Organo-Electric Force, Ether-Drift and Eidetic Communication

It is actually easier to read on the auction site:

We are flipping pages and getting no signal but tune-in suddenly when we hear an almost familiar phrase,

“…from passive perturbatory qualities of organo-electric force…”

But, things become more clear as R.W. Raymound in 1883 smugly finishes his thought, 

“A whole library of learned rubbish about it which remains to us furnishes jargon for charlatans, marvelous tales for fools, and amusement for antiquarians; otherwise it is only fit to constitute part of Mr. Caxton’s “History of Human error.””

-The Divining Rod

R.W. and Gerry do not get along and one suspects that R.W. was trying to bait Gerry with his criticism knowing full-well that Gerry is a huge proponent of “organo-electricity”. A bit defensive yes, but I think what follows is a pointed counter from Gerry who paints his Telegraphic hackers as the brave heroes of the information age.

“Telegraphy was a dangerous profession. Telegraphic hackers flooded train stations and cities in search of work. Telegraphers sought to the main cities and lived in hostels and boarding houses awaiting employment. Their quiet profession bore all the secretivness of the medieval guilds. Woman were also hired as telegraphers.”

“Telegraphers south safe lighting-proof distances from their stations during storms. Lightning shots rang through exchange terminals from receiving blocks even during windy dry seasons. Inertial detritus built up in these lines when Vril surges spontaneously discharges from the lines to space.”

The empirical designs and efficacious use of specific components was developed throughout telegraphic history. Such components proved effective because of their fundamental Vril conductivity. Systems are Vril conductive long before detrital spaces are artificially applies to them.”

“Entuning these eidetic points best enables the transactions of eidetic content among communicants.”

Vril Volume II Vril Telegraphy

We should then slightly alter the text here because when Lakhovsky starts to speak to Gerry and Mr. Raymound. When he says “this current” he means “this current of organismic electricity” and then reveals the secret of inverse polarity of the electro-static discharge.

“The laws of induction which determine the direction of this current, and we shall not insist any further. But a new fact becomes readily apparent. This current, supplementary to the primary current, charges in its turn the  capacity which has just been discharged, only with an inverse polarity. All the energy of the discharge, which was transformed into electromagnetic energy, that is to say energy of motion, has been transformed again into electro-static energy, that is to say potential energy, in order to charge the capacity in the inverse direction.”

“We now have a set of conditions similar to those at the beginning of the experiment; the condenser will be discharged afresh into the spiral, then recharged a third time with the identical polarity as the primary polarity.”

“The phenomenon will proceed on these lines until the complete exhaustion of the electric energy brought into play.”

The Secret of Life

I am not sure what Dayton Miller is trying to tell us. 

The idea of the Ether-Drift does not fit into any of the comprehension I have of the ether. 

I feel that the ether is at rest but not in space, that the ether actually defines what we would call space.

Nothing on the Borderland of Science plays the name game like the Ether. One almost needs to define their terms from the outset when dealing with the Etheric.

 “The general acceptance of the theory that light consists of wave motion in a luminiferous ether made it necessary to determine the essential properties of the either which will enable it to transmit the waves of light and to account for optical phenomena in general.Theories of the ether are intimately associated with theories of the structure of matter and these are among the most fundamental in the whole domain of physical science. The ether was presumed to fill all space, even that occupied by the material bodies and yet to allow all bodies to move through it with apparent perfect freedom. The question of whether the ether is carried along my moving bodies such as the earth has been considered since the early days of the wave theory. The discovery of the aberration of light, in 1728, was soon followed by an explanation according to the then accepted corpuscular theory of light. The effect was attributed to a simple composition of the velocity of light with the velocity of earth in its orbit. Fresnel proposed an explanation based on the wave theory, which has been generally accepted, which presumes first that the ether is a rest in free space; and, second, that the “ether density” is different in different substances and that the velocity or propagation of light in any substance varies inversely to the square root of the ether density. These two hypothesis give a complete and satisfactory explanation of the aberration; the second is considered to have been proved by the experiments of Fizeau and Michelson and Morley on the velocity of light moving media’ the first hypothesis, that on an ether at rest in space, has always been in doubt.” 

The Ether-Drift Experiment, Dayton C, Miller

Reizen’s Electric Spark Telegraph.

