in the perception of response is given such as the Crescograph, Resonant Recorder, and Magnetic Radiometer with illustrative examples of their application.
Stapled: 404 pp
Language: English
Product Code: B0406
Price: $44.95
J. C. Bose’s Plant Physiological Investigation Relating to Modern Biological Knowledge
by D. M. Bose (Author)
Transactions of the Bose Research Institute, compiled by Debendra Mohan Bose
Language: English
Product Code: B0426
Price: $19.95
Man, Moon, and Plant
by H. E. Staddon (Author)
A profound pioneering effort into establishing the laws of planetary influence on earthly life. Illustrated.
Stapled: 75 pp
Language: English
Product Code: B0117
Price: $12.95
Personality of Plants
by Royal Dixon, Franklyn Fitch (Author)
A natural look at the world of plants and observations of their intelligence. Contents: Origin of Plants, Migrations of Plants, Marriage Customs of Plants, Art in the Plant World, Music in the Plant World, Plant Intelligence, The Higher Life of Plants.
Spiral Bound: 221 pp
Language: English
Product Code: B0328
Price: $19.95