In 1794, according to Voigt’s Magazine, vol. 9, p. 1, Reizen made use of the electric spark for telegraphic purposes. His plan was based upon the phenomenon which is observed when the electric fluid of a common machine is interrupted in its circuit by breaks in the wire, exhibiting at the interrupted portions of the circuit a bright spark. The spark thus rendered visible in its passage he appears to have employed in this manner.

Figure 34 is a representation of the table upon which were arranged the letters of the alphabet, twenty-six in number. Each letter is represented by strips of tin foil, passing from left to right, and right to left, alternately, over a space of an inch square upon a glass table. Such parts of the tin foil are cut out, as will represent a particular letter. Thus, it will be seen that the letter A is represented by those portions of the tin foil which have been taken out, and the remaining portions answer as the conductor. P and N represent the positive and negative ends of the strips, as they pass through the table and reappear, one on each side of the small dot at A. Those two lines which have a dot between, are the ends of the negative and positive wire belonging to one of the letters. Now if a spark from a charged receiver is sent through the wires belonging to letter A, that letter will present a bright and luminous appearance of the form of the letter A. “As the passage of the electric fluid through a perfect conductor is unattended with light, and as the light or spark appears only where imperfect conductors are thrown in its way, hence the appearance of the light at those interrupted points of the tin foil; the glass upon which the conductors are pasted, being an imperfect conductor. The instant the discharge is made through the wire, the spark is seen simultaneously at each of the interruptions, or breaks, of the tin foil, constituting the letter, and the whole letter [Pg 123] is rendered visible at once.” This table is placed at one station, and the electrical machine at the other, with 72 wires enclosed in a glass tube connecting the two stations. He could have operated with equal efficiency by using 37 wires having one wire for a common communicating wire, or with 36 wires by substituting the ground for his common wire. It does not appear that it was ever tested to any extent.

Vril II

What is the role of this organic electricity in communication?

We even see that the energetic exchange described in clairvoyant visions of spiritual creatures demonstrates “a virility and force and an air of definite masculine about his being…a continuous flow of the auric emanations” in their eidetic communication with the visionary. 

“A Crimson Nature-Deva At Close Quarters”

“From Groffrey Hodson’s Fairies at Work and Play

Seen clairvoyantly by him in the Lake District, England, June 1922.”

“After a scramble of several hundred feet up a rocky glen we turned out to one side, on to the open fell where it faces a huge crag. Immediately on reaching the open we became aware, with startling suddenness, of the presence of a great -nature deva, who appeared to be partly in the hillside.

“My first impression was of a huge, brilliant crimson, bat-like thing, which fixed a pair of burning eyes upon me. The form was not concentrated into the true human shape, but was somehow spread out like a bat with a human face and eyes, and with wings outstretched over the mountainside. As soon as it felt itself to be observed it flashed into its proper shape, as if to confront us, fixed its piercing eyes upon us, and then sank into the hillside and disappeared. When first seen its aura must have covered several hundred feet of space, but in the later appearance , in which it again showed itself, the actual form was probably ten to twelve feet high.The auric flow was exceedingly beautiful and swept back behind the body in wing-like sheets, extending from the top of the head down to the feet, and reaching backwards and outwards in graceful curves and flowing lines. The colours were darker than any of those I have yet seen in this type of being – a dark rich blue that was the background of the auric colorings- with lighter blue, gold, pink, and leaf green also showing. In some parts the colours appeared almost like a peacock’s feathers, in fact the aura was not unlike a glorified peacock’s tail in effect.

“There was a virility and force and an air of definite masculine about his being. A continuous flow of the auric emanations caused ripples and waves to chase one another through the aura, suggesting colored draperies in a very high wind. The central form and the central portion of the aura were of a rich crimson, and the body actually flowing with this colour. He appeared to me “in charge” of that part of the landscape; to have undertaken its evolution, as it were–and his powerful vibrations were distinctly to be felt and must have a quickening effect upon the animal, vegetable and mineral and fairy life within his sphere of influence. This is the clearest vision I have ever had, and coming, as it did , quite unexpectedly, it carried with it  powerful conviction to me. My physical body thrilled for hours afterwards with the force of the contact and rapport established between us.

The Invisible Reality Behind Appearances Part I

Search engine results seem to be broken. We are getting no traffic and no business. It’s almost like the 1950’s and someone with their fingers on the buttons is trying to minimize the reach of the Borderland Sciences. Misinformation-labeled censorship?  

If we could get everyone to click on the links and drive some traffic to the website we might be able to engage the algorithm to get our pages back on the search results.

If anyone has a blog or a website I would be interested in exchanging links.